Shep Smith slams trump and Pence on migrant children mess

They have a right to ask for asylum....they did not sneak across the border...

^^^ traitor defends illegals who break our laws, kill and rape Americans.

Quite a reach....we are talking about children in cages....not trump in a fitting room....

You people are encouraging those kids to risk their lives and make the journey. 60,000 crossed our border in just the past 40 days you people have blood on your hands. :anj_stfu:
That's why we need to start shooting illegals and their kids.

It's the only way to stop this bullshit.

Just kill them all.

The Trump/Pence administration has opened the Pandora’s box of despicable thinking and behavior existing within American society - the border crisis of refugees seeking asylum, and the vile ignorance and hatred spewed about the crisis by ugly stupid bigots like in this thread is the worst of it.

The most horrible thing is that after Trump is gone, after the border crisis is over, we won’t ever be able to forget what was revealed by this time period. America is not a good country. Americans are not good people. The majority of Americans are either actively hateful or indifferent - and greed and gluttony abounds while compassion is in very short supply. Jesus would weep.

Oh the horrors...good grief

Almost certainly a drive-by poster from DailyKooks

Where do they find these people?

I worry about the gene pool sometimes

In this is the gene cess pool....
They have a right to ask for asylum....they did not sneak across the border...

^^^ traitor defends illegals who break our laws, kill and rape Americans.

Quite a reach....we are talking about children in cages....not trump in a fitting room....

You people are encouraging those kids to risk their lives and make the journey. 60,000 crossed our border in just the past 40 days you people have blood on your hands. :anj_stfu:
We are? We are? The gop controlled the govt … all of it …. for two years.
They have a right to ask for asylum....they did not sneak across the border...

^^^ traitor defends illegals who break our laws, kill and rape Americans.

Quite a reach....we are talking about children in cages....not trump in a fitting room....

You people are encouraging those kids to risk their lives and make the journey. 60,000 crossed our border in just the past 40 days you people have blood on your hands. :anj_stfu:
That's why we need to start shooting illegals and their kids.

It's the only way to stop this bullshit.

Just kill them all.


I knew the 2nd Amendment solutipn would come up....cause guns make men BIG!
They have a right to ask for asylum....they did not sneak across the border...

^^^ traitor defends illegals who break our laws, kill and rape Americans.

Quite a reach....we are talking about children in cages....not trump in a fitting room....

You people are encouraging those kids to risk their lives and make the journey. 60,000 crossed our border in just the past 40 days you people have blood on your hands. :anj_stfu:
That's why we need to start shooting illegals and their kids.

It's the only way to stop this bullshit.

Just kill them all.


Just secure the border, no asylum, no amnesty, no entry.
So the dems offer a bandaid of more facilities and probably more foster care. As the law stands now with Flores, the kids have to go into foster care, where they receive housing, food, medicine and educations … but never see their parents again. Anyone who wants to change the law is going to have to compromise
Which is absolutely proper, given the risks their criminal parents took with their lives.

We should just execute all of them, so coming here is not an option.


They have a right to ask for asylum....they did not sneak across the border...

^^^ traitor defends illegals who break our laws, kill and rape Americans.

Quite a reach....we are talking about children in cages....not trump in a fitting room....

You people are encouraging those kids to risk their lives and make the journey. 60,000 crossed our border in just the past 40 days you people have blood on your hands. :anj_stfu:
That's why we need to start shooting illegals and their kids.

It's the only way to stop this bullshit.

Just kill them all.


I knew the 2nd Amendment solutipn would come up....cause guns make men BIG!
Nobody said anything about that.

But it is the solution to commies. A FINAL solution.

They have a right to ask for asylum....they did not sneak across the border...

^^^ traitor defends illegals who break our laws, kill and rape Americans.

Quite a reach....we are talking about children in cages....not trump in a fitting room....

You people are encouraging those kids to risk their lives and make the journey. 60,000 crossed our border in just the past 40 days you people have blood on your hands. :anj_stfu:
We are? We are? The gop controlled the govt … all of it …. for two years.

Stop lying you useless twit of a liberal. You people have blocked every attempt at solving this crisis because you traitors WANT the border crisis.
The plight of the children are wholly the fault of democrats who refuse solutions. Those children should have been on transport back home within 30 minutes of discovery.

We reject your racist solutions.
Sending illegal children back to their home country is racist?


