She's Baaaaack: Sarah Palin To Speak At CPAC 2013

Well if the only the best and smartest (well spoken and IQ over 150) ran the common people would object too so there is always a needle to thread especially when Democrats have dumbed down our democracy so much with more and more people voting despite it directly contradicting the obvious intent of the Constitution.
You claim the electorate has been "dumbed down". Do you look to Sarah Palin to reverse that perception? How has she proven herself to be capable of doing that?
It's amazing that Conservatives believe that Liberals "hate" or "fear" someone as thoroughly dispensable as Sarah Palin! Speaking for myself, a card carrying Liberal of the old school, I neither hate not fear Palin. I find her a wellspring of mediocre thought and an extremely poor communicator of those thoughts, but there is nothing to hate or fear. She's comic relief. No one hated or feared the court jester.

Seems odd to always bring someone up who you think is dispensible and act as though she isn't.

Emnity does that i suppose.
Well if the only the best and smartest (well spoken and IQ over 150) ran the common people would object too so there is always a needle to thread especially when Democrats have dumbed down our democracy so much with more and more people voting despite it directly contradicting the obvious intent of the Constitution.
You claim the electorate has been "dumbed down". Do you look to Sarah Palin to reverse that perception? How has she proven herself to be capable of doing that?

Dear, she's a ton more capable than the liberals who can't even figure out how to come up with an ID to vote!!
Here's the question you should be asking yourself about Sarah Palin: "Is this the best we can do?"

In your soul you know the answer is, "No."

If people would just ask themselves that question about every politician, we would have a better country.

I'd take Palin over Obama any day..she at least talk to the people not above them or preach to them, plus she ran a state not was just some junior Senater who did nothing but attend

I would take Palin over bed. Every day.

Other than that, I would toss both of them into the ocean and call it a good start.

Id be worried if you preferred Obama in bed
It's amazing that Conservatives believe that Liberals "hate" or "fear" someone as thoroughly dispensable as Sarah Palin! Speaking for myself, a card carrying Liberal of the old school, I neither hate not fear Palin. I find her a wellspring of mediocre thought and an extremely poor communicator of those thoughts, but there is nothing to hate or fear. She's comic relief. No one hated or feared the court jester.

Seems odd to always bring someone up who you think is dispensible and act as though she isn't.

Emnity does that i suppose.

they always have to have someone to hate's a sickness with them
what skin off any of their asses she is speaking somewhere, none, they need someone to hate on today
Here's the question you should be asking yourself about Sarah Palin: "Is this the best we can do?"

In your soul you know the answer is, "No."

If people would just ask themselves that question about every politician, we would have a better country.

the problem is the best we can do wont play the game.
It's amazing that Conservatives believe that Liberals "hate" or "fear" someone as thoroughly dispensable as Sarah Palin! Speaking for myself, a card carrying Liberal of the old school, I neither hate not fear Palin. I find her a wellspring of mediocre thought and an extremely poor communicator of those thoughts, but there is nothing to hate or fear. She's comic relief. No one hated or feared the court jester.

Seems odd to always bring someone up who you think is dispensible and act as though she isn't.

Emnity does that i suppose.

they always have to have someone to hate's a sickness with them
what skin off any of their asses she is speaking somewhere, none, they need someone to hate on today

Yeah, Lahkota has a Palin fetish bad.
Seems odd to always bring someone up who you think is dispensible and act as though she isn't.

Emnity does that i suppose.

they always have to have someone to hate's a sickness with them
what skin off any of their asses she is speaking somewhere, none, they need someone to hate on today

Yeah, Lahkota has a Palin fetish bad.

and Nugent and every other petty little thing he can scrape up
Lakhota is a real hater
I'd take Palin over Obama any day..she at least talk to the people not above them or preach to them, plus she ran a state not was just some junior Senater who did nothing but attend

I would take Palin over bed. Every day.

Other than that, I would toss both of them into the ocean and call it a good start.

so who to you is the best we can do?

Our current scheme does not nurture the best to come forward, so I see none. Jon Huntsman had a lot of promise, but then he kind of punked out toward the end.

But this is nothing new:

On my arrival in the United States I was surprised to find so much distinguished talent among the citizens and so little among the heads of the government. It is a constant fact that at the present day the ablest men in the United States are rarely placed at the head of affairs; and it must be acknowledged that such has been the result in proportion as democracy has exceeded all its former limits.

Moreover, democracy not only lacks that soundness of judgment which is necessary to select men really deserving of their confidence, but often have not the desire or the inclination to find them out. It cannot be denied that democratic institutions strongly tend to promote the feeling of envy in the human heart; not so much because they afford to everyone the means of rising to the same level with others as because those means perpetually disappoint the persons who employ them. Democratic institutions awaken and foster a passion for equality which they can never entirely satisfy. This complete equality eludes the grasp of the people at the very moment when they think they have grasped it, and "flies," as Pascal says, "with an eternal flight; the people are excited in the pursuit of an advantage, which is more precious because it is not sufficiently remote to be unknown or sufficiently near to be enjoyed. The lower orders are agitated by the chance of success, they are irritated by its uncertainty; and they pass from the enthusiasm of pursuit to the exhaustion of ill success, and lastly to the acrimony of disappointment. Whatever transcends their own limitations appears to be an obstacle to their desires, and there is no superiority, however legitimate it may be, which is not irksome in their sight.

