She's Running: Sarah Palin Hires Chief-Of-Staff (Michael Glassner)

She still had more Executive Experience at the time than Obama, who was the least qualified Candidate on either Ticket. Every charge against her was partisan bullshit.

So she was more qualified than Lyndon Johnson when he was elected??

LBJ had already been serving as POTUS when he was elected to the job

poor analogy

but LBJ had more time in the senate than Obama did, same for McCain, Dole, JFK, and just about every other POPUS

Ah then, so Obama's 4 YEARS OF PRESIDENTIAL EXPERIENCE will make him the most qualified candidate in 2012.
Interesting trivia.

Sarah Palin is the only one among the GOP probable candidates who has a net negative favorability rating with the public.
So she was more qualified than Lyndon Johnson when he was elected??

LBJ had already been serving as POTUS when he was elected to the job

poor analogy

but LBJ had more time in the senate than Obama did, same for McCain, Dole, JFK, and just about every other POPUS

Ah then, so Obama's 4 YEARS OF PRESIDENTIAL EXPERIENCE will make him the most qualified candidate in 2012.
but when experience was talked about, it mattered
Obama loses on the fact he is doing a poor job
Twinfist, I agree with you the Congress is important but presidents love the veto.

Presidents are suppose to lead..but alas no balls Obama has proven sorely lacking in the leadership role.. He's a political hack at best and a silver toughed politician when the teleprompters working..
He also took the GOP to the cleaners in the lame duck session and is forcing Boehner toward the center. Whether Obama creates a lasting legacy will be in the negotiations McConnel's minority Republicans in this term. MM just might sit down and do nothing waiting for the 2012 elections to give him a 56 to 58 senate majority. If he does that, I think BHO, who is probably going to win in 2012 if the election were held today, is going to veto everything he doesn't like, and grin about it.
LBJ had already been serving as POTUS when he was elected to the job

poor analogy

but LBJ had more time in the senate than Obama did, same for McCain, Dole, JFK, and just about every other POPUS

Ah then, so Obama's 4 YEARS OF PRESIDENTIAL EXPERIENCE will make him the most qualified candidate in 2012.
but when experience was talked about, it mattered
Obama loses on the fact he is doing a poor job

Most Americans disagree with you. Obama's job approval is a net positive and no incumbent ever loses with a net positive job approval rating.
Ah then, so Obama's 4 YEARS OF PRESIDENTIAL EXPERIENCE will make him the most qualified candidate in 2012.
but when experience was talked about, it mattered
Obama loses on the fact he is doing a poor job

Most Americans disagree with you. Obama's job approval is a net positive and no incumbent ever loses with a net positive job approval rating.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

another fail by carby
but when experience was talked about, it mattered
Obama loses on the fact he is doing a poor job

Most Americans disagree with you. Obama's job approval is a net positive and no incumbent ever loses with a net positive job approval rating.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

another fail by carby


49.2 Approve, 44.5 Disapprove. +4.7

That's a net positive approval rating.
It's fallen several points, you are right there, divecon, but still has a plus almost five, far better than the year before the election, I believe. His handling of the GOP in the lame duck and the aftermath of the Giffords' incident has given him a boost up. I have not looked this up, but I believe every president with a 46% positive rating has won re-election. Truman, Eisenhower, and Clinton won re-election after getting hammered in the off elections two years before. We are going to need a candidate for the GOP that can pull the center.
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It's fallen several points, you are right there, divecon, but still has a plus almost five, far better than the year before the election, I believe. His handling of the GOP in the lame duck and the aftermath of the Giffords' incident has given him a boost up. I have not looked this up, but I believe every president with a 46% positive rating has won re-election. Truman, Eisenhower, and Clinton won re-election after getting hammered in the off elections two years before. We are going to need a candidate for the GOP than can pull the center.
it's likely to fall more
he's below 50%

Yes. But the phrase "net positive" refers to approval - disapproval.

I'm not making the arguments that NYcarb was making - but he does have a net positive approval rating.
i cant help it some polls allow people to answer "i dont know"

btw, thats why Rasmussens poll shows him with a -3

Rasmussen always leans against him. Notice they're the only poll with a negative spread?

And it's much more likely that the third option is "mixed views", not "I don't know".
Yes. But the phrase "net positive" refers to approval - disapproval.

I'm not making the arguments that NYcarb was making - but he does have a net positive approval rating.
i cant help it some polls allow people to answer "i dont know"

btw, thats why Rasmussens poll shows him with a -3

Rasmussen always leans against him. Notice they're the only poll with a negative spread?

And it's much more likely that the third option is "mixed views", not "I don't know".
Rasmussen was also hard on Bush
because they dont have a third option other than approve/disapprove
Considering what I've seen of what the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil put out over the past month or so..............

I say, go ahead Palintard, this country could use a good laugh. Just because Larry the Cable Guy has a show on History Channel, does NOT mean that a bimbo redneck such as yourself has any kind of chance to be president.
i cant help it some polls allow people to answer "i dont know"

btw, thats why Rasmussens poll shows him with a -3

Rasmussen always leans against him. Notice they're the only poll with a negative spread?

And it's much more likely that the third option is "mixed views", not "I don't know".
Rasmussen was also hard on Bush
because they dont have a third option other than approve/disapprove

Exactly. Actually, Rasmussen uses 4 choices - strongly approve, approve, disapprove, and strongly disapprove.

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