Sharia in Action: Saudi Court orders a man to be paralyzed from the waist down

Not according to Judeo - Christian principles upon which America was founded upon, Bfgrn. Christianity is based on the Good news that there is no punishment because Jesus Christ paid it himself at the Cross. Judaism does not crucify people to trees, burn them alive for homosexuality, or cut their heads off for not believing the faith. Neither Judaism or Christianity force others to convert by threat of death - There is only one religion on earth that does that and that religion is Islam. - Jeremiah

Liberalism is based on the belief that people are basically good. Conservatism the opposite. What group supports capital punishment in America?
Not according to Judeo - Christian principles upon which America was founded upon, Bfgrn. Christianity is based on the Good news that there is no punishment because Jesus Christ paid it himself at the Cross. Judaism does not crucify people to trees, burn them alive for homosexuality, or cut their heads off for not believing the faith. Neither Judaism or Christianity force others to convert by threat of death - There is only one religion on earth that does that and that religion is Islam. - Jeremiah

Sure it has. Especially Christianity. Bar none, Christianity is the religion with the bloodiest history.
Sharia, respect it!

This just in from the home of Mecca and Medina, the two holiest cities in the Islamic world (thanks to Dan F)

Amnesty International declares the Saudi punishment to be a form of torture.

Saudi Arabia is facing appeals to over-rule a court that ordered a man paralysed as retribution for a stabbing that left a man unable to walk a decade ago. By Agence France-Presse in Dubai

Read more @ Sharia in Action: Saudi Court orders a man to be paralyzed from the waist down - Atlas Shrugs

Yeah cause don't you know two wrongs make a right according to the great prophet,pigs be upon him. I know they say Jesus was a prophet to Islam but seems to me they tossed every one of his teachings out the window.:clap2:

If allah is merciful I sure as hell don't see it. Islam is just as barbaric as they were 1400 years ago and needs to be internationally outlawed as inhumane and facilitating crimes against humanity.

Each and every religion, if allowed to be a source for which law is derived, proscribes very much the same things.


Because the big three are basically the same religion.

With different hats.
Not according to Judeo - Christian principles upon which America was founded upon, Bfgrn. Christianity is based on the Good news that there is no punishment because Jesus Christ paid it himself at the Cross. Judaism does not crucify people to trees, burn them alive for homosexuality, or cut their heads off for not believing the faith. Neither Judaism or Christianity force others to convert by threat of death - There is only one religion on earth that does that and that religion is Islam. - Jeremiah

Liberalism is based on the belief that people are basically good. Conservatism the opposite. What group supports capital punishment in America?

Liberalism is based on humanism in my opinion. As to which group supports capitol punishment in America? The conservatives who support our Founding Fathers vision of America based on the Torah & Bible - of course, so... what does the Torah teach?

That if a man sheds innocent blood he shall be put to death. This is the commandment of God Almighty and He is not politically correct nor does He change. Why did G-d tell the people that one who sheds innocent blood should be put to death? Because if we were to allow that one to live it would Defile the Land. Why is the land of America defiled today? Partially for allowing those who have shed the blood of innocent people to live out life time sentences rather than to obey God as our Founding Fathers did and put those murderers to death as the bible teaches. The land has been defiled because of this.

Our land is not only defiled because of the failure of our courts to enforce the laws of the land as they were originally intended - but because we have shed the blood of 50 million unborn babies - children are a gift from God according to the Torah - Proverbs - what do you think God thinks of a people who would murder the children he gave as a gift to them - to protect and raise up in the nurturing and admonition of the Lord? Any idea? What about idolatry in the land?

That has defiled our land too. We have allowed moon god worshipers to erect their altars of baal worship on our land - inscribed with there is no god but allah and mohammad is his prophet. What a lie! Why do we allow such blasphemy on our own soil while infidels such as the Saudis won't even allow churches to be built on their own soil?

What a disgrace when these idolaters ( moon god worshipers ) hold to doctrines better than the followers of the One true God do! Listen, when Habukukk realised that his people were going to be judged by a far worse peope - pagans who did not even know the G-d of Israel even - he accepted the judgment as well as he would a blessing because he trusted in the goodness of the Lord and that his mercy would follow ( after judgment )

So when America comes under attack and the people wonder why God is not coming to their rescue they should think on how they have ignored the plight of Israelites - sided with her enemies by defending their attempted theft of Israeli land - supported mass genocide outfits such as Planned Parenthood claiming they are more compassionate than Almighty God is ( what a lie ) and not only allowed the infidels ( moon god worshipers ) to erect their altars of baal but allowed even their laws ( sharia ) into american courtrooms - therein - thumbing their noses as the One True God who founded America in the first place. - Jeremiah
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Sharia, respect it!

