Shirley Sherrod: An interesting Timeline of events (wow its not fox new's fault)

Hey DUMBASS, if you click on the "READ MORE" at the end of the blog post it takes you to the SOURCE of the post, namely!!!!

Obama Official Resigns After Discrimination Caught on Tape | The FOX Nation

Yes, yes it does, which leads you to a story on Foxnews that was posted on the 20th, the day AFTER she was fired. - Forcing Ga. Official to Resign Over YouTube Clip was the Right Call, Agriculture Chief Says

which of course destroys your theory that the story was posted on FoxNews on the 19th.

:lol: That was a failure of epic proportions :lol:
No DUMBASS, that page was CHANGED on the 20th. it was originally posted on the 19th.
What a moron!!!

Prove it was. The exact link you used me showed an article posted on the 20th. LOL . You are a failure.
then how come the story begins

"The Department of Agriculture official who resigned Monday over a YouTube clip said the White House forced her out without bothering to hear her side of the story. She said a deputy undersecretary "harassed" her with warnings about the attention she was going to receive after the video surfaced showing her telling a story about how she withheld help to a white farmer in trouble."

how the fuck could they say she had resigned when she hadnt at that time
Because FOX changed the page by the 20th.
Here's how the page read before FOX tried to cover their racist asses.

From the cached page:

Caught on Tape: Obama Official Discriminates Against White Farmer

We are in possession of a video in which Shirley Sherrod, USDA Georgia Director of Rural Development, speaks at the NAACP Freedom Fund dinner in Georgia. In her meandering speech to what appears to be an all-black audience, this federally appointed executive bureaucrat lays out in stark detail that her federal duties are managed through the prism of race and class distinctions.

In the first video, Sherrod describes how she racially discriminates against a white farmer. She describes how she is torn over how much she will choose to help him, and she admits that she doesn’t do everything she can for him because he is white. Eventually, her basic humanity informs her that this white man is poor and needs help. But she decides that he should get help from “one of his own kind.” She refers him to a white lawyer.

Sherrod’s racist tale is received by the NAACP audience with nodding approval and murmurs of recognition and agreement -- hardly the behavior of the group now holding itself up as the supreme judge of another groups’ racial tolerance.

Link or STFU
The patented Dumb Act as always when CON$ are caught lying.
The link to the cached page was already posted more than once. here it is yet again.

Caught on Tape: Obama Official Discriminates Against White Farmer | The FOX Nation
Yes, yes it does, which leads you to a story on Foxnews that was posted on the 20th, the day AFTER she was fired. - Forcing Ga. Official to Resign Over YouTube Clip was the Right Call, Agriculture Chief Says

which of course destroys your theory that the story was posted on FoxNews on the 19th.

:lol: That was a failure of epic proportions :lol:
No DUMBASS, that page was CHANGED on the 20th. it was originally posted on the 19th.
What a moron!!!

Prove it was. The exact link you used me showed an article posted on the 20th. LOL . You are a failure.
So how can a comment posted on the 19th link to a page originally posted on the 20th???

It can't! Obviously the original link was posted on the 19th and edited on the 20th. The original page from the 19th exists in cache!!!
Question: If a white adminstration member had made a comment about discriminating in the past, would they get to keep their job?
If Fox News hadn't jumped to conclusions and had 24 hours of Sherrod the Racist coverage, and if Obama & Friends hadn't jumped to conclusions and flushed a good employee...and if I hadn't jumped to conclusions myself (I saw the clip and thought that she was a racist)...then the only person with egg on his face would Breitbart.

no...if obama's admin hadn't rushed to judgment, this wouldn't even be a story...

it became a HUGE story because she was fired

I disagree. Had Obama not fired her, you don't think that Fox would not have aired "the clip"? That Bill-O would not have said "Ms. Sherrod must resign immediately?" That Hannity wouldn't have had a panel discussion about the racism in the USDA? That Fox & Friends wouldn't have had a cream-fest with Laura Ingram?

I guess the world will never know...but I would be flabbergasted if Fox had kept this video clip under wraps.

since they found the white farmers and the full version of the clip rather quickly, I doubt FNC folks would have had the chance...

I guess we'll never know...
FOX started the whole thing.

Only in Bizarro land.

Breitbart started it.

I swear the absolute hatred for that biased news organization called Fox causes liberals to lose all vestiges of logic. All they can do is go "FOOOOOOOOOCKS NOOOOOOOZZZZZ". Even though they didn't cause a damn thing to make her lose her job.

Someone mentions Fox News and leftists go all Islamic Rage Boy. :lol:


There's a good reason that FOX gets heat from the left. FOX has a history of practicing tabloid journalism. They are in the newsinfotainment business. Partisan 'gotcha' stories are what they're famous for, the democrats are the losers on their programs.

