She Simply Can't Put Him Away

I think she will lose California. She is behind in the polls already.
Which polls would those be? According to RCP it looks like she's beating him fairly handily in California.
RCP Average 4/7 - 4/30 -- -- 51.0 41.3 Clinton +9.7
KABC/SurveyUSA 4/27 - 4/30 826 LV 3.4 57 38 Clinton +19
FOX News 4/18 - 4/21 623 LV 4.0 48 46 Clinton +2
CBS News/YouGov 4/13 - 4/15 1124 LV 4.5 52 40 Clinton +12
Gravis 4/7 - 4/10 846 LV 3.4 47 41 Clinton +6
Hilly Billy will be the nominee. Then she will lose. Then the Democrats will turn on her with the fury of a rabid dog.
I think she will lose California. She is behind in the polls already.
Which polls would those be? According to RCP it looks like she's beating him fairly handily in California.
RCP Average 4/7 - 4/30 -- -- 51.0 41.3 Clinton +9.7
KABC/SurveyUSA 4/27 - 4/30 826 LV 3.4 57 38 Clinton +19
FOX News 4/18 - 4/21 623 LV 4.0 48 46 Clinton +2
CBS News/YouGov 4/13 - 4/15 1124 LV 4.5 52 40 Clinton +12
Gravis 4/7 - 4/10 846 LV 3.4 47 41 Clinton +6
"Hillary Clinton’s lead over rival Bernie Sanders in California has shrunk to two points, bringing to a screeching halt any momentum she hoped to gain from her 16-point win in New York."

That is inside the margin of error.
I think she will lose California. She is behind in the polls already.
Which polls would those be? According to RCP it looks like she's beating him fairly handily in California.
RCP Average 4/7 - 4/30 -- -- 51.0 41.3 Clinton +9.7
KABC/SurveyUSA 4/27 - 4/30 826 LV 3.4 57 38 Clinton +19
FOX News 4/18 - 4/21 623 LV 4.0 48 46 Clinton +2
CBS News/YouGov 4/13 - 4/15 1124 LV 4.5 52 40 Clinton +12
Gravis 4/7 - 4/10 846 LV 3.4 47 41 Clinton +6
"Hillary Clinton’s lead over rival Bernie Sanders in California has shrunk to two points, bringing to a screeching halt any momentum she hoped to gain from her 16-point win in New York."

That is inside the margin of error.
Yeah it's shrunk to 2 points in ONE POLL (Fox), what about the other 3 that show her beating him by margins outside the MOE including by +19 in the latest poll? The article you linked is out of date since it was published on 4/24 before the KABC/SurveyUSA poll was released.

It would be hilarious if ole Bernie beat her in California but the polls so far don't show him coming even close to doing that.
Conservatives who support Trump in West Virginia, with nothing to lose because Trump won the nomination already, voted for Bernie as an ''against vote'' of Hillary is what I heard on the news last night?
What? No, WV is a closed primary state meaning Trump supporters couldn't cross over and vote in the Dem primary (well, unless you are conceding that many Democrats are Trump supporters)
ahhh, TY. This was CNN election coverage last night....they were saying it was a very odd state....that although most in WV were registered Democrats, (for local elections primarily) they were a very conservative voting constituency and in National elections they vote conservative....they voted against Obama in the 2008 primary and for Hillary, and voted against Obama in the 2008 general, and in 2012 they voted against Obama and went with Romney in the general election.

40% of who they polled that I believe they said were voting Sanders last night, said they were voting for Mr. Trump in November.
I think she will lose California. She is behind in the polls already.
Which polls would those be? According to RCP it looks like she's beating him fairly handily in California.
RCP Average 4/7 - 4/30 -- -- 51.0 41.3 Clinton +9.7
KABC/SurveyUSA 4/27 - 4/30 826 LV 3.4 57 38 Clinton +19
FOX News 4/18 - 4/21 623 LV 4.0 48 46 Clinton +2
CBS News/YouGov 4/13 - 4/15 1124 LV 4.5 52 40 Clinton +12
Gravis 4/7 - 4/10 846 LV 3.4 47 41 Clinton +6
"Hillary Clinton’s lead over rival Bernie Sanders in California has shrunk to two points, bringing to a screeching halt any momentum she hoped to gain from her 16-point win in New York."

That is inside the margin of error.
Yeah it's shrunk to 2 points in ONE POLL (Fox), what about the other 3 that show her beating him by margins outside the MOE including by +19 in the latest poll? The article you linked is out of date since it was published on 4/24 before the KABC/SurveyUSA poll was released.

It would be hilarious if ole Bernie beat her in California but the polls so far don't show him coming even close to doing that.
"The breakdown in Florida reveals how truly close the race is. As Politico puts it, Clinton has a 13-point advantage among women, 48 percent to 35 percent, while Trump’s lead among men is also 13 points, 49 percent to 36 percent. Each gets 39 percent of independent voters, while Trump wins big among whites, and Clinton wins big among nonwhites. The candidates have identical net negative approvals of minus 20 points, 37 percent to 57 percent.

