Shep Smith slams trump and Pence on migrant children mess

The plight of the children are wholly the fault of democrats who refuse solutions. Those children should have been on transport back home within 30 minutes of discovery.
Shep Smith Tears Into Trump And Pence Over Mistreatment Of Migrant Children

trump has an excuse....He is amoral and devoid of empathy....but Mike Pence?

The SO CALLED Christian stands silently as children are denied the basic human rights at the border. Silence lead to many atrocities over the years.....Pence's silence shows him to be a Sunday only Christian....
Fuck Shep. He's an idiot.

I am devoid of empathy. FUCK those shits!!!!!

Oh boy, we got another genius joining the thread. Prepare yourselves to get dumber
Shep Smith Tears Into Trump And Pence Over Mistreatment Of Migrant Children

trump has an excuse....He is amoral and devoid of empathy....but Mike Pence?

The SO CALLED Christian stands silently as children are denied the basic human rights at the border. Silence lead to many atrocities over the years.....Pence's silence shows him to be a Sunday only Christian....
Fuck Shep. He's an idiot.

I am devoid of empathy. FUCK those shits!!!!!

Oh boy, we got another genius joining the thread. Prepare yourselves to get dumber
Fuck you. You're one of the fuckers causing this shit.

Shep Smith Tears Into Trump And Pence Over Mistreatment Of Migrant Children

trump has an excuse....He is amoral and devoid of empathy....but Mike Pence?

The SO CALLED Christian stands silently as children are denied the basic human rights at the border. Silence lead to many atrocities over the years.....Pence's silence shows him to be a Sunday only Christian....
Fuck Shep. He's an idiot.

I am devoid of empathy. FUCK those shits!!!!!

Oh boy, we got another genius joining the thread. Prepare yourselves to get dumber
Fuck you. You're one of the fuckers causing this shit.

You’re welcome
Shep Smith Tears Into Trump And Pence Over Mistreatment Of Migrant Children

trump has an excuse....He is amoral and devoid of empathy....but Mike Pence?

The SO CALLED Christian stands silently as children are denied the basic human rights at the border. Silence lead to many atrocities over the years.....Pence's silence shows him to be a Sunday only Christian....

You people are so full of lies and evil.

Christians have been helping the people at the boarder the entire time. I myself have support with money, charities that help those at the boarder.

Tell me, you walking trash... what have you done?

By the way, it's your left-wing democraps that have prevented anything from being done to help those people.

Trump offered a solution, and you rejected it. It's up to Congress... YOUR congress... the allocate the funds from Planned Parent Hood, and move that money from killing babies, to helping children. You and your scum sucking trash in government, have chosen not to.

So don't complain about how other people don't care, when you are the least caring people on this planet. You people are not even human.
What happens when we send somebody to Prison? Many times, a small percentage, but still, many times -- Wrongly or for such petty bullshit...... Like using plastic straws in Kalifornication

Where do their children go?

We separate Children from their Parents by the MILLIONS in this Country. All the time.

Parents are always being declared incompetent and having heir children taken from them. Sometimes rightly so, sometimes wrongly.

How about when our Fighting Men and Women have to go and defend the cowardly, gutless dimocrap parasites in this Country...... And the good people, too?

Think it's fair that those children have to be separated from their parent(s)?

dimocraps are simple-minded followers. All they do is parrot what their masters tell them to parrot.

They're no better than pets. Trained Monkeys. Dogs on their leashes. "Sit, dimocrap!"...... "Good Boy!" "Shake, dimocrap!" "Good little dimocrap!"

Completely devoid of the ability to think for themselves.

You dims don't want children separated from their parents? Tell the parents to stay home and stop voting for socialists.
'Shep Smith slams trump and Pence on migrant children mess....'

....yeah, because THEY are the ones who have refused to take action to prevent 100,000 illegals per month from illegally crossing into the US.....

...yeah, because THEY are the ones who CHOSE to stand with Mexican Drug Cartels / Human/Sex-Traffickers / MS13 / terrorists / pedophiles / rapists / murderers / cop killers over American citizens to shut down the govt to ensure our sovereignty remained compromised, our borders remained unsecured, American citizens stay in danger, and federal law-violating cities continue to operate....

...yeah, because THEY are the ones who continue not only to refuse to enforce existing Immigration laws but actively break laws by helping illegals evade law enforcement / ICE and continue to operate Sanctuary Cities....

