Sheriff Clarke on domestic terrorists rioting


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Yall hear him on Fox? He says it needs nipped in the bud NOW! They are anarchists and unamerican etc. I want him for Homeland Security leader!
Are they breaking laws? If so then arrest them . if not I promote protesting. Its free speech. Just keep it within the law. Then I can support it.
No, I'd require that Hillary Clinton go address those crowds if she's the source of the rioting.

She could show some leadership, and get connected to peers she shut out of the process by censoring people fighting for change, and making them TOO dependent on one candidate to win to represent those interests.

Had the party been teaching self-govt, the constituency base would be too busy investing in their own development of business and communities and health care to riot.

But when you teach dependence, instead of how to represent and manage your own resources, then when that dependence on govt leaders for protection of rights is taken away, they are left with nothing but to protest.

They were set up to fail, and all that energy needs to be redirected toward self-govt not more dependence on someone else to manage and hand things to them.

Bring in the Nat'l Guard if necessary.
Are they breaking laws? If so then arrest them . if not I promote protesting. Its free speech. Just keep it within the law. Then I can support it.

Protesting is fine, rioting is wrong and the idiots need to stop. They are nothing but poor loser, crybabies. They really have proven who the ignorant and uneducated assholes are.
This is all organized. I bet most that get arrested will be from out of town, just like the ones arrested in Ferguson and Baltimore, etc. It's leftwing radicals, like Soros, organizing this and paying thugs to go start shit. It's not just citizens going off the edge, not that some aren't unstable enough to do that. This is planned. All designed to intimidate and either get Obama to impose martial law or to pressure the EC voters to change their votes.

They need to be dealt with and thrown in jail when they get out of control. None have been peaceful. People are getting hurt, property is getting burned and highways are being blocked by these obnoxious assholes.

Yall hear him on Fox? He says it needs nipped in the bud NOW! They are anarchists and unamerican etc. I want him for Homeland Security leader!

He's another nazi pig that won't be silencing anyone. What a bitch they have to sit on their hands and do nothing for three more months.

"oh the pain, the pain".
Yall hear him on Fox? He says it needs nipped in the bud NOW! They are anarchists and unamerican etc. I want him for Homeland Security leader!

He's another nazi pig that won't be silencing anyone. What a bitch they have to sit on their hands and do nothing for three more months.

"oh the pain, the pain".
Hildabeast lost the election, bedwetter
This is all organized. I bet most that get arrested will be from out of town, just like the ones arrested in Ferguson and Baltimore, etc. It's leftwing radicals, like Soros, organizing this and paying thugs to go start shit. It's not just citizens going off the edge, not that some aren't unstable enough to do that. This is planned. All designed to intimidate and either get Obama to impose martial law or to pressure the EC voters to change their votes.

They need to be dealt with and thrown in jail when they get out of control. None have been peaceful. People are getting hurt, property is getting burned and highways are being blocked by these obnoxious assholes.

View attachment 98082
Actually, the Bonus Army incident was one whereby the troops called in by Herbert Hoover (a Republican whose motto was "rugged individualism), shot innocent people who were not being violent. WWI vets were camped outside the White House demanding the military bonus they were promised for serving in WWI. Hoover's response was to send in troops to disperse the protesters, who again...weren't violent and who also had their families with them. The troops attacked and people were killed.
The public response was to overwhelmingly vote in Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a Democrat. Roosevelt's response to the Bonus Army send out his wife to serve coffee and give them their bonuses.
Yall hear him on Fox? He says it needs nipped in the bud NOW! They are anarchists and unamerican etc. I want him for Homeland Security leader!

He's another nazi pig that won't be silencing anyone. What a bitch they have to sit on their hands and do nothing for three more months.

"oh the pain, the pain".
Hildabeast lost the election, bedwetter

Take it easy on Isaac, he hasn't been the same since that apple fell on his head... If he gets out of hand, just find a safe space for him...

Not a black church, red necks like burning the house of god more than they like seeing people die on a nascar track. And that, by god, is saying something.
Yall hear him on Fox? He says it needs nipped in the bud NOW! They are anarchists and unamerican etc. I want him for Homeland Security leader!

He's another nazi pig that won't be silencing anyone. What a bitch they have to sit on their hands and do nothing for three more months.

"oh the pain, the pain".
Hildabeast lost the election, bedwetter

Take it easy on Isaac, he hasn't been the same since that apple fell on his head... If he gets out of hand, just find a safe space for him...

Not a black church, red necks like burning the house of god more than they like seeing people die on a nascar track. And that, by god, is saying something.

Another left-wing bigot. What a non-surprise.
Yall hear him on Fox? He says it needs nipped in the bud NOW! They are anarchists and unamerican etc. I want him for Homeland Security leader!

He's another nazi pig that won't be silencing anyone. What a bitch they have to sit on their hands and do nothing for three more months.

"oh the pain, the pain".
Hildabeast lost the election, bedwetter

Take it easy on Isaac, he hasn't been the same since that apple fell on his head... If he gets out of hand, just find a safe space for him...

Not a black church, red necks like burning the house of god more than they like seeing people die on a nascar track. And that, by god, is saying something.

The hate and bigotry of the left continues. Love that intolerance!
Not a black church, red necks like burning the house of god more than they like seeing people die on a nascar track. And that, by god, is saying something

Isaac have your legal guardian lay out your meds for you to take and try to get some sleep... You are beginning to sound delirious... Get some rest champ and live to fuss another day...
Are they breaking laws? If so then arrest them . if not I promote protesting. Its free speech. Just keep it within the law. Then I can support it.

They are destroying property and assaulting people.

Ok the moment they climb aboard a ship and start tossing tea overboard I want you to get out there and stop those hoodlums!
Are they breaking laws? If so then arrest them . if not I promote protesting. Its free speech. Just keep it within the law. Then I can support it.

They are destroying property and assaulting people.

Now some are making threats on Twitter. There are numerous posts calling for Trump to be assassinated. Others want him and his supporters to die. Radical idiots. And they think people should actually listen to them.
Now we know that their claims of being tolerant and kind are bullshit. We are seeing the real left. While most of these thugs have been hired to travel around and start shit, the people that hired them (Soros, etc) and the people who want this (Hillary, etc.) are showing their true colors by fueling these riots. MSNBC has been a complete puke fest since election day.

Are they breaking laws? If so then arrest them . if not I promote protesting. Its free speech. Just keep it within the law. Then I can support it.

Protesting is fine, rioting is wrong and the idiots need to stop. They are nothing but poor loser, crybabies. They really have proven who the ignorant and uneducated assholes are.
This is the result of raising a generation of kids where everyone gets a trophy, nobody has to deal with being the loser. Just give them participation trophy and they will understand and be happy.

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