Sharia in Action: Saudi Court orders a man to be paralyzed from the waist down

Even the Bible says punishment for a crime should be equitable, "eye for an eye"

That is God's law.

But people refuse to follow what the creator laid down as supreme justice and punishment.

Which is the reason crime in the U.S. is sky high and increasing. .... :cool:

Show me Jews today who are stoning their children to death outside the city walls for disobedience? You can't! Show me Christians murdering their daughters because their honor was harmed over her pregnancy! You can't!

Your religion needs reformation in order to even hope to gain any type eventual acceptance - and one of the very first verses you could abbrogate would be the verses that threaten death upon anyone who wishes not to be a part of Islam. Death upon anyone who wishes to leave Islam. ( not in Koran but it is a hadith of your prophet ) There are many things that could have been done but it was decided not to do. You have 3 grounds for abrogation of verses according to your Koran. Remove the surahs on violence. You can start there. - Jeri

Why should he? You're making arbitrary assertions.
Good for you. Next.

Of course it is good for me! Why should I fear an idolater? I serve the One True God. The God of Israel and He is sitting on His Throne laughing at His enemies. If He is laughing? It's all good to me. In fact, throughout the Torah and the bible you will see that Satans main calling card is intimidation. That is his weapon. Try to intimidate others with fear, threats, whatever and eliminate the opposition. Goliath used that tactic against the Israelites - it worked for him - until David stepped up and said who is this that is challenging My God??? ! Ha! David knew who his G-d was! Just like I know who my G-d is and I can tell you now he isn't allah!

No. For any who read this consider the outcome to those on the planes that crashed into the twin towers that fateful day - 9/11. Do you know what the hijackers told our American brothers and sisters? They told them sit in your seat and behave, be quiet, don't say a word and you will survive. We will let you live. Otherwise you will die - it's called intimidation and because our American brothers and sister listened and caved into that intimidation - they lost their lives. All of them.

Look at the outcome of Rwanda where neighborhoods full of Tutsi Christians were told to come out and surrender and they did so without a resistance - only to be hacked to death by muslim Hutus wielding machetes. One life lost too many in my book. Over one million Tutsi christians were slaughtered while the muslim controlled UN claims the loss of life was about 800,000. How did they get away with it? They lied to the people and the people believed them. Hitler did the same thing. The bottom line is Americans should have learned a lesson on 9/11 and that is to believe what you see and not what you are told - Islam is not our friend. Not by a longshot, America! - Jeremiah
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Wow I just looked back up at Jeremiah's post about Oriana Fallaci who is an Italian you stupid fuck. No she never saw such thing and she made a book full of bigotry for no reason. Most people that read it said it was a stinking pile of garbage and she was hoping got drive Muslims out of Italy. God, you're so gullible. Go learn the difference between a valid and non valid source. That book was the Mein Kemph book of Islamophobia.

It is no secret Oriana Fallaci is viciously hated by the Islamists for her book The Rage and the Pride and her warning Italy 20 years ago about the infiltration of Islam into Italy. Too bad they didn't heed her warning back then.

Your hatred of her is a solid endorsement, Bik. I'll thank you now on her behalf.

- Jeremiah

Ignore it if you wish, your choice. I have nothing personal against you, Bik. I feel sympathy for your being born into Islam, without choice, cannot imagine the challenges - on the other hand I am compelled to speak the truth as I know it and not whitewash your religion and the effects it has had on Christians, Hindus, Jews, Taoists, atheists, homosexuals, bascially all of society that is outside of the parameters of Islam. Although you may perceive it as a personal attack, I assure you it isn't. - Jeremiah
Wow I just looked back up at Jeremiah's post about Oriana Fallaci who is an Italian you stupid fuck. No she never saw such thing and she made a book full of bigotry for no reason. Most people that read it said it was a stinking pile of garbage and she was hoping got drive Muslims out of Italy. God, you're so gullible. Go learn the difference between a valid and non valid source. That book was the Mein Kemph book of Islamophobia.

