Shep Smith slams trump and Pence on migrant children mess

Shep Smith Tears Into Trump And Pence Over Mistreatment Of Migrant Children

trump has an excuse....He is amoral and devoid of empathy....but Mike Pence?

The SO CALLED Christian stands silently as children are denied the basic human rights at the border. Silence lead to many atrocities over the years.....Pence's silence shows him to be a Sunday only Christian....

Homosexuals judge Christians now?

The entire world is going to hell. No one is buying the leftist propaganda. Better try something new.
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I don't feel I'm qualified to say one way or the other what should be done with the mess at the border, although I have some ideas. Primarily, I think we should liberalize our immigration laws. Instead of putting up more barriers, make it easier for people to come here. Give them a green card at the border and let them cross over. That would go a long way to solve our illegal immigration problem right there.

Maybe if they were from "Norway" or some other predominantly white country....they are not.

They are brown....Orange does not like Brown....Brown Bad.........

Your response makes no sense. Furthermore, I asked you before what your solution was to this problem and you haven't answered me.

Is trump going after immigrants from predominantly white countries? I don't think so.....Miller crafted the immigration policy that now has the nation in a crisis....Even his Uncle knows Miller is a racist and a hypocrite....

The Progs rigged the 2018 elections as we all know. Since the 1965 immigration act its been mostly brown people here. With many being illegal. And most of them with not much education and/or skills. A percentage have made a good living and learned. More power to them. A percentage of them have learned the system of assimilation into the greatest experiment in human history. More power to them. But corrupted politicians separated us into groups and into accusations of hate and wrong made mountains out of molehills. Frankly, we need educated Europeans and educated Asian people her to fill in jobs that we can not anymore with excellence until we decide to change our education system back to real learning.

Putin's president


"Satan's Pawn"
Shep Smith Tears Into Trump And Pence Over Mistreatment Of Migrant Children

trump has an excuse....He is amoral and devoid of empathy....but Mike Pence?

The SO CALLED Christian stands silently as children are denied the basic human rights at the border. Silence lead to many atrocities over the years.....Pence's silence shows him to be a Sunday only Christian....

Homosexuals judge Christians now?

The entire world is going to hell. No one is buy the leftist propaganda. Better try something new.
I disagree.

About Half The World is going to Hell.

It may be more like 2/3rds though.

And By Hell, I mean an Eternal Bottomless Flaming Abyss from which there is no escape and only wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Shep Smith Tears Into Trump And Pence Over Mistreatment Of Migrant Children

trump has an excuse....He is amoral and devoid of empathy....but Mike Pence?

The SO CALLED Christian stands silently as children are denied the basic human rights at the border. Silence lead to many atrocities over the years.....Pence's silence shows him to be a Sunday only Christian....

Homosexuals judge Christians now?


Haha too bad :)

Kerry Jokes That He Wishes Europeans Could Have Voted When He Ran for President
He's trying to get Iranians to vote for him too.
Homosexuals judge Christians now?
If somebody wears the badge of being Christian and then acts in contrast to it then it doesn’t matter who is making the critique.

Christianity isnt a badge. Its a religion that liberals despise...yet aspire to create the rules for. Liberalism is a form of puritanism.
I think that it's the hypocrite Christians we despise The ones who won't speak up about the atrocities trump is committing holding children in concentration camps. And then they go to church on Sundays???
So you think it's "Christian" to use children as pawns? You think the American people can't see what the Democrats are doing here?
The 50 Million you and your demonic hordes killed at Planned Parenthood Extermination Centers?

Are you going to raise them from The Dead?
Homosexuals judge Christians now?
If somebody wears the badge of being Christian and then acts in contrast to it then it doesn’t matter who is making the critique.

Christianity isnt a badge. Its a religion that liberals despise...yet aspire to create the rules for. Liberalism is a form of puritanism.
I think that it's the hypocrite Christians we despise The ones who won't speak up about the atrocities trump is committing holding children in concentration camps. And then they go to church on Sundays???
So you think it's "Christian" to use children as pawns? You think the American people can't see what the Democrats are doing here?

Decades from now....this period will be seen as the Dark Ages of America. When a great many Americans who had been concealing hate and racist views for years began to show their true colors. They were emboldened by the election of Putin's president...DJ trump.

