Sh*t is about to hit the fan: Ex secret service agent warns devastating FISA memo set to expose Obam

Interesting story about that. Seems that someone within the D.C police department told someone at the DNC that a private detective was poking around the Seth Rich case. So, the DNC sends in PR consultant Brad Bauman to be the spokesperson for the Seth Rich's family........but nothing to see here, right?

Sounds like the old Joe Bonanno kind of offer......"take the money and keep your mouth shut, or end up like your son, your choice".
This is astonishing! Rep. Gaetz is right. When all this is said and done, people will indeed be going to jail from the Obama Administration and Deep State .

Read thoroughly!
The FISA Abuse Memo Unveiled; What Exactly Is In the Memo, According to Intel Insiders – True Pundit

Absolutely sickening.........
Dale, my old sparring partner, I know you are inclined to believe the manufactured myth surrounding this mysterious memo, but I am not...and mainly because is is the work of the permanently-puckered-Trump-buttkisser Nunez. If they want release...release it.
This is astonishing! Rep. Gaetz is right. When all this is said and done, people will indeed be going to jail from the Obama Administration and Deep State .

Read thoroughly!
The FISA Abuse Memo Unveiled; What Exactly Is In the Memo, According to Intel Insiders – True Pundit

Absolutely sickening.........
Dale, my old sparring partner, I know you are pre-disposed to believe the manufactured mysterious myth surrounding this 'secret' memo, but I am not. Mainly because it is the work of the permanently-puckered-Trump-buttkisser Nunez. If Republicans want it released, why don't they release it? Republicans Have Four Easy Ways to #ReleaseTheMemo — and the Evidence for It. Not Doing So Will Prove Them to Be Shameless Frauds. ps. hope you are well!

Hey ya! Good to see you around! Yes, I do believe that the prior admin abused the FISA courts and used a third party in the UK to target people in President Trump's campaign in order to try and swing the election for Hillary or worst case scenario they would attempt to through as many roadblocks in his way as possible. We already have plenty of evidence showing an incredible anti-Trump bias within the FBI, the same FBI that allowed the Hildebeast to walk.
Interesting story about that. Seems that someone within the D.C police department told someone at the DNC that a private detective was poking around the Seth Rich case. So, the DNC sends in PR consultant Brad Bauman to be the spokesperson for the Seth Rich's family........but nothing to see here, right?

Sounds like the old Joe Bonanno kind of offer......"take the money and keep your mouth shut, or end up like your son, your choice".

Yeah, I think that's a good summation. I saw an interview with the Rich family and they didn't strike me as being all that bright and certainly not very articulate.

BTW, Seth Rich was alive and coherent when he was taken to the hospital. This was on Reddit if I am not mistaken....
Most muggers don't shoot and kill people either. Nor do they have the person they are trying to mug fight back.

Again, my little conspiracy theorist....there's jack shit to point to a conspiracy. Yet your ilk continue to make up whatever story you'd like about Seth Rich and then make up whatever story you'd like about 'why' he was killed.

All backed by imagination.

Ever mugged anybody, pissant? I have back in the city when we did shit like that....Sneak up behind a drunk or a queer, grab their ankles, ride em down onto the sidewalk with your knee in the middle of their back, slide the watch off, take the wallet, tell them if they look back at you they're going to get hurt and disappear. Your turn.
'SH*T IS ABOUT TO HIT THE FAN': Ex-Secret Service Agent Warns 'Devastating' FISA Memo Set To 'Expose' Obama
The House Intel panel’s passage of New York Republican Rep. Peter King’s motion to release the FISA abuse memo to fellow House members has rocked Washington, D.C.



Nothing would be grander than to see this scum bag pos in prison, but just like Clinton they won't ever see prison . They're all in a bug club and you ain't in it.
The sick part is how their cult followers make up any excuse they can for this skank bastard.
Even if former BODY GUARD is saying crap about this.

EX-secret service... tells you something about his character.

People never leave the secret service and take up another career?????
Most muggers don't shoot and kill people either. Nor do they have the person they are trying to mug fight back.

Again, my little conspiracy theorist....there's jack shit to point to a conspiracy. Yet your ilk continue to make up whatever story you'd like about Seth Rich and then make up whatever story you'd like about 'why' he was killed.

All backed by imagination.

Ever mugged anybody, pissant? I have back in the city when we did shit like that....Sneak up behind a drunk or a queer, grab their ankles, ride em down onto the sidewalk with your knee in the middle of their back, slide the watch off, take the wallet, tell them if they look back at you they're going to get hurt and disappear. Your turn.

Oddly enough the D.C police and the FBI needed access to Seth Rich's laptop...,.......Hmmmmmm? If it was just a random, botched robbery attempt? Why would they be interested in his laptop?
This is astonishing! Rep. Gaetz is right. When all this is said and done, people will indeed be going to jail from the Obama Administration and Deep State .

Read thoroughly!
The FISA Abuse Memo Unveiled; What Exactly Is In the Memo, According to Intel Insiders – True Pundit

The House Intel committee could declassify it in less than a week. Trump could declassify it instantly.

They're stalling for a reason.
Lots and lotsa criminals to cover for so they don't get mugged and killed like Seth Rich.
Most muggers don't shoot and kill people either. Nor do they have the person they are trying to mug fight back.

