She's Running: Sarah Palin Hires Chief-Of-Staff (Michael Glassner)

When was the last time you smoked the crack?

Palin is the female Reagan when it comes to rightwing mythology built up around both of them.

Fiddlesticks. There was no rightwing mythology built around Reagan when he entered office. In fact, he was highly suspect. For most people outside of Cali, he was just an ACTOR. It was a huge risk to support him; he was a laughingstock.

It was during his presidency that his popularity began to grow...and it has continued to grow as the wisdom of his policies and his politics are acknowledged around the world.

People like Palin based on what she represents, what she's done, and the way she relates. It has nothing to do with *mythology*. I find the whole leftist attitude that Republicans are too stupid to know what they're doing as reprehensible as the leftist attitude that all blacks are stupid and need to be told what is best for them.

In other words, we know why we like Reagan and Palin. It isn't a mistake, and it's not based on *myth*. The *myth* is that Palin is incompetent. She has never shown any indication that she is and in fact has shown great promise in her ability to get the right things done, the right way.

Yeah, as soon as Reagan became President, his popularity starting dropping like a stone - quite a bit lower than Obama's has.

It was only after he was completely senile that Conservatives decided he was The Chosen One.
What exactly has Palin done? She quit left office halfway through her first term, caused quite an embarassment for McCain throughout the campaign, and then signed onto Fox as a "contributor."
What are her accomplishments? She hasn't done anything to convince people that she is worthy or capable of being president. She's damn good playing the victim, however. I will give her that.
Palin is the female Reagan when it comes to rightwing mythology built up around both of them.

Fiddlesticks. There was no rightwing mythology built around Reagan when he entered office. In fact, he was highly suspect. For most people outside of Cali, he was just an ACTOR. It was a huge risk to support him; he was a laughingstock.

It was during his presidency that his popularity began to grow...and it has continued to grow as the wisdom of his policies and his politics are acknowledged around the world.

People like Palin based on what she represents, what she's done, and the way she relates. It has nothing to do with *mythology*. I find the whole leftist attitude that Republicans are too stupid to know what they're doing as reprehensible as the leftist attitude that all blacks are stupid and need to be told what is best for them.

In other words, we know why we like Reagan and Palin. It isn't a mistake, and it's not based on *myth*. The *myth* is that Palin is incompetent. She has never shown any indication that she is and in fact has shown great promise in her ability to get the right things done, the right way.

Yeah, as soon as Reagan became President, his popularity starting dropping like a stone - quite a bit lower than Obama's has.

It was only after he was completely senile that Conservatives decided he was The Chosen One.
um, how old are you?

cause thats not how it was at all
What exactly has Palin done? She quit left office halfway through her first term, caused quite an embarassment for McCain throughout the campaign, and then signed onto Fox as a "contributor."
What are her accomplishments? She hasn't done anything to convince people that she is worthy or capable of being president. She's damn good playing the victim, however. I will give her that.

She made a pretty good Hockey Mom

Everything else she quit
What exactly has Palin done? She quit left office halfway through her first term, caused quite an embarassment for McCain throughout the campaign, and then signed onto Fox as a "contributor."
What are her accomplishments? She hasn't done anything to convince people that she is worthy or capable of being president. She's damn good playing the victim, however. I will give her that.

She was governor with a unheard of 90% approval rating and accomplished more as governor in her 2.5 years compared to her predecessor. Her political resume was far superior to that of Obama's.
It's funny the way she freaks the libs out. Makes me respect her all the more. You can;t mention her name without the libs going crazy. Funny isn't it.
What exactly has Palin done? She quit left office halfway through her first term, caused quite an embarassment for McCain throughout the campaign, and then signed onto Fox as a "contributor."
What are her accomplishments? She hasn't done anything to convince people that she is worthy or capable of being president. She's damn good playing the victim, however. I will give her that.

A history much like Obama.
It's fun time class......
We've had two class clowns for the last two years.
I do believe that Gov. Palin will show herself to be a completely different animal when running her own campaign.

Many stereotypes about her are going to be shattered.
The more candidates the better imho. Me, I'm not liking Mitt Romney this time around just because of RomneyCare in Taxachusetts. I think we need a President more like Ron Paul.

Paul/Palin 2012 sounds good to me!

I would love to have Ron Paul, but don't think he is electable. I am thinking Romney would have learned a LOT about the real consequences of a state or national run healthcare system and might be able to shed some conservative light. I would love to hear him talk about this but am a little disappointed he didn't even bring the subject up at CPAC, even though I was unable to watch it, I did hear about that.
She's a shyster.

Allie Baba, you not a shyster, but you are a huckster, because the polls are clear cut and you keep saying "but . . .". You will keep saying that right to the bitter end, and it will be folks just like you that guarantee another four years of Obama and socialized medicine foheva.

Wake up!
It's funny the way she freaks the libs out. Makes me respect her all the more. You can;t mention her name without the libs going crazy. Funny isn't it.

