Shill vs. Shill? Cruz vs Trump

I have seen how Cubans, who are blessed with US citizenship just by showing up here, have a prejudice against other, particularly latin, immigrants. While most latinos tend to be democrats or left wing thinkers, Cubans are generally republicans.

So you're saying Cubans are vastly smarter than other Hispanics?
I like Cruz for standing up for us American citizens and the Constitution, and not like the Progressive party with Hillary who stands up for everyone but Us LEGAL American citizens. first they pushing the Illegal immigrants on us and now these "refugees" that they had a hand in CREATING by bombing the hell out of seven counties in the Middle east.

as for Trump. I still haven't figured him out, but he's not my first choice for President

I think Cruz is lying on the issue, the man cant help but have a soft spot for immigrants as his father was one.
I have seen how Cubans, who are blessed with US citizenship just by showing up here, have a prejudice against other, particularly latin, immigrants. While most latinos tend to be democrats or left wing thinkers, Cubans are generally republicans.

well they don't get citizen ship just by showing up I don't think...but otherwise I think you got it right generally.
It's called wet foot, dry foot. Setting foot on U.S. soil gives them an expedited path to citizenship. I think it takes about a year. They are basically given citizenship for simply getting here. That is why there is a big emphasis on trying to detain while still in the water.
If Cruz is "Goldman-Sachs errand boy" he sure ain't getting the same support as democrats. G-S contributed over a million to Barry Hussein's campaign and it's up to about 750k to Hillary. If radical lefties read a freaking paper once in a while instead of left wing blogs they might come up with more than cliches.
If Cruz is "Goldman-Sachs errand boy" he sure ain't getting the same support as democrats. G-S contributed over a million to Barry Hussein's campaign and it's up to about 750k to Hillary. If radical lefties read a freaking paper once in a while instead of left wing blogs they might come up with more than cliches.

We know, dcrealan is just lying for his party, as leftists tend to do.
I like Cruz for standing up for us American citizens and the Constitution, and not like the Progressive party with Hillary who stands up for everyone but Us LEGAL American citizens. first they pushing the Illegal immigrants on us and now these "refugees" that they had a hand in CREATING by bombing the hell out of seven counties in the Middle east.

as for Trump. I still haven't figured him out, but he's not my first choice for President

I think Cruz is lying on the issue, the man cant help but have a soft spot for immigrants as his father was one.
I have seen how Cubans, who are blessed with US citizenship just by showing up here, have a prejudice against other, particularly latin, immigrants. While most latinos tend to be democrats or left wing thinkers, Cubans are generally republicans.

well they don't get citizen ship just by showing up I don't think...but otherwise I think you got it right generally.
It's called wet foot, dry foot. Setting foot on U.S. soil gives them an expedited path to citizenship. I think it takes about a year.
A couple weeks to documentation; right to work in 45 days.
kinda early for you false fallback position.

Nothing false about it.

You are a mindless hack. What you post will promote and support your filthy party. The chances of it being accurate are pretty slim, but then your only goal is to support your party, not to be rational or ethical.
kinda early for you false fallback position.

Nothing false about it.

You are a mindless hack. What you post will promote and support your filthy party. The chances of it being accurate are pretty slim, but then your only goal is to support your party, not to be rational or ethical.
I could be out and out lying and the stuff I post would be exponentially more accurate then your best ravings on your best day

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