Shirley Sherrod: An interesting Timeline of events (wow its not fox new's fault)

thanks for that and as i'm reading I find this part interesting

article in link said:
But did run a story about the existence of the video, titled "Video Shows USDA Official Saying She Didn't Give 'Full Force' of Help to White Farmer" at 5:58 p.m. on Monday, an hour before the Agriculture Department announced Sherrod’s resignation. And Wednesday, Clemente told POLITICO that was a mistake.

"There was a breakdown in the system, and it is being addressed," he said. "But it must say something about the power of Fox, that a week after she resigned, we're still talking about this."

The breakdown occurred following Fox's afternoon news meeting that day, when Clemente, according to The Washington Post's Howard Kurtz offered the following advice: "Let's take our time and get the facts straight on this story. Can we get confirmation and comments from Sherrod before going on-air. Let's make sure we do this right."

Clemente said he gave the advice in the meeting, not in a memo to staff, and his guidance clearly did not make it down to the reporter and producers who put the story on

They first aired the video at 5:58pm on the day she resigned. over an hour after she did resign and over an hour before it was officially announced that she did.

I'm glad media matters, a liberal outlet, agrees with me that they didn't air it before she physically resigned over an hour before that clip aired.

Thank you for ending the thread skydancer :)
I finally went through all the pages and NOT ONE link providing Fox News Channel or running this story before obama's admin asked for the resignation.

Looks like SOMEONE was trying to pull the wool over our eyes and using this to go after fox news.....damn shame this transparant dishonesty ;).

Obama Official Resigns After Discrimination Caught on Tape | The FOX Nation

PP ... the Obama Admin was foolish to believe this story and it's their own damn fault they fired her. However, Fox is far from innocent. I keep hearing people harping on this talking point that nothing aired before she resigned. So what ... Fox picked this up pretty much right away ... there's the Fox Nation link. Then there is Bill O getting taped at 5 pm. FoxNews had the tape in their hands long enough to have their primetime face calling for her to resign ... even when the taping was at 5. The night time line up had their talking points firmly in place before she even resigned as it wasn't until after the taping that she actually did resign. Glenn Beck didn't come out with the clip talking about that full context of the tape that you linked until the next day. Fox News was right in the middle of stirring up this shit storm, bro, and it's been obvious since the jump. news Channel DID NOT air the story until after she resigned.

foxnation posted a link/story to the breitbart video not foxnewschannel. People with an agenda against fox news have been using this story to stir up a storm against them and that has been obvious from the beginning ;).

This is a bump for DR.Smith. I'm still waiting for the link to news channell video of the story airing prior to her resignation. did run the story prior to the announcement of her resignation.

But did run a story about the existence of the video, titled "Video Shows USDA Official Saying She Didn't Give 'Full Force' of Help to White Farmer" at 5:58 p.m. on Monday, an hour before the Agriculture Department announced Sherrod’s resignation. And Wednesday, Clemente told POLITICO that was a mistake.

Read more: Fox News admits 'a breakdown' on Shirley Sherrod story - Keach Hagey -
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Point out one instance when they have been caught lying.

Your dial is stuck on stupid.

I have neither the time nor inclination to search though their bullshit repository and Fisk their articles for you. I will say that I have yet to see them quote Glenn Beck in context for one, or if they did quote him fully, their conclusion was misleading.

This is not a news story from mediamatters. It is propaganda and braggadocio.

My point of this whole issue has been this: How did fox or Andrew Breitbart fire Ms. Sherrod? Did they have the power? No. They did not. The DoAg fired her based on overreaction from a percieved scandal, without investigation or anything other fact finding. They forced her to pull over and resign over the phone. Not Fox, Not Breitbart. Tom Vilseck did.

But libs pulled a classic Overton Window, shifted the subject of debate and too many suckers bought into it. You blamed the messenger for causing a stupid act by the executive branch, making P-BO and company look like the fucking morons they are. If they had NOT fired her, this would have blown over in a few days with little to no harm. But that's why the big deal is being made over the minutia of timing. You guys need to make a big deal out of this, because this presidency an congress is beyond a disaster.

So that gets us back to the basic point, who fired Sherrod? Fox can't, ,Breitbart can't. All this fervor is nothing but fauxrage based on a scam for political gain. The cyclone is started, and they have to keep it up lest everyone stop and go... hey... a news company can't fire someone not working for them. Then the game's up. And heaven forbid that they start doing this to all the areas the left have manufactured outage going on.