It is no secret Oriana Fallaci is viciously hated by the Islamists for her book The Rage and the Pride and her warning Italy 20 years ago about the infiltration of Islam into Italy. Too bad they didn't heed her warning back then.

Your hatred of her is a solid endorsement, Bik. I'll thank you now on her behalf.

- Jeremiah

You live in your own fantasy world. Many critics and readers criticized her book.

Ignore it if you wish, your choice. I have nothing personal against you, Bik. I feel sympathy for your being born into Islam, without choice, cannot imagine the challenges - on the other hand I am compelled to speak the truth as I know it and not whitewash your religion and the effects it has had on Christians, Hindus, Jews, Taoists, atheists, homosexuals, bascially all of society that is outside of the parameters of Islam. Although you may perceive it as a personal attack, I assure you it isn't. - Jeremiah

ZZZZzzzzzzz, are you not getting the message? LOL.
Wow I just looked back up at Jeremiah's post about Oriana Fallaci who is an Italian you stupid fuck. No she never saw such thing and she made a book full of bigotry for no reason. Most people that read it said it was a stinking pile of garbage and she was hoping got drive Muslims out of Italy. God, you're so gullible. Go learn the difference between a valid and non valid source. That book was the Mein Kemph book of Islamophobia.

It is no secret Oriana Fallaci is viciously hated by the Islamists for her book The Rage and the Pride and her warning Italy 20 years ago about the infiltration of Islam into Italy. Too bad they didn't heed her warning back then.

Your hatred of her is a solid endorsement, Bik. I'll thank you now on her behalf.

- Jeremiah

You live in your own fantasy world. Many critics and readers criticized her book.

Many more praised it for its accuracy - almost prophetic - she was right - afterall. - J.

Ignore it if you wish, your choice. I have nothing personal against you, Bik. I feel sympathy for your being born into Islam, without choice, cannot imagine the challenges - on the other hand I am compelled to speak the truth as I know it and not whitewash your religion and the effects it has had on Christians, Hindus, Jews, Taoists, atheists, homosexuals, bascially all of society that is outside of the parameters of Islam. Although you may perceive it as a personal attack, I assure you it isn't. - Jeremiah

ZZZZzzzzzzz, are you not getting the message? LOL.

lol! Actually you have now made me sleepy so I think I WILL take a nap! I got up before dawn. What the heck! Thanks! - Jeri
Not according to Judeo - Christian principles upon which America was founded upon, Bfgrn. Christianity is based on the Good news that there is no punishment because Jesus Christ paid it himself at the Cross. Judaism does not crucify people to trees, burn them alive for homosexuality, or cut their heads off for not believing the faith. Neither Judaism or Christianity force others to convert by threat of death - There is only one religion on earth that does that and that religion is Islam. - Jeremiah

Liberalism is based on the belief that people are basically good. Conservatism the opposite. What group supports capital punishment in America?

Liberalism is based on humanism in my opinion. As to which group supports capitol punishment in America? The conservatives who support our Founding Fathers vision of America based on the Torah & Bible - of course, so... what does the Torah teach?

That if a man sheds innocent blood he shall be put to death. This is the commandment of God Almighty and He is not politically correct nor does He change. Why did G-d tell the people that one who sheds innocent blood should be put to death? Because if we were to allow that one to live it would Defile the Land. Why is the land of America defiled today? Partially for allowing those who have shed the blood of innocent people to live out life time sentences rather than to obey God as our Founding Fathers did and put those murderers to death as the bible teaches. The land has been defiled because of this.

Our land is not only defiled because of the failure of our courts to enforce the laws of the land as they were originally intended - but because we have shed the blood of 50 million unborn babies - children are a gift from God according to the Torah - Proverbs - what do you think God thinks of a people who would murder the children he gave as a gift to them - to protect and raise up in the nurturing and admonition of the Lord? Any idea? What about idolatry in the land?

That has defiled our land too. We have allowed moon god worshipers to erect their altars of baal worship on our land - inscribed with there is no god but allah and mohammad is his prophet. What a lie! Why do we allow such blasphemy on our own soil while infidels such as the Saudis won't even allow churches to be built on their own soil?

