She's not my type

It was in English. Did you? Liar!
Yep! I'm on my second reading, as a matter of fact, just to make sure I didn't miss anything. The case against Trump could not be more convincing from a legal perspective. I cannot say that of all the obstruction cases Mueller points out, none give pause to the seriousness of those crimes. You Trump Toads should be ashamed. How you people go about your days ignoring just how bad this SOB is, will forever be a mystery for me. He's real bad and real evil. That's what the Mueller report ultimately tells us about him.
/—-/ So when will Nancy impeach 45?
She's building an undeniable case for sure; Rob Reiner: President Trump is ‘clearly a criminal’ We know he's a criminal, and I think she would rather see him rot in jail for his crimes.
Rob Reiner is a bigger idiot than you.
So cute how you continue to insult your betters
He earned the meathead moniker.
It was in English. Did you? Liar!
Yep! I'm on my second reading, as a matter of fact, just to make sure I didn't miss anything. The case against Trump could not be more convincing from a legal perspective. I cannot say that of all the obstruction cases Mueller points out, none give pause to the seriousness of those crimes. You Trump Toads should be ashamed. How you people go about your days ignoring just how bad this SOB is, will forever be a mystery for me. He's real bad and real evil. That's what the Mueller report ultimately tells us about him.
/—-/ So when will Nancy impeach 45?
She's building an undeniable case for sure; Rob Reiner: President Trump is ‘clearly a criminal’ We know he's a criminal, and I think she would rather see him rot in jail for his crimes.
Rob Reiner is a bigger idiot than you.
So cute how you continue to insult your betters
Fatter does not equate to better. Actually Rob is not a bad dude. He and my boy Ben Shapiro are bros.
The Mueller report. Did you read it? :auiqs.jpg:

It was in English. Did you? Liar!
Yep! I'm on my second reading, as a matter of fact, just to make sure I didn't miss anything. The case against Trump could not be more convincing from a legal perspective. I cannot say that of all the obstruction cases Mueller points out, none give pause to the seriousness of those crimes. You Trump Toads should be ashamed. How you people go about your days ignoring just how bad this SOB is, will forever be a mystery for me. He's real bad and real evil. That's what the Mueller report ultimately tells us about him.

So you know American law? Without a crime there can be no obstruction and there was no crime. Collusion is not a crime. Conspiracy is. Keep at it foreigner. You don't get a free pass on this site as you tried to portray yourself as an American and then blew it. You're a foreigner trying to be disruptive. You likely have another account on this site praising Trump. I am on to you.
I think he should be reported to authorities.

I think he should be banned by the Mods as he is just disruptive. But not my site.
"Banned?" You mean gone because there is nothing you can say or do to change facts on the ground that align with your desired narrative? I agree. When you are always on the receiving end, by way of a losing argument, because of a lack of debatable material, what else can you do, right? Why don't you alert them to your cause? That you hate facts, honesty, and the truth, and this poster needs to go.
It was in English. Did you? Liar!
Yep! I'm on my second reading, as a matter of fact, just to make sure I didn't miss anything. The case against Trump could not be more convincing from a legal perspective. I cannot say that of all the obstruction cases Mueller points out, none give pause to the seriousness of those crimes. You Trump Toads should be ashamed. How you people go about your days ignoring just how bad this SOB is, will forever be a mystery for me. He's real bad and real evil. That's what the Mueller report ultimately tells us about him.

So you know American law? Without a crime there can be no obstruction and there was no crime. Collusion is not a crime. Conspiracy is. Keep at it foreigner. You don't get a free pass on this site as you tried to portray yourself as an American and then blew it. You're a foreigner trying to be disruptive. You likely have another account on this site praising Trump. I am on to you.
I think he should be reported to authorities.

I think he should be banned by the Mods as he is just disruptive. But not my site.
"Banned?" You mean gone because there is nothing you can say or do to change facts on the ground that align with your desired narrative? I agree. When you are always on the receiving end, by way of a losing argument, because of a lack of debatable material, what else can you do, right? Why don't you alert them to your cause? That you hate facts, honesty, and the truth, and this poster needs to go.

