“shithole countries”

Welfare is the magnet that draws them here.

I never said anything about homicide demographics of any nation. The reason they come here is for a better life financially, social mobility which is not present in their nations...
Not to the ambitious. Opportunity and lack of opportunity.

That is why commie countries always have walls TO KEEP PEOPLE IN. No one was trying to break into East Germany when it was commie rule.

A whole hell of a lot people were sure as hell trying to get out.

Same with the rest of them. That is what many are seeking, but there has to be a legal process that includes health screenings etc.

The left that hate this country (most of which are white rich leftists) could not care less or too stupid to get it.
Not to the ambitious. Opportunity and lack of opportunity.

That is why commie countries always have walls TO KEEP PEOPLE IN. No one was trying to break into East Germany when it was commie rule.

A whole hell of a lot people were sure as hell trying to get out.

Same with the rest of them. That is what many are seeking, but there has to be a legal process that includes health screenings etc.

The left that hate this country (most of which are white rich leftists) could not care less or too stupid to get it.

The flipside of it is that we're losing liberties every day in America. Hell, every time we send men and women to illegally occupy a nation, we lose another freedom. And all out of the fear epidemic. Stop and frisk is actually law in some places now. How the heck does that happen in America? I'm to the point that if I hear one more young, ignorant, punk tell someone how he fought for our freedoms, that I want to educate his silly ass right properly. The only freedoms he's fighting for are KBR freedoms.

I don't like the idea of a wall. Eventually that wall will be keeping us in. We won't be able to cross without having our money confiscated if the federal government decides we have too much. And with all of the jackboot cop and soldier worship, people are probably going to love them for it.
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Not to the ambitious. Opportunity and lack of opportunity.

That is why commie countries always have walls TO KEEP PEOPLE IN. No one was trying to break into East Germany when it was commie rule.

A whole hell of a lot people were sure as hell trying to get out.

Same with the rest of them. That is what many are seeking, but there has to be a legal process that includes health screenings etc.

The left that hate this country (most of which are white rich leftists) could not care less or too stupid to get it.

The flipside of it is that we're losing liberties every day in America. Hell, every time we send men and women to illegally occupy a a nation, we lose another freedom. And all out of the fear epidemic. Stop and frisk is actually law in some places now. How the heck does that happen in America?

I don't like the idea of a wall. Eventually that wall will be keeping us in. We won't be able to cross without having our money confiscated if the federal government decides we have too much. And with all of the jackboot cop and soldier worship, people are probably going to love them for it.
What countries does this country "occupy?"
What countries does this country "occupy?"

We've got over 900 bases worldwide. Probably more by now. And all without a declaration of war.

Would you like to start a running list? Great. Let's do it.

Let's start with Syria. That's 6000 miles away and we occupy territory there. What's worse is that the U.S. just told Syria not to conduct miitary options against ISIS and al-Qaeda within their very own borders. You read that right.

I'll eagerly await your thoughts on it before moving onto number 2.
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What countries does this country "occupy?"

We've got over 900 bases worldwide. Probably more by now. And all without a declaration of war.

Would you like to start a running list? Great. Let's do it.

Let's start with Syria. That's 6000 miles away and we occupy territory there. What's worse is that the U.S. just told Syria not to conduct miitary options against ISIS and al-Qaeda within their very own borders. You read that right.
This country SUBJUGATES NO ONE! That is a typical misunderstanding and IGNORANT point that is rather typical of the left.

Our bases around the world are WELCOMED by those countries. They enjoy American protection and American dollar. You think Saudi Arabia wants the US gone? If you think so, then you are a fool.

Most people are ignorant as hell and have no clue about the reality of logistics. If and when there is any sort of conflict in the world the US are ready and able to rapidly deploy from many spots in the world.

This country dictates to no one and subjugates no one. Get a clue.
This country dictates to no one and subjugates no one. Get a clue.