All dignity has left the vast majority of the Repub party. Their conservative principles have been replaced by .hate and nationalism.....Why?

They thirst for power and they fear the loss of White Identity. Very sad....
Terri , BS is this why you like Trump?
. When you decided you wanted to make America great again, was this the country you had in mind?

We live in a country that puts endangered immigrant children in jail. Six children have died in United States custody in eight months. Was it for this that you voted for Donald Trump?

We live in a country with a national debt of $22 trillion and growing. We’re this deep in debt not because we’ve invested in our roads and bridges, or increased the salaries of teachers, or invested in scientific research, or worked to save the environment, or brought back middle-class jobs, but because we’ve given an enormous tax break to the wealthiest people in the country, plain and simple. Was it for this that you voted for Donald Trump?

We live in a country in which white supremacists march with torches, in which the president mocks the disabled, advocates violence and calls the press the enemy of the people. Was it for this that you voted for Donald Trump? Just asking
Shep Smith Tears Into Trump And Pence Over Mistreatment Of Migrant Children

trump has an excuse....He is amoral and devoid of empathy....but Mike Pence?

The SO CALLED Christian stands silently as children are denied the basic human rights at the border. Silence lead to many atrocities over the years.....Pence's silence shows him to be a Sunday only Christian....
We don’t have room for these fuckers, we can’t afford them...

Diseased illegal aliens are a plague on this society.
Shep Smith Tears Into Trump And Pence Over Mistreatment Of Migrant Children

trump has an excuse....He is amoral and devoid of empathy....but Mike Pence?

The SO CALLED Christian stands silently as children are denied the basic human rights at the border. Silence lead to many atrocities over the years.....Pence's silence shows him to be a Sunday only Christian....

There is no mistreatment of children or anyone else at the border. Some pictures floating around of children sleeping with plastic bags was from 2015- the Obama administration. Just like the photos of children in cages.

The fact that no one was at all outraged over the treatment of people under the Obama administration or the fact that Obama claimed to have deported more people than anyone else proves that it's not about a concern for anyone and just another cheap tactic used to attack Trump.

None of the liberal media are bothering to report the truth on anything regarding the border, such as the fact that many of the children are not even related to the people bringing them in. Human traffickers kidnap children from the U.S. and other countries and use them however they see fit. Many get sold into the sex trade. Some children get used to help people get through the border. Many end up getting abandoned near the border if the person using them realizes at the last minute that they can sneak across and doesn't need the kids.

All we hear about is separating families even though that happens when DNA shows the people are lying about the children being theirs. Not that liberals give a rat's ass about the fate of these children. 100,000 children and young teens are missing each year in the U.S. Some that have been rescued tell about the people, usually from other countries, who kidnap, drug them, and then force them into the sex trade. These scumbags move these children, some as young as 4, to different countries. They need open borders for that and the left is all too happy to make it easy for them.

Drug cartels and human traffickers own the fucking border and the left has no desire for law and order to resume. We should have control of the borders and say who comes in. More innocent people would be able to seek refuge but they are forced to rely on the human traffickers to get here and then the criminals literally own these people for years till they pay off the debt.

I guess that is how the leftists want things. It is not about caring about people.

Your Ignorance Astounds me! People like you....stupid....elected this Moron on the WH now....Putin's Troll?

Apparently that "Moron" is smarter than you, Hillary Clinton and the donors who gave her $1.5 Billion to buy her way in to the White House.

He's smarter than Obama, Clinton, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Strozk, Page, Baker, Ohr, Steele, Skirpal, Yates, Rosenstein and Podesta.

Everyone on this board is smarter than you.

The Don is no exception.
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Shep Smith Tears Into Trump And Pence Over Mistreatment Of Migrant Children

trump has an excuse....He is amoral and devoid of empathy....but Mike Pence?

The SO CALLED Christian stands silently as children are denied the basic human rights at the border. Silence lead to many atrocities over the years.....Pence's silence shows him to be a Sunday only Christian....

Homosexuals judge Christians now?
If somebody wears the badge of being Christian and then acts in contrast to it then it doesn’t matter who is making the critique.

Christianity isnt a badge. Its a religion that liberals despise...yet aspire to create the rules for. Liberalism is a form of puritanism.
In my opinion, these current democrats aren't authentic "liberals". They're pagans, in my opinion.