......yeah, because THEY are the ones who refuse to admit that there is a serious national security and humanitarian crisis going on and have been for some time....

...yeah, because THEY are the ones who want to burden American - a nation that is trillions IN DEBT - with the cost of millions of illegals here and continuing to flood into the US with their assistance and 'blessing'....

...yeah, because THEY are the ones who want to burden American citizens by pushing the cost of these illegals onto the backs of Americans, to include the same Americans being victimized by these criminals....

...yeah, because THEY are the ones who have no problem forcing the cost of rewarding criminals flooding into the country and preying on American citizens with US citizenship through Amnesty...

...yeah, because THEY are the ones who ignore the massive, growing homeless problem and poor / hungry / uneducated here in the United States...making criminal illegals a higher priority in the US than American citizens...

...yeah, because THEY are the ones who refuse to legislate while continuing an on-going 3+ year failed exposed coup attempt while facilitating the on-going illegal invasion...

...yeah, because THEY are the ones, again, pushing for rewarding illegals / criminals with US Citizenship while refusing to agree to close the border to solve this problem once and for all.

MAN, you got 'IT' - 'TDS' / 'DumbF@ck-itis' - BAD!

Shep Smith Tears Into Trump And Pence Over Mistreatment Of Migrant Children

trump has an excuse....He is amoral and devoid of empathy....but Mike Pence?

The SO CALLED Christian stands silently as children are denied the basic human rights at the border. Silence lead to many atrocities over the years.....Pence's silence shows him to be a Sunday only Christian....
Shep Smith Tears Into Trump And Pence Over Mistreatment Of Migrant Children

trump has an excuse....He is amoral and devoid of empathy....but Mike Pence?

The SO CALLED Christian stands silently as children are denied the basic human rights at the border. Silence lead to many atrocities over the years.....Pence's silence shows him to be a Sunday only Christian....

98% of Christians are big phonies . They use religion as an excuse for their bigotry. They don’t care about abortion, they just want to control women .
'Shep Smith slams trump and Pence on migrant children mess'

....yeah, because THEY are the ones who 1st separated children from adults and put them in 'cages'....
-- Those photos of immigrant children “caged” by the US? They’re from 2014





Shep is a faggot and send the assholes back to Mexico.
And you’re an ignorant lunatic of a bigot.

Let us know when what he says something untrue, lowlife

Do you have anything intelligent to say or do you just love #virtuesignalling so much??

Now go back to the Super Market and keep an eye out for people with more than 10 items trying to get through the Express Lane
I think we should look at s the democrat voting rolls and start housing these shit at democrat houses.

Put your money and home where your cocksucking mouths are, commie dems.

Shep Smith Tears Into Trump And Pence Over Mistreatment Of Migrant Children

trump has an excuse....He is amoral and devoid of empathy....but Mike Pence?

The SO CALLED Christian stands silently as children are denied the basic human rights at the border. Silence lead to many atrocities over the years.....Pence's silence shows him to be a Sunday only Christian....
Further proof of this failed administration's bigotry and hate

The lesson to be learned is don't sneak across borders.

Of course it's Jones so I may as well not posted, he'll scamper off

They have a right to ask for asylum....they did not sneak across the border...
They sneaked across the border and asked for asylum when caught. Exactly as they were coached to do.
I think we should look at s the democrat voting rolls and start housing these shit at democrat houses.

Put your money and home where your cocksucking mouths are, commie dems.

Yeah man, you should run for office on that platform. I’m sure you’ll be very popular. Go for it!
I think we should look at s the democrat voting rolls and start housing these shit at democrat houses.

Put your money and home where your cocksucking mouths are, commie dems.

Yeah man, you should run for office on that platform. I’m sure you’ll be very popular. Go for it!
How many illegal shits are you housing?

Shep Smith Tears Into Trump And Pence Over Mistreatment Of Migrant Children

trump has an excuse....He is amoral and devoid of empathy....but Mike Pence?

The SO CALLED Christian stands silently as children are denied the basic human rights at the border. Silence lead to many atrocities over the years.....Pence's silence shows him to be a Sunday only Christian....

What is your solution to the problem, Jim?

Funny how they never seem to have any :dunno:

Lots of complaints.

No solutions

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