She Simply Can't Put Him Away

Conservatives who support Trump in West Virginia, with nothing to lose because Trump won the nomination already, voted for Bernie as an ''against vote'' of Hillary is what I heard on the news last night?

Wouldn't Hillary's promise to destroy the coal industry and take away their jobs drive voters against.

Also, there is a 'vote Cruz' campaign that is a desperate attempt tokeep Trump from reaching 1237. Do you really think Trump supporters would cross over and risk this just to 'embarass' Clinton?

What was that news service again?
If the race titans and Hillary seems to be losing her Super delegates, I wouldn't be surprised if Bernie has a serious 'accident'. (Add another one to the list of Clinton 'dead')


Obama is still alive. That undermines the claim the Clinton's have a death squad!!
You understand that universal healthcare costs france, britain, germany, etc under half of what it does to fund it privately, right?

We spend 17% of GDP on healthcare. All the countries in western Europe spend less than 10% fo GDP and get the same outcomes.

Universal healthcare will not bankrupt anyone, it will just piss rural Americans off because their hospitals will close. The healthcare industry would be cut in half, lol

An Analysis of Senator Bernie Sanders's Tax and Transfer Proposals

"TPC finds the new government benefits would more than offset new taxes for 95% of households but the combined tax and transfer plan would increase federal budget deficits by more than $18 trillion over the next decade."

"If unfunded, the deficit increase would raise interest payments on the national debt by over $3 trillion over the next ten years. The dramatic increase in government borrowing would crowd out private investment, raise interest rates, further increase government borrowing costs,and retard economic growth. In combination with the dramatically higher tax rates, which would reduce incentives to work, save, and invest, the negative macroeconomic effects of the plan could be severe."

"Life is just a fantasy
Can you live this fantasy life?
" -- Aldo Nova, Fantasy


Tax isn't GDP herp derp


you'll cut GDP percentage spent on healthcare in half (in a private system)


...Jesus fucking christ

Apparently somebody tore out the chapter on the effects of excessive government debt and debt service costs in your copy of Economics for Complete Fucking Morons, perhaps you should ask those nice folks over in Greece if you can borrow their copy. :rolleyes:


We spend 17% of GDP on healthcare. That's about 3 trillion dollars this year

We could cut it down to 1.5 trillion

There is no math where that's a loss. There is nothing inherently that would decrease GDP if we nationalized the whole economy at this moment and everything was 100% taxed.

You're slow

Americans would have 9,000* extra dollars in their pocket to tax, and only half of that would need to go to healthcare
Yeah professor if you would have bothered to read the TPC report that I linked, you would already know that Bernie's single payer healthcare "plan" would increase public and private health care spending by $5.5 TRILLION over 10 years (and Federal spending on acute health care services would increase by $29 TRILLION over 10 years) and even assuming interest rates stay at the current rate (a completely unrealistic assumption) there is still an $18 TRILLION hole over 10 years and that's not fully accounting for the effects of all Bernie's proposed tax increases on economic growth.

You dreamy eyed socialists just don't seem to get the fact THERE THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A FREE LUNCH, nor do you appear to be capable of understanding anything relative to how economies actually work and that institutional, culture, tradition and demographic differences between countries rule out perfect portability from country to country at a policy level.

I appreciate the fact that you won't be happy until you complete your goal of completely destroying the U.S. Economy by trying to turn the United States into France, might I suggest that instead of creating untold economic misery here in the U.S., if You, Bernie and all the other clueless BernieBots want to live in a French Economy you just pack your shit and move there.

lol again healthcare isn't free anywhere.

Just everywhere else pays half

And no I didn't click your partisan link from a think tank. If we as the largest consumer market band together and buy our drugs in bulk from big pharma we will pay nothing, like the Candians who have 1/10th our population. lol

Hospitals won't be able to gouge you for a bed

Every other country gets the same outcomes for half the price.

This isn't an arguable point, that's why Donald Trump supports universal healthcare.
lol again healthcare isn't free anywhere.
Oh you've finally realized that, congratulations and welcome to the real world

Just everywhere else pays half
That's just a lie, you apparently don't understand how to do apples to apples comparisons and measure outcomes.

And no I didn't click your partisan link from a think tank.
ROFLMAO! TPC is a non-partisan organization ya retard. You didn't click the link because everything in the report disputes your strongly held beliefs and exposes Bernie's "plans" for what they are... A FANTASY.

If we as the largest consumer market band together and buy our drugs in bulk from big pharma we will pay nothing, like the Candians who have 1/10th our population. lol
Do you even know why foreign markets pay less for drugs developed here in the U.S. than we do? Let me give you a hint: it has nothing to do with "buying in bulk" and everything to do with the regulatory regime that's in place in Washington driving up domestic R&D costs.

Hospitals won't be able to gouge you for a bed

Every other country gets the same outcomes for half the price.
More of the same lie, maybe if you keep repeating it YOU'LL believe it but let me assure that nobody that is objective, rational and informed will.

This isn't an arguable point, that's why Donald Trump supports universal healthcare.
You're right, it's not arguable FOR YOU since you have presented nothing that even resembles an argument based on reason and evidence.

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