Shameless Suckmonkeys @ NBC Servcing Barry... Again.


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
First Read - First Thoughts: Man with the plan

*** Man with the plan: After weeks of criticism by Republicans and some Democrats for not unveiling a specific deficit-reduction plan, as well as initiatives to boost the economy, President Obama is set to deliver a major speech after Labor Day introducing both. According to a senior administration official, the economic measures will be a mix of tax cuts, infrastructure ideas, and ways to help the long-term unemployed, all of which have enjoyed bipartisan support in the past. As for deficit reduction, the senior administration official tells First Read that the president will offer a detailed plan -- based upon the deal he was trying to reach with Speaker John Boehner -- that will go beyond the $1.5 trillion in deficit reduction that the “Super Committee” is mandated to find (in order to cover the cost of that economic stimulus).


Yeah I'm CERTIAN that if the Economy had continuously Shit the Bed for 2 and half years of (43)'s Presidency, that NBC wouldn't have so Obviously Cheered for Dubya like the do on a daily for the guy they Voted for.

During Bush, with an average of 5% unemployment, consistent Growth, and not total Collapse after 9/11, the Ladogs for the DemocRATS at NBC and elsewhere only nitpicked the Imperfections and made sure that everyone knew, things might be good... BUT THEY'RE NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

But don't Worry, Barry's got a Plan... Finally.

And I am also Certain that NBC won't Shit all over it when he Introduces it...

Unless it Fails, then they will Blame the GOP for whatever reason.



"Shameless Suckmonkeys"..

Gotta admit that's a good one. :lol:


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It is... but I think it hilarious how much Mal is projecting here. :D
NBC and others in the MSM generally always aid and abet the Dimocrats no matter how far off base or wrong they are.

Remember Kerry and the lefty idiots during the 2004 presidential campaign? He and his surrogates constantly carped on and on about the worst economy in FIFTY years! Forget the fact the Carter economy, complete with high double-digit interest rates, was only 14 years in our economic rear view mirror and factor in instead the following from a George Will column:

"Worst economy since Herbert Hoover," John Kerry said in 2004, while that year's growth (3.9 percent) was adding to America's gross domestic product the equivalent of the GDP of Taiwan (the 19th-largest economy). Nancy Pelosi vows that if Democrats capture Congress they will "jump-start our economy." A "jump-start " is administered to a stalled vehicle. But since the Bush tax cuts went into effect in 2003, the economy's growth rate (3.5 percent) has been better than the average for the 1980s (3.1) and 1990s (3.3). Today's unemployment rate (4.6 percent) is lower than the average for the 1990s (5.8) -- lower, in fact, than the average for the past 40 years (6.0). Some stall.

How did Will know the facts but the rest of the MSM didn't? The answer is they did, but they were in Kerry's pocket just like they were in Barry's four years later.

George F. Will - Prosperity Amid the Gloom
mal spends a lot of time making sexual innuendos about President Obama.

His new plan is to put everyone on food stamps. Because evidently this creates jobs.
His new plan is to put everyone on food stamps. Because evidently this creates jobs.

Of course it does... And creating Jobs out of thin air for Products that have no Demand is also Stimulus... :thup:

The Taxpayer Well is Deeeeeeeeeeeep and Limitless, didn't you know?

Ask China.


Ravi's in full-on Dishonest Chickenshit mode these days...

I'm Saddened.


NBC and others in the MSM generally always aid and abet the Dimocrats no matter how far off base or wrong they are.

Remember Kerry and the lefty idiots during the 2004 presidential campaign? He and his surrogates constantly carped on and on about the worst economy in FIFTY years! Forget the fact the Carter economy, complete with high double-digit interest rates, was only 14 years in our economic rear view mirror and factor in instead the following from a George Will column:

"Worst economy since Herbert Hoover," John Kerry said in 2004, while that year's growth (3.9 percent) was adding to America's gross domestic product the equivalent of the GDP of Taiwan (the 19th-largest economy). Nancy Pelosi vows that if Democrats capture Congress they will "jump-start our economy." A "jump-start " is administered to a stalled vehicle. But since the Bush tax cuts went into effect in 2003, the economy's growth rate (3.5 percent) has been better than the average for the 1980s (3.1) and 1990s (3.3). Today's unemployment rate (4.6 percent) is lower than the average for the 1990s (5.8) -- lower, in fact, than the average for the past 40 years (6.0). Some stall.

How did Will know the facts but the rest of the MSM didn't? The answer is they did, but they were in Kerry's pocket just like they were in Barry's four years later.

George F. Will - Prosperity Amid the Gloom

You can seriously post something like this after the worst economic calamity since the great depression.

Oh gosh.

NBC and others in the MSM generally always aid and abet the Dimocrats no matter how far off base or wrong they are.

