Shades of Things to Come?

If a state subsidy is involved, then private agency is state controlled.
I'm betting it's mostly RW discrimination- as always...

You lose.

Foster parents 'stigmatised and slandered' for being members of Ukip - Telegraph
They took on the three children — a baby girl, a boy and an older girl, who were all from an ethnic minority and a troubled family background — in September in an emergency placement.

They believe that the youngsters thrived in their care. The couple were described as “exemplary” foster parents: the baby put on weight and the older girl even began calling them “mum and dad”.

However, just under eight weeks into the placement, they received a visit out of the blue from the children’s social worker at the Labour-run council and an official from their fostering agency.

They were told that the local safeguarding children team had received an anonymous tip-off that they were members of Ukip.

The wife recalled: “I was dumbfounded. Then my question to both of them was, 'What has Ukip got to do with having the children removed?’

“Then one of them said, 'Well, Ukip have got racist policies’. The implication was that we were racist. [The social worker] said Ukip does not like European people and wants them all out of the country to be returned to their own countries.

“I’m sat there and I’m thinking, 'What the hell is going off here?’ because I wouldn’t have joined Ukip if they thought that. I’ve got mixed race in my family. I said, 'I am absolutely offended that you could come in my house and accuse me of being a member of a racist party’.”​
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I don't know enough about Ukip BUT, I sure as hell would not want foster kids of any color to be placed with KKK foster parents.

Is Ukip anywhere near as bad as KKK?
No their not the KKK :rolleyes:

They sound like the tea party.

They are anti-eu, anti-immigration, anti-Islam, repeal 1998 human rights act. Pro-business, pro-low taxes, pro-big army

Overall it sounds like they feel immigrants have watered down their culture and that so many have been allowed to migrate so other parties could "buy votes".

"In 2011, the British academics Matthew Goodwin, Robert Ford and David Cutts published a study suggesting that xenophobia and dissatisfaction with mainstream parties are important drivers of support for UKIP, along with Euroscepticism. They concluded that "UKIP is well positioned to recruit a broader and more enduring base of support than the BNP and become a significant vehicle of xenophobia and, more specifically, Islamophobia in modern Britain.[59]"
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Does the OP wish to establish a connection between the Obama administration and adoption/foster care policy? Or is the OP just taking another shit on the board?
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I don't know enough about Ukip BUT, I sure as hell would not want foster kids of any color to be placed with KKK foster parents.

Is Ukip anywhere near as bad as KKK?

No, dumbass, they're not, dumbass. There is absolutely nothing racial about Ukip, dumbass.

You say you want the facts, then you say something stupid like that?

You don't want the facts.

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