This just in from the home of Mecca and Medina, the two holiest cities in the Islamic world (thanks to Dan F)

Amnesty International declares the Saudi punishment to be a form of torture.

Saudi Arabia is facing appeals to over-rule a court that ordered a man paralysed as retribution for a stabbing that left a man unable to walk a decade ago. By Agence France-Presse in Dubai

Read more @ Sharia in Action: Saudi Court orders a man to be paralyzed from the waist down - Atlas Shrugs

He's lucky.
He could have been convicted in America and received a sentence of 30 years of being raped.
Prison Rape Elimination Act Can Keep Children Out Of Adult Jails

Get tough on others when you've sorted yourselves out.
The guy ruined another guys life. He deserves the same. Punishments like this prevent people from ever thinking about committing crimes like this.

Justice is not revenge.

According to Islam it is. Therein the problem with their claim that God approves their role as judge, jury and executioner. Makes one wonder why Islam needs a god at all. Seems they are doing just fine without one when you read stories such as these. - Jeri
Not according to Judeo - Christian principles upon which America was founded upon, Bfgrn. Christianity is based on the Good news that there is no punishment because Jesus Christ paid it himself at the Cross. Judaism does not crucify people to trees, burn them alive for homosexuality, or cut their heads off for not believing the faith. Neither Judaism or Christianity force others to convert by threat of death - There is only one religion on earth that does that and that religion is Islam. - Jeremiah

Liberalism is based on the belief that people are basically good. Conservatism the opposite. What group supports capital punishment in America?

Liberalism is based on humanism in my opinion. As to which group supports capitol punishment in America? The conservatives who support our Founding Fathers vision of America based on the Torah & Bible - of course, so... what does the Torah teach?

That if a man sheds innocent blood he shall be put to death. This is the commandment of God Almighty and He is not politically correct nor does He change. Why did G-d tell the people that one who sheds innocent blood should be put to death? Because if we were to allow that one to live it would Defile the Land. Why is the land of America defiled today? Partially for allowing those who have shed the blood of innocent people to live out life time sentences rather than to obey God as our Founding Fathers did and put those murderers to death as the bible teaches. The land has been defiled because of this.

Our land is not only defiled because of the failure of our courts to enforce the laws of the land as they were originally intended - but because we have shed the blood of 50 million unborn babies - children are a gift from God according to the Torah - Proverbs - what do you think God thinks of a people who would murder the children he gave as a gift to them - to protect and raise up in the nurturing and admonition of the Lord? Any idea? What about idolatry in the land?

That has defiled our land too. We have allowed moon god worshipers to erect their altars of baal worship on our land - inscribed with there is no god but allah and mohammad is his prophet. What a lie! Why do we allow such blasphemy on our own soil while infidels such as the Saudis won't even allow churches to be built on their own soil?

What a disgrace when these idolaters ( moon god worshipers ) hold to doctrines better than the followers of the One true God do! Listen, when Habukukk realised that his people were going to be judged by a far worse peope - pagans who did not even know the G-d of Israel even - he accepted the judgment as well as he would a blessing because he trusted in the goodness of the Lord and that his mercy would follow ( after judgment )

So when America comes under attack and the people wonder why God is not coming to their rescue they should think on how they have ignored the plight of Israelites - sided with her enemies by defending their attempted theft of Israeli land - supported mass genocide outfits such as Planned Parenthood claiming they are more compassionate than Almighty God is ( what a lie ) and not only allowed the infidels ( moon god worshipers ) to erect their altars of baal but allowed even their laws ( sharia ) into american courtrooms - therein - thumbing their noses as the One True God who founded America in the first place. - Jeremiah
The founders didn't base law making on the torah and the bible. There is no capital punishment in the Constitution. Quite the opposite. The constitution forbids cruel and unusual punishment.

Which actually is an argument for the fact they derived law based on secularism.

The Bible and Torah are filled with Cruel and Unusual punishments.
Not according to Judeo - Christian principles upon which America was founded upon, Bfgrn. Christianity is based on the Good news that there is no punishment because Jesus Christ paid it himself at the Cross. Judaism does not crucify people to trees, burn them alive for homosexuality, or cut their heads off for not believing the faith. Neither Judaism or Christianity force others to convert by threat of death - There is only one religion on earth that does that and that religion is Islam. - Jeremiah

Sure it has. Especially Christianity. Bar none, Christianity is the religion with the bloodiest history.

