Sheriff Joe Rightfully Gets His Pardon

So the criminal is happy to get a pardon but he never saw anyone else fit to give a pardon. He was going to be 'tough' on crime, like Trump who is now pardoning people 'he likes'. He wouldn't pardon John McCain because John McCain was captured and drumpf 'likes people that weren't captured'.

And you derps I'm sure don't see the irony in pardoning this POS Arpaio. I mean why would a convicted criminal have to serve his sentence?

You got a problem with Italian-Americans you racist fuck?

Sorry you are looking for the old man room. Try over yonder. And get on the horn to get your band together over at the speak easy. Be sure to bring your Chicago typewriter or those coppers will be fitting you for a Chicago overcoat.
The Troglocrats say that the border wall is racist........buuuut Hilliary and Nobama both voted for it when they were senators
Our court system differed. Don't you know what CONVICTED means,

convicted doesn't mean anything seeing that I was convicted of being a major drug trafficker and only just now, 2 years later, are the courts reducing my sentence and returning my money realizing they accidentally convicted a broke heroin addict of being a major profiteer. That's why I'm not in prison anymore.

So convicted doesn't mean anything these days. We got 3% of the American population behind bars "convicted" of non-violent drug offenses, that's more than any other country in the world. Do you really think that 3% of the American population deserves to be labeled as "convicts" in the sense that you applied it?
Derps is an Italian slur? Since when?
Are you drunk again?

I'd ask you the same thing but I doubt you're strong enough to lift a beer mug. Arpaio is an Italian name and your playmate apparently has a problem with Italians....that makes him (and you) a racist piece of shit.
You know, in light of the events of last weekend, and also considering the fact that there is another white supremacist rally slated for this weekend in Boston, do you REALLY think that pardoning a man who is considered by many to be a racist is such a good idea? Especially when the crime he was charged with and convicted over was a racially motivated one?

Note to the weak minded, Mexican is a nationality, not a race, most have European ancestry just like Americans.


Not my words, what the judge said. He was in contempt.

Ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio Convicted Of Criminal Contempt

The judge is an idiot, plain and simple.
I love how Trump supporters love them convicted criminals like Arpaio but hate to death HRC who's never been charged or convicted of a crime.

You didn't acknowledge my post about how Arpaio and his correctional staff melts drug addicts alive in cages in the 106 degree desert?

So you have the word from someone other than criminals?

That was not the reason Arpaio was convicted. Not even close!
Our court system differed. Don't you know what CONVICTED means,

convicted doesn't mean anything seeing that I was convicted of being a major drug trafficker and only just now, 2 years later, are the courts reducing my sentence and returning my money realizing they accidentally convicted a broke heroin addict of being a major profiteer. That's why I'm not in prison anymore.

So convicted doesn't mean anything these days. We got 3% of the American population behind bars "convicted" of non-violent drug offenses, that's more than any other country in the world. Do you really think that 3% of the American population deserves to be labeled as "convicts" in the sense that you applied it?

Yep! Absolutely!

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time!
Our court system differed. Don't you know what CONVICTED means,

convicted doesn't mean anything seeing that I was convicted of being a major drug trafficker and only just now, 2 years later, are the courts reducing my sentence and returning my money realizing they accidentally convicted a broke heroin addict of being a major profiteer. That's why I'm not in prison anymore.

So convicted doesn't mean anything these days. We got 3% of the American population behind bars "convicted" of non-violent drug offenses, that's more than any other country in the world. Do you really think that 3% of the American population deserves to be labeled as "convicts" in the sense that you applied it?

Yep! Absolutely!

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time!

I didn't do the crime. The courts just determined that, two years later on appeal, otherwise I wouldn't be free on streets right now, I'd still be doing a 25-LIFE sentence.
Our court system differed. Don't you know what CONVICTED means,

convicted doesn't mean anything seeing that I was convicted of being a major drug trafficker and only just now, 2 years later, are the courts reducing my sentence and returning my money realizing they accidentally convicted a broke heroin addict of being a major profiteer. That's why I'm not in prison anymore.