So what's the real issue? The timing of a news story, or the fuckup of the Administration from a panicked action?
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Obama Official Resigns After Discrimination Caught on Tape | The FOX Nation

PP ... the Obama Admin was foolish to believe this story and it's their own damn fault they fired her. However, Fox is far from innocent. I keep hearing people harping on this talking point that nothing aired before she resigned. So what ... Fox picked this up pretty much right away ... there's the Fox Nation link. Then there is Bill O getting taped at 5 pm. FoxNews had the tape in their hands long enough to have their primetime face calling for her to resign ... even when the taping was at 5. The night time line up had their talking points firmly in place before she even resigned as it wasn't until after the taping that she actually did resign. Glenn Beck didn't come out with the clip talking about that full context of the tape that you linked until the next day. Fox News was right in the middle of stirring up this shit storm, bro, and it's been obvious since the jump. news Channel DID NOT air the story until after she resigned.

foxnation posted a link/story to the breitbart video not foxnewschannel. People with an agenda against fox news have been using this story to stir up a storm against them and that has been obvious from the beginning ;).

This is a bump for DR.Smith. I'm still waiting for the link to news channell video of the story airing prior to her resignation. did run the story prior to the announcement of her resignation.

But did run a story about the existence of the video, titled "Video Shows USDA Official Saying She Didn't Give 'Full Force' of Help to White Farmer" at 5:58 p.m. on Monday, an hour before the Agriculture Department announced Sherrod’s resignation. And Wednesday, Clemente told POLITICO that was a mistake.

Read more: Fox News admits 'a breakdown' on Shirley Sherrod story - Keach Hagey -

You must have JUST missed this post below when you posted the above one

thanks for that and as i'm reading I find this part interesting

article in link said:
But did run a story about the existence of the video, titled "Video Shows USDA Official Saying She Didn't Give 'Full Force' of Help to White Farmer" at 5:58 p.m. on Monday, an hour before the Agriculture Department announced Sherrod’s resignation. And Wednesday, Clemente told POLITICO that was a mistake.

"There was a breakdown in the system, and it is being addressed," he said. "But it must say something about the power of Fox, that a week after she resigned, we're still talking about this."

The breakdown occurred following Fox's afternoon news meeting that day, when Clemente, according to The Washington Post's Howard Kurtz offered the following advice: "Let's take our time and get the facts straight on this story. Can we get confirmation and comments from Sherrod before going on-air. Let's make sure we do this right."

Clemente said he gave the advice in the meeting, not in a memo to staff, and his guidance clearly did not make it down to the reporter and producers who put the story on

They first aired the video at 5:58pm on the day she resigned. over an hour after she did resign and over an hour before it was officially announced that she did.

I'm glad media matters, a liberal outlet, agrees with me that they didn't air it before she physically resigned over an hour before that clip aired.

Thank you for ending the thread skydancer :)
I finally went through all the pages and NOT ONE link providing Fox News Channel or running this story before obama's admin asked for the resignation.

Looks like SOMEONE was trying to pull the wool over our eyes and using this to go after fox news.....damn shame this transparant dishonesty ;).

Obama Official Resigns After Discrimination Caught on Tape | The FOX Nation

PP ... the Obama Admin was foolish to believe this story and it's their own damn fault they fired her. However, Fox is far from innocent. I keep hearing people harping on this talking point that nothing aired before she resigned. So what ... Fox picked this up pretty much right away ... there's the Fox Nation link. Then there is Bill O getting taped at 5 pm. FoxNews had the tape in their hands long enough to have their primetime face calling for her to resign ... even when the taping was at 5. The night time line up had their talking points firmly in place before she even resigned as it wasn't until after the taping that she actually did resign. Glenn Beck didn't come out with the clip talking about that full context of the tape that you linked until the next day. Fox News was right in the middle of stirring up this shit storm, bro, and it's been obvious since the jump.

Article15: news Channel DID NOT air the story until after she resigned.

foxnation posted a link/story to the breitbart video not foxnewschannel. People with an agenda against fox news have been using this story to stir up a storm against them and that has been obvious from the beginning ;).

This is a bump for DR.Smith. I'm still waiting for the link to news channell video of the story airing prior to her resignation.

I know they didn't air it until after she resigned. I said that in my post. I also think it is irrelevant. This "but they didn't air it until after she resigned" is what the Fox News defenders have used to deflect legit criticism of Fox's role/reporting/commentary on this. They got into bed with Breitbart and deserve that criticism.
I agree that the shows like o'reill and hannity and some of their "breaking news" coverage that first night was incomplete reporting and I saw a clip of O'reilly apologizing for his error the next day.

They, like the whitehouse, should have done more diligence in the situation.

