Shep Smith slams trump and Pence on migrant children mess

Shep Smith Tears Into Trump And Pence Over Mistreatment Of Migrant Children

trump has an excuse....He is amoral and devoid of empathy....but Mike Pence?

The SO CALLED Christian stands silently as children are denied the basic human rights at the border. Silence lead to many atrocities over the years.....Pence's silence shows him to be a Sunday only Christian....

What is your solution to the problem, Jim?

Funny how they never seem to have any :dunno:

Lots of complaints.

No solutions
Yes they do. They just don't want to say.

It's this:

They have a right to ask for asylum....they did not sneak across the border...

^^^ traitor defends illegals who break our laws, kill and rape Americans.
When did he or anybody else defend anybody who raped or murdered anybody? Show the quote or stop lying

Oh please you people do nothing but defend illegals and encourage them to scam our immigration laws and flood into our country by the millions. Be thankful we haven't rounded you people up and jailed you.
Shep Smith Tears Into Trump And Pence Over Mistreatment Of Migrant Children

trump has an excuse....He is amoral and devoid of empathy....but Mike Pence?

The SO CALLED Christian stands silently as children are denied the basic human rights at the border. Silence lead to many atrocities over the years.....Pence's silence shows him to be a Sunday only Christian....

What is your solution to the problem, Jim?

Funny how they never seem to have any :dunno:

Lots of complaints.

No solutions
Yes they do. They just don't want to say.

It's this:


That's their solution for everything.


Constipation, impotency, education.....

The Trump/Pence administration has opened the Pandora’s box of despicable thinking and behavior existing within American society - the border crisis of refugees seeking asylum, and the vile ignorance and hatred spewed about the crisis by ugly stupid bigots like in this thread is the worst of it.

The most horrible thing is that after Trump is gone, after the border crisis is over, we won’t ever be able to forget what was revealed by this time period. America is not a good country. Americans are not good people. The majority of Americans are either actively hateful or indifferent - and greed and gluttony abounds while compassion is in very short supply. Jesus would weep.
The Trump/Pence administration has opened the Pandora’s box of despicable thinking and behavior existing within American society - the border crisis of refugees seeking asylum, and the vile ignorance and hatred spewed about the crisis by ugly stupid bigots like in this thread is the worst of it.

The most horrible thing is that after Trump is gone, after the border crisis is over, we won’t ever be able to forget what was revealed by this time period. America is not a good country. Americans are not good people. The majority of Americans are either actively hateful or indifferent - and greed and gluttony abounds while compassion is in very short supply. Jesus would weep.

Oh the horrors...good grief
The Trump/Pence administration has opened the Pandora’s box of despicable thinking and behavior existing within American society - the border crisis of refugees seeking asylum, and the vile ignorance and hatred spewed about the crisis by ugly stupid bigots like in this thread is the worst of it.

The most horrible thing is that after Trump is gone, after the border crisis is over, we won’t ever be able to forget what was revealed by this time period. America is not a good country. Americans are not good people. The majority of Americans are either actively hateful or indifferent - and greed and gluttony abounds while compassion is in very short supply. Jesus would weep.
Do you live in Texas?

If not....STFU!!


The Trump/Pence administration has opened the Pandora’s box of despicable thinking and behavior existing within American society - the border crisis of refugees seeking asylum, and the vile ignorance and hatred spewed about the crisis by ugly stupid bigots like in this thread is the worst of it.

The most horrible thing is that after Trump is gone, after the border crisis is over, we won’t ever be able to forget what was revealed by this time period. America is not a good country. Americans are not good people. The majority of Americans are either actively hateful or indifferent - and greed and gluttony abounds while compassion is in very short supply. Jesus would weep.

Oh the horrors...good grief

Almost certainly a drive-by poster from DailyKooks

Where do they find these people?

I worry about the gene pool sometimes
The Trump/Pence administration has opened the Pandora’s box of despicable thinking and behavior existing within American society - the border crisis of refugees seeking asylum, and the vile ignorance and hatred spewed about the crisis by ugly stupid bigots like in this thread is the worst of it.

The most horrible thing is that after Trump is gone, after the border crisis is over, we won’t ever be able to forget what was revealed by this time period. America is not a good country. Americans are not good people. The majority of Americans are either actively hateful or indifferent - and greed and gluttony abounds while compassion is in very short supply. Jesus would weep.
Do you live in Texas?

If not....STFU!!



Don't be too hard on her. It's what she's been taught. It's what she's been told to believe. It's how her Masters have raised her to think.

