She's Running: Sarah Palin Hires Chief-Of-Staff (Michael Glassner)

Justified by what, though? I hear all the caterwauling about how she's not up to the task..but nobody addresses her experience. It's like people are just pretending it doesn't exist, or it was a fluke.

She did amazing things in Alaska. She's maintained herself very well since, with fewer gaffes than our POS POTUS. She has experienced, good people working for her.

What on earth makes people think she'll just fall to pieces? Has it happened so far? What experience did Obama have? He actually is falling apart...I'm looking for specifics here because I am frustrated by the assumption, based upon nothing except a refusal to accept that she accomplished anyhing as governor of Alaska, and the assumption that because she's not from the East Coast she's stupid and will PMS out of control if elected.

Seems bigoted and sexist to me...

you mean the experience of running Alaska for two years and then quitting? Or the alleged ethics violations while in office, or the support of useless projects?

She still had more Executive Experience at the time than Obama, who was the least qualified Candidate on either Ticket. Every charge against her was partisan bullshit.

So every charge against Obama is "partisan bullshit"?
Good point. Thanks for clearing that up.
The children should be left alone, period. However, Carter, Clinton, Bush, and Obama offspring have been attacked. I simply refuse to read in those outlets until an apology appears for being foolish and stupid.

I agree. However Obama's children were not even CLOSE to be criticized as much as Bristol Palin was, whether or not she was in the spot light at the time. The left is threatened by any woman with conservative views, all you have to do is read their comments when one of their names are mentioned.

The right was threatened by Hillary. All you have to do is read their comments. The left and the center and responsible right don't care that Sarah is a female, they care that she can't do the job. To suggest that the dislike is that she is female is nothing more than reverse sexism. Go to.
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What exactly has Palin done? She quit left office halfway through her first term, caused quite an embarassment for McCain throughout the campaign, and then signed onto Fox as a "contributor."
What are her accomplishments? She hasn't done anything to convince people that she is worthy or capable of being president. She's damn good playing the victim, however. I will give her that.

A history much like Obama.

A history nothing like Obama. He is truly a self-made man, whether you agree with anything he's done or not. He didn't grow up with a father, yet went on to Harvard and taught law for twelve years. What was Palin, a sportscaster? Give me a break.

Clinton, Bush 43, and Obama are 3 men who became president.

Clinton felt our pain. I suppose that's because he grew up poor, never knew his real father, and had to stand up to an abusive stepfather. He overcame a lot. Yet, he never forgot where he came from or what it was like to live through that. But for whatever reason, he was mocked for feeling our pain by the very same people who would later come to describe themselves as compassionate conservatives. There's a disconnect there.

Bush 43 grew up with two parents, a family fortune, and every advantage a child could have, including a legacy scholarship to an Ivy League school. As a youth, Bush didn't have to overcome any hardship other than the "burden" of having to live up to the well-known accomplishments of several generations of his own family. Even so, he was given assistance at every stage of his life. Most people would welcome such burdens.

Obama was like Clinton. He grew up poor and without a father. He didn't have a steady home life, and his mother was not a constant presence in his life while he was being raised by his grandparents. That's a lot of disadvantages to overcome, but Obama overcame those disadvantages, and went on to thrive in school. Maybe that explains why he became a community organizer. That makes sense since many disadvantaged people who once benefited from the help of others feel an obligation to pay it forward by volunteering to help other people who are similarly disadvantaged.

Most people would praise such volunteerism. In fact, while he was president, Bush 43 called on people to volunteer to help people in their communities. Alas, so-called compassionate conservatives couldn't even rhetorically live up to their own mantra because they've routinely mocked Obama being a community organizer.

The moral of the story? If you want to talk about compassion, seek out a conservative. If you want to witness compassion, seek out a liberal.
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February 15, 2001


So Much For Sarah Palin As A Serious '12 Contender

"Palin's standing in trial heats in Iowa and South Carolina, two critical early states in the GOP nomination process, has been consistently underwhelming, especially given her universal name recognition. And a new poll in New Hampshire, which finds Palin tied for fifth place with just six percent -- 34 points behind Mitt Romney and trailing even Tim Pawlenty."


"No brain..No PAIN!!!"
You want an attack on a child....look at what was said about Amy Carter

The amount of criticism that gets dumped onto kids of those running for political office, has gotten worse and is uncalled for. I don't recall, not that long ago, Chelsea Clinton being criticized to the degree we find today with Bristol Palin. Perhaps you can provide some facts that says otherwise?

You mean like Rush calling her a dog?

"Everyone knows the Clintons have a cat," said Limbaugh. "Socks is the White House cat. But did you know there is also a White House dog?" And he held up a picture of Chelsea
because that is NOT what happened
Justified by what, though? I hear all the caterwauling about how she's not up to the task..but nobody addresses her experience. It's like people are just pretending it doesn't exist, or it was a fluke.