Sending them back where their lives are in jeopardy is criminal. You want to send them back because they are not white Europeans.
Their lives are not in jeopardy until they join the family gang and fight. But then again it's the same as here. No difference.
Nice, just deflect to Obama or Clinton, or the Dems. Doesn’t it get old?
I'm sorry - you completely mis-read / mis-interpreted my post. I am not 'DEFLECTING' anything. I am correcting the dumbass claim by the OP / his initial thread blaming the President and the Vice President for any of this going on.

For example, claiming the Pres/VP is responsible for children being separated from adults and them being placed in 'concentration camps' is a lie, as pointed out by my post that shows that false claim has already been tried - by the libtard media that presented photos of this Obama Policy going on and attempting to claim it was pictures of it going on under Trump - and was debunked as a LIE!

I am not 'deflecting' anything. I just debunked this thread / false claim / lie!

...and NO, debunking liberal LIES never gets old.



YES....trump and pence at the urging of miller are the reason the southern border is beginning to look like a WW2 concentration camp.
They have a right to ask for asylum....they did not sneak across the border...

^^^ traitor defends illegals who break our laws, kill and rape Americans.

Quite a reach....we are talking about children in cages....not trump in a fitting room....

You people are encouraging those kids to risk their lives and make the journey. 60,000 crossed our border in just the past 40 days you people have blood on your hands. :anj_stfu:
That's why we need to start shooting illegals and their kids.

It's the only way to stop this bullshit.

Just kill them all.


Just secure the border, no asylum, no amnesty, no entry.
I'm just sick of this bullshit.

Maybe if we start shooting illegals the nonsense will stop. We really need to start shooting commies.

No more asylum. We need to repeal that shit. Everybody can fuck off.

The trump Regime created the problem at the border....Now they need to fix it....

The World is looking at the US and shaking their heads. The Land of Opportunity has become the Land of Human Atrocities....shameful....
They have a right to ask for asylum....they did not sneak across the border...

^^^ traitor defends illegals who break our laws, kill and rape Americans.

Quite a reach....we are talking about children in cages....not trump in a fitting room....

You people are encouraging those kids to risk their lives and make the journey. 60,000 crossed our border in just the past 40 days you people have blood on your hands. :anj_stfu:
We are? We are? The gop controlled the govt … all of it …. for two years.

Stop lying you useless twit of a liberal. You people have blocked every attempt at solving this crisis because you traitors WANT the border crisis.
Fuck off.
The plight of the children are wholly the fault of democrats who refuse solutions. Those children should have been on transport back home within 30 minutes of discovery.

We reject your racist solutions.
Sending illegal children back to their home country is racist?


Sending them back where their lives are in jeopardy is criminal. You want to send them back because they are not white Europeans.

Says you, fucking racist.

If their lives are in jeopardy, they are supposed to go to the US embassy in their country or cross into a BORDERING COUNTRY FOR ASYLUM.

They can’t pick and choose which country they want to live in when they are fleeing certain death.

Therein lies the bullshit rub.

Therein lies your bullshit you racist pig.

The law REQUIRES them to apply for asylum in the US.

'To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

You must apply for asylum within one year of the date of their last arrival in the United States,
unless you can show:

  • Changed circumstances that materially affect your eligibility for asylum or extraordinary circumstances relating to the delay in filing
  • You filed within a reasonable amount of time given those circumstances.'
Obtaining Asylum in the United States

So where does it say they can't be returned to their home or third country to await the decision?

Obama hasn't been the president in two and a half years.

True, but his administration initiated the process.

What would be your solution? :)

I don't feel I'm qualified to say one way or the other what should be done with the mess at the border, although I have some ideas. Primarily, I think we should liberalize our immigration laws. Instead of putting up more barriers, make it easier for people to come here. Give them a green card at the border and let them cross over. That would go a long way to solve our illegal immigration problem right there.
Obama hasn't been the president in two and a half years.

True, but his administration initiated the process.

What would be your solution? :)

I don't feel I'm qualified to say one way or the other what should be done with the mess at the border, although I have some ideas. Primarily, I think we should liberalize our immigration laws. Instead of putting up more barriers, make it easier for people to come here. Give them a green card at the border and let them cross over. That would go a long way to solve our illegal immigration problem right there.

Boo. Hiss.

If you had a swimming pool, what would be more safe: Putting a fence around it to prevent kids from falling in, or letting kids fall in as long as you promise to take care of them afterwards.

No brainer.

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