She Had A Name...Remembering Mary Jo Kopechne.


14 times you made the same claim on just this thread
Are you going for a record ?

Or is it just your alzheimers kicking in and you don't realize you already posted this

Yeah, he did the same thing on the msnbc boards. He doesn't debate. He just parrots the same moronic BS over and over again because he os one of those who believes that the more often something is repeated the more true it becomes.

Facts are of no concern to him and you notice this based on the fact that he has been parroting his comments about the "liberal media" as he ignores the fact that she has been mentioned and talked about.

libo is just as worthless on this board as he was on the other one.

What was his name on the other board? I don't remember him

14 times you made the same claim on just this thread
Are you going for a record ?

Or is it just your alzheimers kicking in and you don't realize you already posted this

Yeah, he did the same thing on the msnbc boards. He doesn't debate. He just parrots the same moronic BS over and over again because he os one of those who believes that the more often something is repeated the more true it becomes.

Facts are of no concern to him and you notice this based on the fact that he has been parroting his comments about the "liberal media" as he ignores the fact that she has been mentioned and talked about.

libo is just as worthless on this board as he was on the other one.

What was his name on the other board? I don't remember him

He had the same name. I just usually ignored him, as did most people, because he isn't interested in a debate and is nothing more than a worthless troll who parrots whatever talking point BS that he has been fed and rarely strays from the script.
No, it's actually more along the lines of "let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

How can you honestly be critical of the left when you give a pass to the right for similar transgressions??

You know, it's kind of like the right making such a huge deal about perjury, which clinton did NOT commit and then when scooter libby was found GUILTY of perjury these same righties had a different standard for one of their own and his punishment was too harsh.
I don't play left/right games,

And yet you do and that is exactly what you are doing now.

and what you are attempting is an absurd moral equivency scenario.

Actually no and if you could follow along I already explained it to you. I am not comparing the chappaquidick accident with any other incident to say that they are morally equal and that they cancel out. All I am doing is demanding fairness and honesty from the right and that they hold themselves to the same standard that they hold the left. Of course they never do as they still try to attack the left as they turn a blind eye to similar actions perpetrated by their own.

Fatboy drove off a road, left a girl to die and went home, only bothering to report it 8 hours later AFTER her body had been found.

It's funny how you CHOOSE to leave out info that doesn't support your biased dishonest and partisan OPINIONS. He tried to rescue her and even got help in his attemptS. He did not just "leave her there" as you dishoenst hacks continue to claim. No I am not defending his actions of going back to his hotel and not reporting the crime immediately. He, like cheney when he shot his friend in the face, should have reported the incident immediately. Both were wrong in failing to report the incidents immediately but I seem to remember a whole hel of a lot of people on the right defending the inactions of cheney and i find it odd that they seem to have a different standard when a democrat is concerned.

There is no defense of that,

LOL there are plenty of VALID defenses to what actually happened but then you aren't interested in that now are you?? You wish to continue to argue that he just swam from the car and said "oh well, i will just leave her there." and didn't try to do anything to help her. It was an accident and as most accidents do, it ended horribly.

only a fool would attempt to say you can criticise it.

Is that supposed to make sense??

Kennedy was a first class turd, not a hero, not a good man, a genuine lump of shit walking.

Says the hatefilled hack claiming not to be a righty as he takes their old talking points on this incident and runs with them. LOL
R.I.P. Maryjo. Some of us never forgot you.

R.I.P. Maryjo. Some of us never forgot TO EXPLOIT AND USE youR TRAGIC DEATH AS A POLITICAL TOOL.

There, I fixed it for you. LOL

And you did so in direct violation of the rules:

From this point forward, since some want to abuse it, and others want to whine all over my PM box about it, altering quotes from other members will no longer be allowed until further notice.

If you do so, you will be warned the first time. Each time thereafter will result in a 1 point infraction.

Once again, you can thank the minority for the majority not being able to have nice things, that in context can be fun.
I have NEVER heard anyone on the left say she was sleeping with him so he bumped her off to keep her quiet.

That is what the right have said ALL my life.

Just because you have never heard it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I have heard it, from both sides. It doesn't really matter who says it, it's wrong. Nobody ever knows the whole story behind these things. But until someone proves to me i'm wrong, i'll always believe he was just a no-good spoiled liar.

Now go get me some proof any left leaning person has said this

Why don't you get off this??? I just said - it doesn't matter to me WHO said it, it was WRONG! Why are you getting so defensive??
No reason to exert yourself, libbie. The most liberal of the liberal MSM gives that guy his own morning talk show. Of course, Joe's staffer didn't drown. Same difference.

And before you start squawking, I like Scarborough and his show. What happened years ago is a mystery to which I have no answers, and is between him and his Maker. How much more so Kennedy?

