
Jumping jihad! Sherri must have been raised on pali school text books.
Where to begin untangling the twisted lies filling her brain?

you is naive, aris. you have not "rubbed shoulders" with the scum of
the gutter------you silly rarefied scholar. ------poke around where the gutter
slugs meet. and you will hear the voice of sherri. I grew up in an "all-white"---
all WHITE BREAD town full of sherris --------I was a child a very long time ago---
she is nothing new. more than 50 years ago----when the very same people
in that town did not know a hindu from a muslim or Pakistan from India and
had no idea where Lebanon was or what it was and ---like her---never read
SHERRI KNOWS -----about jews and "arabs" NO ONE KNEW all that much---
so little that their seedy little pamphlets written for idiots were my introduction
to the fact that there are countries named Syria and Lebanon.
I read the stuff starting about
age 10------sherri's literature was written for its audience-----at about a fourth
grade level. ------if you could read the BOBBSEY TWINS books-----you
could read sherri's curriculum------afterall----I was no genius
Sharon clinging to life after condition deteriorates again


LAST UPDATED: 01/09/2014 23:09

It is surreal,” said Dalia, a 65-year-old patient at the hospital in Tel Hashomer. “I am used to seeing crowds here awaiting a birth. I am not used to seeing so many people waiting for a death. But an era is ending and this is part of history.”

If Sharon dies, the Prime Minister’s Office will organize a state funeral. Current and former world leaders are expected to come to Israel to attend it. His body would lie in state at the Knesset before the funeral at his Negev ranch, and he would be buried beside his wife Lily, who died in 2000.

Sharon clinging to life after condition deteriorates again | JPost | Israel News

AND! do you have a problem with that. Did you have a problem with the MASS MURDERING neomarxist mandela when he was given a state funeral.
I am just posting News, God is fully in control of all of this.

I am not the orchestrator of a bit of this unfolding tale.
Put Him on and you take a break. For at least a week.

You expecting some Zionist Prophecy to unfold over the next week?

I would not be expecting too much.

Jesus says we shall not know the day or hour He shall return. Matthew 24:36

Do you know what the first sign will be Fatima, as many Christian scientists have studied all end times prophesies to see what it is and how it equates to the modern day.

The sky will light up from a solar flare ionising the atmosphere, then the satellite communications will cease to work causing communications to fail. Then the computer systems on planes will fail and they will crash, the internet will implode and there will be no more message boards. Electricity power stations will stop working plunging the world into a blackout and lastly the Earths surface will start to catch fire from the radiation leaking through the ionosphere.
They are tipping a major flare this weekend that will bring an end to the ice age gripping the US, but will engulf it in floods. Is this your vengeful God taking action against the Satanists like yourself who are attacking his chosen people.
Not acquainted with a mass murdering Mandela.

No, I do not see Sharon like Mandela.

There are not over 20000 dead in Lebanon because of Mandela, likely 40 % or more of whom are children.

There are not entire families to include children massacred in Gaza because of Mandela.

There is not a Sabra and Shatila massacre I can give Mandela credit for.

There are not Palestinian villages ethnically cleansed by Mandela.

Sharon and Mandela are opposites of one another.

Sharon represents/ is on the side of the colonist who comes to steal and kill.

Mandela is on the side of the people victims of the Colonist Occupation and Apartheid and oppression
I will stick with the words of Jesus, keep your cultist Christian scientists all for yourself.

Put Him on and you take a break. For at least a week.

You expecting some Zionist Prophecy to unfold over the next week?

I would not be expecting too much.

Jesus says we shall not know the day or hour He shall return. Matthew 24:36

Do you know what the first sign will be Fatima, as many Christian scientists have studied all end times prophesies to see what it is and how it equates to the modern day.

The sky will light up from a solar flare ionising the atmosphere, then the satellite communications will cease to work causing communications to fail. Then the computer systems on planes will fail and they will crash, the internet will implode and there will be no more message boards. Electricity power stations will stop working plunging the world into a blackout and lastly the Earths surface will start to catch fire from the radiation leaking through the ionosphere.
They are tipping a major flare this weekend that will bring an end to the ice age gripping the US, but will engulf it in floods. Is this your vengeful God taking action against the Satanists like yourself who are attacking his chosen people.
More about Zionism, that racist Regime in Occupied Palestine:

"Taking note also*of resolution 77 (XII) adopted by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of African Unity at its twelfth ordinary session,*hold at Kampala from 28 July to 1 August 1975, which considered "that the racist regime in occupied Palestine and the racist regimes in Zimbabwe and South Africa have a common imperialist origin, forming a whole and having the same racist structure and being organically linked in their policy aimed at repression of the dignity and integrity of the human being",:

A/RES/3379 (XXX) of 10 November 1975

Hasn't this been revoked by the UN because it was legalised anti Semitism and a breach of the UN charter. It was a simple resolution that contained just these few words.

"The General Assembly Decides to revoke the determination contained in its resolution 3379 (XXX) of 10 November 1975."

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 46/86 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is the gist of UN res 46/86 passed by 111 votes to 25.