You didn't acknowledge point 1. The first country on the list. As a courtesy, I'll repeat it for you.

The U.S. just told Syria, Syria being 6000 miles away, not to attack ISIS and al-Qaeda from within their own border.

I'll await your response.
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Come on owl. Show us that wisdom of yours. Show us all how to be a good conservative like you.
This country dictates to no one and subjugates no one. Get a clue.

You didn't acknowledge point 1. The first country on the list. As a courtesy, I'll repeat it for you.

The U.S. just told Syria, Syria being 6000 miles away, not to attack ISIS and al-Qaeda from within their own border.

I'll await your response.
Give me link to your claim. This country, again, subjugates no one, nor do we occupy anyone.

You acknowledge that fact or not? Our military bases around the world does not mean occupy.

You acknowledge that or not?

Now, give me the specifics and the source of your claim.
Because of what America stands for is why they want to come here even if they have to take a chance on being killed, molested, robbed and abused sexually...You would also if you were in their place.
Unfortunately since trump election America stands for shit It can't come too soon to rid ourselves of this gd cancer
Give me link to your claim.

I'm not much of a follower. That is to say that I do not require being led in order to debate.

But how's the Department of State sound to you? Is that a good source? Right from the horses mouth? It's a memo.

Reported Violations of the Southwest Ceasefire

Don't spend too much time on Country number 1, though. I have a whole list here.
That really proves nothing. Trying to understand the point. The US, is on the side of isis and al qaeda. Is that your claim?

Declaring a cease fire as a result of what the reports were in regards to chemical weapons being used is not this country OCCUPYING anyone.

That does not prove this country occupies anyone. Then again I doubt we know what is really happening.
Give me link to your claim. This country, again, subjugates no one, nor do we occupy anyone.

You acknowledge that fact or not? Our military bases around the world does not mean occupy.

You acknowledge that or not?

Now, give me the specifics and the source of your claim.

Unfortunately, this country is being subverted, and that has been going on for a number of years. (It doesn't matter if there's a D or an R in office) So it's not the same country that many of you still think it is. The constitution is being ignored and our military is being used in an imperialistic way, by the globalists in power who have their own agenda.

The sooner people wake up and realize this, the better. And BTW, speaking the truth about what is happening to the US doesn't make one anti-American… If anything, speaking out about what's happening and wanting the US to remain free and good makes one a true patriot.
That really proves nothing. Trying to understand the point. The US, is on the side of isis and al qaeda. Is that your claim?

Declaring a cease fire as a result of what the reports were in regards to chemical weapons being used is not this country OCCUPYING anyone.

That does not prove this country occupies anyone. Then again I doubt we know what is really happening.

Sure it does. The United States, which illegally occupies territory of a country nearly 6,000 miles away, is warning Syria, the country it partly occupies, not to conduct military operations against terrorist organizations within its own borders.

Let me tell you about this deconfliction zone, Mr. Logistics. It was unilaterally declared by the United States. Syria never agreed to cease military operations within its own borders. Ever.
This country dictates to no one and subjugates no one. Get a clue.

You didn't acknowledge point 1. The first country on the list. As a courtesy, I'll repeat it for you.

The U.S. just told Syria, Syria being 6000 miles away, not to attack ISIS and al-Qaeda from within their own border.

I'll await your response.
Give me link to your claim. This country, again, subjugates no one, nor do we occupy anyone.

You acknowledge that fact or not? Our military bases around the world does not mean occupy.

You acknowledge that or not?

Now, give me the specifics and the source of your claim.

Unfortunately, this country is being subverted, and that has been going on for a number of years. (It doesn't matter if there's a D or an R in office) So it's not the same country that many of you still think it is. The constitution is being ignored and our military is being used in an imperialistic way, by the globalists in power who have their own agenda.

