Shani Louk ‘beheaded’ by Hamas after she was kidnapped at music festival and paraded by terrorists: Israel


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
You've probably seen videos of this woman dancing around at the music festival. She apparently was a well-known tatoo artist.

The young German-Israeli tattoo artist whose body was paraded through the streets of Gaza after being kidnapped by Hamas has been found dead after “sadistic” terrorists “chopped off her head,” Israel’s president revealed Monday.

“I am truly sorry to report that we have now received news that Shani Nicole Louk has been confirmed murdered and dead,” President Isaac Herzog told the German newspaper Bild.

“Her skull was found,” he said, with the 23-year-old victim’s family also confirming that the death was confirmed by DNA on parts of her skull.

“This means that these barbaric, sadistic animals simply chopped off her head as they attacked, tortured and killed Israelis.

Her head has been found.
Strange, the mother claimed she saw evidence her daughter was in a Gaza hospital:

Looks like Palestinians were lying again.

I didn’t think there was any way she was alive the way her body was displayed.
Those fuckers are animals. I first became aware of Jihadist terror with the kidnapping of Americans in Tehran after the Shah fled in 1980. Ever since that time one thing has remained a constant: these people are barbaric animals. You cannot reason with an animal who is readily willing to kill another human being. You have to terminate their existence when they threaten. That is the only way to deal with them. It saddens me how few people need to re-learn this, or learn for the first time, due to ignorance.
Forget any sympathies for the Gazans and Palestinians.

Her body was seen stripped down to her underwear in the back of a truck, her legs broken, paraded around Gaza as they spat on her and a bone fragment of her skull identified her DNA. She was likely raped, beaten and tortured before being killed.

They must be destroyed at all cost

Forget any sympathies for the Gazans and Palestinians.

Her body was seen stripped down to her underwear in the back of a truck, her legs broken, paraded around Gaza as they spat on her and a bone fragment of her skull identified her DNA. She was likely raped, beaten and tortured before being killed.

Demonic monsters!

“Only now we got the note that Shani Louk has been confirmed as murdered and dead,” said President Herzog.

“They found her skull, which means these barbaric, sadistic animals, moles, simply chopped off her head when they were attacking and torturing and killing Israelis. It’s a huge tragedy,” he continued.

“This means that these barbaric, sadistic animals simply chopped off her head as they attacked, tortured and killed Israelis. It is a great tragedy and I extend my deepest condolences to her family.”


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