Of course. A hatred of Christianity is the bedrock of liberalism which is a throwback to a more barbarous time. Christianity preaches the transience of human creations and the worth and immortality of the soul. Thats at odds with the Marxists who preach that humans are animals and the state is permanent.

The lies Trumpkins tell themselves. The vast majority of liberals are CHRISTIANS. 60% of them. But they don't use their religion to selectively discriminate against "sinners". But the liberal Christians are far different from the fundamentalists who follow the Old Testament and its God of Wrath, and ignore the teachings of love, compassion and foregiveness of sins in the New Testament. Fundamentalists who do not treat all people with respect are fake Christians, and "prosperity Christians" have so perverted the teaching of Jesus as to have turned them on their head. Jesus' teachings are not to help you get rich, but to help you live in society in a way that is helpful, peaceful, and respectful of others.

The bigotted, narrow minded fundamentalist who calls him or herself a "Christian", while ignoring Christ's teachings of loving one another, are not really Christians, regardless of what they call themselves, and their claims of morality and decency are utterly false, when they vote for a President who assaults women, separates families, abuses small children for politcal gain, lies daily, they absolute dearth of real Christian values are there for all to see.

Right wing evengelical leaders have been caught in every manner of sex scandal, stolen from their adherents, and generally displayed their utter lack of Christian values. During the floodin in Houston, Joel Osteen locked the doors of his beautiful cathedral against the people living near his church on a hill, because they were poor and would mess us his facility. I think that is a vivid description of the level of "Christian values" of Osteen and his followers.

The right doesn't own Christian values. They can't claim to be doing God's work, when they vote in someone like Donald Trump. You have absolutely NO MORAL HIGH GROUND TO CLAIM, as long as you cheer the abuse of small children at the border. And plan on re-electing the man who did that.
Shep Smith Tears Into Trump And Pence Over Mistreatment Of Migrant Children

trump has an excuse....He is amoral and devoid of empathy....but Mike Pence?

The SO CALLED Christian stands silently as children are denied the basic human rights at the border. Silence lead to many atrocities over the years.....Pence's silence shows him to be a Sunday only Christian....
We don’t have room for these fuckers, we can’t afford them...

Diseased illegal aliens are a plague on this society.
Leftists Never Fix Nuthing.

They can't even change their own diapers, so how are they going to fix our broken immigration system that THEY BROKE?

They just stew in their own shit and cry about it.
Terri , BS is this why you like Trump?
. When you decided you wanted to make America great again, was this the country you had in mind?

We live in a country that puts endangered immigrant children in jail. Six children have died in United States custody in eight months. Was it for this that you voted for Donald Trump?

We live in a country with a national debt of $22 trillion and growing. We’re this deep in debt not because we’ve invested in our roads and bridges, or increased the salaries of teachers, or invested in scientific research, or worked to save the environment, or brought back middle-class jobs, but because we’ve given an enormous tax break to the wealthiest people in the country, plain and simple. Was it for this that you voted for Donald Trump?

We live in a country in which white supremacists march with torches, in which the president mocks the disabled, advocates violence and calls the press the enemy of the people. Was it for this that you voted for Donald Trump? Just asking

Thank you
Homosexuals judge Christians now?
If somebody wears the badge of being Christian and then acts in contrast to it then it doesn’t matter who is making the critique.

Christianity isnt a badge. Its a religion that liberals despise...yet aspire to create the rules for. Liberalism is a form of puritanism.
In my opinion, these current democrats aren't authentic "liberals". They're pagans, in my opinion.

Of course. A hatred of Christianity is the bedrock of liberalism which is a throwback to a more barbarous time. Christianity preaches the transience of human creations and the worth and immortality of the soul. Thats at odds with the Marxists who preach that humans are animals and the state is permanent.

The lies Trumpkins tell themselves. The vast majority of liberals are CHRISTIANS. 60% of them. But they don't use their religion to selectively discriminate against "sinners". But the liberal Christians are far different from the fundamentalists who follow the Old Testament and its God of Wrath, and ignore the teachings of love, compassion and foregiveness of sins in the New Testament. Fundamentalists who do not treat all people with respect are fake Christians, and "prosperity Christians" have so perverted the teaching of Jesus as to have turned them on their head. Jesus' teachings are not to help you get rich, but to help you live in society in a way that is helpful, peaceful, and respectful of others.

