She's Baaaaack: Sarah Palin To Speak At CPAC 2013

She is a fine women with a lovely family and not one of you bitches can take that away from her.
Fine woman~ check

Lovely family~ check

Effective political leader? Great communicator? Impressive resume as a public servant?

I'm afraid Sarah Palin will never meet those criteria.

Of course, if you want her to be a standard bearer, an intellectual heavyweight with Churchillian skills to communicate a political message, a brilliant political strategist primed to move your political ideology closer to the point of governance, you might want to rethink Sarah Palin.
She is a fine women with a lovely family and not one of you bitches can take that away from her.

I'm afraid that does not qualify her for higher office.

She's also not that bright, and you can't take that away from her, either.

She's no Joe Biden, that's for sure

I wonder how much she is getting paid for the appearance?

I don't know. Since Fox fired her, she may do it for free for the publicity. Her career ain't exactly swingin'...

so far just liberal slime doing the usual violent person attack because they lack IQ for substance.

Is there even one liberal with the IQ to say what they have against conservatism/libertarianism??
I haven't launched anything close to a violent personal attack on Sarah Palin. I don't find her all that smart. Nor do I believe she can articulate an effective political message.

As for Conservatism, I find that movement is consistently behind the curve of history. Whenever a movement arose to further civil rights, it has been Conservatives providing the resistance. Whenever there has been a movement to ensure better working conditions, the Conservatives have been opposed. Whenever there has been evidence of environmental degradation, Conservatives have dismissed it as 'junk science'. And whenever one of the prime players in our economy, the federal government, has tried to stimulate or adjust the economy to provide a more level playing field for all, the Conservatives have answered the call from their corporate masters and opposed it.

That's what I have against Conservatism/Libertarianism.
Here's the question you should be asking yourself about Sarah Palin: "Is this the best we can do?"

In your soul you know the answer is, "No."

If people would just ask themselves that question about every politician, we would have a better country.
Here's the question you should be asking yourself about Sarah Palin: "Is this the best we can do?"

In your soul you know the answer is, "No."

If people would just ask themselves that question about every politician, we would have a better country.

Well if the only the best and smartest (well spoken and IQ over 150) ran the common people would object too so there is always a needle to thread especially when Democrats have dumbed down our democracy so much with more and more people voting despite it directly contradicting the Constitution.

Sarah is a national treasure. I envision a monument in her honor someday. I wonder what it will look like...
Here's the question you should be asking yourself about Sarah Palin: "Is this the best we can do?"

In your soul you know the answer is, "No."

If people would just ask themselves that question about every politician, we would have a better country.

I'd take Palin over Obama any day..she at least talk to the people not above them or preach to them, plus she ran a state not was just some junior Senater who did nothing but attend
Here's the question you should be asking yourself about Sarah Palin: "Is this the best we can do?"

In your soul you know the answer is, "No."

If people would just ask themselves that question about every politician, we would have a better country.

I ask the same question about Obama. I come to the same answer. Emphatically, "no." Yet, here we are.
Here's the question you should be asking yourself about Sarah Palin: "Is this the best we can do?"

In your soul you know the answer is, "No."

If people would just ask themselves that question about every politician, we would have a better country.

I'd take Palin over Obama any day..she at least talk to the people not above them or preach to them, plus she ran a state not was just some junior Senater who did nothing but attend

I would take Palin over bed. Every day.

Other than that, I would toss both of them into the ocean and call it a good start.
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It's amazing that Conservatives believe that Liberals "hate" or "fear" someone as thoroughly dispensable as Sarah Palin! Speaking for myself, a card carrying Liberal of the old school, I neither hate not fear Palin. I find her a wellspring of mediocre thought and an extremely poor communicator of those thoughts, but there is nothing to hate or fear. She's comic relief. No one hated or feared the court jester.

Well if the only the best and smartest (well spoken and IQ over 150) ran the common people would object too so there is always a needle to thread especially when Democrats have dumbed down our democracy so much with more and more people voting despite it directly contradicting the obvious intent of the Constitution.
Here's the question you should be asking yourself about Sarah Palin: "Is this the best we can do?"

In your soul you know the answer is, "No."

If people would just ask themselves that question about every politician, we would have a better country.

I'd take Palin over Obama any day..she at least talk to the people not above them or preach to them, plus she ran a state not was just some junior Senater who did nothing but attend

I would take Palin over bed. Every day.

Other than that, I would toss both of them into the ocean and call it a good start.

so who to you is the best we can do?
Until the right jumps off the crazy train - they will have no viable presidential candidates. We saw how they treated Jon Huntsman.
Here's the question you should be asking yourself about Sarah Palin: "Is this the best we can do?"

In your soul you know the answer is, "No."

If people would just ask themselves that question about every politician, we would have a better country.

I'd take Palin over Obama any day..she at least talk to the people not above them or preach to them, plus she ran a state not was just some junior Senater who did nothing but attend

Well said, Steph. Very well said indeed.

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