So convicted doesn't mean anything these days. We got 3% of the American population behind bars "convicted" of non-violent drug offenses, that's more than any other country in the world. Do you really think that 3% of the American population deserves to be labeled as "convicts" in the sense that you applied it?

Yep! Absolutely!

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time!

I didn't do the crime. The courts just determined that, two years later on appeal, otherwise I wouldn't be free on streets right now, I'd still be doing a 25-LIFE sentence.

Then you are not a convict! DUH!
I love how Trump supporters love them convicted criminals like Arpaio but hate to death HRC who's never been charged or convicted of a crime.

You didn't acknowledge my post about how Arpaio and his correctional staff melts drug addicts alive in cages in the 106 degree desert?

So you have the word from someone other than criminals?

That was not the reason Arpaio was convicted. Not even close!

This is well known fact. I had learned of it on prison though, not on the internet. The prisoner I learned it from was one of her close friends.

Jon's Jail Journal (by Shaun Attwood)

Marcia Powell's Death Unavenged: County Attorney Passes on Prosecuting Prison Staff

On the same day the cops at Perryville left Marcia Powell out in a cage with no water in 106 °F weather, until the heat finally claimed her, over here at Buckeye prison, two SSU guards left me and 25 other individuals outside in the cages for two hours. They gave us only one 8 oz cup of water and expected us all to drop UA’s. We all said, “No. No one can drop.” One prisoner had to be taken inside due to symptoms of heat exhaustion. We all got booked for refusing to provide urine samples, though no one had enough water to urinate.

Now, since Marcia Powell died, state-wide policy doesn’t allow any inamtes to remain in the cages whatsoever. All over the yard and on the prison directory channel on TV are warnings about heat exhaustion, and tips to stay hydrated along with detailed descriptions about what the Arizona sun can do to a person.

What about us on that day? I bet if someone died over here, none of us would be getting booked for a refusal ticket. Right now, the Arizona Department of Corrections can’t afford another scandal of the same caliber, so we’re all guaranteed to be guilty for refusing to urinate, so they can cover their dirty tracks over here.

The system is just as corrupt as the inamtes. The only difference between us and the staff is the color of the costume.[/quote[

The county medical examiner found the cause of death to be due to complications from heat exposure. Her core body temperature upon examination was 108 degrees Fahrenheit. She suffered burns and blisters all over her body.

Witnesses say she was repeatedly denied water by corrections officers, though the c.o.'s deny this. The weather the day she collapsed from the heat (May 19 -- she died in the early morning hours of May 20) arched just above a 107 degree high.

According to a 3,000 page report released by the ADC, she pleaded to be taken back inside, but was ignored. Similarly, she was not allowed to use the restroom. When she was found unconscious, her body was covered with excrement from soiling herself.

Powell, who was serving a 27-month sentence for prostitution, actually expired after being transported to West Valley Hospital, where acting ADC Director Charles Ryan made the decision to have her life support suspended.
(Ryan lacked the authority to do this, but that's another story, which you can read about, here.)

ADC conducted its own criminal investigation into Powell's agonizing demise. The information I have indicates that ADC submitted its conclusions to the county attorney earlier this year. (Please see update below.) ADC was seeking charges of negligent homicide against at least seven c.o.'s, as well as related charges against other prison staff.

Why didn't the county attorney's office pursue those charges? Apparently, they didn't think they could prevail in court.

County attorney spokesman Bill Fitzgerald issued the following terse statement.

"There is insufficient evidence to go forward with a prosecution against any of the named individuals," he e-mailed me, declining to elaborate further.

Donna Hamm of the advocacy group Middle Ground Prison Reform wasn't buying it.

"Having read the bulk of those 3,000 pages of reports," she told me, "if someone in a prosecutorial position can't find a crime in those pages, they have absolutely no credibility in my opinion."

