Shame on Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren is a champion of everyday working people and it doesn't matter if they're liberals or conservatives or whatever. It's in her blood and every time she speaks, you can feel it underneath her words.

I don't care what party you regularly vote for, but that's a quality that is sorely missing in a lot of the legislators we send to Washington.

She wasn't standing up to the bank regulators; she was making a critical point. She even began by thanking them for having to sit there before her "because I sat there and I know how difficult it is", she said. The point she was making was that banking regulators have basically been rendered impotent to carry out their jobs because they're either bought off or because tools that might help them have been watered down.

We saw up close what happens if something isn't regulated well.

I don't care what political stripes you wear, but when she made the point that the law appears to more effectively go after the little guy than it does over the big-time crooks, that's the truth of it.

Amen for her. She's on our side. It's an American thing, not a liberal or a conservative thing. Amen for her.

So, is she pointing out a glaring failure of the Obama administration?

What failure?

You guys are confused.

We were at the edge of losing our whole financial sector.

Now it's thriving again.

That's not "failure".

That's success.
Every one of the fuckers in my last post should be swinging from the end of a rope. They are thieves with police protection and its past time for some street justice. They need to be lynched since the government won't put them in prison where they belong.

As for Elizabeth Warren, she hates rich people. She gave a "you didn't build that" speech identical to Obama's.

A person who hates our capitalist system should not be guarding it.

Except Warren doesn't hate the capitalist system.

She hates crooks.

Why? she is one and a friggen fake
but that is they type of people you on the left love love love
Elizabeth Warren is a champion of everyday working people and it doesn't matter if they're liberals or conservatives or whatever. It's in her blood and every time she speaks, you can feel it underneath her words.

I don't care what party you regularly vote for, but that's a quality that is sorely missing in a lot of the legislators we send to Washington.

She wasn't standing up to the bank regulators; she was making a critical point. She even began by thanking them for having to sit there before her "because I sat there and I know how difficult it is", she said. The point she was making was that banking regulators have basically been rendered impotent to carry out their jobs because they're either bought off or because tools that might help them have been watered down.

We saw up close what happens if something isn't regulated well.

I don't care what political stripes you wear, but when she made the point that the law appears to more effectively go after the little guy than it does over the big-time crooks, that's the truth of it.

Amen for her. She's on our side. It's an American thing, not a liberal or a conservative thing. Amen for her.

So, is she pointing out a glaring failure of the Obama administration?

What failure?

You guys are confused.

We were at the edge of losing our whole financial sector.

Now it's thriving again.

That's not "failure".

That's success.

So the story line goes from the Obama administration. Bush had already taken steps to prop up the very institutions you both defend and defame. You are twisted in your logic.

Any way, what the hell is this thread all about? I thought it was about how Warren was standing up against the regulators for not doing their job in the fashion she thinks they should be? If you agree, which you obviously do, with her then that is a FAIL for Obama.

6 trillion in debt heaped upon our children is not success. Debt that can never be repaid is not success. Saving Wall Street at the expense of our children, THAT you call success, whow.
Every one of the fuckers in my last post should be swinging from the end of a rope. They are thieves with police protection and its past time for some street justice. They need to be lynched since the government won't put them in prison where they belong.

As for Elizabeth Warren, she hates rich people. She gave a "you didn't build that" speech identical to Obama's.

A person who hates our capitalist system should not be guarding it.

Except Warren doesn't hate the capitalist system.

She hates crooks.

She obviously has no problem with frauds, or does she speak with forked tongue?
Elizabeth Warren is a champion of everyday working people and it doesn't matter if they're liberals or conservatives or whatever. It's in her blood and every time she speaks, you can feel it underneath her words.

I don't care what party you regularly vote for, but that's a quality that is sorely missing in a lot of the legislators we send to Washington.

She wasn't standing up to the bank regulators; she was making a critical point. She even began by thanking them for having to sit there before her "because I sat there and I know how difficult it is", she said. The point she was making was that banking regulators have basically been rendered impotent to carry out their jobs because they're either bought off or because tools that might help them have been watered down.

We saw up close what happens if something isn't regulated well.

I don't care what political stripes you wear, but when she made the point that the law appears to more effectively go after the little guy than it does over the big-time crooks, that's the truth of it.

Amen for her. She's on our side. It's an American thing, not a liberal or a conservative thing. Amen for her.

So, is she pointing out a glaring failure of the Obama administration?

Yes, actually she is.

When you ask why the BANKSTERS aren't being held into account, you are asking that question directly to those with the power to do so.

Hopefully Warren's appointment signals that the current regime is serious about solving the systemic problem of our banking system.

FWIW, I don't actually have much hope, but the fact that she's asking the right questions is still better than nothing.
who speaks this way about a politican?

Elizabeth Warren is a champion of everyday working people and it doesn't matter if they're liberals or conservatives or whatever. It's in her blood and every time she speaks, you can feel it underneath her words.

Amen for a bully?

and then you wonder why the feel they are OUR MASTERS and can do any damn thing they want
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Elizabeth Warren is a champion of everyday working people and it doesn't matter if they're liberals or conservatives or whatever. It's in her blood and every time she speaks, you can feel it underneath her words.

I don't care what party you regularly vote for, but that's a quality that is sorely missing in a lot of the legislators we send to Washington.

She wasn't standing up to the bank regulators; she was making a critical point. She even began by thanking them for having to sit there before her "because I sat there and I know how difficult it is", she said. The point she was making was that banking regulators have basically been rendered impotent to carry out their jobs because they're either bought off or because tools that might help them have been watered down.

We saw up close what happens if something isn't regulated well.