The snarly partisan message from FOX is always the same. They advertise as 'fair and balanced' but the conclusion of their news programs is always the same. It's always pro-Republican, pro-right wing.
Last edited:
No DUMBASS, that page was CHANGED on the 20th. it was originally posted on the 19th.
What a moron!!!

Prove it was. The exact link you used me showed an article posted on the 20th. LOL . You are a failure.
So how can a comment posted on the 19th link to a page originally posted on the 20th???

It can't! Obviously the original link was posted on the 19th and edited on the 20th. The original page from the 19th exists in cache!!!

I am not going to take your word for shit. If it exists , post the proof. Oh, it doesn't
Prove it was. The exact link you used me showed an article posted on the 20th. LOL . You are a failure.
So how can a comment posted on the 19th link to a page originally posted on the 20th???

It can't! Obviously the original link was posted on the 19th and edited on the 20th. The original page from the 19th exists in cache!!!

I am not going to take your word for shit. If it exists , post the proof. Oh, it doesn't
if you go to the first link he posted, then to the bottom of that story, there is another link
its from the google cached page

oops, actually it was first posted by Ravi and he quoted her
Question: If a white adminstration member had made a comment about discriminating in the past, would they get to keep their job?
yes, especially if they had gone out of their way to help the black couple and even stayed friends with them over the 24 would have shown true remorse and them repenting.
and just a side note, this is my first time ever of going to a fox nation blog story, and my initial impression is that format SUCKS
Question: If a white adminstration member had made a comment about discriminating in the past, would they get to keep their job?
yes, especially if they had gone out of their way to help the black couple and even stayed friends with them over the 24 would have shown true remorse and them repenting.
but only if they were liberals
if they had been conservatives do you really think the fact they made a change would have helped?
Hey DumbCon, don't you ever get tired of making a complete FOOL of yourself???? :cuckoo:

That GMT date and time was the date and time if the google cache snapshot, not the date and time of the post on the FOX site.

Look at the date and time of the first comment, fool!!!

Obama Official Resigns After Discrimination Caught on Tape | The FOX Nation

In this day and age, we cannot permit this type of racial one-sided decision making to continue. This lady needs to step down or get canned.

Monday, July 19, 2010 at 01:41 PM
then how come the story begins

"The Department of Agriculture official who resigned Monday over a YouTube clip said the White House forced her out without bothering to hear her side of the story. She said a deputy undersecretary "harassed" her with warnings about the attention she was going to receive after the video surfaced showing her telling a story about how she withheld help to a white farmer in trouble."

how the fuck could they say she had resigned when she hadnt at that time
Because FOX changed the page by the 20th.
Here's how the page read before FOX tried to cover their racist asses.

From the cached page:

Caught on Tape: Obama Official Discriminates Against White Farmer

We are in possession of a video in which Shirley Sherrod, USDA Georgia Director of Rural Development, speaks at the NAACP Freedom Fund dinner in Georgia. In her meandering speech to what appears to be an all-black audience, this federally appointed executive bureaucrat lays out in stark detail that her federal duties are managed through the prism of race and class distinctions.

In the first video, Sherrod describes how she racially discriminates against a white farmer. She describes how she is torn over how much she will choose to help him, and she admits that she doesn’t do everything she can for him because he is white. Eventually, her basic humanity informs her that this white man is poor and needs help. But she decides that he should get help from “one of his own kind.” She refers him to a white lawyer.

Sherrod’s racist tale is received by the NAACP audience with nodding approval and murmurs of recognition and agreement -- hardly the behavior of the group now holding itself up as the supreme judge of another groups’ racial tolerance.

The writing style in those paragraphs is starkly different from the style found in the intial report.

I cut and pasted this part: this federally appointed executive bureaucrat lays out in stark detail into google and found this:

Daily Kos: Andrew Breitbart is a liar, and the NAACP should be ashamed..

You quoted Breitbart. Not Fox. I hope it was an honest mistake.
then how come the story begins

"The Department of Agriculture official who resigned Monday over a YouTube clip said the White House forced her out without bothering to hear her side of the story. She said a deputy undersecretary "harassed" her with warnings about the attention she was going to receive after the video surfaced showing her telling a story about how she withheld help to a white farmer in trouble."

how the fuck could they say she had resigned when she hadnt at that time
Because FOX changed the page by the 20th.
Here's how the page read before FOX tried to cover their racist asses.

From the cached page:

Caught on Tape: Obama Official Discriminates Against White Farmer

We are in possession of a video in which Shirley Sherrod, USDA Georgia Director of Rural Development, speaks at the NAACP Freedom Fund dinner in Georgia. In her meandering speech to what appears to be an all-black audience, this federally appointed executive bureaucrat lays out in stark detail that her federal duties are managed through the prism of race and class distinctions.

