Shaved Her Legs And Then He Was A She


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Chelsea Manning Allowed to Formally Change Name

Bradley Manning is now Chelsea. Do not say "he" any more.

For example:

Manning’s private struggle to identify as a woman became public after she was sentenced to 35 years in prison last August for leaking more than 700,000 government files. Manning didn’t attend the minute-long name-change hearing Wednesday, but issued a statement that it was “an exciting day.”

Manning wrote that while she struggled with her gender identity, she felt compelled to legally change her name through the courts. But she said she still needs the military’s help to get proper healthcare access.

She said she went last August to be evaluated for a “treatment plan” suited for transgender people.

Treatment plan? Does that mean surgery?


Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side. Doo do doo do doo do do doo...
What a reward for betraying the nation's military secrets! It should be a lesson to all the other loons in the military.
Manning is going to mount a PMS defense on appeal. "I was on a hormonal estrogen-fueled roller coaster that week. Plus also I was binging on Twinkies and had eaten a mad cow disease infected hamburger."
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With a minimal effort pertaining to looks, Chelsea/Bradley could easily pass as a great looking liberal.

Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz better be aware!
Manning is going to mount a PMS defense on appeal.
I am serious. There is a tranny (sex change while in prison) murderer appealing their sentence, on the basis that the testosterone made them do it.

I tried to look it up quick-like but cannot find it right now. You will just have to trust me on this one.
Manning is going to mount a PMS defense on appeal.
I am serious. There is a tranny (sex change while in prison) murderer appealing their sentence, on the basis that the testosterone made them do it.

I tried to look it up quick-like but cannot find it right now. You will just have to trust me on this one.
I trust you beyond this one. :eusa_liar:
This is actually old news, but anyway as I predicted a year ago Manning is expecting taxpayers to pick up the tab for his transformer surgery.
Little fucking bastard/bitch.
Manning did this nation a solid - be it by Brad or by Chelsea - and she (as per her preference) deserves the gratitude of her nation. Barring that, and you idiots will see to it that fairy tales will remain the news of your day, she deserves any and ALL support she asks for.
Manning did this nation a solid - be it by Brad or by Chelsea - and she (as per her preference) deserves the gratitude of her nation. Barring that, and you idiots will see to it that fairy tales will remain the news of your day, she deserves any and ALL support she asks for.

I will call her Chelsea and use feminine pronouns for her.

But I will not honor her spiteful, traitorous actions.

I will continue to question how the army let someone so unstable have access to so much sensitive information.

This is definitely something which needs to be fixed.

My reference to her instability has nothing to do with her transgender status. I have a beautiful transgender friend who lived a life of honor and honorable service to our country. Any comments I make about Chelsea are purely about her as an individual.
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Hey babe. Take a walk on the Wild Side.


Peace Out
With a minimal effort pertaining to looks, Chelsea/Bradley could easily pass as a great looking liberal.

Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz better be aware!

Jan Brewer is frickin' hot! Get me the vaseline and a towel, quick....

Manning did this nation a solid - be it by Brad or by Chelsea - and she (as per her preference) deserves the gratitude of her nation. Barring that, and you idiots will see to it that fairy tales will remain the news of your day, she deserves any and ALL support she asks for.

Lol !:cuckoo:
Manning did this nation a solid - be it by Brad or by Chelsea - and she (as per her preference) deserves the gratitude of her nation. Barring that, and you idiots will see to it that fairy tales will remain the news of your day, she deserves any and ALL support she asks for.

I will call her Chelsea and use feminine pronouns for her.

But I will not honor her spiteful, traitorous actions.

I will continue to question how the army let someone so unstable have access to so much sensitive information.

This is definitely something which needs to be fixed.

It sure is.

All that sensitive information should never have been left lying around on computers for misquided kids to play with...or any kids.

It should all have been locked up in "Fort Knox" with only 3 at a time senior intelligence officials allowed to access it.
Ditto all those 'WikiLeaks' cables.

And kids like Lynndie England should never have been assigned to the military intelligence wing of Abu Ghraib...notice how only the kids at the bottom of the ladder went to prison etc.

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