She's Running: Sarah Palin Hires Chief-Of-Staff (Michael Glassner)

Justified by what, though? I hear all the caterwauling about how she's not up to the task..but nobody addresses her experience. It's like people are just pretending it doesn't exist, or it was a fluke.

She did amazing things in Alaska. She's maintained herself very well since, with fewer gaffes than our POS POTUS. She has experienced, good people working for her.

What on earth makes people think she'll just fall to pieces? Has it happened so far? What experience did Obama have? He actually is falling apart...I'm looking for specifics here because I am frustrated by the assumption, based upon nothing except a refusal to accept that she accomplished anyhing as governor of Alaska, and the assumption that because she's not from the East Coast she's stupid and will PMS out of control if elected.

Seems bigoted and sexist to me...
What exactly has Palin done? She quit left office halfway through her first term, caused quite an embarassment for McCain throughout the campaign, and then signed onto Fox as a "contributor."
What are her accomplishments? She hasn't done anything to convince people that she is worthy or capable of being president. She's damn good playing the victim, however. I will give her that.

A history much like Obama.

A history nothing like Obama. He is truly a self-made man, whether you agree with anything he's done or not. He didn't grow up with a father, yet went on to Harvard and taught law for twelve years. What was Palin, a sportscaster? Give me a break.

Self made man, pfft.

What exactly did he make? Who paid for his Harvard education? What did he accomplish with it?

A big, fat nothing. He's been groomed and placed and scholarshipped his whole life. He's never even had a real job. The guy is a suit.
The solid majority, almost 60%, say she is a no go, Allie Baba. OK, maybe she is the Virgin Mary or St Joan D'Arc, or Hillary Clinton. However, she is not going to get a shot this time. If she works for Romney,she can get a cabinet post or run for a senator. That position for 2016 or 2020. She is young enough to season and wait.
Palin is the female Reagan when it comes to rightwing mythology built up around both of them.

Fiddlesticks. There was no rightwing mythology built around Reagan when he entered office. In fact, he was highly suspect. For most people outside of Cali, he was just an ACTOR. It was a huge risk to support him; he was a laughingstock.

It was during his presidency that his popularity began to grow...and it has continued to grow as the wisdom of his policies and his politics are acknowledged around the world.

People like Palin based on what she represents, what she's done, and the way she relates. It has nothing to do with *mythology*. I find the whole leftist attitude that Republicans are too stupid to know what they're doing as reprehensible as the leftist attitude that all blacks are stupid and need to be told what is best for them.

In other words, we know why we like Reagan and Palin. It isn't a mistake, and it's not based on *myth*. The *myth* is that Palin is incompetent. She has never shown any indication that she is and in fact has shown great promise in her ability to get the right things done, the right way.

Yeah, as soon as Reagan became President, his popularity starting dropping like a stone - quite a bit lower than Obama's has.

It was only after he was completely senile that Conservatives decided he was The Chosen One.

Maybe after Im completely senile your pots will start to make sense and seem much more truthful .
You are challenging TM for prevaricator in residence.
A history much like Obama.

A history nothing like Obama. He is truly a self-made man, whether you agree with anything he's done or not. He didn't grow up with a father, yet went on to Harvard and taught law for twelve years. What was Palin, a sportscaster? Give me a break.

Self made man, pfft.

What exactly did he make? Who paid for his Harvard education? What did he accomplish with it?

A big, fat nothing. He's been groomed and placed and scholarshipped his whole life. He's never even had a real job. The guy is a suit.

Hey the guy had two autobiographies written for him ,That counts for something.
Justified by what, though? I hear all the caterwauling about how she's not up to the task..but nobody addresses her experience. It's like people are just pretending it doesn't exist, or it was a fluke.

She did amazing things in Alaska. She's maintained herself very well since, with fewer gaffes than our POS POTUS. She has experienced, good people working for her.

What on earth makes people think she'll just fall to pieces? Has it happened so far? What experience did Obama have? He actually is falling apart...I'm looking for specifics here because I am frustrated by the assumption, based upon nothing except a refusal to accept that she accomplished anyhing as governor of Alaska, and the assumption that because she's not from the East Coast she's stupid and will PMS out of control if elected.