What a disgrace when these idolaters ( moon god worshipers ) hold to doctrines better than the followers of the One true God do! Listen, when Habukukk realised that his people were going to be judged by a far worse peope - pagans who did not even know the G-d of Israel even - he accepted the judgment as well as he would a blessing because he trusted in the goodness of the Lord and that his mercy would follow ( after judgment )

So when America comes under attack and the people wonder why God is not coming to their rescue they should think on how they have ignored the plight of Israelites - sided with her enemies by defending their attempted theft of Israeli land - supported mass genocide outfits such as Planned Parenthood claiming they are more compassionate than Almighty God is ( what a lie ) and not only allowed the infidels ( moon god worshipers ) to erect their altars of baal but allowed even their laws ( sharia ) into american courtrooms - therein - thumbing their noses as the One True God who founded America in the first place. - Jeremiah

"It is more dangerous that even a guilty person should be punished without the forms of law than that he should escape"
Thomas Jefferson

Jeremiah, if you want to bring your dogmatic doctrinaire, theocracy and sharia law to America don't try to highjack our founding fathers. They were the most liberal thinkers of their day and created a wall of separation between church and state. They did not create a theocracy. But thank you for proving my point that extreme Muslims and extreme Christians are cut from the same cloth.

The Death Penalty in America

Thomas Jefferson introduced a bill to revise Virginia's death penalty laws. The bill proposed that capital punishment be used only for the crimes of murder and treason. It was defeated by only one vote.

Also influenced was Dr. Benjamin Rush, a signer of the Declaration of Independence and founder of the Pennsylvania Prison Society. Rush challenged the belief that the death penalty serves as a deterrent. In fact, Rush was an early believer in the "brutalization effect." He held that having a death penalty actually increased criminal conduct. Rush gained the support of Benjamin Franklin and Philadelphia Attorney General William Bradford. Bradford, who would later become the U.S. Attorney General, led Pennsylvania to become the first state to consider degrees of murder based on culpability. In 1794, Pennsylvania repealed the death penalty for all offenses except first degree murder. (Bohm, 1999; Randa, 1997; and Schabas, 1997)

Yeah cause don't you know two wrongs make a right according to the great prophet,pigs be upon him. I know they say Jesus was a prophet to Islam but seems to me they tossed every one of his teachings out the window.:clap2:

If allah is merciful I sure as hell don't see it. Islam is just as barbaric as they were 1400 years ago and needs to be internationally outlawed as inhumane and facilitating crimes against humanity.

Each and every religion, if allowed to be a source for which law is derived, proscribes very much the same things.


Because the big three are basically the same religion.

With different hats.

Judisim and Chrisitanity go hand in hand yes, but Islam is just a cult Mohammad cherry picked from Judism and Christianity to set himself up as leader of to feed his ego and IMHO can't really be compared to Judism and Christanity. Mohammad/Islam is on the same playing field as David Koresh and the Branch Davidians, all BS.
The Christian bible say at Matt 5'30
"And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell."

The Christian GOD game man the freedom to make choices but make the wrong choice like Adam and Eve did and you have hell to pay,
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If you're going to talk about Islam let's start with Christianity. Christianity as its practiced today is a backwards eurocentric form of eurocentric ideology which has no more value than a used tire. There are Christians who argue against evolution assertion that the "devil planted fossils to mislead humanity." There are Christians who believe Jesus appears in burnt toast or in bird shit and make a big deal about it. There are Christians who kill abortion doctors and attack gays for being who they are. So before you Christians start attacking Islam in this thread understand that your faith is the most backwards of all faiths. Understand that Christian mythology is also a borrowed tradition. Understand that it was Constantine, not paul, who distorted Christianity at the council of Nicea.
Shoulda thought about that before stabbing someone.

That is what I thought at first, but he was 14 when he committed this crime. To spend so long in prison and then be physically disabled for something he did so long ago as a child is way too harsh, IMO.

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