She's Baaaaack: Sarah Palin To Speak At CPAC 2013

what's funny is the Democrats have some of the dumbest and crooked people elected but they never talk about them

One is now being investigated by the FBI for being a child molester
Bill Clinton was accused for rape
Jackson Jr is heading to jail with his wife
and the list goes on

but they see Palin as one of the worst..
that is sick
Palin is dispensable. she lacks every characteristic required to be thought of legitimately as a national leader. She's a rodeo clown. She is hardly qualified to manage the Wassila Wendy's. But Conservatives keep rolling her out. Why? Is she articulate? Inspiring? Able to communicate the vital message of the modern Conservative movement? Hardly, on all counts.

But, just as they say in Alcoholics Anonymous, repeating the same actions and expecting different results defines insanity.

Probably to remind you that she still has better qualifications than Obama did when you gave him unprecedented power. Unfortunately, the denial of the left is overwhelming.
what's funny is the Democrats have some of the dumbest and crooked people elected but they never talk about them

One is now being investigated by the FBI for being a child molester
Bill Clinton was accused for rape
Jackson Jr is heading to jail with his wife
and the list goes on

but they see Palin as one of the worst..
that is sick

Those are job qualifications to democrats.
what's funny is the Democrats have some of the dumbest and crooked people elected but they never talk about them

One is now being investigated by the FBI for being a child molester
Bill Clinton was accused for rape
Jackson Jr is heading to jail with his wife
and the list goes on

but they see Palin as one of the worst..
that is sick

Dems have a fake American Indian Senator, a fake Veteran Senator and a real pedophile Senator
I don't know. Since Fox fired her, she may do it for free for the publicity. Her career ain't exactly swingin'...

so far just liberal slime doing the usual violent person attack because they lack IQ for substance.

Is there even one liberal with the IQ to say what they have against conservatism/libertarianism??
I haven't launched anything close to a violent personal attack on Sarah Palin. I don't find her all that smart. Nor do I believe she can articulate an effective political message.

As for Conservatism, I find that movement is consistently behind the curve of history. Whenever a movement arose to further civil rights, it has been Conservatives providing the resistance. Whenever there has been a movement to ensure better working conditions, the Conservatives have been opposed. Whenever there has been evidence of environmental degradation, Conservatives have dismissed it as 'junk science'. And whenever one of the prime players in our economy, the federal government, has tried to stimulate or adjust the economy to provide a more level playing field for all, the Conservatives have answered the call from their corporate masters and opposed it.

That's what I have against Conservatism/Libertarianism.

Your opinion is more faith based than fact based. Conservatives supported the civil rights of Blacks. However, I suspect that you are speaking of gay rights, and many conservatives do not consider that a civil rights issue. Secondly, you are obviously speaking of unions when you say working conditions. Conservatives believe that free people have a right to decide for themselves whether they wish to join a union. No one has the right to force them into a union. Conservatives dismiss climate change hysteria, because they believe it is junk science. Lastly, the federal government does not have the collective intelligence or the unbiased outlook necessary for adjusting any economy for the better.

I am a conservative, and I spent many years as a union official. I have negotiated many union contracts, on both sides of the fence. I know the limitations of unions, and why they are no longer regarded as a benefit by most workers. The cost is too high, and the benefits are too slim. Joe Sixpack has figured that out all by himself. Unions could still be a benefit to both workers and management, but not as the unions are currently operated.

The best control of any economy is the unhampered ability of new entities to enter the market. Government control and regulations often thwart new entries, and therefore distort markets. We are paying high prices for gasoline today, because government regulations, and environmentalists have made the construction and operation of new refineries a very high risk venture. More and more markets are experiencing the same dumbass restrictions.
so far just liberal slime doing the usual violent person attack because they lack IQ for substance.

Is there even one liberal with the IQ to say what they have against conservatism/libertarianism??
I haven't launched anything close to a violent personal attack on Sarah Palin. I don't find her all that smart. Nor do I believe she can articulate an effective political message.

As for Conservatism, I find that movement is consistently behind the curve of history. Whenever a movement arose to further civil rights, it has been Conservatives providing the resistance. Whenever there has been a movement to ensure better working conditions, the Conservatives have been opposed. Whenever there has been evidence of environmental degradation, Conservatives have dismissed it as 'junk science'. And whenever one of the prime players in our economy, the federal government, has tried to stimulate or adjust the economy to provide a more level playing field for all, the Conservatives have answered the call from their corporate masters and opposed it.

That's what I have against Conservatism/Libertarianism.

Your opinion is more faith based than fact based. Conservatives supported the civil rights of Blacks. However, I suspect that you are speaking of gay rights, and many conservatives do not consider that a civil rights issue. Secondly, you are obviously speaking of unions when you say working conditions. Conservatives believe that free people have a right to decide for themselves whether they wish to join a union. No one has the right to force them into a union. Conservatives dismiss climate change hysteria, because they believe it is junk science. Lastly, the federal government does not have the collective intelligence or the unbiased outlook necessary for adjusting any economy for the better.

I am a conservative, and I spent many years as a union official. I have negotiated many union contracts, on both sides of the fence. I know the limitations of unions, and why they are no longer regarded as a benefit by most workers. The cost is too high, and the benefits are too slim. Joe Sixpack has figured that out all by himself. Unions could still be a benefit to both workers and management, but not as the unions are currently operated.