With the poll showing Bernie Sanders doing better against Trump than Clinton (and Sanders winning the West Virginia primary on Tuesday), I myself am growing concerned about the “unraveling” of the Democratic Party!"

Conservatives who support Trump in West Virginia, with nothing to lose because Trump won the nomination already, voted for Bernie as an ''against vote'' of Hillary is what I heard on the news last night?
What? No, WV is a closed primary state meaning Trump supporters couldn't cross over and vote in the Dem primary (well, unless you are conceding that many Democrats are Trump supporters)
ahhh, TY. This was CNN election coverage last night....they were saying it was a very odd state....that although most in WV were registered Democrats, (for local elections primarily) they were a very conservative voting constituency and in National elections they vote conservative....they voted against Obama in the 2008 primary and for Hillary, and voted against Obama in the 2008 general, and in 2012 they voted against Obama and went with Romney in the general election.

40% of who they polled that I believe they said were voting Sanders last night, said they were voting for Mr. Trump in November.

You're welcome, it is quite confusing with each state having different primary rules.
She's got two closed primaries coming up. Kentucky and Ore. I think she can lose Ore and still claim the dem mantle, but if she loses both......

The only closed primary that Bernie's won was democrats abroad.
Shes facing a 75 year old socialist inside the democrat party and simply cannot finish him. She simply cannot muster enough democrat votes to beat an "outsider" in her own party. What WAS a weeks long beating has now become a MONTHS long beating.

Will she get the nomination? That's the part where it gets a little tricky. You see a Democrat "super delegate" is NOT required to vote for her on the first ballot. When the gavel comes down at the very opening of the convention the super delegates are released.

Bernie expects a floor fight and has every reason to call for one after MONTHS of Clinton defeats. And those "guaranteed" states democrats keep running their yap about? You know the ones they have PRE-counted as hers? Well there is a problem there. Ohio Trump is ahead by a few points and West Virginia? SUN BURN red.

Seems some idiot got behind a podium and PROMISED to put ALL the coal miners out of work. That hands down was dumber than anything ever said by Biden/Quayle or Obama has ever said. And well most of our local democrats here are well stuck on stupid. The DNC wants a winner NOT a woman.

The Clinton team will no doubt start some riots OUTSIDE the RNC convention but I feel it will be nothing compared to the riots INSIDE the DNC convention.
I myself plan on watching because IF Sanders wins I will be watching the death of the Democrat National Party and the birth of the Socialist Democrat Party.


If ( keyword is IF ) she loses in California then the Democratic Party has to question if she can win a National Election even against Donald " Daft in the head " Trump, and in my opinion she might just lose.

Bernie is good for one term and then elect someone like Ryan to replace him in 2020.

lol you think Americans after a term of Bernie are going to elect Paul fucking Ryan king of austerity who's family makes their money on government contracts?

It wouldn't have been possible if he backed Trump to the hilt.

Much less now
She's got two closed primaries coming up. Kentucky and Ore. I think she can lose Ore and still claim the dem mantle, but if she loses both......

The only closed primary that Bernie's won was democrats abroad.
I think Bernie will take Oregon, how many losses does it take for Hillary to be called a loser?

lol you think Americans after a term of Bernie are going to elect Paul fucking Ryan
No way Ryan would get elected after ole Bernie, since after a term of President Bernie there wouldn't be anybody crazy enough to loan us the money to actually conduct an election.

"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -- Margaret Thatcher

lol you think Americans after a term of Bernie are going to elect Paul fucking Ryan
No way Ryan would get elected after ole Bernie, since after a term of President Bernie there wouldn't be anybody crazy enough to loan us the money to actually conduct an election.

"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -- Margaret Thatcher
One positive about Trump is that I think Ryan's potential as a nominee is about there with Mitt's now.

lol you think Americans after a term of Bernie are going to elect Paul fucking Ryan
No way Ryan would get elected after ole Bernie, since after a term of President Bernie there wouldn't be anybody crazy enough to loan us the money to actually conduct an election.

"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -- Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Thatcher was a brain dead housewife and led a pissant nation.

Paul Ryan has a worse education than you probably.

These are the people you look to for your macro economic policy?

Ever heard of the Fed? We loan trillions upon trillions out with no effect on inflation. The debt doesn't matter.

Edit - Milton Friedman supported universal income
all democratic primaries are proportional, pledged delegates are split proportionally to the citizen's vote, there are no winner takes all....

She's a couple of million votes ahead of Sanders with the citizen's vote, and it would be very very hard or impossible for Bernie to win the 'more of the citizen's vote' or pledged delegates than Hillary.

When Bernie goes in to the primary with less pledged delegates than Hillary and tries to woo the super delegates to his side EVEN THOUGH MOST of all citizens that voted, voted for Hillary....

