
I am just posting News, God is fully in control of all of this.

I am not the orchestrator of a bit of this unfolding tale.
Put Him on and you take a break. For at least a week.

You expecting some Zionist Prophecy to unfold over the next week?

I would not be expecting too much.

Jesus says we shall not know the day or hour He shall return. Matthew 24:36
What's a Zionist Prophecy, Sherria?
Snnnooozy She
Boring, no original thinking of her own.
Most of us are familiar enough with the bible that we don't need it quoted, especially over and over.
It is not even news.
If you have something to say, use your own words. Saying the same thing over and over is not going to make people understand you any better, or your quote.
What is Zionist aris2chat going on about?

If you are so bored why are you posting here?

As for Sharon, it does appear to be a death vigil at this point, a countdown to the end.

I posted a news report from today, nothing about Jesus there.

It just appears the war criminal shall be dying without repenting from sin and accepting Jesus as Messiah.

Oh well, he made the choices he did in his life all on his own.

There are consequences to our choices.
What is Zionist aris2chat going on about?

If you are so bored why are you posting here?

As for Sharon, it does appear to be a death vigil at this point, a countdown to the end.

I posted a news report from today, nothing about Jesus there.

It just appears the war criminal shall be dying without repenting from sin and accepting Jesus as Messiah.

Oh well, he made the choices he did in his life all on his own.

There are consequences to our choices.
What is the definition of "zionist", Sherria? I've asked you a number of times. Gonna skate again?
What is Zionist aris2chat going on about?

If you are so bored why are you posting here?

As for Sharon, it does appear to be a death vigil at this point, a countdown to the end.

I posted a news report from today, nothing about Jesus there.

It just appears the war criminal shall be dying without repenting from sin and accepting Jesus as Messiah.

Oh well, he made the choices he did in his life all on his own.

There are consequences to our choices.

Don't worry your little head where Sharon is going. No doubt he is going no place but to be buried in the ground when he passes away. Naturally he will have a big turnout at his funeral, and certainly many more people than we will have when either you or I pass away. Concern yourself with things that are happening in your own life, and be glad that you are safe and sound here. It is very morbid for you to be keeping a death watch.
More about Zionism, that racist Regime in Occupied Palestine:

"Taking note also*of resolution 77 (XII) adopted by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of African Unity at its twelfth ordinary session,*hold at Kampala from 28 July to 1 August 1975, which considered "that the racist regime in occupied Palestine and the racist regimes in Zimbabwe and South Africa have a common imperialist origin, forming a whole and having the same racist structure and being organically linked in their policy aimed at repression of the dignity and integrity of the human being",:

A/RES/3379 (XXX) of 10 November 1975
"zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination."

A/RES/3379 (XXX) of 10 November 1975

Actually that sounds like the other Middle East countries. Mrs. Sherri feels if she repeats herself over and over like the manic parrot she is, people will start believing what she says. However, I think most people see what is happening in other Middle East countries, and that the Arabs in Israel certainly don't want to live in those countries.
More about Zionism, that racist Regime in Occupied Palestine:

"Taking note also*of resolution 77 (XII) adopted by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of African Unity at its twelfth ordinary session,*hold at Kampala from 28 July to 1 August 1975, which considered "that the racist regime in occupied Palestine and the racist regimes in Zimbabwe and South Africa have a common imperialist origin, forming a whole and having the same racist structure and being organically linked in their policy aimed at repression of the dignity and integrity of the human being",:

A/RES/3379 (XXX) of 10 November 1975

But, Mrs. Sherri, if the daughter of one of South Africa's leaders says Israel is nothing like South Africa of old, and she should certainly know what she is talking about, you can go on and on with your shtick while we see what is happening to others in Middle East countries other than Israel.
There is no one more racist, hateful and discriminatory then 'Palestinians'. They've been exposed as hating Jews and Israelis.

So saying that Zionism is racism is pure bullshit. Of course, feeble minded people like Sherri MunnerNazi believe ANYTHING, as long as it's something hateful against Israel.
She doesn;t need to understand it, but as long as it is something that vilifies Israel and Zionism, Sherri jumps right on board.

What a biased hateful bigot you are, Sherri
There's a room in hell with Sherri's name on it, for all the times she used Jesus' name to slander Israel and used Jesus' name to make up hateful comments about Jews/Israel
The UN said all of that and they were right.

Everyone with a brain realizes that the UN is biased against Israel. It is a shame that there wasn't a rule on these forums that someone couldn't post the same thing more than five times. Mrs. Sherri and others keep on posting the same stuff over and over and over. There really should be a limit on how many times things are repeated.
What is Zionist aris2chat going on about?

If you are so bored why are you posting here?

As for Sharon, it does appear to be a death vigil at this point, a countdown to the end.

I posted a news report from today, nothing about Jesus there.

It just appears the war criminal shall be dying without repenting from sin and accepting Jesus as Messiah.

Oh well, he made the choices he did in his life all on his own.

There are consequences to our choices.