The Catholic Church before her reformation had the history of the Inquisitions but that has been over for a very long time. Please give the board a link or source to Christianity being the bloodiest religion in history. I'd like to see that. Thanks. - Jeri
Liberalism is based on the belief that people are basically good. Conservatism the opposite. What group supports capital punishment in America?

Liberalism is based on humanism in my opinion. As to which group supports capitol punishment in America? The conservatives who support our Founding Fathers vision of America based on the Torah & Bible - of course, so... what does the Torah teach?

That if a man sheds innocent blood he shall be put to death. This is the commandment of God Almighty and He is not politically correct nor does He change. Why did G-d tell the people that one who sheds innocent blood should be put to death? Because if we were to allow that one to live it would Defile the Land. Why is the land of America defiled today? Partially for allowing those who have shed the blood of innocent people to live out life time sentences rather than to obey God as our Founding Fathers did and put those murderers to death as the bible teaches. The land has been defiled because of this.

Our land is not only defiled because of the failure of our courts to enforce the laws of the land as they were originally intended - but because we have shed the blood of 50 million unborn babies - children are a gift from God according to the Torah - Proverbs - what do you think God thinks of a people who would murder the children he gave as a gift to them - to protect and raise up in the nurturing and admonition of the Lord? Any idea? What about idolatry in the land?

That has defiled our land too. We have allowed moon god worshipers to erect their altars of baal worship on our land - inscribed with there is no god but allah and mohammad is his prophet. What a lie! Why do we allow such blasphemy on our own soil while infidels such as the Saudis won't even allow churches to be built on their own soil?

What a disgrace when these idolaters ( moon god worshipers ) hold to doctrines better than the followers of the One true God do! Listen, when Habukukk realised that his people were going to be judged by a far worse peope - pagans who did not even know the G-d of Israel even - he accepted the judgment as well as he would a blessing because he trusted in the goodness of the Lord and that his mercy would follow ( after judgment )

So when America comes under attack and the people wonder why God is not coming to their rescue they should think on how they have ignored the plight of Israelites - sided with her enemies by defending their attempted theft of Israeli land - supported mass genocide outfits such as Planned Parenthood claiming they are more compassionate than Almighty God is ( what a lie ) and not only allowed the infidels ( moon god worshipers ) to erect their altars of baal but allowed even their laws ( sharia ) into american courtrooms - therein - thumbing their noses as the One True God who founded America in the first place. - Jeremiah
The founders didn't base law making on the torah and the bible. There is no capital punishment in the Constitution. Quite the opposite. The constitution forbids cruel and unusual punishment.

Which actually is an argument for the fact they derived law based on secularism.

The Bible and Torah are filled with Cruel and Unusual punishments.

You would do well to buy a few David Barton books on the true history of America. ( not the pseudo version you were indoctrinated to believe by liberal educators). Our nation is founded upon the scriptures of the Torah and even has those scriptures engraved on our courtroom walls. LIberty bell, etc. You are seriously mistaken. There is nothing cruel or unusual about being judged by a jury of your peers, being given a fair trial, being presumed innocent until proven guilty, American courtrooms have the most fair system of justice on the face of the earth. Would you prefer no judge, no jury and being thrown into a pit & set on fire because the neighbors say you are a homosexual? That is justice in Iran. Amazing how you gloss over Islamic law as if it were somehow non existent in this discussion, Sallow.
Not according to Judeo - Christian principles upon which America was founded upon, Bfgrn. Christianity is based on the Good news that there is no punishment because Jesus Christ paid it himself at the Cross. Judaism does not crucify people to trees, burn them alive for homosexuality, or cut their heads off for not believing the faith. Neither Judaism or Christianity force others to convert by threat of death - There is only one religion on earth that does that and that religion is Islam. - Jeremiah

Sure it has. Especially Christianity. Bar none, Christianity is the religion with the bloodiest history.

The Catholic Church before her reformation had the history of the Inquisitions but that has been over for a very long time. Please give the board a link or source to Christianity being the bloodiest religion in history. I'd like to see that. Thanks. - Jeri

Reichskonkordat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That work?
Well you can google 4 yr old in Iran has arm run over by truck or the 8 yr old in Iran who had his arm run over by a truck and do you know what they said about the 8 yr old? He deserved it! He stole bread! Iran needs new leadership. They are completely out of control over there. It' insane. Hanging people from cranes, raping women and then accusing them of adultery so they can get rid of them. What a life! Can't imagine it and I'm glad I won't have to because it won't be happening here.

That was a fake story.

You amaze me, Bik. Iranians claim that they went through the trouble to gather a crowd, put this 4 yr olds arm under a truck with Muslims holding his arm, wrapping the arm in a towel before placing under tire, showing the truck rolling over childs arm, trauma of child and then suddenly there when the news gets out that the world is outraged the Iranians claim it was just a game, a little play act nothing real, nothing to see here, folks......move along now! They did the exact same thing to an 8 year old over there, Bik! They are lying.

