Shock: America turns right, conservatives top liberals 40%-26%

Spot on description of Biden.
1. Trump supported the US working class, by stopping Chinese imports, so American businesses (and their workers) could have jobs.
2. He also took actions to secure the Mexican border, thereby helping US workers immensely, by stopping millions of low wage illegal aliens from pouring in, and taking jobs away from US workers. He also thereby stopped aliens from sending remittances$$$$$$$$$$$, which deprive US businesses of Sale$$ and ability to hire and pay workers.
3. Trump increased oil production immensely, thereby keeping gas prices low, thereby stimulating the economy.
4, Trump also kept inflation low, allowing the working class masses to buy things.

Biden has done EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of all these things. He is a disaster.
1. Trump turned American farmers into welfare queens and caused price increases for American consumers
2. A joke. We're still laughing.
3. Trump can't increase production and Biden can't stop production. Ever hear o "capitalism?"
4. Trump's 7+ trillion pumped into the economy caused the inflation that Biden has been successfully reining in.

The description posted above is still a perfect description of Trump.

"...a guy who has no allegiance to any country, and is only interested in enriching himself and his family, by selling US policy to foreign countries."

Any country except Russia
Kushner walked out of Saudi Arabia with 2 billion dollars, Trump hotel in DC, Trump forced the air force to sop at an airport and stay overnight at his resort, and he gave/sold classified materials to foreign assets.

It's all in the record.

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