Sharia in Action: Saudi Court orders a man to be paralyzed from the waist down


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sharia, respect it!

This just in from the home of Mecca and Medina, the two holiest cities in the Islamic world (thanks to Dan F)

Amnesty International declares the Saudi punishment to be a form of torture.

Saudi Arabia is facing appeals to over-rule a court that ordered a man paralysed as retribution for a stabbing that left a man unable to walk a decade ago. By Agence France-Presse in Dubai

Read more @ Sharia in Action: Saudi Court orders a man to be paralyzed from the waist down - Atlas Shrugs
Shoulda thought about that before stabbing someone.

The article says he was a 14 year old boy when he stabbed his friend. A 14 year old is a minor. In the United States he would be tried in juvenile court and serve time. He would not be paralyzed. I saw a group of men in a photo holding a 4 year old childs arm under the wheel of a truck in Iran last year. He stole something. Do you think that was justice too? At what age exactly does Sharia law kick in? We know it must be under age 4 or the 4 yr old wouldn't have lost his arm. - Jeri
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The guy ruined another guys life. He deserves the same. Punishments like this prevent people from ever thinking about committing crimes like this.
The child ruined his friends life. He was 14 yrs old at the time. A 14 yr old is not a guy. He's a kid. Punishments like this have been going on since the beginning of Islam & sharia law and yet crime continues to this very day. It hasn't prevented a thing as proven by this latest news story.
I don't think the punishment will be given, but moral of the story is to stop for 10 seconds and think twice before stabbing someone.
I hope not, Bik. Think about it for a second. What happens when you marry one day, have a child whose friend says I'll put the candy in your pocket so you are not taking it, he does, gets caught and your mosque leader decides he should have his hand cut off! He is only 6 years old. What would you do? It is a rhetorical question, don't answer. I'm just saying..
I hope not, Bik. Think about it for a second. What happens when you marry one day, have a child whose friend says I'll put the candy in your pocket so you are not taking it, he does, gets caught and your mosque leader decides he should have his hand cut off! He is only 6 years old. What would you do? It is a rhetorical question, don't answer. I'm just saying..

I do agree with you about age, they should consider it, only Saudi Arabia has a weird justice system like this, I've been to Egypt and I like their justice system better. But they should also check if this man at the time he committed the crime was mental or if he currently does have an mental illness. 6 year olds don't get punished. You're brainstorming too much, lets keep on topic.
You'd never get punished for stealing candy. LOL. Those hand of punishments in ancient Arabia were necessary to prevent the theft of camels and horses. Which were considered people's life lines back then. They could be easily stolen and it could ruin a mans life if he didn't have a camel or horse then. Or you can compensate for stealing their transportation. But that's what the law was meant for back then.
You'd never get punished for stealing candy. LOL. Those hand of punishments in ancient Arabia were necessary to prevent the theft of camels and horses. Which were considered people's life lines back then. They could be easily stolen and it could ruin a mans life if he didn't have a camel or horse then. Or you can compensate for stealing their transportation. But that's what the law was meant for back then.

I have a friend who was a merchant marine. He was in an Asian country many years ago- two muslim children running past his ship and they had stolen candy. He witnessed them being caught. He told me they both had their hands cut off - according to Sharia. They were about 7 - 8 yrs old. Both of them. The 4 yr old who had his arm run over by a truck while Muslim men held his arm under wheel - that was in Iran - his crime? Stealing. Yes, it does happen but glad to hear you agree age should be a factor here. - Jeri
He is here on this message board. Would you care to ask him what he saw? I can arrange that. - Jeremiah
I can't just believe an anonymous person who may be doing it for attention. Although there are some vast differences between Asians and Arabs. I don't know much about the community in Asia.
Well you can google 4 yr old in Iran has arm run over by truck or the 8 yr old in Iran who had his arm run over by a truck and do you know what they said about the 8 yr old? He deserved it! He stole bread! Iran needs new leadership. They are completely out of control over there. It' insane. Hanging people from cranes, raping women and then accusing them of adultery so they can get rid of them. What a life! Can't imagine it and I'm glad I won't have to because it won't be happening here.
Sharia, respect it!

This just in from the home of Mecca and Medina, the two holiest cities in the Islamic world (thanks to Dan F)

Amnesty International declares the Saudi punishment to be a form of torture.

Saudi Arabia is facing appeals to over-rule a court that ordered a man paralysed as retribution for a stabbing that left a man unable to walk a decade ago. By Agence France-Presse in Dubai

Read more @ Sharia in Action: Saudi Court orders a man to be paralyzed from the waist down - Atlas Shrugs

Yeah cause don't you know two wrongs make a right according to the great prophet,pigs be upon him. I know they say Jesus was a prophet to Islam but seems to me they tossed every one of his teachings out the window.:clap2:

If allah is merciful I sure as hell don't see it. Islam is just as barbaric as they were 1400 years ago and needs to be internationally outlawed as inhumane and facilitating crimes against humanity.
Well you can google 4 yr old in Iran has arm run over by truck or the 8 yr old in Iran who had his arm run over by a truck and do you know what they said about the 8 yr old? He deserved it! He stole bread! Iran needs new leadership. They are completely out of control over there. It' insane. Hanging people from cranes, raping women and then accusing them of adultery so they can get rid of them. What a life! Can't imagine it and I'm glad I won't have to because it won't be happening here.

That was a fake story.
Well you can google 4 yr old in Iran has arm run over by truck or the 8 yr old in Iran who had his arm run over by a truck and do you know what they said about the 8 yr old? He deserved it! He stole bread! Iran needs new leadership. They are completely out of control over there. It' insane. Hanging people from cranes, raping women and then accusing them of adultery so they can get rid of them. What a life! Can't imagine it and I'm glad I won't have to because it won't be happening here.

That was a fake story.

You amaze me, Bik. Iranians claim that they went through the trouble to gather a crowd, put this 4 yr olds arm under a truck with Muslims holding his arm, wrapping the arm in a towel before placing under tire, showing the truck rolling over childs arm, trauma of child and then suddenly there when the news gets out that the world is outraged the Iranians claim it was just a game, a little play act nothing real, nothing to see here, folks......move along now! They did the exact same thing to an 8 year old over there, Bik! They are lying.

I saw the photos. That was no play acting. For one, I don't recall Iranians play acting Sharia to their citizens - much less the world, do you? When Ariana Fallaci was over in Iran she actually walked into a room where Iranians were sawing off the limbs of Christians - legs - arms - Christians were alive - it was a veritable slaughterhouse. She wrote about it in her book, The Rage and the Pride. You should read Fallaci's book and know this is no abberation to Sharia. I remember another woman on the net sharing photos of Muslim doctors in Indonesia removing the heads of two slain Christian girls while the other Muslims in room took photographs. The consequences of Sharia can be found all over the world on every continent Islam has spread to. In Canada hands and feet are washing up on the shore regularly - Sharia - this simply is not acceptable. The West does not want Sharia law - bottom line - The West does not want Sharia law in their own nations. If your people come here they need to accept the laws of OUR land and not bring their own such as Sharia. - Jeri
That what you get in ultra conservative societies. It is what some conservatives here would do. One of the main tenets of conservatism is punishment.
Not according to Judeo - Christian principles upon which America was founded upon, Bfgrn. Christianity is based on the Good news that there is no punishment because Jesus Christ paid it himself at the Cross. Judaism does not crucify people to trees, burn them alive for homosexuality, or cut their heads off for not believing the faith. Neither Judaism or Christianity force others to convert by threat of death - There is only one religion on earth that does that and that religion is Islam. - Jeremiah

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