She Cannot Rule Out Liechtenstein Either


Sep 23, 2010
UNITED NATIONS (AP) — U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power told an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council on Friday that the United States cannot rule out that Russia helped in the launch of the surface-to-air missile that shot down a Malaysian Airlines jet over eastern Ukraine, killing all 298 people on board.

US at UN: Can’t rule out Russian role in plane downing
By Associated Press July 18, 2014 11:59 AM

US at UN: Can't rule out Russian role in plane downing

Exactly why does the United Nations have a role in this at all —— aside from an excuse to pontificate about non-existent International law?

When will those quislings in Washington ever learn that Russia and/or China hold all of the cards in the United Nations? The answer is never if you forget what US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power says when she is milking one incident and research her well-documented agenda. Note that Power’s wraps herself in the flag and says what has to be said to garner the votes of Senate conservatives at a confirmation hearing. Analyze what she says and you’ll see that she wants to strengthen the United Nations by surrendering America’s sovereignty to an ORGANIZATION.

. . . Kurtz calls Power “a patriot’s nightmare — a woman determined to subordinate America’s national sovereignty” to her own vision of how the world ought to work and what global role the US ought to play.

The ugly truth about Obama advisor Samantha Power
April 6, 2011 | Modified: March 16, 2012 at 7:26 am
Neil Hrab

The ugly truth about Obama advisor Samantha Power |


A member of the president’s National Security Council who shares Noam Chomsky’s foreign-policy goals? An influential presidential adviser whom 1960s revolutionary Tom Hayden treats as a fellow radical? A White House official who wrote a book aiming to turn an anti-American, anti-Israel, Marxist-inspired, world-government-loving United Nations bureaucrat into a popular hero? Samantha Power, senior director of multilateral affairs for the National Security Council and perhaps the principal architect of our current intervention in Libya, is all of these things.

These scary-sounding tidbits might be dismissed as isolated “gotchas.” Unfortunately, when we view these radical outcroppings in the full sweep of her life’s work, Samantha Power emerges as a patriot’s nightmare — a woman determined to subordinate America’s national sovereignty to an international order largely controlled by leftist bureaucrats. Superficially, Power’s chief concern is to put a stop to genocide and “crimes against humanity.” More deeply, her goal is to use our shared horror at the worst that human beings can do in order to institute an ever-broadening regime of redistributive transnational governance.

April 5, 2011 4:00 A.M.
Samantha Power’s Power
On the ideology of an Obama adviser

Samantha Power?s Power | National Review Online

If a minimum of research does not convince you as to what that woman is, remember that she was nominated by America-hater Barack Taqiyya, and traitor John Kerry is her immediate boss.

The only way I can see America benefitting from the conflict in the Ukraine is for the whole mess ending up discrediting the United Nations, Samantha Powers, and New World Order crowd.

Irrespective of wall-to-wall media coverage, I personally care less about Malaysia Airlines Flight MH 17 than I cared about Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.

NOTE: FOX cancelled O’Reilly last night for a “special” about MH 17 hosted by The Five like those characters were going say anything that is not being said everywhere else 24-7. In truth, FOX was trying to cash in on a tragedy by giving a failing show a little prime time exposure.

Talking heads tell us that “WE” all fly at one time or another; so we should all be outraged. The fact is: A very small percentage of Americans ever travel by air, and a minute fraction of one percent of the world’s population ever sets foot on a plane.

Finally, Israel going into Gaza is the other top story. (The media hates it when two big ones break at the same time because advertisers get a twofer.)

Personally, I am very much interested in the Israel story. I do not have to listen to everything being said. Israel has the Right to defend itself and that is all there is to it. I admit my interest is more selfish than it is altruistic. Israelis are killing the people who want to kill me.
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Finally, Israel going into Gaza is the other top story. (The media hates it when two big ones break at the same time because advertisers get a twofer.)

Personally, I am very much interested in the Israel story. I do not have to listen to everything being said. Israel has the Right to defend itself and that is all there is to it. I admit my interest is more selfish than it is altruistic. Israelis are killing the people who want to kill me.

As Chester A. Riley used to say “What a revolting development this is.” Let’s see if Samantha Power’s offers any comments beyond the standard lip service that quickly ends up in Hamas’ File & Forget drawer:

Things that shouldn’t be there have a way of turning up at the omnipresent installations of the world’s largest bureaucracy known as the United Nations.


“Yesterday, in the course of the regular inspection of its premises, UNRWA discovered approximately 20 rockets hidden in a vacant school in the Gaza strip.” (Times of Israel, July 17, 2014)

“UNRWA strongly condemns the group or groups responsible for placing the weapons in one of its installations,” the agency said in a statement.

This from the officials if the same agency, which has a reputation in Jerusalem of being “exceedingly critical of Israeli policies vis-à-vis the Palestinians,” as pointed out by Israel Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman.

Hiding Hamas’ Weapons at the UN
By Judi McLeod July 18, 2014

Hiding Hamas? Weapons at the UN

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