She Had A Name...Remembering Mary Jo Kopechne.

Good grief....the truth is that Ted Kennedy was drunk, he drove his car into a lake, he got out and left Mary Jo to DIE. He walked passed dozens of houses on his way back to the party to get his brothers. Mary Jo lived in an air pocket for an hour after the car went into the lake. Had he gone to the first house and called the cops, she would have survived. Then he swam to the mainland and put in an appearance at the hotel bar as an alibi.

The Kennedy family paid Mary Jo's family over $100,000 not to have an autopsy performed, saying that it would prove they'd had sex and would ruin her reputation. Not a word about Teddy's reputation.....

Somehow, I don't think not getting to be president is payment enough for manslaughter at the least and murder at the most.
You can't live in an air pocket in a car for an hour. In almost no time at all the air pocket would be your exhalations and not breathable air.

If he'd gone to the first house and called the cops chances are she would have died anyway. The only thing that would have saved her is if Kennedy had been sober enough to figure out how to get her out of the car or if there was a witness on shore that knew how to rescue someone from a car. Alternately, she could have broken out the window and saved herself...but most people don't know how to accomplish that.

That cannot be accomplished without the right tools (I have one on my keychain) and yes, a person can live for a long time in a airpocket, depending on it's size, the car wasn't completely sunk and his brothers even waded into the water to try and open the doors to get her out....chances are, had he gone to the first house to get help, she would have been saved, he was too worried about what it would to do his career to even think about it.

How could there have been an air pocket if Kennedy got out of the car? Wouldn't that have let all the water in to the car, on his exit?

Also, i am uncertain if cars had electric windows back then? Most car windows simply rolled up or down with a manual crank, didn't they?
You can't live in an air pocket in a car for an hour. In almost no time at all the air pocket would be your exhalations and not breathable air.

If he'd gone to the first house and called the cops chances are she would have died anyway. The only thing that would have saved her is if Kennedy had been sober enough to figure out how to get her out of the car or if there was a witness on shore that knew how to rescue someone from a car. Alternately, she could have broken out the window and saved herself...but most people don't know how to accomplish that.

That cannot be accomplished without the right tools (I have one on my keychain) and yes, a person can live for a long time in a airpocket, depending on it's size, the car wasn't completely sunk and his brothers even waded into the water to try and open the doors to get her out....chances are, had he gone to the first house to get help, she would have been saved, he was too worried about what it would to do his career to even think about it.

How could there have been an air pocket if Kennedy got out of the car? Wouldn't that have let all the water in to the car, on his exit?

Also, i am uncertain if cars had electric windows back then? Most car windows simply rolled up or down with a manual crank, didn't they?

There is no way an air pocket would have lasted for any length of time. But if she was knocked out in the accident she wouldn't have been able to roll down the window or open the door.
How many of you know Kennedy was wearing a back brace( from almost dying in a plane crash in 1964) and could not remember how he got out of the car.

It was summer time folks and the windows were likely open.

BTW Kennedy was diagnosed with a cuncussive head injury and shock.

The man was in a concussion and in shock.

Try to think striaght under those conditions.

Those are all hard facts which are in the record and court documents
How many of you know Kennedy was wearing a back brace( from almost dying in a plane crash in 1964) and could not remember how he got out of the car.

It was summer time folks and the windows were likely open.

BTW Kennedy was diagnosed with a cuncussive head injury and shock.

The man was in a concussion and in shock.

Try to think striaght under those conditions.

Those are all hard facts which are in the record and court documents

Diagnosis given by Kennedy family doctor...

Remarkable how so many who feel 9-11 was an inside government job have a hard time believing a hard drinking Kennedy drove a car off a bridge, panicked, and left a woman to drown while swimming across the channel back to his room where he failed to call authorities - even after waking the following morning...

The Real Ted Kennedy | Quazen

From there, the story becomes muddled, either by intent, or circumstance. What is known is that Kennedy got out of the car that was sitting upside down in the channel and Mary Jo Kopechne did not. Kennedy claims he tried to rescue her numerous times, and that he ran to get help. What Kennedy did not do, was notify the authorities of the accident. What he did do was swim across the channel and return to his hotel room in nearby Edgartown where he remained until morning. The first persons to actually notify authorities of the accident were two fishermen - a call was not made until around 8:30 the following morning, the same time witnesses saw Ted Kennedy talking outside his hotel room to other guests regarding the results of the sailing race held the previous day. Kennedy apparently gave no indication of any knowledge of the accident to anyone at the hotel.

The Real Ted Kennedy | Quazen
and you do realize you are now insulting this Dr without any proof he did anything wrong?
He did not then swim back to his hotel so you are already stating the facts wrong
How many of you know Kennedy was wearing a back brace( from almost dying in a plane crash in 1964) and could not remember how he got out of the car.