Hamm noted that guards passed Powell several times throughout her stay in the cage, and that some mocked her pleas for water. As for c.o. claims that Powell was given water, Hamm countered that Powell's eyes "were as dry as parchment," and that the autopsy results show there was no sign of hydration.
Marcia Powell's Death Unavenged: County Attorney Passes on Prosecuting Prison Staff
Marcia Powell's Autopsy Report Rules Cage Death in ADC Custody an "Accident"
Last edited:
I love how Trump supporters love them convicted criminals like Arpaio but hate to death HRC who's never been charged or convicted of a crime.

You didn't acknowledge my post about how Arpaio and his correctional staff melts drug addicts alive in cages in the 106 degree desert?

So you have the word from someone other than criminals?

That was not the reason Arpaio was convicted. Not even close!

This is well known fact.

Jon's Jail Journal (by Shaun Attwood)

On the same day the cops at Perryville left Marcia Powell out in a cage with no water in 106 °F weather, until the heat finally claimed her, over here at Buckeye prison, two SSU guards left me and 25 other individuals outside in the cages for two hours. They gave us only one 8 oz cup of water and expected us all to drop UA’s. We all said, “No. No one can drop.” One prisoner had to be taken inside due to symptoms of heat exhaustion. We all got booked for refusing to provide urine samples, though no one had enough water to urinate.

Now, since Marcia Powell died, state-wide policy doesn’t allow any inamtes to remain in the cages whatsoever. All over the yard and on the prison directory channel on TV are warnings about heat exhaustion, and tips to stay hydrated along with detailed descriptions about what the Arizona sun can do to a person.

What about us on that day? I bet if someone died over here, none of us would be getting booked for a refusal ticket. Right now, the Arizona Department of Corrections can’t afford another scandal of the same caliber, so we’re all guaranteed to be guilty for refusing to urinate, so they can cover their dirty tracks over here.

The system is just as corrupt as the inamtes. The only difference between us and the staff is the color of the costume.[/quote[

If it is a fact, how many people were convicted for this alleged abuse?
I love how Trump supporters love them convicted criminals like Arpaio but hate to death HRC who's never been charged or convicted of a crime.

You didn't acknowledge my post about how Arpaio and his correctional staff melts drug addicts alive in cages in the 106 degree desert?

So you have the word from someone other than criminals?

That was not the reason Arpaio was convicted. Not even close!

This is well known fact.

Jon's Jail Journal (by Shaun Attwood)

On the same day the cops at Perryville left Marcia Powell out in a cage with no water in 106 °F weather, until the heat finally claimed her, over here at Buckeye prison, two SSU guards left me and 25 other individuals outside in the cages for two hours. They gave us only one 8 oz cup of water and expected us all to drop UA’s. We all said, “No. No one can drop.” One prisoner had to be taken inside due to symptoms of heat exhaustion. We all got booked for refusing to provide urine samples, though no one had enough water to urinate.

Now, since Marcia Powell died, state-wide policy doesn’t allow any inamtes to remain in the cages whatsoever. All over the yard and on the prison directory channel on TV are warnings about heat exhaustion, and tips to stay hydrated along with detailed descriptions about what the Arizona sun can do to a person.

What about us on that day? I bet if someone died over here, none of us would be getting booked for a refusal ticket. Right now, the Arizona Department of Corrections can’t afford another scandal of the same caliber, so we’re all guaranteed to be guilty for refusing to urinate, so they can cover their dirty tracks over here.

The system is just as corrupt as the inamtes. The only difference between us and the staff is the color of the costume.[/quote[

If it is a fact, how many people were convicted for this alleged abuse?

Read my links in the post I gave you and find out. Then hold your head in shame for the injustice.
Before anyone responds to 2nd Amendment, he told me he's " the biggest racist on this forum" and that's saying something on this forum.
So just be advised.
The next great media meltdown will be Tuesday's Trumo celebration visit to Az....mark your calendar.
Bet you $100 he mentions Hillary and that he won in Nov.
He did win in November.

Behold the Silent White Majority

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