The sooner people wake up and realize this, the better. And BTW, speaking the truth about what is happening to the US doesn't make one anti-American… If anything, speaking out about what's happening and wanting the US to remain free and good makes one a true patriot.
Well, that is true. Then again, there is nothing new about that. Hell, dates back to our inception. Have been kind of making things up as we have went along.

John Adams passed a Sedition Act, which made it illegal to criticize the president.The Louisiana Purchase may have been unconstitutional. Andrew Jackson ignored a SC ruling and passed the Indian Removal Act anyway.

The bottom line is we have always been subjected to pressures from around the world. Thomas Jefferson hated the presidency so much that he had it left off his tombstone. The southern merchants were trading with France and the northern merchants were doing business with England. He had so much pressure he passed the Embargo Act.

We usually do not have the full story about what is going on until years later after things have become declassified.

Hell, only recently have actions leading to D Day been declassified. We learned a lot we did not know.

That is the reality of our life and human nature.
Unfortunately, this country is being subverted, and that has been going on for a number of years. (It doesn't matter if there's a D or an R in office) So it's not the same country that many of you still think it is. The constitution is being ignored and our military is being used in an imperialistic way, by the globalists in power who have their own agenda.

The sooner people wake up and realize this, the better. And BTW, speaking the truth about what is happening to the US doesn't make one anti-American… If anything, speaking out about what's happening and wanting the US to remain free and good makes one a true patriot.

He's fully indoctrinated by the war propaganda. Heck, he's probably playing a Toby Keith record now.
That really proves nothing. Trying to understand the point. The US, is on the side of isis and al qaeda. Is that your claim?

Declaring a cease fire as a result of what the reports were in regards to chemical weapons being used is not this country OCCUPYING anyone.

That does not prove this country occupies anyone. Then again I doubt we know what is really happening.

Sure it does. The United States, which illegally occupies territory of a country nearly 6,000 miles away, is warning Syria, the country it partly occupies, not to conduct military operations against terrorist organizations within its own borders.

Let me tell you about this deconfliction zone, Mr. Logistics. It was unilaterally declared by the United States. Syria never agreed to cease military operations within its own borders. Ever.
Got it, this country somehow occupies Syria, which it doesn't.

You then claim the US (you keep repeating 6000 miles away) forced Syria to cease fire, which the occupied Syria never agreed to?

So, this country does not occupy Syria, like I said.

What other countries does this country not occupy?
That really proves nothing. Trying to understand the point. The US, is on the side of isis and al qaeda. Is that your claim?

Declaring a cease fire as a result of what the reports were in regards to chemical weapons being used is not this country OCCUPYING anyone.

That does not prove this country occupies anyone. Then again I doubt we know what is really happening.

Sure it does. The United States, which illegally occupies territory of a country nearly 6,000 miles away, is warning Syria, the country it partly occupies, not to conduct military operations against terrorist organizations within its own borders.

Let me tell you about this deconfliction zone, Mr. Logistics. It was unilaterally declared by the United States. Syria never agreed to cease military operations within its own borders. Ever.

Yes, and can you imagine if the reverse was true? Can any of these people who support these foreign policy actions imagine how we would feel if another country not only set up base here (as well as all over the world) but told us what to do? I doubt they've even thought about that.
Unfortunately, this country is being subverted, and that has been going on for a number of years. (It doesn't matter if there's a D or an R in office) So it's not the same country that many of you still think it is. The constitution is being ignored and our military is being used in an imperialistic way, by the globalists in power who have their own agenda.

The sooner people wake up and realize this, the better. And BTW, speaking the truth about what is happening to the US doesn't make one anti-American… If anything, speaking out about what's happening and wanting the US to remain free and good makes one a true patriot.

He's fully indoctrinated by the war propaganda. Heck, he's probably playing a Toby Keith record now.
Your fucking post is filled with contradictions you pathetic stereotyping piece of ignorant shit.

Tell us again how this country occupies another from 6000 miles away.

That is a pathetic point and you failed.

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