Their only saving grace is that the claims that fox news made the resignation happen were incorrect. It isn't much but it is true.
I agree that the shows like o'reill and hannity and some of their "breaking news" coverage that first night was incomplete reporting and I saw a clip of O'reilly apologizing for his error the next day.

They, like the whitehouse, should have done more diligence in the situation.

Their only saving grace is that the claims that fox news made the resignation happen were incorrect. It isn't much but it is true.

That won't stop the howlers.

Why blame the incompetence in the White House when it's easier to blame a network you don't like?
FOX is responsible for Shirley Sherrod being fired. They are the ones who ran the biased story with an inflammatory edited tape.

So, what you're saying is that the Obama and the White House take their orders from FOX. Do you know who specifically?

I have a list :eusa_whistle:

I agree that the shows like o'reill and hannity and some of their "breaking news" coverage that first night was incomplete reporting and I saw a clip of O'reilly apologizing for his error the next day.

They, like the whitehouse, should have done more diligence in the situation.

Their only saving grace is that the claims that fox news made the resignation happen were incorrect. It isn't much but it is true.

That won't stop the howlers.

Why blame the incompetence in the White House when it's easier to blame a network you don't like?

My whole point of the thread was basically to show how the claims being made that fox drove the resignation process were innacurate.

I'm not worried about the howlers as long as the truth is out there ;)

This brings up an interesting point.

Fox shows a heavily edited tape made to seem as if the woman in it is racist. The tape has shredded her reputation even though it's been proven false. Fox did not pause to verify, or to get the tape in it's entirety first (which would have been easy).

Fox is given a free pass with lots of excuses, pats on the back for Breitbart, and accountability is not necessary in this case.

Dan Rather aired a bogus letter on President Bush's service. Dan Rather showed an abysmal lack of professional ethics in not bothering to verify (which would have been simple) before presenting his political hot potato. Dan Rather publically lost his job. He deserved it.

Such a glaring double standard.
Dan Rather aired a bogus letter on President Bush's service. Dan Rather showed an abysmal lack of professional ethics in not bothering to verify (which would have been simple) before presenting his political hot potato. Dan Rather publically lost his job. He deserved it.

Not even CLOSE to a comparison. Nobody is denying that Sherrod said the thing she did. Not even her. Rather MANUFACTURED 'evidence'. Sherrod got busted saying stupid shit which was then poorly edited. When it aired is IMMATERIAL. Why? Because those who aired it had NO POWER over her!

Nice try to blame the messenger again. P-BO fucked up because someone else fucked up. He has to man up and take responsibilities for his underlings actions as well as his own. Can't blame Bush or anyone else on this one.
Dan Rather aired a bogus letter on President Bush's service. Dan Rather showed an abysmal lack of professional ethics in not bothering to verify (which would have been simple) before presenting his political hot potato. Dan Rather publically lost his job. He deserved it.

Not even CLOSE to a comparison. Nobody is denying that Sherrod said the thing she did. Not even her. Rather MANUFACTURED 'evidence'. Sherrod got busted saying stupid shit which was then poorly edited. When it aired is IMMATERIAL. Why? Because those who aired it had NO POWER over her!

Nice try to blame the messenger again. P-BO fucked up because someone else fucked up. He has to man up and take responsibilities for his underlings actions as well as his own. Can't blame Bush or anyone else on this one.
Yet another example of how CON$ lie to rationalize their double standard.

Rather didn't "MANUFACTURE" anything, the documents were sent to him. And when the documents could not be verified he revealed the source of the documents. But even though the source of the docs is well known CON$ still lie and say Rather manufactured the docs. Meanwhile, Bigotbart probably did the dishonest editing himself, which is the only logical reason for not naming the source who made a fool of him, and CON$ say you can't say Bigotbart edited the video without absolute proof.

So in reality, Bigotbart is much worse than Rather and Bigotbart is a hero to CON$. :cuckoo:
Dan Rather aired a bogus letter on President Bush's service. Dan Rather showed an abysmal lack of professional ethics in not bothering to verify (which would have been simple) before presenting his political hot potato. Dan Rather publically lost his job. He deserved it.

Not even CLOSE to a comparison. Nobody is denying that Sherrod said the thing she did. Not even her. Rather MANUFACTURED 'evidence'. Sherrod got busted saying stupid shit which was then poorly edited. When it aired is IMMATERIAL. Why? Because those who aired it had NO POWER over her!

Nice try to blame the messenger again. P-BO fucked up because someone else fucked up. He has to man up and take responsibilities for his underlings actions as well as his own. Can't blame Bush or anyone else on this one.
Yet another example of how CON$ lie to rationalize their double standard.