Banned because you claimed to be American and are just being disruptive. This site is for civil debates that sometimes get out of hand not for foreign trolls who start up trouble. I have trounced you in every single so called "debate" and exposed you as a foreigner. Where are you from? Come on. Talk.
Mika to GOP: How are you standing up for Trump?

Seriously? And you people still support this monster Trump after addressing such a serious issue as rape, and dismissing her as "not my type?" The one's with the real issues are Trump voters. We already know how much of a bad human being Trump is. What about you Trump voters? Have you no moral compass at all for yourself. What a bunch of horrible, disgusting people.
Her 'girls' aren't big enough. THIS IS SERIOUS rebuttal.
Plus she was an legal american citizen
Yep! I'm on my second reading, as a matter of fact, just to make sure I didn't miss anything. The case against Trump could not be more convincing from a legal perspective. I cannot say that of all the obstruction cases Mueller points out, none give pause to the seriousness of those crimes. You Trump Toads should be ashamed. How you people go about your days ignoring just how bad this SOB is, will forever be a mystery for me. He's real bad and real evil. That's what the Mueller report ultimately tells us about him.

So you know American law? Without a crime there can be no obstruction and there was no crime. Collusion is not a crime. Conspiracy is. Keep at it foreigner. You don't get a free pass on this site as you tried to portray yourself as an American and then blew it. You're a foreigner trying to be disruptive. You likely have another account on this site praising Trump. I am on to you.
I think he should be reported to authorities.

I think he should be banned by the Mods as he is just disruptive. But not my site.
"Banned?" You mean gone because there is nothing you can say or do to change facts on the ground that align with your desired narrative? I agree. When you are always on the receiving end, by way of a losing argument, because of a lack of debatable material, what else can you do, right? Why don't you alert them to your cause? That you hate facts, honesty, and the truth, and this poster needs to go.

Banned because you claimed to be American and are just being disruptive. This site is for civil debates that sometimes get out of hand not for foreign trolls who start up trouble. I have trounced you in every single so called "debate" and exposed you as a foreigner. Where are you from? Come on. Talk.
:auiqs.jpg:Trump Trolls and their misinformation. You invent foreigners in your noggin, and then you believe your own fantasies. People, will they ever land on planet earth?
So you know American law? Without a crime there can be no obstruction and there was no crime. Collusion is not a crime. Conspiracy is. Keep at it foreigner. You don't get a free pass on this site as you tried to portray yourself as an American and then blew it. You're a foreigner trying to be disruptive. You likely have another account on this site praising Trump. I am on to you.
I think he should be reported to authorities.

I think he should be banned by the Mods as he is just disruptive. But not my site.
"Banned?" You mean gone because there is nothing you can say or do to change facts on the ground that align with your desired narrative? I agree. When you are always on the receiving end, by way of a losing argument, because of a lack of debatable material, what else can you do, right? Why don't you alert them to your cause? That you hate facts, honesty, and the truth, and this poster needs to go.

Banned because you claimed to be American and are just being disruptive. This site is for civil debates that sometimes get out of hand not for foreign trolls who start up trouble. I have trounced you in every single so called "debate" and exposed you as a foreigner. Where are you from? Come on. Talk.
:auiqs.jpg:Trump Trolls and their misinformation. You invent foreigners in your noggin, and then you believe your own fantasies. People, will they ever land on planet earth?
Fake news.
Mika to GOP: How are you standing up for Trump?

Seriously? And you people still support this monster Trump after addressing such a serious issue as rape, and dismissing her as "not my type?" The one's with the real issues are Trump voters. We already know how much of a bad human being Trump is. What about you Trump voters? Have you no moral compass at all for yourself. What a bunch of horrible, disgusting people.

Well I was talking to a Lefty this morning right here on USMB who routinely calls a minority American a "Mail Order Bride". I guess since she's not white she must not be 1. A "real" American and 2. not come here LEGALLY

So climb down from that pedestal you're on
Said it so many times, I'll say it again. Life is complicated and many things can be true at once:

1. President Trump is not good with women. This is beyond debate in my opinion.

2. This does not make him a bad president. Isn't this what we were told with Bill Clinton?

3. Being bad with women does not make you a rapist

4. Conservatives do not need paragons of virtue nor idols in the Oval Office. We have religion already, most of us, and don't need it from POLITICIANS

5. The woman in question has the crazy eyes and, sure enough, exposed her craziness full stop
So you know American law? Without a crime there can be no obstruction and there was no crime. Collusion is not a crime. Conspiracy is. Keep at it foreigner. You don't get a free pass on this site as you tried to portray yourself as an American and then blew it. You're a foreigner trying to be disruptive. You likely have another account on this site praising Trump. I am on to you.
I think he should be reported to authorities.