The best control of any economy is the unhampered ability of new entities to enter the market. Government control and regulations often thwart new entries, and therefore distort markets. We are paying high prices for gasoline today, because government regulations, and environmentalists have made the construction and operation of new refineries a very high risk venture. More and more markets are experiencing the same dumbass restrictions.
Lester Maddox, George Wallace, "Bull" Connor. All Birkenstrock wearing, tree hugging Liberals? Conservatives fought against Civil rights (segregation now, segregation tomorrow) and wrapped themselves in state's rights and klan robes.

And safe working conditions were negotiated by unions and backed up by federal law, both vehemently opposed by Conservatives.

And gay rights are civil rights. Unless you believe the Conservative line that there should be separate rules for groups feared and hated by the socially ignorant.

And if you don't believe that the government has a vital role to play in the economy, I ask you, who controls the money supply and sets interest rates and spends more on public sector improvements than the federal government?
A whole lot of liberal hard-ons in this thread...

They love to knock ol' Sarah around...

why they follow the lead of the troll Lakhota I'll never understand
with them it's ether palin, Nugent or Rush
Palin is dispensable. she lacks every characteristic required to be thought of legitimately as a national leader. She's a rodeo clown. She is hardly qualified to manage the Wassila Wendy's. But Conservatives keep rolling her out. Why? Is she articulate? Inspiring? Able to communicate the vital message of the modern Conservative movement? Hardly, on all counts.

But, just as they say in Alcoholics Anonymous, repeating the same actions and expecting different results defines insanity.

Probably to remind you that she still has better qualifications than Obama did when you gave him unprecedented power. Unfortunately, the denial of the left is overwhelming.
Unprecedented power? The word you're struggling with is H-Y-P-E-R-B-L-E.
I haven't launched anything close to a violent personal attack on Sarah Palin. I don't find her all that smart. Nor do I believe she can articulate an effective political message.

dear the message is 2000 years old if you don't know it by now you're merely a sheeple liberal looking to be led!! Slow??

As for Conservatism, I find that movement is consistently behind the curve of history. Whenever a movement arose to further civil rights, it has been Conservatives providing the resistance.

yes the libturds furthered civil rights by the near genocide against blacks that destroyed the black family and put more black men in prison than there were slaves in 1860. Why would conservatives resist your near genocide anyway???

Whenever there has been a movement to ensure better working conditions, the Conservatives have been opposed.

too stuipid. Conservatives support capitalism!! China just switched and now 20 million a year buy cars when under liberalism 20 million starved to death, slowly!!

Whenever there has been evidence of environmental degradation, Conservatives have dismissed it as 'junk science'.

Junk?? you mean like when they said warm air would lead to warm water and more and more big hurricanes. But then it turned our we are at a 50 year low in hurricane intensity and power!! It was all just another scam to socialize our economy.

And whenever one of the prime players in our economy, the federal government, has tried to stimulate or adjust the economy to provide a more level playing field for all, the Conservatives have answered the call from their corporate masters and opposed it.
yes like when they tried to organize much of the government to get people into homes the Republican free market said they could not afford and caused the current depression with 23 million unemployed.

That's what I have against Conservatism/Libertarianism.

and now you have nothing but a low IQ and lack of character to keep you in the liberal camp. Sorry.

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow??
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By Mollie Reilly

Sarah Palin is slated to make an appearance at this year's Conservative Political Action Conference, the American Conservative Union announced Monday.

“We are pleased to again welcome Governor Sarah Palin to CPAC in March,” ACU chairman Al Cardenas said in a statement. “Governor Palin electrified the crowd in 2012 and we are thrilled to welcome her back this year.”

The former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate also appeared at last year's CPAC.

Palin joins a growing list of GOP favorites set to address the high-profile event, including Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), 2012 vice presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), former Florida governor Jeb Bush, former Pennsylvania senator and presidential candidate Rick Santorum, and NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre. Conference organizers have also extended invites to a number of notable conservative figures.

More (Plus Top Palinisms): Sarah Palin To Speak At CPAC 2013

We are guaranteed a win in 2016.

Thank you republican party.
what's funny is the Democrats have some of the dumbest and crooked people elected but they never talk about them

One is now being investigated by the FBI for being a child molester
Bill Clinton was accused for rape
Jackson Jr is heading to jail with his wife
and the list goes on

but they see Palin as one of the worst..
that is sick

Not the worst, the dumbest. So are her fans and defenders, STEPHANIE.
omg, now they have Palin running for President..

do they really feel that insecure? or is just always Party over country?
We are guaranteed a win in 2016.

Thank you republican party.

Naw, don't get your hopes up about Palin. The pragmatics in the party are gaining momentum, the crazies won't be able to provide as easy a target in 2016 as they have up to now.

I know she's fun, but maybe some serious candidates would be helpful right about now.


Conservatives are the pragmatic ones. You see, we realize that you can't keep spending money we don't have indefinitely. It would be nice if the Democrats and so called moderate Republicans would realize that.
We are guaranteed a win in 2016.

Thank you republican party.

Naw, don't get your hopes up about Palin. The pragmatics in the party are gaining momentum, the crazies won't be able to provide as easy a target in 2016 as they have up to now.

I know she's fun, but maybe some serious candidates would be helpful right about now.


Conservatives are the pragmatic ones. You see, we realize that you can't keep spending money we don't have indefinitely. It would be nice if the Democrats and so called moderate Republicans would realize that.

to these Liberals they can only be the pragmatic ones, they think they are so superior over others

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