From our total JOKE of an education system to the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM.... They ALL hate America.

And what I just described to you? The DISGUSTING FILTH, our ed system? That IS the dimocrap scum party.

Hollywood is part of the media as well.

Hate. It's all they know.

It is the best way, in their minds, to retake power.

To convince their simple-minded followers, their sheep, that America is a bad place.

Unless, of course, they're in charge.

Then they can do no wrong

dimocrap FILTH hate America unless they're in charge.

What does that tell you??
Nice, just deflect to Obama or Clinton, or the Dems. Doesn’t it get old?
I'm sorry - you completely mis-read / mis-interpreted my post. I am not 'DEFLECTING' anything. I am correcting the dumbass claim by the OP / his initial thread blaming the President and the Vice President for any of this going on.

For example, claiming the Pres/VP is responsible for children being separated from adults and them being placed in 'concentration camps' is a lie, as pointed out by my post that shows that false claim has already been tried - by the libtard media that presented photos of this Obama Policy going on and attempting to claim it was pictures of it going on under Trump - and was debunked as a LIE!

I am not 'deflecting' anything. I just debunked this thread / false claim / lie!

...and NO, debunking liberal LIES never gets old.


Obama hasn't been the president in two and a half years.

But the lies, damage, and negative repercussions of his criminal / pathetic Presidency continue to be felt and continue to hurt this country.

(Funny, 6 years after Bush left office snowflakes continued to blame him for everything. Hypocritessaywhat?! :p)
They have a right to ask for asylum....they did not sneak across the border...

^^^ traitor defends illegals who break our laws, kill and rape Americans.
When did he or anybody else defend anybody who raped or murdered anybody? Show the quote or stop lying

Oh please you people do nothing but defend illegals and encourage them to scam our immigration laws and flood into our country by the millions. Be thankful we haven't rounded you people up and jailed you.
I don’t encourage anybody to break our immigration laws and you can’t show me doing that. You’re full of shit and making stuff up.
Shep Smith Tears Into Trump And Pence Over Mistreatment Of Migrant Children

trump has an excuse....He is amoral and devoid of empathy....but Mike Pence?

The SO CALLED Christian stands silently as children are denied the basic human rights at the border. Silence lead to many atrocities over the years.....Pence's silence shows him to be a Sunday only Christian....

Shep Smith is one of the few newsmen at Fox and he is 100% right. It is amazing how you can claim to be a religious conservative and look the other way. These are the fake Christians.
Nice, just deflect to Obama or Clinton, or the Dems. Doesn’t it get old?
I'm sorry - you completely mis-read / mis-interpreted my post. I am not 'DEFLECTING' anything. I am correcting the dumbass claim by the OP / his initial thread blaming the President and the Vice President for any of this going on.

For example, claiming the Pres/VP is responsible for children being separated from adults and them being placed in 'concentration camps' is a lie, as pointed out by my post that shows that false claim has already been tried - by the libtard media that presented photos of this Obama Policy going on and attempting to claim it was pictures of it going on under Trump - and was debunked as a LIE!

I am not 'deflecting' anything. I just debunked this thread / false claim / lie!

...and NO, debunking liberal LIES never gets old.


Obama started it is not a valid argument. Trump is president. He can finish it. But instead he went to zero tolerance and made it worse. But let’s just ignore that and point to Obama again.
Shep Smith Tears Into Trump And Pence Over Mistreatment Of Migrant Children

trump has an excuse....He is amoral and devoid of empathy....but Mike Pence?

The SO CALLED Christian stands silently as children are denied the basic human rights at the border. Silence lead to many atrocities over the years.....Pence's silence shows him to be a Sunday only Christian....

Homosexuals judge Christians now?

People who support Trump are not Christians. Trump is the only candidate to be rebuked by Jesus Christ.
Shep Smith Tears Into Trump And Pence Over Mistreatment Of Migrant Children

trump has an excuse....He is amoral and devoid of empathy....but Mike Pence?

The SO CALLED Christian stands silently as children are denied the basic human rights at the border. Silence lead to many atrocities over the years.....Pence's silence shows him to be a Sunday only Christian....

Homosexuals judge Christians now?

People who support Trump are not Christians. Trump is the only candidate to be rebuked by Jesus Christ.
Let’s not put people into groups like that. A republican can support tax and regulation cuts, a prolife agenda, conservative judges etc and also be against all the childish banter that he engages in. Just like it isn’t fair to call all dems socialists. We gotta stop hyperbolizing. If you don’t like it when trump does it then don’t do it yourself.

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