Again, my little conspiracy theorist....there's jack shit to point to a conspiracy. Yet your ilk continue to make up whatever story you'd like about Seth Rich and then make up whatever story you'd like about 'why' he was killed.

All backed by imagination.

Ever mugged anybody, pissant? I have back in the city when we did shit like that....Sneak up behind a drunk or a queer, grab their ankles, ride em down onto the sidewalk with your knee in the middle of their back, slide the watch off, take the wallet, tell them if they look back at you they're going to get hurt and disappear. Your turn.

You're the one trying to back a batshit conspiracy theory. You're the one that needs to back that batshit. Your assessment of how to mug someone vs. the evidence and the police reports has the same winner every time.

Not you.

The burden to prove your batshit is completely on you. And you've got jack shit.
This is astonishing! Rep. Gaetz is right. When all this is said and done, people will indeed be going to jail from the Obama Administration and Deep State .

Read thoroughly!
The FISA Abuse Memo Unveiled; What Exactly Is In the Memo, According to Intel Insiders – True Pundit

The House Intel committee could declassify it in less than a week. Trump could declassify it instantly.

They're stalling for a reason.

I don't think yours going to like the reason.
Muggers usual take your money and your watch... Just say the name Seth Rich in front of Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz and watch her twitch and stutter..
Ever mugged anybody, pissant? I have back in the city when we did shit like that....Sneak up behind a drunk or a queer, grab their ankles, ride em down onto the sidewalk with your knee in the middle of their back, slide the watch off, take the wallet, tell them if they look back at you they're going to get hurt and disappear. Your turn.

^ A proud Trump deplorable.
What are you libs going to do when you find out your party is not beyond murder to stay in power?
Ever mugged anybody, pissant? I have back in the city when we did shit like that....Sneak up behind a drunk or a queer, grab their ankles, ride em down onto the sidewalk with your knee in the middle of their back, slide the watch off, take the wallet, tell them if they look back at you they're going to get hurt and disappear. Your turn.

^ A proud Trump deplorable.

Hey, a guy's gotta I told somebody yesterday, I got a colorful past but the Army squared me away and I made something of myself.
Why did you call your Senator?

The Senate has NOTHING to do with releasing the memo
Because it was mainly a call asking to have Mueller stand up and tell what he has if anything and I was asking for a price tag for the witch hunt to date...the conversation shifted towards the shut down and FBI corruption...

mueller will bring forth his evidence when he's done with the intel gathering. some is already hard core & in the bag--- such as the FACT that flynn & the coffee boy already plead guilty & flipped.

then there's bannon, jared, donny jr. hope hicks, even the 1st lady ivanka..... they are all under the microscope. when all is said & done- THEN mueller will have more charges. that is unless trump somehow is successful in 'firing' mueller. if that happens, then whatever evidence mueller already has will be shown. it's only a matter of HOW MANY charges he's got already.... not WHETHER he has any.

Wet dream sweetie....I wouldn't get too overly excited about those.

tick tock..... flynn flipped. so did coffee boy papadopolous. btw- anybody hear from rotten rudy guliani in the last several months? he was soooooooo vocal in his praise of trump & bragged about things still up the sleeve of trump's campaign.....

those that have silent in front of the public are usually the ones that are 'talking' behind the scenes.
. <wink wink>

I hope your not too heartbroken when your wet dream doesn't come true...Trump will be just fine ..It's those Obama, Hillary cronies in the FBI and justice Dept who will be prosecuted
I hope your not too heartbroken when your wet dream doesn't come true...Trump will be just fine ..It's those Obama, Hillary cronies in the FBI and justice Dept who will be prosecuted
Winner post...100% on target...
please step outside of that methane filled rw bubble you enjoy so much & get the facts.

here, take your pick & learn something:
Has Flynn been prosecuted in a court of law? No he admitted to lying to the FBI and not filing a proper status of his work history but he has not yet been to a court of law....pleading guilty is a legal action he must face a judge to do that...and he did not one knows what he or the coffee boy as you call him said in the grand jury so no one knows whether he flipped or not...stop making shit up...

lol!!!!!!!!!!!! what? he plead guilty in A COURT OF LAW in exchange for immunity.

immunity from from sweetie?:dunno:
Muggers usual take your money and your watch... Just say the name Seth Rich in front of Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz and watch her twitch and stutter..

Laughing......most muggers don't kill you. Or have their victims fight back.

Robberies were running rampant in that neighborhood. With the police and the family recognizing it as a robbery gone wrong. But you know better than all of them, huh?
please step outside of that methane filled rw bubble you enjoy so much & get the facts.

here, take your pick & learn something:
Has Flynn been prosecuted in a court of law? No he admitted to lying to the FBI and not filing a proper status of his work history but he has not yet been to a court of law....pleading guilty is a legal action he must face a judge to do that...and he did not one knows what he or the coffee boy as you call him said in the grand jury so no one knows whether he flipped or not...stop making shit up...

lol!!!!!!!!!!!! what? he plead guilty in A COURT OF LAW in exchange for immunity.

immunity from from sweetie?:dunno:

The crime he plead guilty to and is awaiting sentencing for.

Up to 5 years in prison is what Flynn is currently facing.

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