Shitty care...

Tens of millions of people now have health care coverage that did not before. Is this all you have to complain about?? :boohoo:

And multiples amount have more expensive and worse insurance.

Not true at all. Use the resources I provided to see for yourself.

Here's a little story about that: No.

You're just an ObamaCare apologist shill.

Afraid of the truth I see. :laugh:

Maybe you should take you line of lies to just about any congressional staffer, I think they might set you straight.
Rustic, ACA means that Americans can have accessible, affordable quality care.

You don't like, but no one cares.
Millions lost their care when Obamacare was mandated...

My wife among well as her GP,m her ob-gyn, and her orthopedist.

Fortunately, I was able to add her to my insurance.
You are saying they kept insurance and changed plans. OK.

Yeah, great...the deductibles went up, and the premiums doubled. Wonderful!
Links to your statement and the national averages.
Rustic, ACA means that Americans can have accessible, affordable quality care.

You don't like, but no one cares.
Millions lost their care when Obamacare was mandated...
No, they did not. They moved it to better care. ACA is the law of the land, and it will remain so as it is improved and updated.

Er, yeah they did.

I know of one who had an excellent individual catastrophic plan, $160/month, $3k ded. (oh, and before you rant that it was a 'sham' policy, it was used, including hospitalization, no problems). That plan was forced to go away because it was not "un-aca compliant". Now? This person gets to pay $750/month, 6k ded. Wanna do the math on the increase? Good thing this middle aged male is covered for maternity, newborn, and pediatric services, including dental and vision. Oh, did I mention he is single, no kids?

Have you tried getting a policy on the individual market? Did you try getting on prior to this pos law? The prices now are exorbitant compared to prior. Stop with the "affordable" shit, it is anything but.
Er, no, they did not. Typical blather, no proof

Yes, they did. Had the un-aca not passed, he would still be enjoying his original policy. Period. Instead he lost his policy was forced to purchase a much more expensive one, which mandates coverage for things he has zero use for.

Policy prior was exactly what this individual needed and wanted. After? His monthly premium went up 369%, deductibles doubled, policy covers things he does not/will not need and should not be forced to pay for.

And you sit a cheer, like a good leftist.
16 million covered.

Lots of them vote.

You're right, many of the lost their employer provided health care and are pissed, millions more will be pissed off come Oct - Nov when they find their coverage is going away also. They'll vote, probably not for you regressives though.

Indeed. Several of the major providers have already dropped out - United Healthcare (I believe) being the latest and premiums are rising faster than anyone can keep up with. Great plan. What a legacy....

The whole thing will have to be scrapped and started over again.

United Healthcare takes good care of me as does my company that pays for my plan and I can see any doctor I want without anyone's approval and my annual deductible is only $500. KABOOM liberals heads just exploded.
I have had United Healthcare for years now, I switched from BCBS. So far I have never been asked to pay a deductible, I have 10 dollar co-pay at my primary care and prescriptions are 7 dollars.
I was happy to hear that they dropped out of the government health scam

That's actually an important point because if UH was losing its ass on Obamacare it would be people like you and I who's rates would rise to make up for the losses.
Rustic, ACA means that Americans can have accessible, affordable quality care.

You don't like, but no one cares.
Millions lost their care when Obamacare was mandated...
No, they did not. They moved it to better care. ACA is the law of the land, and it will remain so as it is improved and updated.
BETTER care? Oh, that's awkward. I'll have to let my friend's wife know that the coverage that has dropped her four times and ignored her phone calls after words is better than the health care that was actually taking care of her cancer, and cost less.
Rustic, ACA means that Americans can have accessible, affordable quality care.

You don't like, but no one cares.
Millions lost their care when Obamacare was mandated...

My wife among well as her GP,m her ob-gyn, and her orthopedist.

Fortunately, I was able to add her to my insurance.
So you didn't lose anything then did you?

Actually, I did, because it costs more now.

So you and your wife had separate plans?
That's seems odd. It's also odd that it would cost more to add her to your plan than each of you having a separate plan. I think you're full of shit.

I'm sorry that it doesn't fit into that nice little box you live in...but yes, we had separate plans, because the family coverage for me is pricey!
Tens of millions of people now have health care coverage that did not before. Is this all you have to complain about?? :boohoo:

And multiples amount have more expensive and worse insurance.

Not true at all. Use the resources I provided to see for yourself.

Here's a little story about that: No.

You're just an ObamaCare apologist shill.

Afraid of the truth I see. :laugh:

You wouldn't know the truth if it crawled up your ass and did the macarena.
Ah, another little angry elephunt who can't offer any proof for the OP.


