"shared info with Russians!!!" = what the media really cares about...

Trump gave highly classified intelligence to the Russians.

Say it out loud.

Say it again.

This man is not fit to be president.
McMaster said that is false.
McMaster danced around it. Said Trump didn't give methods or sources or operations to the Russians, the report was that code word classified intel was exposed. Trump admitted to it on Twitter today. It was illegal for him to do but damn that was poor judgement on his part. It was the Russians
The three people in the room with him all debunk your lie.
My guess is the Seth Rich story needs to be suppressed.
I just explained how they didn't... let's leave the straw man out of this
Trump was 100% legal doing so. It is 100% in US national interest to collaborate with Russia in the ME theatre against ISIS.

That so many who were here screaming that Hillary did nothing wrong 6 months ago are now frothing at the mouth about a mindless hit job this morning by Zionism against Trump is par for the course.

Democrats don't care how hypocritical they are.

Let me help you...

The information gathered was highly sensitive and was obtained by a foreign country and shared with the US on a for your eyes only basis (not to be shared with other allies) as the information compromises the source. But the foreign country trusted the US to protect this information.

Trump took that information and just told it all to the Russian... Who are not allies and have alternative interests in the region..

So will the foreign country country trust US again with Trump in charge? Unlikely... Will other allies share information with US in the same volume as before? No really... Will Russia share more? No, they don't like loose lips either...

Trump shoots himself in the foot... There is senior staff really pissed off, these relationships took decades to foster and gain trust and the US can't do the basics..
well fuck you.


Everyone in America can smile this morning knowing those who hate America the most are flipping birds over that which they cannot even begin to explain...

When Americans win, Democrats flip birds...
Today is definitely not a day where Americans win. We are taking a hit today because of our presidents actions. He is going to double down and act like a tough guy but it's only going to get worse and hurt us. It's a sad day
What "hit" are we taking? The supposed "classified" Intel has been in the news for a week or more now.

It had a foreign source and do think foreign countries are trusting US again...
After looking deeper I am curious about something. The Post said that they were asked to withhold the specifics about the intel, namely the region the info came from, why did the post have this information? Why would their source give the Post those details?
The Post said that they were asked to withhold the specifics about the intel, namely the region the info came from, why did the post have this information?

If you are still guessing which "region" and which COUNTRY and WHOSE AGENTS you aren't paying attention.

The WaPo is based in the US, but it is 100% Zionist.

That the "US Intel" leaked immediately to the WaPo is 100% proof that the leakers are Zionist Traitors and likely that Israeli Mossad agents got "exposed..."

Hopefully this one... Simon Elliott aka Baghdadi

The Post said that they were asked to withhold the specifics about the intel, namely the region the info came from, why did the post have this information?

If you are still guessing which "region" and which COUNTRY and WHOSE AGENTS you aren't paying attention.

The WaPo is based in the US, but it is 100% Zionist.

That the "US Intel" leaked immediately to the WaPo is 100% proof that the leakers are Zionist Traitors and likely that Israeli Mossad agents got "exposed..."

Hopefully this one... Simon Elliott aka Baghdadi

There were only a few people in the room. Who do you think leaked it?
PREDICTION: Barring some sort of unforeseen health drama, there is a 99 per cent chance Donald Trump will serve out his first term of office.
And here’s a further bet for you: Unless American Democrats, and large sections of the US media and Washington press corps, stop baying for the president’s head in ever shriller terms, he’s not a bad chance for a second term either. No Cookies | Daily Telegraph
PREDICTION: Barring some sort of unforeseen health drama, there is a 99 per cent chance Donald Trump will serve out his first term of office.
And here’s a further bet for you: Unless American Democrats, and large sections of the US media and Washington press corps, stop baying for the president’s head in ever shriller terms, he’s not a bad chance for a second term either. No Cookies | Daily Telegraph
It's kinda sad that you even need to make that prediction
There were only a few people in the room. Who do you think leaked it?

The NYT just admitted the "source" is Israel and a "current" official leaked it to them, undoubtedly another 911 Zionist Traitor in the "US Intelligence community" who came out and endorsed Hillary.
There were only a few people in the room. Who do you think leaked it?