I saw the photos. That was no play acting. For one, I don't recall Iranians play acting Sharia to their citizens - much less the world, do you? When Ariana Fallaci was over in Iran she actually walked into a room where Iranians were sawing off the limbs of Christians - legs - arms - Christians were alive - it was a veritable slaughterhouse. She wrote about it in her book, The Rage and the Pride. You should read Fallaci's book and know this is no abberation to Sharia. I remember another woman on the net sharing photos of Muslim doctors in Indonesia removing the heads of two slain Christian girls while the other Muslims in room took photographs. The consequences of Sharia can be found all over the world on every continent Islam has spread to. In Canada hands and feet are washing up on the shore regularly - Sharia - this simply is not acceptable. The West does not want Sharia law - bottom line - The West does not want Sharia law in their own nations. If your people come here they need to accept the laws of OUR land and not bring their own such as Sharia. - Jeri

No Iranians didn't claim nothing. Those our your fabricated conservative sources. The pictures have been going around the Internet long before that time and they are Indian stuntmen begging for money. The bottom line is you're a liar and an idiot.
Not according to Judeo - Christian principles upon which America was founded upon, Bfgrn. Christianity is based on the Good news that there is no punishment because Jesus Christ paid it himself at the Cross. Judaism does not crucify people to trees, burn them alive for homosexuality, or cut their heads off for not believing the faith. Neither Judaism or Christianity force others to convert by threat of death - There is only one religion on earth that does that and that religion is Islam. - Jeremiah

You're making shit up as you go. People have the Internet. Quit trying to pull lies.
The guy ruined another guys life. He deserves the same. Punishments like this prevent people from ever thinking about committing crimes like this.

Justice is not revenge.

According to Islam it is. Therein the problem with their claim that God approves their role as judge, jury and executioner. Makes one wonder why Islam needs a god at all. Seems they are doing just fine without one when you read stories such as these. - Jeri

Why because you say so? :lol:
Even the Bible says punishment for a crime should be equitable, "eye for an eye"

That is God's law.

But people refuse to follow what the creator laid down as supreme justice and punishment.

Which is the reason crime in the U.S. is sky high and increasing. .... :cool:
Wow I just looked back up at Jeremiah's post about Oriana Fallaci who is an Italian you stupid fuck. No she never saw such thing and she made a book full of bigotry for no reason. Most people that read it said it was a stinking pile of garbage and she was hoping got drive Muslims out of Italy. God, you're so gullible. Go learn the difference between a valid and non valid source. That book was the Mein Kemph book of Islamophobia.
Justice is not revenge.

According to Islam it is. Therein the problem with their claim that God approves their role as judge, jury and executioner. Makes one wonder why Islam needs a god at all. Seems they are doing just fine without one when you read stories such as these. - Jeri

Why because you say so? :lol:

No. The actions of the followers of Islam have said so. By their fruits ye shall know them, Jesus said. Indeed I do and I believe the rest of the world sees through your feigned professions of Islam is a religion of peace. I've seen no such evidence of it. Yes, your religion does execute men, women AND CHILDREN in the most barbaric, archaic methods and disgusts me to the utter most core of my being. There is nothing holy about Islam and I make no apologies for sharing my opinion of it. Others would but perhaps fear the repercussions of it. I am not one of those people. Obviously. - Jeremiah
Even the Bible says punishment for a crime should be equitable, "eye for an eye"

That is God's law.

But people refuse to follow what the creator laid down as supreme justice and punishment.

Which is the reason crime in the U.S. is sky high and increasing. .... :cool:

Show me Jews today who are stoning their children to death outside the city walls for disobedience? You can't! Show me Christians murdering their daughters because their honor was harmed over her pregnancy! You can't!

Your religion needs reformation in order to even hope to gain any type eventual acceptance - and one of the very first verses you could abbrogate would be the verses that threaten death upon anyone who wishes not to be a part of Islam. Death upon anyone who wishes to leave Islam. ( not in Koran but it is a hadith of your prophet ) There are many things that could have been done but it was decided not to do. You have 3 grounds for abrogation of verses according to your Koran. Remove the surahs on violence. You can start there. - Jeri
Even the Bible says punishment for a crime should be equitable, "eye for an eye"

That is God's law.

But people refuse to follow what the creator laid down as supreme justice and punishment.

Which is the reason crime in the U.S. is sky high and increasing. .... :cool:

There is very little evidence that "God's Law" and punishment has ever led to a reduction in crime.

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