Shep Smith slams trump and Pence on migrant children mess

So the dems offer a bandaid of more facilities and probably more foster care. As the law stands now with Flores, the kids have to go into foster care, where they receive housing, food, medicine and educations … but never see their parents again. Anyone who wants to change the law is going to have to compromise
Which is absolutely proper, given the risks their criminal parents took with their lives.

We should just execute all of them, so coming here is not an option.



We should try and execute anyone who tries that.
Let's just have a war. We want to kill each other anyway. Let's get after it.
Trump's solution was rejected by voters.

You are the people who reject such things as food stamps and other government assistance to help children. You are the pond scum trash in this country.
Who is pond scum? Those who use government to steal from others?

Try the midterms. Do you really need a link for that? Immigration policy was his closing statement. The last Fox News poll showed voters do not support building a wall.

You are the pond scum. You care about a baby until it is out of the womb and that5 is it. You are hypocrites.
So, how do you explain the Senate, you commie idiot.

I don't feel I'm qualified to say one way or the other what should be done with the mess at the border, although I have some ideas. Primarily, I think we should liberalize our immigration laws. Instead of putting up more barriers, make it easier for people to come here. Give them a green card at the border and let them cross over. That would go a long way to solve our illegal immigration problem right there.

Maybe if they were from "Norway" or some other predominantly white country....they are not.

They are brown....Orange does not like Brown....Brown Bad.........

Your response makes no sense. Furthermore, I asked you before what your solution was to this problem and you haven't answered me.
I don't feel I'm qualified to say one way or the other what should be done with the mess at the border, although I have some ideas. Primarily, I think we should liberalize our immigration laws. Instead of putting up more barriers, make it easier for people to come here. Give them a green card at the border and let them cross over. That would go a long way to solve our illegal immigration problem right there.

Maybe if they were from "Norway" or some other predominantly white country....they are not.

They are brown....Orange does not like Brown....Brown Bad.........

Your response makes no sense. Furthermore, I asked you before what your solution was to this problem and you haven't answered me.

Is trump going after immigrants from predominantly white countries? I don't think so.....Miller crafted the immigration policy that now has the nation in a crisis....Even his Uncle knows Miller is a racist and a hypocrite....

I’m saying that whatever Obama started doesn’t matter at this point.

The claim is that the existing Detention Policy is Trump and Pence's fault...

No, the creation of this policy rests solely with Obama.

The fact that the current President, in an attempt to push back on the Democrats' facilitation of the on-going illegal invasion, the President is being forced to carry on Obama's policy - rather than simply release illegals into the US without doing adequate background checks on them - rests primarily with the Democrats who are doing everything they possibly can to ensure illegal immigration into this country continues with the force of water through a fire hose instead of being reduced to a include breaking laws themselves.
Thats BS... Trump was not forced to do anything. He wasn’t forced to institute a no tolerance policy, he could have change the directive at any time, it’s been two years. The current situation rests on his shoulders. You can’t cry Obama anymore unless you’re talking about the economy... then feel free to give OBama his well deserved credit ;-)
So when Obama did enforce federal immigration law and children were detained it’s ok but heaven forbid a republican should do the same all hell breaks loose. The hypocrisy never seems to surprise me anymore when it comes to dimwits and their talking points.
The situation under Obama was nowhere close to what it is now... you realize that don’t you?
Shep Smith Tears Into Trump And Pence Over Mistreatment Of Migrant Children

trump has an excuse....He is amoral and devoid of empathy....but Mike Pence?

The SO CALLED Christian stands silently as children are denied the basic human rights at the border. Silence lead to many atrocities over the years.....Pence's silence shows him to be a Sunday only Christian....

You people are so full of lies and evil.

Christians have been helping the people at the boarder the entire time. I myself have support with money, charities that help those at the boarder.

Tell me, you walking trash... what have you done?

By the way, it's your left-wing democraps that have prevented anything from being done to help those people.

Trump offered a solution, and you rejected it. It's up to Congress... YOUR congress... the allocate the funds from Planned Parent Hood, and move that money from killing babies, to helping children. You and your scum sucking trash in government, have chosen not to.

So don't complain about how other people don't care, when you are the least caring people on this planet. You people are not even human.

Trump's solution was rejected by voters. The Gang of Eight bill was a solution. You are the people who reject such things as food stamps and other government assistance to help children. You are the pond scum trash in this country.

Do you not even see the difference between us?

Right-wingers help people THEMSELVES. You worthless crap, only demand other people help. You go around demanding others have their money stolen by the government, and given to others, while you yourselves don't do jack squat. That's how evil you people are.

You go to any charity, and it is filled with right-wing christian people. You don't do anything for people. You sit around, vote for some dumb politicians who says they steal people's money, and then pretend it makes you a good person, when in reality it just proves you are trash.
So when Obama did enforce federal immigration law and children were detained it’s ok but heaven forbid a republican should do the same all hell breaks loose. The hypocrisy never seems to surprise me anymore when it comes to dimwits and their talking points.
The situation under Obama was nowhere close to what it is now... you realize that don’t you?