You truly are not a bright manchild. BCBS is pulling out of Minnesota AND Arizona in the under 65 individual markets. Your precious King Barak is losing his legacy very quickly.
Never a big player, an example of being done in by better managed health care companies, and the coverage will not stop.

ACA ain't going anywhere, teddy bear.

Wow what an intelligent man you think you are. Let's see, first UHC pulled out of the individual market EVERYWHERE. BCBS is beginning to pull out and YOU say that neither is a "big player". You are truly the idiot we all know you to be. The ACA will indeed drop by the way side child. It will disappear as soon as it finishes what it started. That would be the collapsing of the American health care system and ushering in the Single Payer you jerk off about komrade.
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16 million covered.

Lots of them vote.

You're right, many of the lost their employer provided health care and are pissed, millions more will be pissed off come Oct - Nov when they find their coverage is going away also. They'll vote, probably not for you regressives though.

Indeed. Several of the major providers have already dropped out - United Healthcare (I believe) being the latest and premiums are rising faster than anyone can keep up with. Great plan. What a legacy....

The whole thing will have to be scrapped and started over again.

United Healthcare takes good care of me as does my company that pays for my plan and I can see any doctor I want without anyone's approval and my annual deductible is only $500. KABOOM liberals heads just exploded.
I have had United Healthcare for years now, I switched from BCBS. So far I have never been asked to pay a deductible, I have 10 dollar co-pay at my primary care and prescriptions are 7 dollars.
I was happy to hear that they dropped out of the government health scam

That's actually an important point because if UH was losing its ass on Obamacare it would be people like you and I who's rates would rise to make up for the losses.
Nope, the coverage will go to better managed health care companies. UHC failed in the market arena is what happened
Rustic, ACA means that Americans can have accessible, affordable quality care.

You don't like, but no one cares.
Millions lost their care when Obamacare was mandated...
No, they did not. They moved it to better care. ACA is the law of the land, and it will remain so as it is improved and updated.
BETTER care? Oh, that's awkward. I'll have to let my friend's wife know that the coverage that has dropped her four times and ignored her phone calls after words is better than the health care that was actually taking care of her cancer, and cost less.
Then she needs to call ACA and explain what is happening: that she the customer is yelling at health care providers.
Wow what an intelligent man you think you are. Let's see, first UHC pulled out of the individual market EVERYWHERE. BCBS is beginning to pull out and YOU say that neither is a "big player". You are truly the idiot we all know you to be. The ACA will indeed drop by the way side child. It will disappear as soon as it finishes what it started. That would be the collapsing of the American health care system and ushering in the Single Payer you jerk off about komrade.
UHC was never a major player, and it played very poorly.

Now wave your trunk and cry some more.

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You're right, many of the lost their employer provided health care and are pissed, millions more will be pissed off come Oct - Nov when they find their coverage is going away also. They'll vote, probably not for you regressives though.

Indeed. Several of the major providers have already dropped out - United Healthcare (I believe) being the latest and premiums are rising faster than anyone can keep up with. Great plan. What a legacy....

The whole thing will have to be scrapped and started over again.

United Healthcare takes good care of me as does my company that pays for my plan and I can see any doctor I want without anyone's approval and my annual deductible is only $500. KABOOM liberals heads just exploded.
I have had United Healthcare for years now, I switched from BCBS. So far I have never been asked to pay a deductible, I have 10 dollar co-pay at my primary care and prescriptions are 7 dollars.
I was happy to hear that they dropped out of the government health scam

That's actually an important point because if UH was losing its ass on Obamacare it would be people like you and I who's rates would rise to make up for the losses.
Nope, the coverage will go to better managed health care companies. UHC failed in the market arena is what happened are an Obama troll :laugh:
Indeed. Several of the major providers have already dropped out - United Healthcare (I believe) being the latest and premiums are rising faster than anyone can keep up with. Great plan. What a legacy....

The whole thing will have to be scrapped and started over again.

United Healthcare takes good care of me as does my company that pays for my plan and I can see any doctor I want without anyone's approval and my annual deductible is only $500. KABOOM liberals heads just exploded.
I have had United Healthcare for years now, I switched from BCBS. So far I have never been asked to pay a deductible, I have 10 dollar co-pay at my primary care and prescriptions are 7 dollars.
I was happy to hear that they dropped out of the government health scam

That's actually an important point because if UH was losing its ass on Obamacare it would be people like you and I who's rates would rise to make up for the losses.
Nope, the coverage will go to better managed health care companies. UHC failed in the market arena is what happened are an Obama troll :laugh:
Translation: you are a far rwnj reactionary troll. Your dream for implimenting single payer is less than four years away.

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