Shep Smith slams trump and Pence on migrant children mess

Sending illegal children back to their home country is racist?


Sending them back where their lives are in jeopardy is criminal. You want to send them back because they are not white Europeans.

Says you, fucking racist.

If their lives are in jeopardy, they are supposed to go to the US embassy in their country or cross into a BORDERING COUNTRY FOR ASYLUM.

They can’t pick and choose which country they want to live in when they are fleeing certain death.

Therein lies the bullshit rub.

Therein lies your bullshit you racist pig.

The law REQUIRES them to apply for asylum in the US.

'To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

You must apply for asylum within one year of the date of their last arrival in the United States,
unless you can show:

  • Changed circumstances that materially affect your eligibility for asylum or extraordinary circumstances relating to the delay in filing
  • You filed within a reasonable amount of time given those circumstances.'
Obtaining Asylum in the United States

One more thing, the left cries of racism at every turn is played out. Find a new song. That shit is pathetic.

This friom a President that said be doesn't want people from shithole countries in Africa but rarther from Norway.

Maybe you are too fucking stupid to get it. Maybe your racisam is so inbred into your very being.

That ypu can't see he did want black people but white people.

Trump is a racist & bigot & it is only surpassed by the racism & bigotry of those that support him.

Fuck you asshole, Trump wants people that can contribute to the success of this country form day one, not drains on the welfare system and schools. People speak 116 languages in Houston, how do you educate in all those languages?

Obama hasn't been the president in two and a half years.

True, but his administration initiated the process.

What would be your solution? :)

I don't feel I'm qualified to say one way or the other what should be done with the mess at the border, although I have some ideas. Primarily, I think we should liberalize our immigration laws. Instead of putting up more barriers, make it easier for people to come here. Give them a green card at the border and let them cross over. That would go a long way to solve our illegal immigration problem right there.

Boo. Hiss.

If you had a swimming pool, what would be more safe: Putting a fence around it to prevent kids from falling in, or letting kids fall in as long as you promise to take care of them afterwards.

No brainer.

Erecting walls are what Communist East Germans do. Remember, the same wall they build to keep them out could some day be used to keep you in.
Erecting walls are what Communist East Germans do........

Oh please, that is colossally stupid.

They erected walls to keep their people IN like prisoners.
We are building a fence to keep invaders OUT, like the fence around your back yard.

I can't believe you said something that dumb. Really.
Shep Smith Tears Into Trump And Pence Over Mistreatment Of Migrant Children

trump has an excuse....He is amoral and devoid of empathy....but Mike Pence?

The SO CALLED Christian stands silently as children are denied the basic human rights at the border. Silence lead to many atrocities over the years.....Pence's silence shows him to be a Sunday only Christian....
Shep is a liberal bitch. Has been for years. Part of that fair and balanced mantra.
Can't say the same for the other outlets
Obama hasn't been the president in two and a half years.

True, but his administration initiated the process.

What would be your solution? :)

I don't feel I'm qualified to say one way or the other what should be done with the mess at the border, although I have some ideas. Primarily, I think we should liberalize our immigration laws. Instead of putting up more barriers, make it easier for people to come here. Give them a green card at the border and let them cross over. That would go a long way to solve our illegal immigration problem right there.

Boo. Hiss.

If you had a swimming pool, what would be more safe: Putting a fence around it to prevent kids from falling in, or letting kids fall in as long as you promise to take care of them afterwards.

No brainer.

Erecting walls are what Communist East Germans do. Remember, the same wall they build to keep them out could some day be used to keep you in.
Dumb response of the day.

Congrats on your victory!
They have a right to ask for asylum....they did not sneak across the border...

^^^ traitor defends illegals who break our laws, kill and rape Americans.

Quite a reach....we are talking about children in cages....not trump in a fitting room....

You people are encouraging those kids to risk their lives and make the journey. 60,000 crossed our border in just the past 40 days you people have blood on your hands. :anj_stfu:
We are? We are? The gop controlled the govt … all of it …. for two years.

The only way to control all of it is to have 60 reliable votes in the senate, they've never had that, yet. The commies had it for over a year, and did nothing on immigration.

Obama hasn't been the president in two and a half years.

True, but his administration initiated the process.

What would be your solution? :)

I don't feel I'm qualified to say one way or the other what should be done with the mess at the border, although I have some ideas. Primarily, I think we should liberalize our immigration laws. Instead of putting up more barriers, make it easier for people to come here. Give them a green card at the border and let them cross over. That would go a long way to solve our illegal immigration problem right there.