America has become world famous for it's detention camps. The Repubs should be very proud....
So when Obama did enforce federal immigration law and children were detained it’s ok but heaven forbid a republican should do the same all hell breaks loose. The hypocrisy never seems to surprise me anymore when it comes to dimwits and their talking points.
The situation under Obama was nowhere close to what it is now... you realize that don’t you?

America has become world famous for it's detention camps. The Repubs should be very proud....
America has become world famous for having a dipshit in the Whitehouse
Let’s not put people into groups like that. A republican can support tax and regulation cuts, a prolife agenda, conservative judges etc and also be against all the childish banter that he engages in. Just like it isn’t fair to call all dems socialists. We gotta stop hyperbolizing. If you don’t like it when trump does it then don’t do it yourself.

What if you like it when Trump does it? :)
I don't feel I'm qualified to say one way or the other what should be done with the mess at the border, although I have some ideas. Primarily, I think we should liberalize our immigration laws. Instead of putting up more barriers, make it easier for people to come here. Give them a green card at the border and let them cross over. That would go a long way to solve our illegal immigration problem right there.

Maybe if they were from "Norway" or some other predominantly white country....they are not.

They are brown....Orange does not like Brown....Brown Bad.........

Your response makes no sense. Furthermore, I asked you before what your solution was to this problem and you haven't answered me.

Is trump going after immigrants from predominantly white countries? I don't think so.....Miller crafted the immigration policy that now has the nation in a crisis....Even his Uncle knows Miller is a racist and a hypocrite....

The Progs rigged the 2018 elections as we all know. Since the 1965 immigration act its been mostly brown people here. With many being illegal. And most of them with not much education and/or skills. A percentage have made a good living and learned. More power to them. A percentage of them have learned the system of assimilation into the greatest experiment in human history. More power to them. But corrupted politicians separated us into groups and into accusations of hate and wrong made mountains out of molehills. Frankly, we need educated Europeans and educated Asian people her to fill in jobs that we can not anymore with excellence until we decide to change our education system back to real learning.
So when Obama did enforce federal immigration law and children were detained it’s ok but heaven forbid a republican should do the same all hell breaks loose. The hypocrisy never seems to surprise me anymore when it comes to dimwits and their talking points.
The situation under Obama was nowhere close to what it is now... you realize that don’t you?

America has become world famous for it's detention camps. The Repubs should be very proud....

Denmark plans to isolate 'unwanted' migrants on remote island - CNN

After Recent Terror Incident, Sweden Cracks Down On Illegal Immigrants


Sweden's immigrant detention center.

Immigrants Riot in Greek Detention Protest |

Greek detention center

Sentenced to uncertainty: life in the UK's immigration detention centres | AllAboutLaw

UK immigrant detention center.

View: What I saw while held 48 hours in a French migrant detention centre

French immigration detention center.


Refugee women are forced to become €10-a-time prostitutes at German asylum camps | Daily Mail Online

German immigration detention center


You sir, are unintelligent, ignorant, blithering idiot.
All I know is this

Monday I’m going down to public aid
and will make sure I get a link card and health insurance

Fuck this

Shep Smith Tears Into Trump And Pence Over Mistreatment Of Migrant Children

trump has an excuse....He is amoral and devoid of empathy....but Mike Pence?

The SO CALLED Christian stands silently as children are denied the basic human rights at the border. Silence lead to many atrocities over the years.....Pence's silence shows him to be a Sunday only Christian....

There is no mistreatment of children or anyone else at the border. Some pictures floating around of children sleeping with plastic bags was from 2015- the Obama administration. Just like the photos of children in cages.

The fact that no one was at all outraged over the treatment of people under the Obama administration or the fact that Obama claimed to have deported more people than anyone else proves that it's not about a concern for anyone and just another cheap tactic used to attack Trump.

None of the liberal media are bothering to report the truth on anything regarding the border, such as the fact that many of the children are not even related to the people bringing them in. Human traffickers kidnap children from the U.S. and other countries and use them however they see fit. Many get sold into the sex trade. Some children get used to help people get through the border. Many end up getting abandoned near the border if the person using them realizes at the last minute that they can sneak across and doesn't need the kids.

All we hear about is separating families even though that happens when DNA shows the people are lying about the children being theirs. Not that liberals give a rat's ass about the fate of these children. 100,000 children and young teens are missing each year in the U.S. Some that have been rescued tell about the people, usually from other countries, who kidnap, drug them, and then force them into the sex trade. These scumbags move these children, some as young as 4, to different countries. They need open borders for that and the left is all too happy to make it easy for them.

Drug cartels and human traffickers own the fucking border and the left has no desire for law and order to resume. We should have control of the borders and say who comes in. More innocent people would be able to seek refuge but they are forced to rely on the human traffickers to get here and then the criminals literally own these people for years till they pay off the debt.

I guess that is how the leftists want things. It is not about caring about people.
Shep Smith Tears Into Trump And Pence Over Mistreatment Of Migrant Children

trump has an excuse....He is amoral and devoid of empathy....but Mike Pence?

The SO CALLED Christian stands silently as children are denied the basic human rights at the border. Silence lead to many atrocities over the years.....Pence's silence shows him to be a Sunday only Christian....
How is it the parents of these children are not the villains?
How is it those who should care the most escape accountability?

I wish the financial system would collapse already

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