Rather didn't "MANUFACTURE" anything, the documents were sent to him. And when the documents could not be verified he revealed the source of the documents. But even though the source of the docs is well known CON$ still lie and say Rather manufactured the docs. Meanwhile, Bigotbart probably did the dishonest editing himself, which is the only logical reason for not naming the source who made a fool of him, and CON$ say you can't say Bigotbart edited the video without absolute proof.

So in reality, Bigotbart is much worse than Rather and Bigotbart is a hero to CON$. :cuckoo:
Oh I'm sorry... his PRODUCER and editors did. :rolleyes: I see you still believe he was clueless of the whole thing. gotta love that thin film of 'Plausable Deniability".
Dan Rather aired a bogus letter on President Bush's service. Dan Rather showed an abysmal lack of professional ethics in not bothering to verify (which would have been simple) before presenting his political hot potato. Dan Rather publically lost his job. He deserved it.

Not even CLOSE to a comparison. Nobody is denying that Sherrod said the thing she did. Not even her. Rather MANUFACTURED 'evidence'. Sherrod got busted saying stupid shit which was then poorly edited. When it aired is IMMATERIAL. Why? Because those who aired it had NO POWER over her!

Nice try to blame the messenger again. P-BO fucked up because someone else fucked up. He has to man up and take responsibilities for his underlings actions as well as his own. Can't blame Bush or anyone else on this one.
Yet another example of how CON$ lie to rationalize their double standard.

Rather didn't "MANUFACTURE" anything, the documents were sent to him. And when the documents could not be verified he revealed the source of the documents. But even though the source of the docs is well known CON$ still lie and say Rather manufactured the docs. Meanwhile, Bigotbart probably did the dishonest editing himself, which is the only logical reason for not naming the source who made a fool of him, and CON$ say you can't say Bigotbart edited the video without absolute proof.

So in reality, Bigotbart is much worse than Rather and Bigotbart is a hero to CON$. :cuckoo:

Amazing, isn't it? Just like Breitbart, who claimed he didn't edit anything, just received the Rather.....:lol:
Not even CLOSE to a comparison. Nobody is denying that Sherrod said the thing she did. Not even her. Rather MANUFACTURED 'evidence'. Sherrod got busted saying stupid shit which was then poorly edited. When it aired is IMMATERIAL. Why? Because those who aired it had NO POWER over her!

Nice try to blame the messenger again. P-BO fucked up because someone else fucked up. He has to man up and take responsibilities for his underlings actions as well as his own. Can't blame Bush or anyone else on this one.
Yet another example of how CON$ lie to rationalize their double standard.

Rather didn't "MANUFACTURE" anything, the documents were sent to him. And when the documents could not be verified he revealed the source of the documents. But even though the source of the docs is well known CON$ still lie and say Rather manufactured the docs. Meanwhile, Bigotbart probably did the dishonest editing himself, which is the only logical reason for not naming the source who made a fool of him, and CON$ say you can't say Bigotbart edited the video without absolute proof.

So in reality, Bigotbart is much worse than Rather and Bigotbart is a hero to CON$. :cuckoo:
Oh I'm sorry... his PRODUCER and editors did. :rolleyes: I see you still believe he was clueless of the whole thing. gotta love that thin film of 'Plausable Deniability".
Thank you for again showing that when caught lying CON$ just keep on lying.

The source of the documents has been widely reported and it was not Rather or his producer or editors.
The source was Lt. Col. Bill Burkett, as you well know.
Not even CLOSE to a comparison. Nobody is denying that Sherrod said the thing she did. Not even her. Rather MANUFACTURED 'evidence'. Sherrod got busted saying stupid shit which was then poorly edited. When it aired is IMMATERIAL. Why? Because those who aired it had NO POWER over her!

Nice try to blame the messenger again. P-BO fucked up because someone else fucked up. He has to man up and take responsibilities for his underlings actions as well as his own. Can't blame Bush or anyone else on this one.
Yet another example of how CON$ lie to rationalize their double standard.

Rather didn't "MANUFACTURE" anything, the documents were sent to him. And when the documents could not be verified he revealed the source of the documents. But even though the source of the docs is well known CON$ still lie and say Rather manufactured the docs. Meanwhile, Bigotbart probably did the dishonest editing himself, which is the only logical reason for not naming the source who made a fool of him, and CON$ say you can't say Bigotbart edited the video without absolute proof.

So in reality, Bigotbart is much worse than Rather and Bigotbart is a hero to CON$. :cuckoo:

Amazing, isn't it? Just like Breitbart, who claimed he didn't edit anything, just received the Rather.....:lol:
Except, unlike Rather, Bigotbart will not reveal the editor who made Bigotbart look like a racist bigot. Very suspicious!

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