The bigotted, narrow minded fundamentalist who calls him or herself a "Christian", while ignoring Christ's teachings of loving one another, are not really Christians, regardless of what they call themselves, and their claims of morality and decency are utterly false, when they vote for a President who assaults women, separates families, abuses small children for politcal gain, lies daily, they absolute dearth of real Christian values are there for all to see.

Right wing evengelical leaders have been caught in every manner of sex scandal, stolen from their adherents, and generally displayed their utter lack of Christian values. During the floodin in Houston, Joel Osteen locked the doors of his beautiful cathedral against the people living near his church on a hill, because they were poor and would mess us his facility. I think that is a vivid description of the level of "Christian values" of Osteen and his followers.

The right doesn't own Christian values. They can't claim to be doing God's work, when they vote in someone like Donald Trump. You have absolutely NO MORAL HIGH GROUND TO CLAIM, as long as you cheer the abuse of small children at the border. And plan on re-electing the man who did that.

Most Liberals are liars, and therefore, any Liberal who pretends he is a Christian while supporting lawlessness, homosexuality, child prostitution, legalization of family, career and life destroying drugs, and supports the abortions of 50 Million African Americans and other minorities unfortunately will be burning in Hell on judgment day.

Don't Go To Hell

Don't Be A Liberal

If somebody wears the badge of being Christian and then acts in contrast to it then it doesn’t matter who is making the critique.

Christianity isnt a badge. Its a religion that liberals despise...yet aspire to create the rules for. Liberalism is a form of puritanism.
I think that it's the hypocrite Christians we despise The ones who won't speak up about the atrocities trump is committing holding children in concentration camps. And then they go to church on Sundays???
So you think it's "Christian" to use children as pawns? You think the American people can't see what the Democrats are doing here?
The 50 Million you and your demonic hordes killed at Planned Parenthood Extermination Centers?

Are you going to raise them from The Dead?

Once again, you provide proof positive that Republicans HATE CHILDREN, but love the unborn. Love the fetus, hate the child.

The US government is not looking after children or families, but they want to force you to have more babies, whether you can afford them or not. When the US government starts passing laws that protect working parents, pregnant women, and gives them maternity leave, family leave, job protections, and all of the other social supports for families that people in the rest of the first world have had for generations, women will be able to afford to have more babies.

Until then, you're a lying asshole who has no arguments at all.

Homosexuals judge Christians now?
If somebody wears the badge of being Christian and then acts in contrast to it then it doesn’t matter who is making the critique.

Christianity isnt a badge. Its a religion that liberals despise...yet aspire to create the rules for. Liberalism is a form of puritanism.
In my opinion, these current democrats aren't authentic "liberals". They're pagans, in my opinion.

Of course. A hatred of Christianity is the bedrock of liberalism which is a throwback to a more barbarous time. Christianity preaches the transience of human creations and the worth and immortality of the soul. Thats at odds with the Marxists who preach that humans are animals and the state is permanent.

The lies Trumpkins tell themselves. The vast majority of liberals are CHRISTIANS. 60% of them. But they don't use their religion to selectively discriminate against "sinners". But the liberal Christians are far different from the fundamentalists who follow the Old Testament and its God of Wrath, and ignore the teachings of love, compassion and foregiveness of sins in the New Testament. Fundamentalists who do not treat all people with respect are fake Christians, and "prosperity Christians" have so perverted the teaching of Jesus as to have turned them on their head. Jesus' teachings are not to help you get rich, but to help you live in society in a way that is helpful, peaceful, and respectful of others.

The bigotted, narrow minded fundamentalist who calls him or herself a "Christian", while ignoring Christ's teachings of loving one another, are not really Christians, regardless of what they call themselves, and their claims of morality and decency are utterly false, when they vote for a President who assaults women, separates families, abuses small children for politcal gain, lies daily, they absolute dearth of real Christian values are there for all to see.

Right wing evengelical leaders have been caught in every manner of sex scandal, stolen from their adherents, and generally displayed their utter lack of Christian values. During the floodin in Houston, Joel Osteen locked the doors of his beautiful cathedral against the people living near his church on a hill, because they were poor and would mess us his facility. I think that is a vivid description of the level of "Christian values" of Osteen and his followers.