She did amazing things in Alaska. She's maintained herself very well since, with fewer gaffes than our POS POTUS. She has experienced, good people working for her.

What on earth makes people think she'll just fall to pieces? Has it happened so far? What experience did Obama have? He actually is falling apart...I'm looking for specifics here because I am frustrated by the assumption, based upon nothing except a refusal to accept that she accomplished anyhing as governor of Alaska, and the assumption that because she's not from the East Coast she's stupid and will PMS out of control if elected.

Seems bigoted and sexist to me...

you mean the experience of running Alaska for two years and then quitting? Or the alleged ethics violations while in office, or the support of useless projects?

She still had more Executive Experience at the time than Obama, who was the least qualified Candidate on either Ticket. Every charge against her was partisan bullshit.

So she was more qualified than Lyndon Johnson when he was elected??

Only the far far far freaky right respect the freak.

I think she represents and appeals to the same audience Mike Huckabee does---women and Midwesterners who hold traditional values very dear, including and especially, religion. I don't think she is experienced enough for POTUS. I respect her too, and don't consider her any kind of freak. She is very willing to work very hard, for her country. I would only vote for her if her name was on the ballot. In other words, a conservative who respects the Constitution but has a lot to learn.

So why do you feel justified in ignoring her experience as a governor?

It's not that meaningful. Being the chief executive of Alaska bears little resemblance to being president.

Besides, how many conservatives HERE voted for Bill Clinton in 1996 because he had more executive experience than Bob Dole?

Answer: approximately zero. you're all phoney fucks.
So any of you phoney fucks that thinks 'executive experience' is a dealbreaker in voting for a presidential candidate... won't be voting for Palin over Romney, Huckabee, Pawlenty, or Barbour, correct?

Because every one of them has more executive experience than Palin.
I think she represents and appeals to the same audience Mike Huckabee does---women and Midwesterners who hold traditional values very dear, including and especially, religion. I don't think she is experienced enough for POTUS. I respect her too, and don't consider her any kind of freak. She is very willing to work very hard, for her country. I would only vote for her if her name was on the ballot. In other words, a conservative who respects the Constitution but has a lot to learn.

So why do you feel justified in ignoring her experience as a governor?

It's not that meaningful. Being the chief executive of Alaska bears little resemblance to being president.
....Especially when she couldn't (even) complete a full-term!!!

(.....Much like her college-experience.... :rolleyes: )​
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I do believe that Gov. Palin will show herself to be a completely different animal when running her own campaign.

Many stereotypes about her are going to be shattered.

I don't want to rain on your parade. So I want to tell you that I'm really happy for you. I know how excited you must be.

However, I must ask you this. Along with being thrilled, you sound so surprised!!! I don't get that. How could you not know that this is what she has been planning all along??? It was so obvious. In any case, I am thrilled, too. Maybe for different reasons, but I'm thrilled!! :lol:

you mean the experience of running Alaska for two years and then quitting? Or the alleged ethics violations while in office, or the support of useless projects?

She still had more Executive Experience at the time than Obama, who was the least qualified Candidate on either Ticket. Every charge against her was partisan bullshit.

So she was more qualified than Lyndon Johnson when he was elected??

LBJ had already been serving as POTUS when he was elected to the job

poor analogy

but LBJ had more time in the senate than Obama did, same for McCain, Dole, JFK, and just about every other POPUS
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Lincoln had none, dive, neither did Polk or Eisenhower, and they were great and exceptionally good and very good, respectively.

Palin simply does not have what it takes to lead. I want Romney and know if we run Palin we get Obama one more time and national health care reform forever.

The stakes are too high to risk anything on her.
You guys realize that Obama will have more "executive" experience than Palin in 2012, right?

Not to mention he'll be the only candidate with "Presidential" experience.
Lincoln had none, dive, neither did Polk or Eisenhower, and they were great and exceptionally good and very good, respectively.

Palin simply does not have what it takes to lead. I want Romney and know if we run Palin we get Obama one more time and national health care reform forever.

The stakes are too high to risk anything on her.
Lincoln had served a full term in the House

but dont confuse me with a person supporting Palin for POTUS, i do NOT
but Obama hadnt even completed a single full term in federal office

and had no executive experience either in office or in the private sector
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Thanks for the clarification. I don't support her for POTUS or VPOTUS, period, though I held my nose and voted McCain in 2008. I cannot in all true American spirit vote for any national ticket that has Sarah. I could vote for a ticket that had Boehner as the candidate for VPOTUS.
i could care less who is potus

i care who controls congress.

thats where the power, and the credit/blame really are/belong
i could care less who is potus

i care who controls congress.

thats where the power, and the credit/blame really are/belong
there is power in each ot the three branch's of our republic
but most people confuse who controls what
Twinfist, I agree with you the Congress is important but presidents love the veto.

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