Give it a rest, we all got fed up with your dozen or so bile-dripping Mary Jo threads on the old MSNBC boards. What happened to her was tragic, and Ted paid for it with his failure to win the job he really wanted and could never have. It was also 46 years ago and shrouded in urban legend.

It's time to let them both rest in peace.

Good grief....the truth is that Ted Kennedy was drunk, he drove his car into a lake, he got out and left Mary Jo to DIE. He walked passed dozens of houses on his way back to the party to get his brothers. Mary Jo lived in an air pocket for an hour after the car went into the lake. Had he gone to the first house and called the cops, she would have survived. Then he swam to the mainland and put in an appearance at the hotel bar as an alibi.

The Kennedy family paid Mary Jo's family over $100,000 not to have an autopsy performed, saying that it would prove they'd had sex and would ruin her reputation. Not a word about Teddy's reputation.....

Somehow, I don't think not getting to be president is payment enough for manslaughter at the least and murder at the most.
You can't live in an air pocket in a car for an hour. In almost no time at all the air pocket would be your exhalations and not breathable air.

If he'd gone to the first house and called the cops chances are she would have died anyway. The only thing that would have saved her is if Kennedy had been sober enough to figure out how to get her out of the car or if there was a witness on shore that knew how to rescue someone from a car. Alternately, she could have broken out the window and saved herself...but most people don't know how to accomplish that.

That cannot be accomplished without the right tools (I have one on my keychain) and yes, a person can live for a long time in a airpocket, depending on it's size, the car wasn't completely sunk and his brothers even waded into the water to try and open the doors to get her out....chances are, had he gone to the first house to get help, she would have been saved, he was too worried about what it would to do his career to even think about it.
Ted Kennedy was probably the greatest U.S. Senator that ever held office. He was clearly the leader of the Democratic party for decades. He worked tirelessly to combat the evil which the right sought to inflict upon our country. He will be sorely missed and, at least for the moment, impossible to replace.

Did you actually type that with a straight face?
Ted Kennedy was probably the greatest U.S. Senator that ever held office. He was clearly the leader of the Democratic party for decades. He worked tirelessly to combat the evil which the right sought to inflict upon our country. He will be sorely missed and, at least for the moment, impossible to replace.

Did you actually type that with a straight face?

I don't know about George, but you would be amazed by the things I could say with a straight face. Typing something with a straight face would require no effort whatsoever.
Edited because it was too stupid to answer

Hey clueless, in case your stupid noob ass hasn't noticed, its immpossible for me to be a 'hack' because I loathe the GoP also.

Get a fucking clue before wasting your time trying to play your idiot partisan games with me.
Edited because it was too stupid to answer

Hey clueless, in case your stupid noob ass hasn't noticed, its immpossible for me to be a 'hack' because I loathe the GoP also.

Get a fucking clue before wasting your time trying to play your idiot partisan games with me.

more partisan hackery. :lol:
These stupid noobs all seem to be the same, anyone that doesn't like someone they like is automatically on the other side.

His head is so far up the Democratic party's ass he fails to realize that he is excusing an inexcusable act and calling anyone who says so 'hateful'.

In short, he is the definition of stupid partisan hack.
Hey clueless, in case your stupid noob ass hasn't noticed, its immpossible for me to be a 'hack' because I loathe the GoP also.

Get a fucking clue before wasting your time trying to play your idiot partisan games with me.

more partisan hackery. :lol:
These stupid noobs all seem to be the same, anyone that doesn't like someone they like is automatically on the other side.

His head is so far up the Democratic party's ass he fails to realize that he is excusing an inexcusable act and calling anyone who says so 'hateful'.

In short, he is the definition of stupid partisan hack.

Yup. Wonder what he'll do when Bush or Cheney pass.
more partisan hackery. :lol:
These stupid noobs all seem to be the same, anyone that doesn't like someone they like is automatically on the other side.

His head is so far up the Democratic party's ass he fails to realize that he is excusing an inexcusable act and calling anyone who says so 'hateful'.

In short, he is the definition of stupid partisan hack.

Yup. Wonder what he'll do when Bush or Cheney pass.
Hopefully I will be here to say similar things about them as I have for the fat lump of shit who left a woman to drown, and protected his raping nephew in the Kennedy 'compound' for getting his just desserts.
I have told this story before, but I guess it is worth repeating....

Two of my very best employees, who were sent to Ft Lauderdale to close one of our Jordan Marsh stores there which was going to turn in to a Burdines because they had bought us out....I was a Merchandise Manager for the Department Store's Shoe Depts and since we were a leased company, part of INTERCO...International Shoe Corporation who in addition to having the Leases in a handful of major department stores Shoe departments, also owned other companies like London Fog Raincoats and Florsheim and Converse shoes at the time...Federated Stores bought Allied Stores....

Anyway, Scott was a Shoe Buyer, and Jerry was my Regional Shoe Manager, and was the link between the Buyers and our Stores and shoe department managers and their visual displays etc.