Boo. Hiss.

If you had a swimming pool, what would be more safe: Putting a fence around it to prevent kids from falling in, or letting kids fall in as long as you promise to take care of them afterwards.

No brainer.

Erecting walls are what Communist East Germans do. Remember, the same wall they build to keep them out could some day be used to keep you in.
Then, put sentry machine guns along the border that will shoot anything that moves.

Or, end all welfare whatsoever.

Or, kill a commie for mommy.

You pick.

Shep Smith Tears Into Trump And Pence Over Mistreatment Of Migrant Children

trump has an excuse....He is amoral and devoid of empathy....but Mike Pence?

The SO CALLED Christian stands silently as children are denied the basic human rights at the border. Silence lead to many atrocities over the years.....Pence's silence shows him to be a Sunday only Christian....

Misplaced anger is a common trait of commies, neither Trump or Pence placed these children in the situation they are in. The parents of these kids have the ultimate responsibility and then congress refusing to provide the appropriate funding also has culpability. Congress hasn't provided the funding required to pay for the beds and caretakers. CBP is doing the best they can with the resources provided by congress. Many of the CBP officers are bringing in clothes, diapers and other supplies they are paying for. So put the blame where it belongs, the parents and congress.


Trump changed the policies & was too stupid to plan for additional people in confinement.

This is 100% bad management.
Sending them back where their lives are in jeopardy is criminal. You want to send them back because they are not white Europeans.

Says you, fucking racist.

If their lives are in jeopardy, they are supposed to go to the US embassy in their country or cross into a BORDERING COUNTRY FOR ASYLUM.

They can’t pick and choose which country they want to live in when they are fleeing certain death.

Therein lies the bullshit rub.

Therein lies your bullshit you racist pig.

The law REQUIRES them to apply for asylum in the US.

'To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

You must apply for asylum within one year of the date of their last arrival in the United States,
unless you can show:

  • Changed circumstances that materially affect your eligibility for asylum or extraordinary circumstances relating to the delay in filing
  • You filed within a reasonable amount of time given those circumstances.'
Obtaining Asylum in the United States

One more thing, the left cries of racism at every turn is played out. Find a new song. That shit is pathetic.

This friom a President that said be doesn't want people from shithole countries in Africa but rarther from Norway.

Maybe you are too fucking stupid to get it. Maybe your racisam is so inbred into your very being.

That ypu can't see he did want black people but white people.

Trump is a racist & bigot & it is only surpassed by the racism & bigotry of those that support him.

Fuck you asshole, Trump wants people that can contribute to the success of this country form day one, not drains on the welfare system and schools. People speak 116 languages in Houston, how do you educate in all those languages?


Australia demands that immigrants prove they will not be a burden to the nation. Odd that lefties don’t freak out over Australia racism.

The border crisis is simply a means for Dimms to get votes in the future. It’s that simple. They don’t give a fuck about he conditions at the border...they FUCKING CREATED THE CONDITIONS.

It wasn’t an issue while Obama was POTUS. It’s a poliitcal football, nothing more.

If you’re a Guatemalan citizens and fleeing certain death, Mexico should be fine for you. You can’t demand your sanctuary from death! You should appreciate that you can flee to a border nation.
Trump's solution was rejected by voters.

You are the people who reject such things as food stamps and other government assistance to help children. You are the pond scum trash in this country.
Who is pond scum? Those who use government to steal from others?

Try the midterms. Do you really need a link for that? Immigration policy was his closing statement. The last Fox News poll showed voters do not support building a wall.

You are the pond scum. You care about a baby until it is out of the womb and that5 is it. You are hypocrites.
I’m saying that whatever Obama started doesn’t matter at this point.

The claim is that the existing Detention Policy is Trump and Pence's fault...

No, the creation of this policy rests solely with Obama.

The fact that the current President, in an attempt to push back on the Democrats' facilitation of the on-going illegal invasion, the President is being forced to carry on Obama's policy - rather than simply release illegals into the US without doing adequate background checks on them - rests primarily with the Democrats who are doing everything they possibly can to ensure illegal immigration into this country continues with the force of water through a fire hose instead of being reduced to a include breaking laws themselves.

No it does not. It was the Trump Administration that argued that not giving children soap is okay. He is defending his inhumane treatment.
Last edited:
Obama hasn't been the president in two and a half years.

True, but his administration initiated the process.