I don't care what political stripes you wear, but when she made the point that the law appears to more effectively go after the little guy than it does over the big-time crooks, that's the truth of it.

Amen for her. She's on our side. It's an American thing, not a liberal or a conservative thing. Amen for her.

So, is she pointing out a glaring failure of the Obama administration?

Yes, actually she is.

When you ask why the BANKSTERS aren't being held into account, you are asking that question directly to those with the power to do so.

Hopefully Warren's appointment signals that the current regime is serious about solving the systemic problem of our banking system.

FWIW, I don't actually have much hope, but the fact that she's asking the right questions is still better than nothing.

Actually..they just hauled the S&P into court. And while they S&P thinks the whole thing is totally "unfounded" they are not opposed to "settling". :eusa_whistle:

:lol: You can't make this stuff up!
Anybody remember the Savings and Loan crisis and subsequent failure?

Back in the good ole days. When S&L executives actually went to jail for fraud and embezzelment.

Now, according to the head of the Obama criminal justice dept, the executives on Wall street are far to important to the economy to actually be held accountable and go to jail for their fraud.

It's pretty cool to see our justice department create a class of individuals above the law.

Maybe Elizabeth wants to change that attitude. I hope she does.

Ah for the good ole days.
who speaks this way about a politican?

Elizabeth Warren is a champion of everyday working people and it doesn't matter if they're liberals or conservatives or whatever. It's in her blood and every time she speaks, you can feel it underneath her words.

Amen for a bully?

and then you wonder why the feel they are OUR MASTERS and can do any damn thing they want

OUR MASTERS are people that stand up for us?

That's interesting.


You ever thought you'd live under a administation that SUED everything in this country and "you" by suing the state you live in?

that is what you voted back in
Every one of the fuckers in my last post should be swinging from the end of a rope. They are thieves with police protection and its past time for some street justice. They need to be lynched since the government won't put them in prison where they belong.

As for Elizabeth Warren, she hates rich people. She gave a "you didn't build that" speech identical to Obama's.

A person who hates our capitalist system should not be guarding it.

Except Warren doesn't hate the capitalist system.

She hates crooks.

Yup, saying Elizabeth Warren hates capitalism is like saying that because I want a car with seatbelts, I hate cars.
Anybody remember the Savings and Loan crisis and subsequent failure?

Back in the good ole days. When S&L executives actually went to jail for fraud and embezzelment.

Now, according to the head of the Obama criminal justice dept, the executives on Wall street are far to important to the economy to actually be held accountable and go to jail for their fraud.

It's pretty cool to see our justice department create a class of individuals above the law.

Maybe Elizabeth wants to change that attitude. I hope she does.

Ah for the good ole days.

What good ole days?

Aside from a couple of notables, like Milken and Boesky, who were out of the pokey pretty quickly..there really weren't many folks that cooled their heals in the slammer.

And this time around it was worse, much worse.

So if you didn't get some of these folks on board with the were looking at Lehman Brothers..all around the street.

But it seems it might be a case of "justice delayed".

We'll see.
who speaks this way about a politican?

Elizabeth Warren is a champion of everyday working people and it doesn't matter if they're liberals or conservatives or whatever. It's in her blood and every time she speaks, you can feel it underneath her words.

Amen for a bully?

and then you wonder why the feel they are OUR MASTERS and can do any damn thing they want

OUR MASTERS are people that stand up for us?

That's interesting.



this woman (Warren) doesn't stand up for me, I wouldn't of EVER cast a vote for the commie
You ever thought you'd live under a administation that SUED everything in this country and "you" by suing the state you live in?

that is what you voted back in

"Suing" is better then "Seizing"..


But go ahead, Steph..what's the remedy for bad behavior?
Elizabeth Warren is a role model for those seeking to gain preferential treatment.... Dig deep and claim your heritage no matter if you are 1/64 or if your ultimate verification is that your pa paw pinched your cheekbones.
Elizabeth Warren is a champion of everyday working people and it doesn't matter if they're liberals or conservatives or whatever. It's in her blood and every time she speaks, you can feel it underneath her words.

I don't care what party you regularly vote for, but that's a quality that is sorely missing in a lot of the legislators we send to Washington.

She wasn't standing up to the bank regulators; she was making a critical point. She even began by thanking them for having to sit there before her "because I sat there and I know how difficult it is", she said. The point she was making was that banking regulators have basically been rendered impotent to carry out their jobs because they're either bought off or because tools that might help them have been watered down.

We saw up close what happens if something isn't regulated well.

I don't care what political stripes you wear, but when she made the point that the law appears to more effectively go after the little guy than it does over the big-time crooks, that's the truth of it.

Amen for her. She's on our side. It's an American thing, not a liberal or a conservative thing. Amen for her.

So, is she pointing out a glaring failure of the Obama administration?

Yes, actually she is.

When you ask why the BANKSTERS aren't being held into account, you are asking that question directly to those with the power to do so.

Hopefully Warren's appointment signals that the current regime is serious about solving the systemic problem of our banking system.

FWIW, I don't actually have much hope, but the fact that she's asking the right questions is still better than nothing.

First of all your first statement is hyperbole. Holding someone accountable, through regulation, and taking them to trial are far two different things. I guess what she thinks is not regulation but showy trials. That or she just likes to ask questions to applease her base.

What is Warren's background?
who speaks this way about a politican?

Amen for a bully?

and then you wonder why the feel they are OUR MASTERS and can do any damn thing they want

OUR MASTERS are people that stand up for us?

That's interesting.



this woman (Warren) doesn't stand up for me, I wouldn't of EVER cast a vote for the commie


So you don't work for a living?

That makes you independently wealthy or on welfare.


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