I think he should be banned by the Mods as he is just disruptive. But not my site.
"Banned?" You mean gone because there is nothing you can say or do to change facts on the ground that align with your desired narrative? I agree. When you are always on the receiving end, by way of a losing argument, because of a lack of debatable material, what else can you do, right? Why don't you alert them to your cause? That you hate facts, honesty, and the truth, and this poster needs to go.

Banned because you claimed to be American and are just being disruptive. This site is for civil debates that sometimes get out of hand not for foreign trolls who start up trouble. I have trounced you in every single so called "debate" and exposed you as a foreigner. Where are you from? Come on. Talk.
:auiqs.jpg:Trump Trolls and their misinformation. You invent foreigners in your noggin, and then you believe your own fantasies. People, will they ever land on planet earth?

Nice try. Answer the question. The FSB didn’t train you well it seems.
I think he should be reported to authorities.

I think he should be banned by the Mods as he is just disruptive. But not my site.
"Banned?" You mean gone because there is nothing you can say or do to change facts on the ground that align with your desired narrative? I agree. When you are always on the receiving end, by way of a losing argument, because of a lack of debatable material, what else can you do, right? Why don't you alert them to your cause? That you hate facts, honesty, and the truth, and this poster needs to go.

Banned because you claimed to be American and are just being disruptive. This site is for civil debates that sometimes get out of hand not for foreign trolls who start up trouble. I have trounced you in every single so called "debate" and exposed you as a foreigner. Where are you from? Come on. Talk.
:auiqs.jpg:Trump Trolls and their misinformation. You invent foreigners in your noggin, and then you believe your own fantasies. People, will they ever land on planet earth?
Fake news.

Fake Troll. That dude was so exposed and then tried to deny being a foreigner. So great when I catch losers like him.
I’m seeing another leftist desperate for attention.

We should expect more outlandish accusations as democrats realize how crazy their party is, and how they have no chance of beating Trump.

Said it so many times, I'll say it again. Life is complicated and many things can be true at once:

1. President Trump is not good with women. This is beyond debate in my opinion.

2. This does not make him a bad president. Isn't this what we were told with Bill Clinton?

3. Being bad with women does not make you a rapist

4. Conservatives do not need paragons of virtue nor idols in the Oval Office. We have religion already, most of us, and don't need it from POLITICIANS

5. The woman in question has the crazy eyes and, sure enough, exposed her craziness full stop
Clinton was impeached because he had an affair in office and lied about it , supported by Republicans.

That we know of,Trump had an affair with a pornstar while his third wife was having his fifth child, paid her to keep quiet, didn't report the money on a financial disclosure, making it a campaign finance violation and an illegal election, and Republicans voted for Trump, still support Trump, and you want to espouse the virtues of Trump that he's not that bad? :auiqs.jpg:Now that takes a mighty sick hypocritical puppy to go down that road. And then, you want to put the religious spin on top of the rest of the bs? Republicans! You all could write a book on how to be the best at being fos. I'll give you that.
Said it so many times, I'll say it again. Life is complicated and many things can be true at once:

1. President Trump is not good with women. This is beyond debate in my opinion.

2. This does not make him a bad president. Isn't this what we were told with Bill Clinton?

3. Being bad with women does not make you a rapist

4. Conservatives do not need paragons of virtue nor idols in the Oval Office. We have religion already, most of us, and don't need it from POLITICIANS

5. The woman in question has the crazy eyes and, sure enough, exposed her craziness full stop
Clinton was impeached because he had an affair in office and lied about it , supported by Republicans.

That we know of,Trump had an affair with a pornstar while his third wife was having his fifth child, paid her to keep quiet, didn't report the money on a financial disclosure, making it a campaign finance violation and an illegal election, and Republicans voted for Trump, still support Trump, and you want to espouse the virtues of Trump that he's not that bad? :auiqs.jpg:Now that takes a mighty sick hypocritical puppy to go down that road. And then, you want to put the religious spin on top of the rest of the bs? Republicans! You all could write a book on how to be the best at being fos. I'll give you that.

