Shiva-Pennywise: Immigration/Capitalism Diagram


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a legalese drama-dialogue between Shiva (Hindu god of destruction) and Pennywise (fictional demonic clown from Stephen King's iconic 'pedestrianism-paranoia' horror novel It) about traffic idealism in America as it relates to complications regarding immigration and capitalism.

How should I make myself feel optimistic about the capitalism-traffic podiums of 'TrumpUSA'?


SHIVA: Imagine a Mexican immigrant to America sins while hunting for the proverbial American Dream.
PENNYWISE: So our 'hypothetical dreamer' becomes a 'proverbial criminal.'
SHIVA: That's correct. Would we feel demoralized more and more about the 'quality' of ambition?
PENNYWISE: They say the 'American Dream' symbolizes a human interest in 'coordinated yearnings.'
SHIVA: That's clever, but my question is, "Does immigration tarnish our idealism towards capitalism?"
PENNYWISE: You're asking if criminality among immigrants affects natives' attitudes towards hospitality...
SHIVA: It's a very important question/consideration --- think about ethnic business districts (e.g., Chinatown)!
PENNYWISE: Yes, many immigrants might 'dream' of working in Chinatown as chefs and waitresses...
SHIVA: How should we feel about immigration-optimism films such as Coming to America?
PENNYWISE: Policemen and defense attorneys are very sensitive about 'optimism-based apologetics.'
SHIVA: Yes, no one wants to hear about Santa Claus in a courtroom case about a Christmastime-burglar!
PENNYWISE: Maybe that explains the appeal of countless 'legalese-drama' films such as Class Action.
SHIVA: How then do we 'defend' the 'principle' of 'immigration-advertising'?
PENNYWISE: There's no reason we can't 'hype' immigration while there are anti-social serial killers...
SHIVA: However, if people imagine that serial killers are immigrants, they will *demonize* immigration!
PENNYWISE: Perhaps we could evoke stories about corrupt cops as 'totems' of 'sane civics criticism.'
SHIVA: Dissecting corruption in civil infrastructures does not solve the problem of traffic-based insanity.
PENNYWISE: I propose we cite ethnic business districts (e.g., Chinatown) as sources of legalese negotiation.
SHIVA: That may prove beneficial; Chinatown is, after all, a 'nexus' of 'multiculturalism profitability.'
PENNYWISE: One of my favorite horror films about 'pedestrian flair' is A Nightmare on Elm Street...
SHIVA: I might read more law stories about the 'quality of production' (as it relates to immigration) in America.
PENNYWISE: I might watch the film American Psycho on Netflix tonight!


{Shiva & Pennywise}


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