Sheriff: Hundreds watched 'gang rape' in Panama City Beach in broad daylight, did nothing to stop it

Donald Polish

VIP Member
Nov 27, 2014
Sheriff Hundreds watched gang rape in Panama City Beach in broad daylight did nothing to stop it
So tell me about America, please.
No one calls the police when during a rape, but if I'm playing music too loudly on a Saturday afternoon the police get called.
There are double standards even among ordinary people.
Sad, very sad.

But don't expect to hear much clamoring about this from the "college rape epidemic" folks...they assumed when they took up the cause that the student perpetrators raping unconscious college girls would be white.
Sheriff Hundreds watched gang rape in Panama City Beach in broad daylight did nothing to stop it
So tell me about America, please.
No one calls the police when during a rape, but if I'm playing music too loudly on a Saturday afternoon the police get called.
There are double standards even among ordinary people.
They need to start locking these animals up and throwing away the key. On second thought, bullets are cheap. And everyone who watched and did nothing... they are just as guilty.
They be good boyz! Don't cha know! Its RACISSSS to dare think they are evil or even worse not evolved enough to live in a civilized society.
Bad people doing bad things, nothing new there, or the attempts at bad mouthing black people that committed a crime, but forgetting that all color of humans commit crimes...White boys seem to like to shake babies to death a lot.. What's up with that? I had 4 kids and never shook any ....
Id bet a dollar to a dime that the victim was a white girl.
This is more about money than about racism.

The reason they cops are called for loud music at the OP's home and not for rowdy Spring Breakers is money. The resort towns are run by the hospitality people. They have the money. They'd will do ANYTHING to avoid risking the cash cow that is spring break. That is why the laws are so lax and the enforcement is even more lax.

That said, if any of the bystanders had called 911 it would have been stopped.
This is more about money than about racism.

The reason they cops are called for loud music at the OP's home and not for rowdy Spring Breakers is money. The resort towns are run by the hospitality people. They have the money. They'd will do ANYTHING to avoid risking the cash cow that is spring break. That is why the laws are so lax and the enforcement is even more lax.

That said, if any of the bystanders had called 911 it would have been stopped.
But no one did call 911. And that is a very sad commentary on the human condition.
This is more about money than about racism.

The reason they cops are called for loud music at the OP's home and not for rowdy Spring Breakers is money. The resort towns are run by the hospitality people. They have the money. They'd will do ANYTHING to avoid risking the cash cow that is spring break. That is why the laws are so lax and the enforcement is even more lax.

That said, if any of the bystanders had called 911 it would have been stopped.
But no one did call 911. And that is a very sad commentary on the human condition.

Indeed it is. I hope most thought she was a willing participant. But since we will never see the video, I guess we'll never know.
And everyone who watched and did nothing... they are just as guilty.
Amen to this. Saying and doing nothing only lets any kind of nightmare continue and to me anyone who decides to let it continue should be charged with being an accomplice because that is what being silent turns a person into.

God bless you always!!!

Clearly ghetto trash created by gang culture, low-education, and popular movies and games that portray criminality and public disorder as cool or acceptable - and promote rape culture. Sad, but some people obviously become dangers to society that have to be locked away.
Bad people doing bad things, nothing new there, or the attempts at bad mouthing black people that committed a crime, but forgetting that all color of humans commit crimes...White boys seem to like to shake babies to death a lot.. What's up with that? I had 4 kids and never shook any ....

Totally agree, doesn't matter what race the perpetrators are...but it does matter to the college rape epidemic crowd. Liberals don't want to highlight black crime. And liberal dominated media would never allow a exclusive report on this crime like Rolling Stone did on that fake college rape exclusive report....their politically correct nature precludes any emphasis on crimes that could in any way reinforce race based stereotypes.
Bad people doing bad things, nothing new there, or the attempts at bad mouthing black people that committed a crime, but forgetting that all color of humans commit crimes...White boys seem to like to shake babies to death a lot.. What's up with that? I had 4 kids and never shook any ....

Totally agree, doesn't matter what race the perpetrators are...but it does matter to the college rape epidemic crowd. Liberals don't want to highlight black crime. And liberal dominated media would never allow a exclusive report on this crime like Rolling Stone did on that fake college rape exclusive report....their politically correct nature precludes any emphasis on crimes that could in any way reinforce race based stereotypes.
Speaking of stereotypes, police profiling works for a reason. Liberals want to outlaw the practice. They say it's racist. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around that one. Must be more of that liberal logic, I guess.
Don't believe because there's a crowd of strangers that anybody will step in to stop something like this. They forget they have superior numbers and consider only their own personal safety....Then again if a few of them can depend on their pals joining in, then the rapists get their asses beat. If you're ever dumb enough to get surrounded, (keep moving, keep them in front of you) attack the one you think is the leader in a savage manner...his pals might forget they have the numbers unless they're a gang used to dog-piling victims. If that's the case, at least you put enough of a beating on one of them so you can pick him out of a lineup.

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