Don't forget these words of you president elect at the time who promoted the resolution

UNGA Resolution 3379, the so-called "Zionism is racism" resolution, mocks this pledge and the principles upon which the United Nations was founded. And I call now for its repeal. Zionism is not a policy; it is the idea that led to the creation of a home for the Jewish people, to the State of Israel. And to equate Zionism with the intolerable sin of racism is to twist history and forget the terrible plight of Jews in World War II and, indeed, throughout history. To equate Zionism with racism is to reject Israel itself, a member of good standing of the United Nations.
This body cannot claim to seek peace and at the same time challenge Israel's right to exist. By repealing this resolution unconditionally, the United Nations will enhance its credibility and serve the cause of peace.

So do you reject Israel and the whole of the UN charter because you are a RACIST ANTI CHRISTIAN SATANIST
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I will be closely watching if Phoneall s predictions for the next week come true or not.

But I am convinced they will not.
Putting hate and lies into big letters or black letters or red letters does not turn it into Truth.

Zionism is and was racism.

And your post is a copyright violation the way you posted it.
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Not acquainted with a mass murdering Mandela.

No, I do not see Sharon like Mandela.

There are not over 20000 dead in Lebanon because of Mandela, likely 40 % or more of whom are children.

There are not entire families to include children massacred in Gaza because of Mandela.

There is not a Sabra and Shatila massacre I can give Mandela credit for.

There are not Palestinian villages ethnically cleansed by Mandela.

Sharon and Mandela are opposites of one another.

Sharon represents/ is on the side of the colonist who comes to steal and kill.

Mandela is on the side of the people victims of the Colonist Occupation and Apartheid and oppression

There are over 2 million dead in S.A because if mandela

There are whole families mass murdered by his neo Marxist ANC

There are in S.A

There are in S.A.

There are 1 million whites ethnically cleansed by Mandela

Yes they are Mandela was a convicted terrorist
Sharon remains in grave condition following dramatic decline


LAST UPDATED: 01/10/2014 07:16

Former prime minister's life teetering on the edge; Sheba Medical Center says 85-year-old facing "final hours".

Sharon's family gathered at the hospital to be with him in his final moments. His sons Omri and Gilad have been by his side since his condition deteriorated on January 1.

“He is fighting and we are here with him all the time,” Omri Sharon told*The Jerusalem Post*on Thursday afternoon.

Sharon’s vital organs have failed, including his kidneys and his lungs. His blood pressure and heartbeat, which returned to normal on Monday, deteriorated again on Thursday.

Media from around the world gathered at the hospital to deliver the news in case the former prime minister’s death was announced. Police distanced photographers and prevented them from taking pictures of the Sharon family

Sharon remains in grave condition following dramatic decline | JPost | Israel News
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There is simply no truth in a Zionist, don't believe a word you posted.

You cannot blame one man for deaths that resulted as a people resisting Apartheid.

It's like picking out a Jewish person who survived the Holocaust and blaming them for Holocaust deaths.

Very sick practice.

Not acquainted with a mass murdering Mandela.

No, I do not see Sharon like Mandela.

There are not over 20000 dead in Lebanon because of Mandela, likely 40 % or more of whom are children.

There are not entire families to include children massacred in Gaza because of Mandela.

There is not a Sabra and Shatila massacre I can give Mandela credit for.

There are not Palestinian villages ethnically cleansed by Mandela.

Sharon and Mandela are opposites of one another.

Sharon represents/ is on the side of the colonist who comes to steal and kill.

Mandela is on the side of the people victims of the Colonist Occupation and Apartheid and oppression

There are over 2 million dead in S.A because if mandela

There are whole families mass murdered by his neo Marxist ANC

There are in S.A

There are in S.A.

There are 1 million whites ethnically cleansed by Mandela

Yes they are Mandela was a convicted terrorist
I want him to live 8 more years, you apparently did not read my post where I addressed that.

But it appears God has His own plans for Sharon.
Never committed an act of terror and I never killed and I oppose violence in al circumstances.

Now, how am I a terrorist?
Sharon was a controversial man and he has had a long life.

I submit to everyone here that no person's opinion about Sharon makes them a terrorist .
I will stick with the words of Jesus, keep your cultist Christian scientists all for yourself.

You expecting some Zionist Prophecy to unfold over the next week?

I would not be expecting too much.

Jesus says we shall not know the day or hour He shall return. Matthew 24:36

Do you know what the first sign will be Fatima, as many Christian scientists have studied all end times prophesies to see what it is and how it equates to the modern day.

The sky will light up from a solar flare ionising the atmosphere, then the satellite communications will cease to work causing communications to fail. Then the computer systems on planes will fail and they will crash, the internet will implode and there will be no more message boards. Electricity power stations will stop working plunging the world into a blackout and lastly the Earths surface will start to catch fire from the radiation leaking through the ionosphere.
They are tipping a major flare this weekend that will bring an end to the ice age gripping the US, but will engulf it in floods. Is this your vengeful God taking action against the Satanists like yourself who are attacking his chosen people.

I would hardly call the Catholic monsignors cultist Christians, would you Fatima. Those very enlightened and highly educated scientific leaders in their fields.

Now what is it Christ Jesus says about the end times again.

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