She's almost gone and good riddance!

Just a few more days to put up with her and her ilk. They can't get gone soon enough!

And now we get Jill.
Let me count the fat folds! I've already used up one hand. :rofl:

I'm sure you've enjoyed having a lesbian porn star / illegal alien for a first lady, but you will eventually get over your loss.
I bet you will just love having a whore, see Willie Brown, for a Vice President and by the way her grandfather owned slave in Jamaica. IDIOT.

Come back when you have proof that she paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to porn stars for sex. Trump lowered that bar so low till comparison to him is not your best ammunition.
CNN of course doing their part to keep up the harassment right up to the end.
They are deathly scared of Trump. Trump is still the most powerful person in America and will remain so for the rest of his life.
Ha! You funny Meaty...
Ha, you butthurt doc...
How can I be when your post is provably wrong. Trump is the most powerful person in the US like Josef Stalin was a nice guy. Not very....
Do you little bitches ever stop crying?
Nothing makes a Liberals happy except death.
Your assertion is wrong. Getting the Orange Fat Fuck Buffoon Deplorable Fake News-enabler Loser out of the WH has made them immeasurably happy.
I can see from the Liberals here and on other sites that you are quite incorrect.
In fact, when Obama was President every Liberal was miserable; it's an emotional illness.
Do you little bitches ever stop crying?
Nothing makes a Liberals happy except death.
Your assertion is wrong. Getting the Orange Fat Fuck Buffoon Deplorable Fake News-enabler Loser out of the WH has made them immeasurably happy.
I can see from the Liberals here and on other sites that you are quite incorrect.
In fact, when Obama was President every Liberal was miserable; it's an emotional illness.
Really? All the liberals I knew were happy as Larry about Obama. I thought he was an okay president. Not enough balls IMO.
I don't care about Melania and her sex/financial relationship with this donald. It is more important that trump's sluts in HHS and the department of Education get gone. Too much of "birth control doesn't work," said by some slut who made millions off of "abstinence" education, much of which was stolen from the taxpayers, and the monkey who has no background in education, but who wants to hide sexual assaulters and wants to steal taxpayers' dollars to finance the indoctrination centers run by the cult she's in.
Do you little bitches ever stop crying?
Nothing makes a Liberals happy except death.
Your assertion is wrong. Getting the Orange Fat Fuck Buffoon Deplorable Fake News-enabler Loser out of the WH has made them immeasurably happy.
I can see from the Liberals here and on other sites that you are quite incorrect.
In fact, when Obama was President every Liberal was miserable; it's an emotional illness.
Really? All the liberals I knew were happy as Larry about Obama. I thought he was an okay president. Not enough balls IMO.
All the Liberals you know aren't American Liberals; don't even try to pull the wool over my eyes.
I don't care about Melania and her sex/financial relationship with this donald. It is more important that trump's sluts in HHS and the department of Education get gone. Too much of "birth control doesn't work," said by some slut who made millions off of "abstinence" education, much of which was stolen from the taxpayers, and the monkey who has no background in education, but who wants to hide sexual assaulters and wants to steal taxpayers' dollars to finance the indoctrination centers run by the cult she's in.
Do you little bitches ever stop crying?
Nothing makes a Liberals happy except death.
Your assertion is wrong. Getting the Orange Fat Fuck Buffoon Deplorable Fake News-enabler Loser out of the WH has made them immeasurably happy.
I can see from the Liberals here and on other sites that you are quite incorrect.
In fact, when Obama was President every Liberal was miserable; it's an emotional illness.
Really? All the liberals I knew were happy as Larry about Obama. I thought he was an okay president. Not enough balls IMO.
The things done behind the scenes was quite different though. The Deplorables are not the only ones that have to live in this Brave New World of yours. We peaked about the time we started printing all of this extra fiat currency back when Joe Biden was just a newbie in D.C.

Just a few more days to put up with her and her ilk. They can't get gone soon enough!

And now we get Jill.
Let me count the fat folds! I've already used up one hand. :rofl:

I'm sure you've enjoyed having a lesbian porn star / illegal alien for a first lady, but you will eventually get over your loss.
I bet you will just love having a whore, see Willie Brown, for a Vice President and by the way her grandfather owned slave in Jamaica. IDIOT.
I thought you were talking about Dr. Jill doing Hunter when the old man took a nap.

Just a few more days to put up with her and her ilk. They can't get gone soon enough!

She can’t infect anyone, she already has had the virus, so what is the point of wearing the mask?
Because she can get reinfected and then infect others.

Just a few more days to put up with her and her ilk. They can't get gone soon enough!

She can’t infect anyone, she already has had the virus, so what is the point of wearing the mask?
Because she can get reinfected and then infect others.

How long ago did she have it, because the antibodies stay in the body 90-120 days before they are no longer there.
How long ago did she have it, because the antibodies stay in the body 90-120 days before they are no longer there.
As I understand it, we are not really sure how long they stay, or at what levels you can be reinfected to the point of illness or even just to the point of being able to spread it.

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