THEN Bernie would be doing what the RNC and Cruz, and Kasich were doing in trying to STEAL the vote of the people, away from them...

steal the RNC primary away from Trump...when Trump was getting the plurality of votes from the citizens voting in the primary.

Bernie will be forever known as a scuzzball, scumbag IF he truly tries for this.... just like the RNC were scumbags for trying to do this to Mr. Trump.
all democratic primaries are proportional, pledged delegates are split proportionally to the citizen's vote, there are no winner takes all....

She's a couple of million votes ahead of Sanders with the citizen's vote, and it would be very very hard or impossible for Bernie to win the more of the citizen's vote or pledged delegates than Hillary.

When Bernie goes in to the primary with less pledged delegates than Hillary and tries to woo the super delegates to his side EVEN THOUGH MOST of all citizens that voted, voted for Hillary....

THEN Bernie would be doing what the RNC and Cruz, and Kasich were doing in trying to STEAL the vote of the people, away from them...

steal the RNC primary away from Trump...when Trump was getting the plurality of votes from the citizens voting in the primary.

Bernie will be forever known as a scuzzball, scumbag IF he truly tries for this.... just like the RNC were scumbags for trying to do this to Mr. Trump.

It's too bad most democratic primaries aren't open or people might give a shit she got more votes

He wins all the polling and he had no support from the DNC

He's the stronger candidate

And with super delegates he can win, and every day it becomes more likely not less (barring a loss in Cali)

lol you think Americans after a term of Bernie are going to elect Paul fucking Ryan
No way Ryan would get elected after ole Bernie, since after a term of President Bernie there wouldn't be anybody crazy enough to loan us the money to actually conduct an election.

"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -- Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Thatcher was a brain dead housewife and led a pissant nation.

Paul Ryan has a worse education than you probably.

These are the people you look to for your macro economic policy?

Ever heard of the Fed? We loan trillions upon trillions out with no effect on inflation. The debt doesn't matter.

Edit - Milton Friedman supported universal income
Uh-Huh.... somewhere in American there's a matchbook missing a back cover. :rolleyes:

President Bernie's first State of the Union Address

"My fellow Americans I have some good news and I have some bad news"

"The good news is, we've passed my Single Payer Healthcare program and all your healthcare will now be FREE, we've also passed my comprehensive Education Program and all your post High School education will now be FREE!"

"The bad news is; we no longer have an economy so all your meals will now be FREE as well."

lol you think Americans after a term of Bernie are going to elect Paul fucking Ryan
No way Ryan would get elected after ole Bernie, since after a term of President Bernie there wouldn't be anybody crazy enough to loan us the money to actually conduct an election.

"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -- Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Thatcher was a brain dead housewife and led a pissant nation.

Paul Ryan has a worse education than you probably.

These are the people you look to for your macro economic policy?

Ever heard of the Fed? We loan trillions upon trillions out with no effect on inflation. The debt doesn't matter.

Edit - Milton Friedman supported universal income
Uh-Huh.... somewhere in American there's a matchbook missing a back cover. :rolleyes:

President Bernie's first State of the Union Address

"My fellow Americans I have some good news and I have some bad news"

"The good news is, we've passed my Single Payer Healthcare program and all your healthcare will now be FREE, we've also passed my comprehensive Education Program and all your post High School education will now be FREE!"

"The bad news is; we no longer have an economy so all your meals will now be FREE as well."

You understand that universal healthcare costs france, britain, germany, etc under half of what it does to fund it privately, right?

We spend 17% of GDP on healthcare. All the countries in western Europe spend less than 10% fo GDP and get the same outcomes.

Universal healthcare will not bankrupt anyone, it will just piss rural Americans off because their hospitals will close. The healthcare industry would be cut in half, lol
all democratic primaries are proportional, pledged delegates are split proportionally to the citizen's vote, there are no winner takes all....

She's a couple of million votes ahead of Sanders with the citizen's vote, and it would be very very hard or impossible for Bernie to win the more of the citizen's vote or pledged delegates than Hillary.

When Bernie goes in to the primary with less pledged delegates than Hillary and tries to woo the super delegates to his side EVEN THOUGH MOST of all citizens that voted, voted for Hillary....

THEN Bernie would be doing what the RNC and Cruz, and Kasich were doing in trying to STEAL the vote of the people, away from them...

steal the RNC primary away from Trump...when Trump was getting the plurality of votes from the citizens voting in the primary.

Bernie will be forever known as a scuzzball, scumbag IF he truly tries for this.... just like the RNC were scumbags for trying to do this to Mr. Trump.

It's too bad most democratic primaries aren't open or people might give a shit she got more votes

He wins all the polling and he had no support from the DNC

He's the stronger candidate

And with super delegates he can win, and every day it becomes more likely not less (barring a loss in Cali)
I think Democratic Primaries should all be closed primaries,

having them as opened primaries allows for shenanigans from the opposite side of the aisle.... it's called PARTY RAIDING, Rush L. had a plan of party raiding in a past election called Operation Chaos....

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