Seems bigoted and sexist to me...

you mean the experience of running Alaska for two years and then quitting? Or the alleged ethics violations while in office, or the support of useless projects?
She's gonna find out what a real media woodchipper feels like. Up to now, the media's only been sparring with her, taking the odd pot shot. viciously attacking her minor children.
The children should be left alone, period. However, Carter, Clinton, Bush, and Obama offspring have been attacked. I simply refuse to read in those outlets until an apology appears for being foolish and stupid.
Justified by what, though? I hear all the caterwauling about how she's not up to the task..but nobody addresses her experience. It's like people are just pretending it doesn't exist, or it was a fluke.

She did amazing things in Alaska. She's maintained herself very well since, with fewer gaffes than our POS POTUS. She has experienced, good people working for her.

What on earth makes people think she'll just fall to pieces? Has it happened so far? What experience did Obama have? He actually is falling apart...I'm looking for specifics here because I am frustrated by the assumption, based upon nothing except a refusal to accept that she accomplished anyhing as governor of Alaska, and the assumption that because she's not from the East Coast she's stupid and will PMS out of control if elected.

Seems bigoted and sexist to me...

you mean the experience of running Alaska for two years and then quitting? Or the alleged ethics violations while in office, or the support of useless projects?

She still had more Executive Experience at the time than Obama, who was the least qualified Candidate on either Ticket. Every charge against her was partisan bullshit.
Justified by what, though? I hear all the caterwauling about how she's not up to the task..but nobody addresses her experience. It's like people are just pretending it doesn't exist, or it was a fluke.

She did amazing things in Alaska. She's maintained herself very well since, with fewer gaffes than our POS POTUS. She has experienced, good people working for her.

What on earth makes people think she'll just fall to pieces? Has it happened so far? What experience did Obama have? He actually is falling apart...I'm looking for specifics here because I am frustrated by the assumption, based upon nothing except a refusal to accept that she accomplished anyhing as governor of Alaska, and the assumption that because she's not from the East Coast she's stupid and will PMS out of control if elected.

Seems bigoted and sexist to me...

you mean the experience of running Alaska for two years and then quitting? Or the alleged ethics violations while in office, or the support of useless projects?

She still had more Executive Experience at the time than Obama, who was the least qualified Candidate on either Ticket. Every charge against her was partisan bullshit.

By that standard, no Senator or Congressman is qualified to be President

In fact, Sarah Palin was more qualified than John McCain
Justified by what, though? I hear all the caterwauling about how she's not up to the task..but nobody addresses her experience. It's like people are just pretending it doesn't exist, or it was a fluke.

She did amazing things in Alaska. She's maintained herself very well since, with fewer gaffes than our POS POTUS. She has experienced, good people working for her.

What on earth makes people think she'll just fall to pieces? Has it happened so far? What experience did Obama have? He actually is falling apart...I'm looking for specifics here because I am frustrated by the assumption, based upon nothing except a refusal to accept that she accomplished anyhing as governor of Alaska, and the assumption that because she's not from the East Coast she's stupid and will PMS out of control if elected.

Seems bigoted and sexist to me...

you mean the experience of running Alaska for two years and then quitting? Or the alleged ethics violations while in office, or the support of useless projects?
*fabrications* of ethics violations. Invstigations turned up nothing, cost a buttload of money
and exposed bama's goons and the leftist media for what they are....paid guns.
Justified by what, though? I hear all the caterwauling about how she's not up to the task..but nobody addresses her experience. It's like people are just pretending it doesn't exist, or it was a fluke.

She did amazing things in Alaska. She's maintained herself very well since, with fewer gaffes than our POS POTUS. She has experienced, good people working for her.

What on earth makes people think she'll just fall to pieces? Has it happened so far? What experience did Obama have? He actually is falling apart...I'm looking for specifics here because I am frustrated by the assumption, based upon nothing except a refusal to accept that she accomplished anyhing as governor of Alaska, and the assumption that because she's not from the East Coast she's stupid and will PMS out of control if elected.

