Shock: America turns right, conservatives top liberals 40%-26%

We can't help it if you don't understand your own poll results.
3-4 weeks baby.

All you are trying to do is set up a false narrative that there are more (R) voters, then when it doesn't happen, you will ONCE AGAIN cry stolen election.
All you got you redundant POS? Surely you can do better.
I don't think they've changed, it just that the DEma party and liberals/progreesives have swung so far left they are virtually unrecognizable from, say eight years ago.
The Pubs have or had(?) the same or @ least a similar issue with the whacky Neo-Cons. Those two major political parties are about as stable as nitro-glycerin.
Wrong. Democrats are actually less left than they were in 1982 whil Republicans have moved so far to the right that they've become almost unrecognizable a Republicans.
Bullshit. Just consider one issue - transgenderism. Liberals and Dems fought for decades to get Title IX passed to help girls compete in sports. Today's liberals and Dems are fighting to allow biological boys take over girls sports.

And far fewer of you used to be condescending pricks.
The Pubs have or had(?) the same or @ least a similar issue with the whacky Neo-Cons. Those two major political parties are about as stable as nitro-glycerin.
The leadership of both parties have been, and continue to sell out this country to the globalists that own them.
I do not know why the media calls the intolerant assholes liberals. Whatever they and it is not liberals there are less of them, which is a good thing.

I find it hard to believe the American populace have risen above the 24/7 DNC propaganda.

Historically, when has a populace ever escaped the propaganda of their government?

Hopefully you are correct though.
All you got you redundant POS? Surely you can do better.
And we can revisit this when the (R) lose Bigly Again.
Can't win an election, so scream any of the following:

81 Million votes my ass, one of my favorite cries from RWI's.

If Trump's the GOP candidate Biden will win by 12M votes
Dems will win 300 seats in the house
Dems will hold 55 seats in the Senate
Multiple state legislatures will become Democratically controlled.

In the unlikely event Trump loses the nomination then he will run as a third party and Biden will romp to 400 votes in the EC, 350 House and as many as 60 Senate seats.
That’s an awful lot of cheating.
I don't think they've changed, it just that the DEma party and liberals/progreesives have swung so far left they are virtually unrecognizable from, say eight years ago.

I would say they changed the most in the mid-1970's with the wave of Watergate Babies and their contempt for America and their conceit that they were 'Speshul' and fancied themselves Technocrats. The only difference between them and the Rockefeller Republicans was some rhetoric, not actions.
The rest of the country has stayed about the same while the Repub rightwing nuts keep moving further away from the rest of the country.

In the poll, 38% said they were conservative on social issues, while 29% said they were liberal. A year ago, the split was even at 34%. Today, 31% claimed to be moderates.

Does it take common core math to get 34%=29%?

The poll was about social conservatism, not fiscal.

“When asked to describe their political views overall, without reference to social or economic issues, 40% say they have conservative views, 31% moderate and 26% liberal,” said the pollster.
Bullshit. Just consider one issue - transgenderism. Liberals and Dems fought for decades to get Title IX passed to help girls compete in sports. Today's liberals and Dems are fighting to allow biological boys take over girls sports.

And far fewer of you used to be condescending pricks.
I remember when my fellow Republicans stood for the Rule of Law. Not the Rule of Those Laws Don't Apply to us.
I remember when republicans would have been traumatized by the use of government power to punish a corporation for exercising its 1st amendment rights.
I remember when Republicans weren't fascists.
I remember when Republicans stood up for democracy rather than stand with a dictator trying to destroy a democratic ally.
I remember when Republicans used to accept losing elections by doing better next time rather than trying to overthrow the government.

I know you don't remember because you were too busy whining about being a loser, loser.

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