She's Running: Sarah Palin Hires Chief-Of-Staff (Michael Glassner)

We want to win. The Dems are started funneling money to her if she begins a campaign she will be so easily beat. They are terrified of Romney Christie ticket. The should be. Don't mention Barbour; he will make the left and the center bolt. They would have rather Satan than him.

Jake it's a good thing you don't speak for the GOP, if you did we would be fucked.

You don't, so we have a great chance. No Palin, Romney, yes, on to victory and the end of the far far right nonsense for some years.

Romney on the issues

First in 2002 GovWatch: 2002: “preserve & protect” right to choose. but was reported in 2008
BUT IN 2007
he Would be delighted to sign federal ban on all abortions. 2007
I took action as governor to preserve the sanctity of life.

He contridicts himself to much on this issue

Voting Record
Defining mistake: supported abortion law despite opposing it. (Aug 2007)
Would welcome overturning Roe v. Wade. (Mar 2007)
Committed to not change law on abortion as Gov., and did not. (Mar 2007)
Opposes Roe v Wade, but won’t tamper with abortion laws. (Dec 2006)
Vetoed emergency contraception for rape victims. (Jul 2005)
Vetoed stem cell research bill. (May 2005)
Endorsed legalization of RU-486. (Mar 2002)

OH this is a good one

Mitt Romney on Crime
One Strike, You’re Ours: lifetime GPS tracking. (Jul 2007)
One offense even if you paid your dues you are impplanted with a tracking device.

Mitt Romney on Gun Control
GovWatch: 1994: did not “line up with the NRA”. (Feb 2008)
Support the 2nd Amendment AND the assault weapon ban. (Jan 2008)
I support the work of the NRA, but disagree sometimes. (Dec 2007)
Ok to ban lethal weapons that threaten police. (Dec 2007)
Compromise MA gun bills were not gain for gun owner. (Aug 2007)
Supports Second Amendment rights but also assault weapon ban. (May 2007)
Will support assault weapons bill and Brady Bill. (Aug 1994)
Mitt Romney on the Issues

If you like big government liberal type guy then he's your guy jake.
Alaska's government and oil were all intertwined in a big horrible tangle, and she straightened it out.

Read up on Alaska. This is what I find annoying; nobody seems to know anything about Alaska except to assume that because of where it's located, it doesn't matter.

The governor of Alaska has to deal with international water issues with Russia and borders Canada. Alaska has huge revenues in oil and other natural resources, as well as complicated and convoluted issues that center around those things. The governor of Alaska deals with tribal issues, federal oversight and border issues; in addition they are in a unique geographic location which physically separates them from the rest of the country. Russia is as close to Alaska as the rest of the US, and Canada is closer. I can't believe the arrogance of assholes who think Palin was *stupid* with her vernacular reference to seeing Russia from her back yard. Her point, and she was correct to make it, was that she had been dealing with Russia on a regular basis. You don't share fishing waters with a country and not have to deal with that country.
Alaska's government and oil were all intertwined in a big horrible tangle, and she straightened it out.

Read up on Alaska. This is what I find annoying; nobody seems to know anything about Alaska except to assume that because of where it's located, it doesn't matter.

The governor of Alaska has to deal with international water issues with Russia and borders Canada. Alaska has huge revenues in oil and other natural resources, as well as complicated and convoluted issues that center around those things. The governor of Alaska deals with tribal issues, federal oversight and border issues; in addition they are in a unique geographic location which physically separates them from the rest of the country. Russia is as close to Alaska as the rest of the US, and Canada is closer. I can't believe the arrogance of assholes who think Palin was *stupid* with her vernacular reference to seeing Russia from her back yard. Her point, and she was correct to make it, was that she had been dealing with Russia on a regular basis. You don't share fishing waters with a country and not have to deal with that country.

Not stupid. Just a Socialist. She enacted legislation that made the big oil companies pay her constituents dividends. Smells like Socialism to me.
Yes, well, you're a lying propagandist, so who cares what you smell?

Wow......I mean that the best you got? You can't refute (or is that refudiate?) what I said, because you know that Caribou Barbie did in fact enact Socialistic legislation to benefit the people of Alaska, and so all you got is to call me a "liar". Bravo.:clap2::clap2:
*a CNN poll*.

Your point?

Do me a favor and Google "Sarah Palin unfavorability poll". The first page listed every poll imaginable. Are you refuting those too? Faux News' poll is on the seond page. Will you also refudiate that one?
Wow. She sounds just like Obama.

Except for the fact she actually has a history in politics and economics, and accomplished pretty incredible things for a very messed up, and resource rich, state.

When was the last time you smoked the crack?

Palin is the female Reagan when it comes to rightwing mythology built up around both of them.

Fiddlesticks. There was no rightwing mythology built around Reagan when he entered office. In fact, he was highly suspect. For most people outside of Cali, he was just an ACTOR. It was a huge risk to support him; he was a laughingstock.

It was during his presidency that his popularity began to grow...and it has continued to grow as the wisdom of his policies and his politics are acknowledged around the world.

People like Palin based on what she represents, what she's done, and the way she relates. It has nothing to do with *mythology*. I find the whole leftist attitude that Republicans are too stupid to know what they're doing as reprehensible as the leftist attitude that all blacks are stupid and need to be told what is best for them.