It was summer time folks and the windows were likely open.

BTW Kennedy was diagnosed with a cuncussive head injury and shock.

The man was in a concussion and in shock.

Try to think striaght under those conditions.

Those are all hard facts which are in the record and court documents

so??? do we give him a medal or an atta boy pin????
and you do realize you are now insulting this Dr without any proof he did anything wrong?

What is known is that Kennedy got out of the car that was sitting upside down in the channel and Mary Jo Kopechne did not. Kennedy claims he tried to rescue her numerous times, and that he ran to get help. What Kennedy did not do, was notify the authorities of the accident. What he did do was swim across the channel and return to his hotel room in nearby Edgartown where he remained until morning. The first persons to actually notify authorities of the accident were two fishermen - a call was not made until around 8:30 the following morning, the same time witnesses saw Ted Kennedy talking outside his hotel room to other guests regarding the results of the sailing race held the previous day. Kennedy apparently gave no indication of any knowledge of the accident to anyone at the hotel. Upon learning of the accident having been discovered by authorities, Kennedy made a number of phone calls to apparent advisors before travelling to the police station at 10:00 am where he submitted a hand written statement regarding the incident. Kennedy would later enter a plea of guilty for leaving the scene of an accident, and was given a suspended sentence of two months - the minimum sentence allowable by law. Even after another judge found Kennedy to have been negligent in Kopechne’s death, no further charges were filed against him. It was later discovered Kennedy had paid the parents of Kopechne over $90,000 following the accident.

The Real Ted Kennedy | Quazen
He did not then swim acrossed the channnel.

ALL the witnesses said he then walked back to the samll cottage where everyone else was at and got two of the men to go back to the car with him where they tried to find MJK, they dove repetedly and could not find her in the lack of light and murky water.

they then went back to the cottage and Kennedy swam the channel back to his hotel.

He had a concussion and was in shock.

Is it so hard to believe a man who was in a car accident where the car turned upsidedown and fell into a body of water had a concussion and was in shock?

MLK had blood in her mouth, she had hit something with her head (probably the dash) and very likely drowned imediately. An unconsious person will breathe in water like it was air unknowingly.

Is it so hard to think she was injured and drowned imediately while in a accidnt such as this?
The Real Ted Kennedy | Quazen

Senator Ted Kennedy remained to the end, a man of consistent contradiction - a figure far removed from the more traditional American liberalism of his brothers, but rather, the newer liberalism of entitlement, so often bereft of personal character or dignity, where those in need are not given opportunity, but rather a habitual handout, thus ensuring they are always in need, and thankful of the very bonds that bind them in perpetual slavery to the security offered them by Big Government. Long gone is the Jack Kennedy mantra of “Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.”, replaced instead by the prevailing example of being given that which is neither necessary, nor needed, but increasingly expected.

Senator Kennedy is gone, but his kind of politician is now legion - a condescending righteousness whose primary purpose is to convince the rest of us that only they are truly capable of knowing what it is we need. That only government is to be allowed to ask the question and provide the answer, and we are to simply be thankful for what is given us.

Whether or not America will be thankful for the complicated legacy of Senator Edward Kennedy remains to be seen…

The Real Ted Kennedy | Quazen
How many of you know Kennedy was wearing a back brace( from almost dying in a plane crash in 1964) and could not remember how he got out of the car.

It was summer time folks and the windows were likely open.

BTW Kennedy was diagnosed with a cuncussive head injury and shock.

The man was in a concussion and in shock.

Try to think striaght under those conditions.

Those are all hard facts which are in the record and court documents

Diagnosis given by Kennedy family doctor...

Remarkable how so many who feel 9-11 was an inside government job have a hard time believing a hard drinking Kennedy drove a car off a bridge, panicked, and left a woman to drown while swimming across the channel back to his room where he failed to call authorities - even after waking the following morning...

The Real Ted Kennedy | Quazen

From there, the story becomes muddled, either by intent, or circumstance. What is known is that Kennedy got out of the car that was sitting upside down in the channel and Mary Jo Kopechne did not. Kennedy claims he tried to rescue her numerous times, and that he ran to get help. What Kennedy did not do, was notify the authorities of the accident. What he did do was swim across the channel and return to his hotel room in nearby Edgartown where he remained until morning. The first persons to actually notify authorities of the accident were two fishermen - a call was not made until around 8:30 the following morning, the same time witnesses saw Ted Kennedy talking outside his hotel room to other guests regarding the results of the sailing race held the previous day. Kennedy apparently gave no indication of any knowledge of the accident to anyone at the hotel.

