Shirley Sherrod: An interesting Timeline of events (wow its not fox new's fault)

You can't deny thet the editing on the HanNITWITy video was done by FOX from the full video released by the NAACP. The audio quality is a dead giveaway. FOX edited it almost exactly like the original Bigotbart video leaving out the redemption part and then saying it wasn't there in their commentary.

Come on, admit the truth for once in your life. FOX edited the deliberately dishonest HanNITWITy clip.
i didnt watch your video
as it is immaterial to the discussion
So that's how you protect your dumb act! Watch it first and then decide.
And here's a transcript of what came BEFORE the FOX edited video used on HanNITWITY began, that makes it absolutely clear that it is a story of redemption which both Bigotbart and HanNITWITy deny in order to accuse the NAACP audience of being racist.

American Rhetoric: Shirley Sherrod - Speech at the NAACP 20th Freedom Fund Banquet

But when I...made the commitment years ago I didn't know how -- I didn't...I prayed about it that night and as our house filled with people I was back in one of the bedrooms praying and asking God to show me what I could do. I didn't have -- the path wasn't laid out that night. I just made the decision that I would stay and work. And -- And over the years things just happened.

And young people: I just want you to know that when you're true to what God wants you to do the path just opens up -- and things just come to you, you know. God is good -- I can tell you that.

When I made that commitment, I was making that commitment to black people -- and to black people only. But, you know, God will show you things and He'll put things in your path so that -- that you realize [FOX edited video starts here] that the struggle is really about poor people, you know.

The first time I was faced with having to help a white farmer save his farm, he -- he took a long time talking, but he was trying to show me he was superior to me. I know what he was doing. But he had come to me for help. What he didn't know -- while he was taking all that time trying to show me he was superior to me -- was I was trying to decide just how much help I was going to give him.

Just to remind you what Bigotbart and HanNITWITY said after showing the FOX edited clip from the whole NAACP video.

Andrew Breitbart on 'Hannity': 'This Is Not About Shirley Sherrod' - Hannity -

BREITBART: And what this video shows and what the NAACP affirms in their initial rebuke is not just that Shirley Sherrod, what she said was wrong, but that the audience was laughing and applauding as she described how she maltreated the white farmer.

HANNITY: Before she gets to the end of the story which is — which she's claiming puts context. But there's a —


BREITBART: Did the people in the audience know that there was going to be a point of redemption?

She's not really a LAMB. From her history, she appears to be a petty race hustler who has profited from suing the USDA for discrimination on behalf of black farmers. She and her husband each received $150K for "pain and suffering" from the government in that case. And now she has a bigger hustle to play. Watch for some big settlement in the future.

I know know that...but as to the 'Firing'? It was a ploy for her to be fired...that subsequently backfired on Obama, and the USDA, NAALCP...but the more she speaks?

Think they'll FIRE her again ?

What a proverbial corner Obama and the Statists have painted themselves into...again...Whom is MANIPULATING whom? :cool:

LOL. I hadn't thought about it quite like that.

Not only was the Administration extremely inept in carrying out what is looking more and more like a setup deal to smear Breitbart and Fox News, but they may have seriously misjudged the competence of their sacxrificial goat in the scheme. :)

Sure it was. Poor Breitbart and Fox news, they're victims in all this. They were set up by the administration.


You drank the whoe gallon of FOX koolaid.

Poor Glenn Beck. Pour O'Reilly. Poor Ann Coulter.
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You can't deny thet the editing on the HanNITWITy video was done by FOX from the full video released by the NAACP. The audio quality is a dead giveaway. FOX edited it almost exactly like the original Bigotbart video leaving out the redemption part and then saying it wasn't there in their commentary.

Come on, admit the truth for once in your life. FOX edited the deliberately dishonest HanNITWITy clip.
i didnt watch your video
as it is immaterial to the discussion
So that's how you protect your dumb act! Watch it first and then decide.

We only listen to Rush, Hannity, Beck, and most of all Mr. Savage.... so I guess us neo-con, zionist, capitalist, and any other "ist's" you can think of are all lost to your vast intelligence.
Oh yeah.... RACIST's!

"The Sherrod video was posted in order to execute a bit of sulfurous jujitsu. See, the right wing was saying, they really are after us. Look what happens if you let them have power: they screw us. A difficult but inescapable irony is at work for President Obama. As he continues to win legislative battles, he will face an ever more irrational and radical opposition. Appeals to racial fears are only the most extreme manifestations of a reflexive and ultimately unhealthy habit of mind that casts everything the president does as somehow un-American."
When the Facts Get in the Way - Newsweek
"The Sherrod video was posted in order to execute a bit of sulfurous jujitsu. See, the right wing was saying, they really are after us. Look what happens if you let them have power: they screw us. A difficult but inescapable irony is at work for President Obama. As he continues to win legislative battles, he will face an ever more irrational and radical opposition. Appeals to racial fears are only the most extreme manifestations of a reflexive and ultimately unhealthy habit of mind that casts everything the president does as somehow un-American."
When the Facts Get in the Way - Newsweek
ah yes, another liberal OpEd point of view and of course, that is taken as gospel and the mans himself's opinion is ignored

just more liberal TRIPE
How would you know what's on Fox? You claim you never watch it.
I call Shenanigans.

You clearly do not grok.
I certainly do grok FOX. They are a newsinfotainment station.

And that is proof that you don't.

Fox is a not a station; it is a broadcasting company with properties ranging from entertainment, to sports, to news. They have local affiliate stations, cable channels, as well as an online presence. It is not a monolith. For example, the local affiliate here in Oakland, KTVU, has a very left-leaning editorial viewpoint for its local news broadcast, but shows many Fox entertainment shows.

To say that you grok it is utter nonsense.
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I certainly do grok FOX. They are a newsinfotainment station.

And that is proof that you don't.

Fox is a not a station; it is a broadcasting company with properties ranging from entertainment, to sports, to news. They have local affiliate stations, cable channels, as well as an online presence.

Ah pardon. They are more than a station. They are a propaganda machine.

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