Only the far far far freaky right respect the freak.

I think she represents and appeals to the same audience Mike Huckabee does---women and Midwesterners who hold traditional values very dear, including and especially, religion. I don't think she is experienced enough for POTUS. I respect her too, and don't consider her any kind of freak. She is very willing to work very hard, for her country. I would only vote for her if her name was on the ballot. In other words, a conservative who respects the Constitution but has a lot to learn.
She's gonna find out what a real media woodchipper feels like. Up to now, the media's only been sparring with her, taking the odd pot shot.

Bullshit. The media, thanks to Obama's goonishness, has been stalking her for years. Literally. Also lying about her, harassing her, and working hand in hand with the thugs hired by the Obama camp to ruin her.

I hope she wins.

you know, allie, it's a pity you think every bit of foolishness and every bit of bullying that comes out of the right is ok. and the slightest politics that comes out of the left is somehow "goonish".

sawah is thin skinned and ignorant. but she says what the far right wants to hear so they don't care. it's not that complicated.

pointing that out, however, just makes the far right think she's a "victim", but they think they can say whatever they want about the president and it's ok.
What exactly has Palin done? She quit left office halfway through her first term, caused quite an embarassment for McCain throughout the campaign, and then signed onto Fox as a "contributor."
What are her accomplishments? She hasn't done anything to convince people that she is worthy or capable of being president. She's damn good playing the victim, however. I will give her that.

She was governor with a unheard of 90% approval rating and accomplished more as governor in her 2.5 years compared to her predecessor. Her political resume was far superior to that of Obama's.

Unheard of indeed....You keep saying that and I keep asking for proof and you keep avoiding me afterwards.
She's gonna find out what a real media woodchipper feels like. Up to now, the media's only been sparring with her, taking the odd pot shot.

Bullshit. The media, thanks to Obama's goonishness, has been stalking her for years. Literally. Also lying about her, harassing her, and working hand in hand with the thugs hired by the Obama camp to ruin her.

I hope she wins.

you know, allie, it's a pity you think every bit of foolishness and every bit of bullying that comes out of the right is ok. and the slightest politics that comes out of the left is somehow "goonish".

sawah is thin skinned and ignorant. but she says what the far right wants to hear so they don't care. it's not that complicated.

pointing that out, however, just makes the far right think she's a "victim", but they think they can say whatever they want about the president and it's ok.

And that comes from where? What bullying have I supported?
It's funny the way she freaks the libs out. Makes me respect her all the more. You can;t mention her name without the libs going crazy. Funny isn't it.

Only the far far far freaky right respect the freak.

I think she represents and appeals to the same audience Mike Huckabee does---women and Midwesterners who hold traditional values very dear, including and especially, religion. I don't think she is experienced enough for POTUS. I respect her too, and don't consider her any kind of freak. She is very willing to work very hard, for her country. I would only vote for her if her name was on the ballot. In other words, a conservative who respects the Constitution but has a lot to learn.

So why do you feel justified in ignoring her experience as a governor?
Only the far far far freaky right respect the freak.

I think she represents and appeals to the same audience Mike Huckabee does---women and Midwesterners who hold traditional values very dear, including and especially, religion. I don't think she is experienced enough for POTUS. I respect her too, and don't consider her any kind of freak. She is very willing to work very hard, for her country. I would only vote for her if her name was on the ballot. In other words, a conservative who respects the Constitution but has a lot to learn.

So why do you feel justified in ignoring her experience as a governor?

The quitting, you mean?
It's funny the way she freaks the libs out. Makes me respect her all the more. You can;t mention her name without the libs going crazy. Funny isn't it.

Only the far far far freaky right respect the freak.

I think she represents and appeals to the same audience Mike Huckabee does---women and Midwesterners who hold traditional values very dear, including and especially, religion. I don't think she is experienced enough for POTUS. I respect her too, and don't consider her any kind of freak. She is very willing to work very hard, for her country. I would only vote for her if her name was on the ballot. In other words, a conservative who respects the Constitution but has a lot to learn.

I spent a number of years on jump status at Ft Wainwright a long time with Charlie Manchu, and I got to know a lot of neat Alaskans. May have had Sarah on the sidelines in a parade in Wasilla for all I know. I am sure that she is willing to work hard, but I don't think no matter how hard she worked, she would be up to the task. My opinion.
What exactly has Palin done? She quit left office halfway through her first term, caused quite an embarassment for McCain throughout the campaign, and then signed onto Fox as a "contributor."
What are her accomplishments? She hasn't done anything to convince people that she is worthy or capable of being president. She's damn good playing the victim, however. I will give her that.

A history much like Obama.

A history nothing like Obama. He is truly a self-made man, whether you agree with anything he's done or not. He didn't grow up with a father, yet went on to Harvard and taught law for twelve years. What was Palin, a sportscaster? Give me a break.

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