So when are you going to stop playing that childish game?

Starr Report - Wikipedia

The long-awaited report cited 11 possible grounds for impeachment in four categories: perjury, obstruction of justice, witness tampering and abuse of power.[2][6]
Said it so many times, I'll say it again. Life is complicated and many things can be true at once:

1. President Trump is not good with women. This is beyond debate in my opinion.

2. This does not make him a bad president. Isn't this what we were told with Bill Clinton?

3. Being bad with women does not make you a rapist

4. Conservatives do not need paragons of virtue nor idols in the Oval Office. We have religion already, most of us, and don't need it from POLITICIANS

5. The woman in question has the crazy eyes and, sure enough, exposed her craziness full stop
Clinton was impeached because he had an affair in office and lied about it , supported by Republicans.

That we know of,Trump had an affair with a pornstar while his third wife was having his fifth child, paid her to keep quiet, didn't report the money on a financial disclosure, making it a campaign finance violation and an illegal election, and Republicans voted for Trump, still support Trump, and you want to espouse the virtues of Trump that he's not that bad? :auiqs.jpg:Now that takes a mighty sick hypocritical puppy to go down that road. And then, you want to put the religious spin on top of the rest of the bs? Republicans! You all could write a book on how to be the best at being fos. I'll give you that.
Now the liar says you can't spend your own money as you want.
Said it so many times, I'll say it again. Life is complicated and many things can be true at once:

1. President Trump is not good with women. This is beyond debate in my opinion.

2. This does not make him a bad president. Isn't this what we were told with Bill Clinton?

3. Being bad with women does not make you a rapist

4. Conservatives do not need paragons of virtue nor idols in the Oval Office. We have religion already, most of us, and don't need it from POLITICIANS

5. The woman in question has the crazy eyes and, sure enough, exposed her craziness full stop
Clinton was impeached because he had an affair in office and lied about it , supported by Republicans.

That we know of,Trump had an affair with a pornstar while his third wife was having his fifth child, paid her to keep quiet, didn't report the money on a financial disclosure, making it a campaign finance violation and an illegal election, and Republicans voted for Trump, still support Trump, and you want to espouse the virtues of Trump that he's not that bad? :auiqs.jpg:Now that takes a mighty sick hypocritical puppy to go down that road. And then, you want to put the religious spin on top of the rest of the bs? Republicans! You all could write a book on how to be the best at being fos. I'll give you that.
Now the liar says you can't spend your own money as you want.
None of us can without reporting it. Do you support a tax cheat?
Said it so many times, I'll say it again. Life is complicated and many things can be true at once:

1. President Trump is not good with women. This is beyond debate in my opinion.

2. This does not make him a bad president. Isn't this what we were told with Bill Clinton?

3. Being bad with women does not make you a rapist

4. Conservatives do not need paragons of virtue nor idols in the Oval Office. We have religion already, most of us, and don't need it from POLITICIANS

5. The woman in question has the crazy eyes and, sure enough, exposed her craziness full stop
Clinton was impeached because he had an affair in office and lied about it , supported by Republicans.

That we know of,Trump had an affair with a pornstar while his third wife was having his fifth child, paid her to keep quiet, didn't report the money on a financial disclosure, making it a campaign finance violation and an illegal election, and Republicans voted for Trump, still support Trump, and you want to espouse the virtues of Trump that he's not that bad? :auiqs.jpg:Now that takes a mighty sick hypocritical puppy to go down that road. And then, you want to put the religious spin on top of the rest of the bs? Republicans! You all could write a book on how to be the best at being fos. I'll give you that.

So when are you going to stop playing that childish game?

Starr Report - Wikipedia

The long-awaited report cited 11 possible grounds for impeachment in four categories: perjury, obstruction of justice, witness tampering and abuse of power.[2][6]
Thanks for the lesson rehashed. Nothing like confirming Trump's guilt by way of obstruction, and witness tampering.
I’m seeing another leftist desperate for attention.

We should expect more outlandish accusations as democrats realize how crazy their party is, and how they have no chance of beating Trump.

Trump's headed to jail.

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