She's Baaaaack: Sarah Palin To Speak At CPAC 2013

Naw, don't get your hopes up about Palin. The pragmatics in the party are gaining momentum, the crazies won't be able to provide as easy a target in 2016 as they have up to now.

I know she's fun, but maybe some serious candidates would be helpful right about now.


Conservatives are the pragmatic ones. You see, we realize that you can't keep spending money we don't have indefinitely. It would be nice if the Democrats and so called moderate Republicans would realize that.


No one advocates spending money we don’t have.

And it’s dogmatic conservatives who blindly beat the drum for foolish and unwarranted tax and spending cuts that would do little to address the deficit and likely slow economic recovery.

Actually most democrats and a sizeable portion of Republicans favor this.

What is the deficit then?
Conservatives are the pragmatic ones. You see, we realize that you can't keep spending money we don't have indefinitely. It would be nice if the Democrats and so called moderate Republicans would realize that.


No one advocates spending money we don’t have.

And it’s dogmatic conservatives who blindly beat the drum for foolish and unwarranted tax and spending cuts that would do little to address the deficit and likely slow economic recovery.

Actually most democrats and a sizeable portion of Republicans favor this.

What is the deficit then?
What economic recovery are they referring to? The more accurate description of this economy is stagnant not recovering.
Look, guys, we have to be more subtle about this. If the conservatives really figure out that the clowns on their fringe are making them laughing stock, the jig will be up. Hell, they could get hip, and start going back to spokespeople like William F. Buckley was. Then, it would be curtains for us demorats!

oh boy, your Democrat clowns are GOING to jail, a few were FORCED to resign because of scandal, (weenier, blagojevich, etc etc..but lets talk about a former woman Governor instead
and you got a atta boy from the troll who starts these hate threads, not much to brag about
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Look, guys, we have to be more subtle about this. If the conservatives really figure out that the clowns on their fringe are making them laughing stock, the jig will be up. Hell, they could get hip, and start going back to spokespeople like William F. Buckley was. Then, it would be curtains for us demorats!

oh boy, your Democrat clowns are GOING to jail, a few were FORCED to resign because of scandal, (weenier, blagojevich, etc etc..but lets talk about a former woman Governor instead
and you got a atta boy from the troll who starts these hate threads, not much to brag about

Palin was no Governor. Palin is a quitter because she couldn't hack it.
Look, guys, we have to be more subtle about this. If the conservatives really figure out that the clowns on their fringe are making them laughing stock, the jig will be up. Hell, they could get hip, and start going back to spokespeople like William F. Buckley was. Then, it would be curtains for us demorats!

oh boy, your Democrat clowns are GOING to jail, a few were FORCED to resign because of scandal, (weenier, blagojevich, etc etc..but lets talk about a former woman Governor instead
and you got a atta boy from the troll who starts these hate threads, not much to brag about

And no Republicans have been forced to resign due to scandal? No Republican has gone to jail? (Tom Delay ring any bells for ya?)

We get it, you love do we. :lol:
I encourage conservatives to give Sarah Palin every available opportunity to open her mouth
How can the modern Conservative movement be described as anything but 'flailing'?

After sinking with the Bush 43 administration, the Conservatives continued to cling to their peculiar ideology by being 'energized' by the inclusion of Sarah Palin on the 2008 national ticket. Sure, the Conservatives were dubious about John McCain, but given Sarah Palin, they rallied to his elderly side and watched the defeat on Fox News in incredulity.

They got behind Dick Armee and his <ahem> 'grass roots' Tea Party movement and swept to power in the House of Representatives. Once there, they failed to govern. They provided endless sound bites of obstruction. They pontificated on how their ideas were superior and how they viewed the President as inept at best, dangerous at worst. But legislation was not what they were there for.

And then the approval numbers for Congress started to tumble to the level of dismal failure.

So who was tapped to 're-energize' the CPAC meeting? Why Sarah Palin! The court jester of the modern Conservative movement.
Wonder if Mitt will speak this year and of course Michelle Bachmann..

Mitt is an arch Liberal to CPAC

He has been thrown under the bus and will never be accepted in polite company again
Look, guys, we have to be more subtle about this. If the conservatives really figure out that the clowns on their fringe are making them laughing stock, the jig will be up. Hell, they could get hip, and start going back to spokespeople like William F. Buckley was. Then, it would be curtains for us demorats!

oh boy, your Democrat clowns are GOING to jail, a few were FORCED to resign because of scandal, (weenier, blagojevich, etc etc..but lets talk about a former woman Governor instead
and you got a atta boy from the troll who starts these hate threads, not much to brag about

Palin is a former woman? :eusa_eh:
And...that most likely involves giving her money.
Ex-President Clinton gets paid to speak.

Last time I took notice of this practice, there was nothing wrong with it.

Psst. "Ex-President"........oh, and he didn't quit in the middle of his elected term either.

Psst. I said ex-President. And what the heck does the fact that Palin resigned have to do with whether or not she gets paid for public speaking?

Unlike Ex-President Clinton, Palin didn't get impeached while in Office.
It's funny how the Party of the Fake Indian, Fake Veteran, Real Pedophile and certifiable VP feel free to talk about Palin's intelligence
Sarah Palin isn't back. She never went anyplace. Democrats make up another myth, that Sarah Palin was no longer present, then they believed that myth.

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