In the first video, Sherrod describes how she racially discriminates against a white farmer. She describes how she is torn over how much she will choose to help him, and she admits that she doesn’t do everything she can for him because he is white. Eventually, her basic humanity informs her that this white man is poor and needs help. But she decides that he should get help from “one of his own kind.” She refers him to a white lawyer.

Sherrod’s racist tale is received by the NAACP audience with nodding approval and murmurs of recognition and agreement -- hardly the behavior of the group now holding itself up as the supreme judge of another groups’ racial tolerance.

The writing style in those paragraphs is starkly different from the style found in the intial report.

I cut and pasted this part: this federally appointed executive bureaucrat lays out in stark detail into google and found this:

Daily Kos: Andrew Breitbart is a liar, and the NAACP should be ashamed..

You quoted Breitbart. Not Fox. I hope it was an honest mistake.
I didn't quote Bigotbart, I cited the cache of the FOXnation blog page quoting Bigotbart.
Because FOX changed the page by the 20th.
Here's how the page read before FOX tried to cover their racist asses.

From the cached page:

The writing style in those paragraphs is starkly different from the style found in the intial report.

I cut and pasted this part: this federally appointed executive bureaucrat lays out in stark detail into google and found this:

Daily Kos: Andrew Breitbart is a liar, and the NAACP should be ashamed..

You quoted Breitbart. Not Fox. I hope it was an honest mistake.
I didn't quote Bigotbart, I cited the cache of the FOXnation blog page quoting Bigotbart.

Which is...quoting Breitbart.

And you should have idenitified it as "FOX Nation" which is a forum, distinct from By simply referring to it as "FOX," you are misleading your readers, and you are calling Fox News employees racists.

If you're not a liar - then perhaps you're just stupid????

Within that very story you find this...

The point of the story wasn't entirely clear; only an excerpt of the speech is included in the video clip.

"It was revealed to me that it's about poor versus those who have," she said, suggesting she had learned that race is less important.

The video clip was first posted by The clip is dated March 27 from an NAACP Freedom Fund banquet.


It would appear the Fox News website was doing due diligence in explaining both the original source, as well as the example being just an excerpt of the full speech - and the Fox News website even goes out of its way to note the attempted redemptive quality of the speech.

Try again...

look sinatra....everyone on the right has been CLAIMING that did not run the story UNTIL AFTER she was fired....then they blasted Ravi for showing that FOX NATION was all over it and excused such as a blog, NOT Fox News....

ALL I have been saying, yesterday and now is that Foxnews DID run the story BEFORE she was fired and EVERYONE on the rightwing on this site have been DENYING SUCH or they have asked me to PROVE that is what i just did.

I had seen it on Fox, but by yesterday, it had been REMOVED....i even made mention yesterday that i could not find it, it had been removed by Fox or i was just too computer illiterate to find it again... people here, accused me of lying or being dishonest....

I don't know if amplification of the breibart story and requesting a response from the USDA or the NAACP pushed the agri secretary to ask for her resignation....the asst sec of agriculture told sherrod they needed her to resign before Beck's show that afternoon because he supposedly was going to air it appears this is what the usda thought or were told by fox or they just made the whole thing up to get sherrod to resign....I don't know?

BUT what I do know, is that Fox News DID have it on their website, the same timing as breitbart....and those rightwingers saying they DID NOT, are wrong.....simple as that.


FoxNation is a fan driven blog you lying dipshit.


It clearly says FOX NEWS in the upper left hand corner, doesn't it?

you are so high strung....maybe you need to spend more 'quality time' with a loved one, to release some of that frustration of yours, dear!


So Fox Nation and FNC are one and the same? To be given equal weight? Do you recognize no difference between and FOX Nation?

Care, I know it is very, very important to you to show that Fox reported this story prior to St. Shirley's firing, tho I'm still not sure why.

Does it make BO look any better to prove he takes his marching orders from . . . FOX Nation?
The Obama White House demands a woman be fired over a speculative news story????

And demands that firing post-haste - within mere hours in fact???

And some liberals in here are blaming the reporting of the story and not the reactionary Obama administration's demands for her resignation based soley on the speculative outcomes of that speculative story??????

How completely and utterly bereft of common sense and any semblance of rightful judgement..


No one has yet to adequately defend the Obama administration for this total absence of responsible leadership...
The Obama White House demands a woman be fired over a speculative news story????

And demands that firing post-haste - within mere hours in fact???

And some liberals in here are blaming the reporting of the story and not the reactionary Obama administration's demands for her resignation based soley on the speculative outcomes of that speculative story??????

How completely and utterly bereft of common sense and any semblance of rightful judgement...


No one has yet to adequately defend the Obama administration for this total absence of responsible leadership...

No one has yet to adequately defend? Mr. S - not one of the libs has yet to mention the administration.

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