It has been supposed that the secret instinct which leads the lower orders to remove their superiors as much as possible from the direction of public affairs is peculiar to France. This is an error, however; the instinct to which I allude is not French, it is democratic; it may have been heightened by peculiar political circumstances, but it owes its origin to a higher cause.

In the United States the people do not hate the higher classes of society, but are not favorably inclined towards them and carefully exclude them from the exercise of authority. They do not fear distinguished talents, but are rarely fond of them. In general, everyone who rises without their aid seldom obtains their favor.

While the natural instincts of democracy induce the people to reject distinguished citizens as their rulers, an instinct not less strong induces able men to retire from the political arena, in which it is so difficult to retain their independence, or to advance without becoming servile.

Tocqueville: Book I Chapter 13
It's amazing that Conservatives believe that Liberals "hate" or "fear" someone as thoroughly dispensable as Sarah Palin! Speaking for myself, a card carrying Liberal of the old school, I neither hate not fear Palin. I find her a wellspring of mediocre thought and an extremely poor communicator of those thoughts, but there is nothing to hate or fear. She's comic relief. No one hated or feared the court jester.

Seems odd to always bring someone up who you think is dispensible and act as though she isn't.

Emnity does that i suppose.
Palin is dispensable. she lacks every characteristic required to be thought of legitimately as a national leader. She's a rodeo clown. She is hardly qualified to manage the Wassila Wendy's. But Conservatives keep rolling her out. Why? Is she articulate? Inspiring? Able to communicate the vital message of the modern Conservative movement? Hardly, on all counts.

But, just as they say in Alcoholics Anonymous, repeating the same actions and expecting different results defines insanity.
Here's the question you should be asking yourself about Sarah Palin: "Is this the best we can do?"

In your soul you know the answer is, "No."

If people would just ask themselves that question about every politician, we would have a better country.

She'd make a wonderful president
It's amazing that Conservatives believe that Liberals "hate" or "fear" someone as thoroughly dispensable as Sarah Palin! Speaking for myself, a card carrying Liberal of the old school, I neither hate not fear Palin. I find her a wellspring of mediocre thought and an extremely poor communicator of those thoughts, but there is nothing to hate or fear. She's comic relief. No one hated or feared the court jester.

Seems odd to always bring someone up who you think is dispensible and act as though she isn't.

Emnity does that i suppose.
Palin is dispensable. she lacks every characteristic required to be thought of legitimately as a national leader. She's a rodeo clown. She is hardly qualified to manage the Wassila Wendy's. But Conservatives keep rolling her out. Why? Is she articulate? Inspiring? Able to communicate the vital message of the modern Conservative movement? Hardly, on all counts.

But, just as they say in Alcoholics Anonymous, repeating the same actions and expecting different results defines insanity.

she connects with everyday people something a lot of you have forgotten how to do
Well if the only the best and smartest (well spoken and IQ over 150) ran the common people would object too so there is always a needle to thread especially when Democrats have dumbed down our democracy so much with more and more people voting despite it directly contradicting the obvious intent of the Constitution.
You claim the electorate has been "dumbed down". Do you look to Sarah Palin to reverse that perception? How has she proven herself to be capable of doing that?

Dear, she's a ton more capable than the liberals who can't even figure out how to come up with an ID to vote!!
You have mentioned IQ and 'smarts' and intellectual capacity often in this thread. I wonder why you embrace Sarah Palin? Is she your paradigm of smart? Why? Oh God! Why?
I LOVE IT!!!! I have missed Palin something terrible. She is the gift to us democrats that keeps on giving! I'll be looking for winks, and Magic Marker notes on her hands! Every time she appears somewhere, she leaves a trail of destruction and wreckage in her wake within the Republican Party. For a while there, I was afraid that she would become the head of a new party, which would have encourage all the loose cannons to bail out of the Republican party. Thankfully, it did not happen, which means that the Republicans don't have a Chinaman's chance in national elections in the foreseeable future.
Seems odd to always bring someone up who you think is dispensible and act as though she isn't.

Emnity does that i suppose.
Palin is dispensable. she lacks every characteristic required to be thought of legitimately as a national leader. She's a rodeo clown. She is hardly qualified to manage the Wassila Wendy's. But Conservatives keep rolling her out. Why? Is she articulate? Inspiring? Able to communicate the vital message of the modern Conservative movement? Hardly, on all counts.

But, just as they say in Alcoholics Anonymous, repeating the same actions and expecting different results defines insanity.

she connects with everyday people something a lot of you have forgotten how to do
If the caliber of people to whom Sarah Palin appeals is what you consider "everyday people" I suggest you plumb what intellectual depths you may have and discover how smart real people actually are. You seem to be running with the misinformed set.
Seems odd to always bring someone up who you think is dispensible and act as though she isn't.

Emnity does that i suppose.
Palin is dispensable. she lacks every characteristic required to be thought of legitimately as a national leader. She's a rodeo clown. She is hardly qualified to manage the Wassila Wendy's. But Conservatives keep rolling her out. Why? Is she articulate? Inspiring? Able to communicate the vital message of the modern Conservative movement? Hardly, on all counts.

But, just as they say in Alcoholics Anonymous, repeating the same actions and expecting different results defines insanity.

she connects with everyday people something a lot of you have forgotten how to do

Exactly. Like a breath of fresh air.

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