Remember Kerry and the lefty idiots during the 2004 presidential campaign? He and his surrogates constantly carped on and on about the worst economy in FIFTY years! Forget the fact the Carter economy, complete with high double-digit interest rates, was only 14 years in our economic rear view mirror and factor in instead the following from a George Will column:

"Worst economy since Herbert Hoover," John Kerry said in 2004, while that year's growth (3.9 percent) was adding to America's gross domestic product the equivalent of the GDP of Taiwan (the 19th-largest economy). Nancy Pelosi vows that if Democrats capture Congress they will "jump-start our economy." A "jump-start " is administered to a stalled vehicle. But since the Bush tax cuts went into effect in 2003, the economy's growth rate (3.5 percent) has been better than the average for the 1980s (3.1) and 1990s (3.3). Today's unemployment rate (4.6 percent) is lower than the average for the 1990s (5.8) -- lower, in fact, than the average for the past 40 years (6.0). Some stall.

How did Will know the facts but the rest of the MSM didn't? The answer is they did, but they were in Kerry's pocket just like they were in Barry's four years later.

George F. Will - Prosperity Amid the Gloom

You can seriously post something like this after the worst economic calamity since the great depression.

Oh gosh.


The Generational Correction that happened from Carter to Reagan saw higher Unemployment numbers, FAR worse Inflation and a Misery Index that hasn't been seen since...

It was Arguably a Correction that lasted from 1978 to 1983...

This one started in 2008 and will probably last until 2012 or 2013.

Get a Helmet.

As for Party... Or President.

Bush saw 5% Unemployment on Average until the DemocRATS Won the Purse Strings in 2006 with the House and Senate.

The Crash came in 2008...

Obama saw Uemployment go from the 8% he Inherited from Bush/DemocRAT Congress in 2008 to over 10% with he and the DemocRAT Congress over his first two years.

DemocRATS with 3/3 Control have done NOTHING to Reverse the Problems except increase Spending and Debt to China.

If you are Laying Blame at Party, it's now the DemocRATS Problem.

I don't Blame Generational Corrections on Party.

It's silly.


NBC and others in the MSM generally always aid and abet the Dimocrats no matter how far off base or wrong they are.

Remember Kerry and the lefty idiots during the 2004 presidential campaign? He and his surrogates constantly carped on and on about the worst economy in FIFTY years! Forget the fact the Carter economy, complete with high double-digit interest rates, was only 14 years in our economic rear view mirror and factor in instead the following from a George Will column:

"Worst economy since Herbert Hoover," John Kerry said in 2004, while that year's growth (3.9 percent) was adding to America's gross domestic product the equivalent of the GDP of Taiwan (the 19th-largest economy). Nancy Pelosi vows that if Democrats capture Congress they will "jump-start our economy." A "jump-start " is administered to a stalled vehicle. But since the Bush tax cuts went into effect in 2003, the economy's growth rate (3.5 percent) has been better than the average for the 1980s (3.1) and 1990s (3.3). Today's unemployment rate (4.6 percent) is lower than the average for the 1990s (5.8) -- lower, in fact, than the average for the past 40 years (6.0). Some stall.

How did Will know the facts but the rest of the MSM didn't? The answer is they did, but they were in Kerry's pocket just like they were in Barry's four years later.

George F. Will - Prosperity Amid the Gloom

You can seriously post something like this after the worst economic calamity since the great depression.

Oh gosh.


Sure, why not? Everything I wrote dovetails with mal's comments. Try to pay a bit more attention.
NBC services Obama. Fox services the Republicans. It's what makes the world go round.
Fat head Ed Schultz of MSNBC is going off on the Republicans for not giving President Obama any credit for taking out Gaddafi....He was also crying about the President not getting enough credit for killing Bin Laden.

Is that what this Presidency all about? Getting credit for doing whatever the situation calls for.As far as the Libyan thing the WH downplayed our role to keep people happy,now that the rebels and Nato and Europe dd a lot of the heavy lifting the President wants the pat on the back.

It's coming up on 3 years now.Obama is in the WH...when will today's events come under President Obama's legacy...fat head tonight is going on and on about Bush this and Bush that....Are you guys frigging kidding me.

Almost 3 years into this administration and you don't realize that Bush isn't President anymore.
Fat head Ed Schultz of MSNBC is going off on the Republicans for not giving President Obama any credit for taking out Gaddafi....He was also crying about the President not getting enough credit for killing Bin Laden.

Is that what this Presidency all about? Getting credit for doing whatever the situation calls for.As far as the Libyan thing the WH downplayed our role to keep people happy,now that the rebels and Nato and Europe dd a lot of the heavy lifting the President wants the pat on the back.

It's coming up on 3 years now.Obama is in the WH...when will today's events come under President Obama's legacy...fat head tonight is going on and on about Bush this and Bush that....Are you guys frigging kidding me.

Almost 3 years into this administration and you don't realize that Bush isn't President anymore.

A couple of things I would point out to ShithEAd Shitz...

#1... The Libyan Leader hasn't been pulled out a rat hole like Saddam yet...

#2... What did Obammy do exactly besides break Campaign Promises?... I mean, Specifically?...

Cowardly Airstrikes under the Umbrella of another Organization?...

Gee, didn't he a Liberals go after (43) for this kind of Nation Building?...




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