What would be your solution? :)

I don't feel I'm qualified to say one way or the other what should be done with the mess at the border, although I have some ideas. Primarily, I think we should liberalize our immigration laws. Instead of putting up more barriers, make it easier for people to come here. Give them a green card at the border and let them cross over. That would go a long way to solve our illegal immigration problem right there.

Boo. Hiss.

If you had a swimming pool, what would be more safe: Putting a fence around it to prevent kids from falling in, or letting kids fall in as long as you promise to take care of them afterwards.

No brainer.

Erecting walls are what Communist East Germans do. Remember, the same wall they build to keep them out could some day be used to keep you in.

Walls to keep in versus walls to keep out.

Seems different to me.
Shep Smith Tears Into Trump And Pence Over Mistreatment Of Migrant Children

trump has an excuse....He is amoral and devoid of empathy....but Mike Pence?

The SO CALLED Christian stands silently as children are denied the basic human rights at the border. Silence lead to many atrocities over the years.....Pence's silence shows him to be a Sunday only Christian....

I know a person pretty high up in DHS and a MANY of these kids are being used for entry repeatedly. It’s child trafficking a kidnapping from the cartels.

MANY of these are NOT FAMILY UNITS.....the kids are props.

DNA testing has been used and in a trial run, over half of the kids were not blood related to their caretakers, even thought their caretakers lied and said they were their blood children.....oops.

You people are so fucking simple and easily manipulated.

Soros and the dNC count on the revenue stream from selling the kids. I'll bet many democrats get in on the bidding for the kids too

I wonder if we could get money for trash like you. I'll bet we would have to pay to get rid of something like you.

Show us on the doll where the conservative touched you.

Conservatism under Ronald Reagan was compassionate. Trump conservatism is fascism. This Republican Party needs to be destroyed.
So when Obama did enforce federal immigration law and children were detained it’s ok but heaven forbid a republican should do the same all hell breaks loose. The hypocrisy never seems to surprise me anymore when it comes to dimwits and their talking points.

Trump is supporting inhumane treatment in court. Obama is not.
Conservatism under Ronald Reagan was compassionate. Trump conservatism is fascism. This Republican Party needs to be destroyed.

Shep's nicknames:
Knob jockey
Cockpipe cosmonaut
Arse bandit
Brownie king
Cock knocker
fudge packer
Meat Masseuse
Sausage jockey
Gonad Gargler
Turd burglar
So the dems offer a bandaid of more facilities and probably more foster care. As the law stands now with Flores, the kids have to go into foster care, where they receive housing, food, medicine and educations … but never see their parents again. Anyone who wants to change the law is going to have to compromise
Which is absolutely proper, given the risks their criminal parents took with their lives.

We should just execute all of them, so coming here is not an option.



We should try and execute anyone who tries that.
Says you, fucking racist.

If their lives are in jeopardy, they are supposed to go to the US embassy in their country or cross into a BORDERING COUNTRY FOR ASYLUM.

They can’t pick and choose which country they want to live in when they are fleeing certain death.

Therein lies the bullshit rub.

Therein lies your bullshit you racist pig.

The law REQUIRES them to apply for asylum in the US.

'To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

You must apply for asylum within one year of the date of their last arrival in the United States,
unless you can show:

  • Changed circumstances that materially affect your eligibility for asylum or extraordinary circumstances relating to the delay in filing
  • You filed within a reasonable amount of time given those circumstances.'
Obtaining Asylum in the United States

One more thing, the left cries of racism at every turn is played out. Find a new song. That shit is pathetic.

This friom a President that said be doesn't want people from shithole countries in Africa but rarther from Norway.

Maybe you are too fucking stupid to get it. Maybe your racisam is so inbred into your very being.

That ypu can't see he did want black people but white people.

Trump is a racist & bigot & it is only surpassed by the racism & bigotry of those that support him.

Fuck you asshole, Trump wants people that can contribute to the success of this country form day one, not drains on the welfare system and schools. People speak 116 languages in Houston, how do you educate in all those languages?


Australia demands that immigrants prove they will not be a burden to the nation. Odd that lefties don’t freak out over Australia racism.

The border crisis is simply a means for Dimms to get votes in the future. It’s that simple. They don’t give a fuck about he conditions at the border...they FUCKING CREATED THE CONDITIONS.

It wasn’t an issue while Obama was POTUS. It’s a poliitcal football, nothing more.

If you’re a Guatemalan citizens and fleeing certain death, Mexico should be fine for you. You can’t demand your sanctuary from death! You should appreciate that you can flee to a border nation.

How does proving they will not be a burden, relate to race?

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