The right doesn't own Christian values. They can't claim to be doing God's work, when they vote in someone like Donald Trump. You have absolutely NO MORAL HIGH GROUND TO CLAIM, as long as you cheer the abuse of small children at the border. And plan on re-electing the man who did that.

The Country has lost its moral compass....
Homosexuals judge Christians now?
If somebody wears the badge of being Christian and then acts in contrast to it then it doesn’t matter who is making the critique.

Christianity isnt a badge. Its a religion that liberals despise...yet aspire to create the rules for. Liberalism is a form of puritanism.
In my opinion, these current democrats aren't authentic "liberals". They're pagans, in my opinion.

Of course. A hatred of Christianity is the bedrock of liberalism which is a throwback to a more barbarous time. Christianity preaches the transience of human creations and the worth and immortality of the soul. Thats at odds with the Marxists who preach that humans are animals and the state is permanent.

The lies Trumpkins tell themselves. The vast majority of liberals are CHRISTIANS. 60% of them. But they don't use their religion to selectively discriminate against "sinners". But the liberal Christians are far different from the fundamentalists who follow the Old Testament and its God of Wrath, and ignore the teachings of love, compassion and foregiveness of sins in the New Testament. Fundamentalists who do not treat all people with respect are fake Christians, and "prosperity Christians" have so perverted the teaching of Jesus as to have turned them on their head. Jesus' teachings are not to help you get rich, but to help you live in society in a way that is helpful, peaceful, and respectful of others.

The bigotted, narrow minded fundamentalist who calls him or herself a "Christian", while ignoring Christ's teachings of loving one another, are not really Christians, regardless of what they call themselves, and their claims of morality and decency are utterly false, when they vote for a President who assaults women, separates families, abuses small children for politcal gain, lies daily, they absolute dearth of real Christian values are there for all to see.

Right wing evengelical leaders have been caught in every manner of sex scandal, stolen from their adherents, and generally displayed their utter lack of Christian values. During the floodin in Houston, Joel Osteen locked the doors of his beautiful cathedral against the people living near his church on a hill, because they were poor and would mess us his facility. I think that is a vivid description of the level of "Christian values" of Osteen and his followers.

The right doesn't own Christian values. They can't claim to be doing God's work, when they vote in someone like Donald Trump. You have absolutely NO MORAL HIGH GROUND TO CLAIM, as long as you cheer the abuse of small children at the border. And plan on re-electing the man who did that.

This Post is Officially Sponsored by The Joseph Goebbels, I hate God, Babies, & Jews Foundation
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Shep Smith Tears Into Trump And Pence Over Mistreatment Of Migrant Children

trump has an excuse....He is amoral and devoid of empathy....but Mike Pence?

The SO CALLED Christian stands silently as children are denied the basic human rights at the border. Silence lead to many atrocities over the years.....Pence's silence shows him to be a Sunday only Christian....

You know what would be fascinating? To figure out, even just here on USMB, how many Christian conservatives v. how many liberal Democrats have ACTUALLY SUPPORTED children from other nations. With their money, time, talent, etc.

My family has, one child monthly for over ten years. Plus many other endeavors, many. I know I am not alone; many Christian families have done more, including and up to adopting children from Guatemala and other nations. In my church, I'm talking.

I have a feeling the blowhards here just CHASTISE us but have done nothing. They Virtue Signal, do nothing, and expect these illegal immigrants to disappear into far reaches of our nation where they will never have to see, hear or interact with them. That is THEIR charity, I can all but guarantee.
Christianity isnt a badge. Its a religion that liberals despise...yet aspire to create the rules for. Liberalism is a form of puritanism.
I think that it's the hypocrite Christians we despise The ones who won't speak up about the atrocities trump is committing holding children in concentration camps. And then they go to church on Sundays???
So you think it's "Christian" to use children as pawns? You think the American people can't see what the Democrats are doing here?
The 50 Million you and your demonic hordes killed at Planned Parenthood Extermination Centers?

Are you going to raise them from The Dead?

Once again, you provide proof positive that Republicans HATE CHILDREN, but love the unborn. Love the fetus, hate the child.

The US government is not looking after children or families, but they want to force you to have more babies, whether you can afford them or not. When the US government starts passing laws that protect working parents, pregnant women, and gives them maternity leave, family leave, job protections, and all of the other social supports for families that people in the rest of the first world have had for generations, women will be able to afford to have more babies.