I post as a distraction when I have a few minutes to sit. I also bring experience and a perspective I hope some what inducive to a rational peace, rather than emotional or theological.
You are hung up on "code" words and labels like you are using a rhetoric handbook. The fact you seem intent on putting me in your one size fits all zionist coat is amazing. It is obvious you don't know me nor picked up much from my posts.
I find your posts boring and unoriginal, they seem canned from 1903, and rusted. You have been consuming far too much and poisoned by your own toxicity.
You quote the gospels claiming they are Jesus words, but you fail to understand the authorship of the books or the lessons they present Jesus trying to teach to mankind.
I might well be, to some extent as you have jumped to assume, more zionist then you are christian. You are an insult to good christians the world over. If I though it would help I'd suggest a teacher, a christian palestinian, he is retired but he has the patience of a saint.
He is near deft, but that is an advantage, he would not have to hear you. You would have to learn to listen and think before speaking and then keep it to as few words as possible.
Here is hoping you learn this year what being christian really means and then apply it towards peace in the middle east.
I will enjoy the board as I choose and hope to see more posters with inspiring ideas, perhaps more of those on either extreme will inch their way toward the middle and find a tolerance and acceptance of both people living side by side.
Sharon’s legacy

A farewell to the divisive Ariel Sharon

In this ‘war of choice’ Israel spread destruction and death across Lebanon, sacrificing in the process hundreds of her own young soldiers, only to tarnish the country’s international reputation and creating almost unrepairable divisions among Israeli society. All of this was done in the name of an unfeasible fantasy stitched together by Sharon, the Mossad and the Phallangists in Lebanon

It kept Israel in Lebanon for another eighteen years, at a terrible cost, and helped to create one of Israel’s fiercest enemies in recent time, Hezbollah. He earned the nickname ‘bulldozer’ for exactly this reason - moving forwards in full force regardless of the trail of destruction that he left behind him. By the end of this war a judicial inquest found Sharon unsuitable to serve as a defense minister, and he was forced to resign. Strangely enough and regrettably, it didn’t prevent him from becoming prime minster nearly twenty years later.
Even if I was all you say, which I of course do not agree that I am, I would be 100 times a better person than a Zionist is.

I do not support a nation's ethnic cleansing and Occupation and Apartheid and genocide like Zionists do with respect to Israel.

I believe all people in the land of Palestine have human rights and the right to human dignity and respect and equal rights and justice.

And I have a voice I shall continue to use to speak out against the Injustices of Zionism, no matter what you or any other Zionist may think or say.

What is Zionist aris2chat going on about?

If you are so bored why are you posting here?

As for Sharon, it does appear to be a death vigil at this point, a countdown to the end.

I posted a news report from today, nothing about Jesus there.

It just appears the war criminal shall be dying without repenting from sin and accepting Jesus as Messiah.

Oh well, he made the choices he did in his life all on his own.

There are consequences to our choices.

I post as a distraction when I have a few minutes to sit. I also bring experience and a perspective I hope some what inducive to a rational peace, rather than emotional or theological.
You are hung up on "code" words and labels like you are using a rhetoric handbook. The fact you seem intent on putting me in your one size fits all zionist coat is amazing. It is obvious you don't know me nor picked up much from my posts.
I find your posts boring and unoriginal, they seem canned from 1903, and rusted. You have been consuming far too much and poisoned by your own toxicity.
You quote the gospels claiming they are Jesus words, but you fail to understand the authorship of the books or the lessons they present Jesus trying to teach to mankind.
I might well be, to some extent as you have jumped to assume, more zionist then you are christian. You are an insult to good christians the world over. If I though it would help I'd suggest a teacher, a christian palestinian, he is retired but he has the patience of a saint.
He is near deft, but that is an advantage, he would not have to hear you. You would have to learn to listen and think before speaking and then keep it to as few words as possible.
Here is hoping you learn this year what being christian really means and then apply it towards peace in the middle east.
I will enjoy the board as I choose and hope to see more posters with inspiring ideas, perhaps more of those on either extreme will inch their way toward the middle and find a tolerance and acceptance of both people living side by side.
Jumping jihad! Sherri must have been raised on pali school text books.
Where to begin untangling the twisted lies filling her brain?
The UN said all of that and they were right.

of course----"THE UN" said ir was a "vote"----just as your kith and kin voted for one
of your "gods" ADOLF ABU ALI. and just as the genocides in which your kith and
kin----including the stinking sluts----danced on the dead bodies of millions was a matter
of POPULAR OPINION----------your kith and kin danced and cheered as they hanged
10 year old black kids for glancing at a "white woman" too

very recent times------you and yours danced on the dead starved bodies of more than
a million biafran babies for the glory of your 'god'----isa/allah---------ON VOTE

in the same year -----your kith and kin AGREED to a program that prevented help for
hundreds of thosuands of hindus as they stumbled and died fleeing the filth of your kith
and kin

None of the gross genocides of the past 1700 years----mediated by the stink you love---
happened without POPULAR SUPPORT-----by your kith and kin

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