In other words, we know why we like Reagan and Palin. It isn't a mistake, and it's not based on *myth*. The *myth* is that Palin is incompetent. She has never shown any indication that she is and in fact has shown great promise in her ability to get the right things done, the right way.
*a CNN poll*.

Your point?

Do me a favor and Google "Sarah Palin unfavorability poll". The first page listed every poll imaginable. Are you refuting those too? Faux News' poll is on the seond page. Will you also refudiate that one?

Probably whatever it takes including closing one's eyes tightly, sticking one's fingers in one's ears and yelling "LALALALALA!":lalala:
*a CNN poll*.

Your point?

Do me a favor and Google "Sarah Palin unfavorability poll". The first page listed every poll imaginable. Are you refuting those too? Faux News' poll is on the seond page. Will you also refudiate that one?

Probably whatever it takes including closing one's eyes tightly, sticking one's fingers in one's ears and yelling "LALALALALA!":lalala:

Well get those fingers outa your ears then and stop complaining!!!

I bet you can't find one poll that sez otherwise.

Face it, Palin shot her wad! It's a cold hard fact but deal with it anyways.
Alaska's government and oil were all intertwined in a big horrible tangle, and she straightened it out.

Read up on Alaska. This is what I find annoying; nobody seems to know anything about Alaska except to assume that because of where it's located, it doesn't matter.

The governor of Alaska has to deal with international water issues with Russia and borders Canada. Alaska has huge revenues in oil and other natural resources, as well as complicated and convoluted issues that center around those things. The governor of Alaska deals with tribal issues, federal oversight and border issues; in addition they are in a unique geographic location which physically separates them from the rest of the country. Russia is as close to Alaska as the rest of the US, and Canada is closer. I can't believe the arrogance of assholes who think Palin was *stupid* with her vernacular reference to seeing Russia from her back yard. Her point, and she was correct to make it, was that she had been dealing with Russia on a regular basis. You don't share fishing waters with a country and not have to deal with that country.

Not stupid. Just a Socialist. She enacted legislation that made the big oil companies pay her constituents dividends. Smells like Socialism to me.

No she didn't, that was enacted in 1982. She may have upped the ante but she didn't enact any such legislation. Alaska views natural resources as belonging to all the people and in 1982 enacted legislation for residents to receive a portion of profits made off of those resources.

She did fight for each resident to receive additional monies that were stolen from them via corrupt politicians. Repubs if I'm not mistaken.
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*a CNN poll*.

Your point?

Do me a favor and Google "Sarah Palin unfavorability poll". The first page listed every poll imaginable. Are you refuting those too? Faux News' poll is on the seond page. Will you also refudiate that one?


#1, I won't google anything at your demand. You want to say something, say it and back it up yourself.

#2, While polls are fun to look at, they mean very little, particularly the network ones.
Of course Palin is going to run.

And when she loses the Republican nomination she'll run as a third party candidate, ensuring that Obama gets re-elected.

It's all scripted folks. Wake up and smell the coffee. :thup:
Sarah Palin on low favorability ratings: The media’s fault Sarah Palin speaking about her low favorability rating among independents on “Fox News Sunday”:

“As for the unfavorable, you know, I don’t blame people for not really knowing what it is, in some instances, what I stand for or what my record is. Because if I believed everything I read or heard in the media, I would’t like me either.”
Sarah Palin on low favorability ratings: The media’s fault | Strange Bedfellows - Seattle Post-Intelligencer

As usual, it's the media's fault! Yet Palin is known for her ability to manipulate the media. Go figure.
The bottom-line is that Palin over-exposed herself. And her reaction to the Arizona shootings ended being all about Sarah. As many top conservatives have pointed out, she's an attack animal but offers no solutions. People get tired of that approach. That explains her losing the independent vote badly and women's vote by 10 points and also the GOP vote.
If she was smart, she'd duck the lights for awhile and let things settle but I'm afraid her ego and desire to be in the lights is too big for that.
Sarah Palin on low favorability ratings: The media’s fault Sarah Palin speaking about her low favorability rating among independents on “Fox News Sunday”:

“As for the unfavorable, you know, I don’t blame people for not really knowing what it is, in some instances, what I stand for or what my record is. Because if I believed everything I read or heard in the media, I would’t like me either.”
Sarah Palin on low favorability ratings: The media’s fault | Strange Bedfellows - Seattle Post-Intelligencer

As usual, it's the media's fault! Yet Palin is known for her ability to manipulate the media. Go figure.
The bottom-line is that Palin over-exposed herself. And her reaction to the Arizona shootings ended being all about Sarah. As many top conservatives have pointed out, she's an attack animal but offers no solutions. People get tired of that approach. That explains her losing the independent vote badly and women's vote by 10 points and also the GOP vote.
If she was smart, she'd duck the lights for awhile and let things settle but I'm afraid her ego and desire to be in the lights is too big for that.

The Arizona shooting flap was *all about Sarah* because that's the first thing the retard media did....blame it on Sarah.

People aren't tired of her approach. Politicians are, maybe.

And I've seen no evidence of an overweening ego. Please. Compare her to Obama. Talk about ego. Compare her to Obama's WIFE...Sarah is the epitome of humility and sincerity compared to those two hacks.

What it comes down to is the people who hate her have a problem with women in power. It's a sexist thing.

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