Until then, you're a lying asshole who has no arguments at all.

These diseased illegal aliens should stay where they belong, in the shit hole they came from.

Natural laws a load of shit....

These fuckers costs this country billions of dollars every year… Because of their unlawful Ways.
Terri , BS is this why you like Trump?
. When you decided you wanted to make America great again, was this the country you had in mind?

We live in a country that puts endangered immigrant children in jail. Six children have died in United States custody in eight months. Was it for this that you voted for Donald Trump?

We live in a country with a national debt of $22 trillion and growing. We’re this deep in debt not because we’ve invested in our roads and bridges, or increased the salaries of teachers, or invested in scientific research, or worked to save the environment, or brought back middle-class jobs, but because we’ve given an enormous tax break to the wealthiest people in the country, plain and simple. Was it for this that you voted for Donald Trump?

We live in a country in which white supremacists march with torches, in which the president mocks the disabled, advocates violence and calls the press the enemy of the people. Was it for this that you voted for Donald Trump? Just asking

Thank you

Asking you personally now. What have you done personally to support children from Third World nations. List your charitable giving and service. Go.
If somebody wears the badge of being Christian and then acts in contrast to it then it doesn’t matter who is making the critique.

Christianity isnt a badge. Its a religion that liberals despise...yet aspire to create the rules for. Liberalism is a form of puritanism.
In my opinion, these current democrats aren't authentic "liberals". They're pagans, in my opinion.

Of course. A hatred of Christianity is the bedrock of liberalism which is a throwback to a more barbarous time. Christianity preaches the transience of human creations and the worth and immortality of the soul. Thats at odds with the Marxists who preach that humans are animals and the state is permanent.

The lies Trumpkins tell themselves. The vast majority of liberals are CHRISTIANS. 60% of them. But they don't use their religion to selectively discriminate against "sinners". But the liberal Christians are far different from the fundamentalists who follow the Old Testament and its God of Wrath, and ignore the teachings of love, compassion and foregiveness of sins in the New Testament. Fundamentalists who do not treat all people with respect are fake Christians, and "prosperity Christians" have so perverted the teaching of Jesus as to have turned them on their head. Jesus' teachings are not to help you get rich, but to help you live in society in a way that is helpful, peaceful, and respectful of others.

The bigotted, narrow minded fundamentalist who calls him or herself a "Christian", while ignoring Christ's teachings of loving one another, are not really Christians, regardless of what they call themselves, and their claims of morality and decency are utterly false, when they vote for a President who assaults women, separates families, abuses small children for politcal gain, lies daily, they absolute dearth of real Christian values are there for all to see.

Right wing evengelical leaders have been caught in every manner of sex scandal, stolen from their adherents, and generally displayed their utter lack of Christian values. During the floodin in Houston, Joel Osteen locked the doors of his beautiful cathedral against the people living near his church on a hill, because they were poor and would mess us his facility. I think that is a vivid description of the level of "Christian values" of Osteen and his followers.

The right doesn't own Christian values. They can't claim to be doing God's work, when they vote in someone like Donald Trump. You have absolutely NO MORAL HIGH GROUND TO CLAIM, as long as you cheer the abuse of small children at the border. And plan on re-electing the man who did that.

Most Liberals are liars, and therefore, any Liberal who pretends he is a Christian while supporting lawlessness, homosexuality, child prostitution, legalization of family, career and life destroying drugs, and supports the abortions of 50 Million African Americans and other minorities unfortunately will be burning in Hell on judgment day.

Don't Go To Hell

Don't Be A Liberal

When you post that all liberals are liars, you're both "bearinig false witness against others" and passing judgement on others. In other words you're breaking one of the 10 commandments and violating Jesus' commandment to "Judge not lest you be judged".

Then you go on a diatribe of false charges and allegations against liberals. You're entire post is lies and accusations against others, none of which you have the slightest bit of evidence to support. Yet you vote for a man who we can prove has told over 10,000 lies just since he was elected.

I watched Donald Trump on TV yesterday talk about his abuse of children at the border, and everything he said about how it happened and what is going on was a bald faced lie. He's also lying about Iran.

Trump has created chaos on the border to help his re-election chances. He is harming thousands of people so fools like you will vote for him.


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