The NYT just admitted the "source" is Israel and a "current" official leaked it to them, undoubtedly another 911 Zionist Traitor in the "US Intelligence community" who came out and endorsed Hillary.
How did Israel know what was said in the White House during a meeting with Trump and the Russians?
There were only a few people in the room. Who do you think leaked it?

The NYT just admitted the "source" is Israel and a "current" official leaked it to them, undoubtedly another 911 Zionist Traitor in the "US Intelligence community" who came out and endorsed Hillary.
How did Israel know what was said in the White House during a meeting with Trump and the Russians?
Didn't you get the memo? According to recently unsealed records that have been kept in a mayonnaise jar under the porch on Funk and Wagnall's farmhouse, Israelis are super duper alien beings. They are all seeing, all hearing, and all capable. Within seconds, they know everything that is said at the highest levels of government, and within hours have the situation completely under control. They can steer hurricanes and cause earthquakes under their enemies' capitals. They control every financial transaction world wide, and siphon money into the hands of 5 ultra secret, top of the heap, super duper aliens. They are shape-shifters, allowing themselves to assume the characteristics of any nationality they want, thus being able to put blame for atrocities on other people to garner sympathy. They plan and carry out every act of terror world wide. Want poof, dig deep enough into any terrorist act, and you will find an alias that one of them uses. It changes every time, so you never find the same one twice, but it's in there. I know because Cletus down the road told me so, and he doesn't lie more than 30 times a day.

In short, they are everywhere, they can do anything, and there is nothing you can do to avoid their total domination.

PREDICTION: Barring some sort of unforeseen health drama, there is a 99 per cent chance Donald Trump will serve out his first term of office.
And here’s a further bet for you: Unless American Democrats, and large sections of the US media and Washington press corps, stop baying for the president’s head in ever shriller terms, he’s not a bad chance for a second term either. No Cookies | Daily Telegraph
It's kinda sad that you even need to make that prediction
Just another dose of reality to be ignored by libs on their DODO march to extinction
PREDICTION: Barring some sort of unforeseen health drama, there is a 99 per cent chance Donald Trump will serve out his first term of office.
And here’s a further bet for you: Unless American Democrats, and large sections of the US media and Washington press corps, stop baying for the president’s head in ever shriller terms, he’s not a bad chance for a second term either. No Cookies | Daily Telegraph
It's kinda sad that you even need to make that prediction
Just another dose of reality to be ignored by libs on their DODO march to extinction
Can we just put the partisan mumbo jumbo aside for a second and talk about the actual things that are happening. You hate liberals, cool we get it... There are plenty of non-liberals that have serious problems with whats going on in the White house
How did Israel know what was said in the White House during a meeting with Trump and the Russians?

Bill Clinton first "sold" the CIA to Israel when he appointed Zionist 911 Traitor George Tenet as CIA Director.

The CIA is filled with Zionist 911 traitors - the "Intelligence Officials" who endorsed Hillary during the campaign.

ClappER is one of 'em, one who wants you to believe this is a "757"

There are plenty of non-liberals that have serious problems with whats going on in the White house

Zionist "Republicans" are 100% liberal, which is why they won't cut any spending in the Congress.
How did Israel know what was said in the White House during a meeting with Trump and the Russians?

Bill Clinton first "sold" the CIA to Israel when he appointed Zionist 911 Traitor George Tenet as CIA Director.

The CIA is filled with Zionist 911 traitors - the "Intelligence Officials" who endorsed Hillary during the campaign.

ClappER is one of 'em, one who wants you to believe this is a "757"

Clinton has nothing to do with this conversation... Stay focused, ditch the strawman, and try again to answer my very simple question...

How did Israel know what was said in the White House during a meeting with Trump and the Russians?
You don't want the truth, because it was just given to you, and you refused it.

Our CIA is swamped with Zionist Traitors loyal only to Israel, and they have like minded traitors they talk to at NYT and WaPo.
You don't want the truth, because it was just given to you, and you refused it.

Our CIA is swamped with Zionist Traitors loyal only to Israel, and they have like minded traitors they talk to at NYT and WaPo.
Whats with you, why can't you just give a straight forward answer to a simple question? There were only a few people in the room during Trumps meeting, I asked who you think leaked the information, you said Israel, I asked you to explain and you brought up Bill Clinton.

Try again, but this time try and make sense.
The CIA gets the "transcript" of the meeting immediately after the conversation.

THAT TRANSCRIPT is what leaked.

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