The Real Ted Kennedy | Quazen

Doctor's in on the conspiracy!

Does anyone know if this is the same doctor that so-called delivered Obama in Hawaii?

The Real Ted Kennedy | Quazen

Senator Ted Kennedy remained to the end, a man of consistent contradiction - a figure far removed from the more traditional American liberalism of his brothers, but rather, the newer liberalism of entitlement, so often bereft of personal character or dignity, where those in need are not given opportunity, but rather a habitual handout, thus ensuring they are always in need, and thankful of the very bonds that bind them in perpetual slavery to the security offered them by Big Government. Long gone is the Jack Kennedy mantra of “Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.”, replaced instead by the prevailing example of being given that which is neither necessary, nor needed, but increasingly expected.

Senator Kennedy is gone, but his kind of politician is now legion - a condescending righteousness whose primary purpose is to convince the rest of us that only they are truly capable of knowing what it is we need. That only government is to be allowed to ask the question and provide the answer, and we are to simply be thankful for what is given us.

Whether or not America will be thankful for the complicated legacy of Senator Edward Kennedy remains to be seen…

The Real Ted Kennedy | Quazen

How many times are you planning on regurgitating?
The Real Ted Kennedy | Quazen

Senator Ted Kennedy remained to the end, a man of consistent contradiction - a figure far removed from the more traditional American liberalism of his brothers, but rather, the newer liberalism of entitlement, so often bereft of personal character or dignity, where those in need are not given opportunity, but rather a habitual handout, thus ensuring they are always in need, and thankful of the very bonds that bind them in perpetual slavery to the security offered them by Big Government. Long gone is the Jack Kennedy mantra of “Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.”, replaced instead by the prevailing example of being given that which is neither necessary, nor needed, but increasingly expected.

Senator Kennedy is gone, but his kind of politician is now legion - a condescending righteousness whose primary purpose is to convince the rest of us that only they are truly capable of knowing what it is we need. That only government is to be allowed to ask the question and provide the answer, and we are to simply be thankful for what is given us.

Whether or not America will be thankful for the complicated legacy of Senator Edward Kennedy remains to be seen…

The Real Ted Kennedy | Quazen

How many times are you planning on regurgitating?

How many of you know Kennedy was wearing a back brace( from almost dying in a plane crash in 1964) and could not remember how he got out of the car.

It was summer time folks and the windows were likely open.

BTW Kennedy was diagnosed with a cuncussive head injury and shock.

The man was in a concussion and in shock.

Try to think striaght under those conditions.

Those are all hard facts which are in the record and court documents

Yeah, right, he swam all the way back to the mainland with a cuncussion and in shock, and had the wherewithal to get change his clothes and show up in the hotel bar to make a alibi for himself.

I've been in shock...I couldn't do anymore than shake.
That cannot be accomplished without the right tools (I have one on my keychain) and yes, a person can live for a long time in a airpocket, depending on it's size, the car wasn't completely sunk and his brothers even waded into the water to try and open the doors to get her out....chances are, had he gone to the first house to get help, she would have been saved, he was too worried about what it would to do his career to even think about it.

How could there have been an air pocket if Kennedy got out of the car? Wouldn't that have let all the water in to the car, on his exit?

Also, i am uncertain if cars had electric windows back then? Most car windows simply rolled up or down with a manual crank, didn't they?

There is no way an air pocket would have lasted for any length of time. But if she was knocked out in the accident she wouldn't have been able to roll down the window or open the door.

One Kennedy said he was aware of her struggling next to him and two the diver testified he believed she was alive for a least 2 hours down there.

Chapter 3: Chappaquiddick - The Boston Globe

Farrar believed that Kopechne "lived for at least two hours down there.

Frustrated Grand Jurors Say It Was No Accident Ted Kennedy Got Off Easy :

Frustrated Grand Jurors Say It Was No Accident Ted Kennedy Got Off Easy :
How many of you know Kennedy was wearing a back brace( from almost dying in a plane crash in 1964) and could not remember how he got out of the car.

It was summer time folks and the windows were likely open.

BTW Kennedy was diagnosed with a cuncussive head injury and shock.

The man was in a concussion and in shock.

Try to think striaght under those conditions.

Those are all hard facts which are in the record and court documents

Yeah, right, he swam all the way back to the mainland with a cuncussion and in shock, and had the wherewithal to get change his clothes and show up in the hotel bar to make a alibi for himself.

I've been in shock...I couldn't do anymore than shake.

And he made a bunch of phone calls too.

The three men subsequently crossed back to Chappaquiddick Island on the ferry, where Kennedy made a series of phone calls from a payphone by the crossing to his friends for advice; he again did not report the accident to authorities.

Chappaquiddick incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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