Seems bigoted and sexist to me...

you mean the experience of running Alaska for two years and then quitting? Or the alleged ethics violations while in office, or the support of useless projects?
*fabrications* of ethics violations. Invstigations turned up nothing, cost a buttload of money
and exposed bama's goons and the leftist media for what they are....paid guns.

Did you captain the 'Titanic' in a previous life?
What exactly has Palin done? She quit left office halfway through her first term, caused quite an embarassment for McCain throughout the campaign, and then signed onto Fox as a "contributor."
What are her accomplishments? She hasn't done anything to convince people that she is worthy or capable of being president. She's damn good playing the victim, however. I will give her that.

A history much like Obama.

A history nothing like Obama. He is truly a self-made man, whether you agree with anything he's done or not. He didn't grow up with a father, yet went on to Harvard and taught law for twelve years. What was Palin, a sportscaster? Give me a break.

Obama was elected in the US Senate in 2004 and spent almost half his years there running for President ( although he did vote "present" while serving ). Doesn't sound like he had much experience to boast of, and our economy is paying for it with only a 1% drop in unemployment since he's been in office. What had he accomplished to be qualified for President? . . . oh that's right, he was a "community organizer" :lol::lol::lol:
A history much like Obama.

A history nothing like Obama. He is truly a self-made man, whether you agree with anything he's done or not. He didn't grow up with a father, yet went on to Harvard and taught law for twelve years. What was Palin, a sportscaster? Give me a break.

Obama was elected in the US Senate in 2004 and spent almost half his years there running for President ( although he did vote "present" while serving ). Doesn't sound like he had much experience to boast of, and our economy is paying for it with only a 1% drop in unemployment since he's been in office. What had he accomplished to be qualified for President? . . . oh that's right, he was a "community organizer" :lol::lol::lol:

Can you point out a single US Senate bill where Obama voted "present" ?

Yea....Obama was a "community organizer"
Bush was a "frat boy"
Palin was a "Hockey Mom"

That is the extent of their experience
The children should be left alone, period. However, Carter, Clinton, Bush, and Obama offspring have been attacked. I simply refuse to read in those outlets until an apology appears for being foolish and stupid.

I agree. However Obama's children were not even CLOSE to be criticized as much as Bristol Palin was, whether or not she was in the spot light at the time. The left is threatened by any woman with conservative views, all you have to do is read their comments when one of their names are mentioned.
The children should be left alone, period. However, Carter, Clinton, Bush, and Obama offspring have been attacked. I simply refuse to read in those outlets until an apology appears for being foolish and stupid.

I agree. However Obama's children were not even CLOSE to be criticized as much as Bristol Palin was, whether or not she was in the spot light at the time. The left is threatened by any woman with conservative views, all you have to do is read their comments when one of their names are mentioned.

Quit your whining....."Conservative women are unfairly attacked"
EVERYONE in politics gets attacked, male and female
Open your mouth and you are subject to attack...that is why we post here

You want an attack on a child....look at what was said about Amy Carter
You want an attack on a child....look at what was said about Amy Carter

The amount of criticism that gets dumped onto kids of those running for political office, has gotten worse and is uncalled for. I don't recall, not that long ago, Chelsea Clinton being criticized to the degree we find today with Bristol Palin. Perhaps you can provide some facts that says otherwise?
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You want an attack on a child....look at what was said about Amy Carter

The amount of criticism that gets dumped onto kids of those running for political office, has gotten worse and is uncalled for. I don't recall, not that long ago, Chelsea Clinton being criticized to the degree we find today with Bristol Palin. Perhaps you can provide some facts that says otherwise?

You mean like Rush calling her a dog?
You want an attack on a child....look at what was said about Amy Carter

The amount of criticism that gets dumped onto kids of those running for political office, has gotten worse and is uncalled for. I don't recall, not that long ago, Chelsea Clinton being criticized to the degree we find today with Bristol Palin. Perhaps you can provide some facts that says otherwise?

You mean like Rush calling her a dog?

"Everyone knows the Clintons have a cat," said Limbaugh. "Socks is the White House cat. But did you know there is also a White House dog?" And he held up a picture of Chelsea

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