I sent Scott to FTLauderdale region...actually the Broward Mall Jordan Marsh/MaasBrothers store to pack up our merchandise left after all the going out of business clearnace...And I sent Jerry there too...

These two guys had known eachother from work for over 3 years and were best buddies even though scott lived in Tampa and Jerry lived in Boca Raton, scott was around 28 at the time and Jerry was older, maybe 36 or so....

Well they spent 12 hours at the store packing up, got there at 6am and quit at around 6 pm, and afterwards went to a local bar for happy hour and put down, one too many.

They left the bar, Scott was driving and when they got to Oakland Blvd in Ft Laud, Scott lost control of his car and hit a telephone pole. Scott had his seatbelt on and a new car with an airbag, Jerry was not wearing his seatbelt and got thrown through the opened sunroof, and was decapitated with little attached. It was the Law to wear your seat belt in florida, but even when I came in to town to visit the Stores with Jerry, he insisted, and I mean insisted that he not wear his seat belt....he had been in a car accident when he was younger, where his friend was wearing the seatbelt and he was not and they went over a ledge in to the water and jerry was the passanger and got out, but his friend with the seatbelt DID NOT or something like that... and died, so he just NEVER wore a seat belt.

Either way, both Scott and Jerry were drunk as a skunk...

Scott found Jerry on the ground without his head attached and held him in his arms until the cops got there, sobbing profusely...cops said he was uncontrollably shaking and would not let him go, even when the ambulance got there....

Anyway, this happened earlier that evening, but as an executive with the Company, at around 3am the phone rang which was on Matt's side of the bed...we both sat up and thought, WTF? And BEFORE MATT answered the phone, I SAID, Jerry is DEAD and low and behold it was our Comptroller of the Company, notifying me of the car accident with Scott and Jerry and that Jerry was dead.

This was my second experience where for some strange reason, I knew someone was dead, before I was actually told they were dead...and 2 more times afterwards, so far! :eek:.... it is spooky!

Well, To get to the point of my story...Scott was my best and most responsible Buyer, Jerry was my best Divisional, (I had 2, one for east coast stores, one for west coast stores), I truly loved them both, as workers and as people. Jerry had a 16 yr old daughter who he loved dearly, but was with his exwife up north, along with his parents up north left behind....They knew that Scott did not mean to kill Jerry, they knew he was one of Jerry's best buddies...they knew he didn't ever want to wear his seat belt, they knew he too was drunk along with scott....and they were Catholic....Christians to the bottom of their soul I suppose, and they contacted the ft laud police and told them they did NOT want scott to go to jail for Manslaughter..... And honestly, I didn't would been a waste of a very good person who was very very very stupid...

Jerry's family followed through and wrote a letter saying such...

Scott got a lawyer, that he paid $5k to, who got him off of having to do any jail time but he did have some kind of restrictions or probation....he could only use his car to go back and forth to work for some time...can't remember how long...

We had given him about a month off and i spoke to him several times on the phone right after the accident but before he had to be back at work, and not once was he not sobbing with me....and I sobbed back, just could help it...i could feel his sorrow, along with my own.

Anyway, when he got back to work, it was hard...every time i looked at him, I thought of Jerry and every time he looked at me...I could see he thought of Jerry, because i could see his eyes took months before things were somewhat normal for him and by then we had boxed up our last store that we were closing and the company shut it's doors...Dillard's came in to the region and opened a Buyers Office nearby in St pete and I interviewed there about 2 weeks before we shut our doors and Scott interviewed for a Buyer's position as well...I got the job, he did not get he moved back to ft laud, I kept in touch for a while and then lost touch when I moved up to massachusetts.

I guess what I am trying to say, is that Scott was punished enough, by killing Jerry...and even Jerry's family knew it, and I would bet, that if I could find scott today, that his eyes would still well up, thinking about what he did...killing another human being by accident, is a horrible thing to live with...I am certain, that Ted Kennedy felt the same and Mary Jo's family forgave least I hope so.

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Ted Kennedy was probably the greatest U.S. Senator that ever held office. He was clearly the leader of the Democratic party for decades. He worked tirelessly to combat the evil which the right sought to inflict upon our country. He will be sorely missed and, at least for the moment, impossible to replace.
I am not a republican

That being said; Ted Kennedy was a political hack and a total puke.

His agenda and stances were about as anti-American as they come.

It will take decades to repair the damage he inflected on this country.

And just think...Obama idolizes the man! Now we know where he gets all his great ideas...ha!
Anyone remember the name of Joe Scarborough's staff member who was found dead in his office? It was Lori Klausutis. Her death was ruled heart failure but she had skull fractures.

Yeah, that's what happens when you suffer a major heart attack, fall and hit your head on the ground. The skull has a tendency to crack when it hits the floor.
Seriously, it's not a difficult thing to understand, unless you're a loony liberal moron!:cuckoo:

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