Shock & Awe Statistics Kill Us Perhaps Just Kill The Virus!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
I don't know about you all but I think it is one of the dumbest things in the world when national, state and local governments or one of their agencies in regard to this pandemic comes out with statistics on how many of their people have tested positive for the virus. I could care less how many people tested positive since the beginning of the year I care about how many people there are walking around today in my community that are carriers of the virus that could infect me, my family or my friends with this highly deadly disease. The statistics that government should report are how many of their citizens tested positive for the virus and are still in that status, active cases, as opposed to those that tested positive and after not showing any symptoms for a period of time then tested negative so who are believed to have recovered from Covid 19. Some government entities report the recovered statistics so people can calculate the known number of carriers in their community but it is really foolish to report the combined figure. I know the media loves the combined number because it is more provocative and the media can then compare this big number against other countries big number and tell our people how our country ranks in the world; but if you really think about this it is really morbid and pathetic in taking some sort of pride at having a high rating!. If government entities only reported the number of currently virus infected people it would be less depressing and give people more hope in the light at the end of the tunnel. Think of it another way when in October when hopefully the country has the virus fully under control and active case are under five thousand people are the American people still going to be bombarded daily in the media with statements like today the running total of Covid 19 cases has reached 1.5 million people who needs to hear that needless fact have the government put that figure in some report almost no one reads!

One shortcoming in the news reporting on this Covid 19 disease, is the media tries to hype stories where you have people that have had the disease seemingly recovered and had that substantiated by the fact that they tested negative for the virus and then weeks later were found to have the Covid 19 disease. The media then tries to draw the conclusion from such stories that this virus does not behave like other corona-viruses where once a person had the infection and recovered they have a significant period of immunity from catching the disease again. Actually what these media reports are doing is they are undermining the confidence of recovered people that they cannot catch the virus again and so won't put their family in danger by exposing them to the virus! The media should not be pursuing this shotty, speculative journalism, no one should be promulgating this extremely bad narrative about this virus until we know it is true. Today the WSJ had a story where a Dr. Rebecca Dutch, a former president of the American Society of Virology, was reported as rendering an opinion that it is probably the case that these people have not fully recovered from this virus. Basic biology would lead one to presume that this is the case, this virus attacks the air sacs in the lungs for which each human being has millions of them people recover from this virus by people's immune system creating antibodies which disable the viruses ability to attack cells as people's immune system dials back because it believes it has beaten the virus some of these viruses may still be alive in some of these air sacs and they then have a resurgence in growth because the person's immune system is in a dialed down status not fighting the virus and such a person experiences a re-outbreak of the symptoms of the disease - maybe recovered patients should prioritize exercising their lungs so as to uncover any hiding viruses and have them broken down! The media should be promulgating this understandable narrative about the virus not a frightening unsubstantiated scenario!
I don't know about you all but I think it is one of the dumbest things in the world when national, state and local governments or one of their agencies in regard to this pandemic comes out with statistics on how many of their people have tested positive for the virus. I could care less how many people tested positive since the beginning of the year I care about how many people there are walking around today in my community that are carriers of the virus that could infect me, my family or my friends with this highly deadly disease. The statistics that government should report are how many of their citizens tested positive for the virus and are still in that status, active cases, as opposed to those that tested positive and after not showing any symptoms for a period of time then tested negative so who are believed to have recovered from Covid 19. Some government entities report the recovered statistics so people can calculate the known number of carriers in their community but it is really foolish to report the combined figure. I know the media loves the combined number because it is more provocative and the media can then compare this big number against other countries big number and tell our people how our country ranks in the world; but if you really think about this it is really morbid and pathetic in taking some sort of pride at having a high rating!. If government entities only reported the number of currently virus infected people it would be less depressing and give people more hope in the light at the end of the tunnel. Think of it another way when in October when hopefully the country has the virus fully under control and active case are under five thousand people are the American people still going to be bombarded daily in the media with statements like today the running total of Covid 19 cases has reached 1.5 million people who needs to hear that needless fact have the government put that figure in some report almost no one reads!

One shortcoming in the news reporting on this Covid 19 disease, is the media tries to hype stories where you have people that have had the disease seemingly recovered and had that substantiated by the fact that they tested negative for the virus and then weeks later were found to have the Covid 19 disease. The media then tries to draw the conclusion from such stories that this virus does not behave like other corona-viruses where once a person had the infection and recovered they have a significant period of immunity from catching the disease again. Actually what these media reports are doing is they are undermining the confidence of recovered people that they cannot catch the virus again and so won't put their family in danger by exposing them to the virus! The media should not be pursuing this shotty, speculative journalism, no one should be promulgating this extremely bad narrative about this virus until we know it is true. Today the WSJ had a story where a Dr. Rebecca Dutch, a former president of the American Society of Virology, was reported as rendering an opinion that it is probably the case that these people have not fully recovered from this virus. Basic biology would lead one to presume that this is the case, this virus attacks the air sacs in the lungs for which each human being has millions of them people recover from this virus by people's immune system creating antibodies which disable the viruses ability to attack cells as people's immune system dials back because it believes it has beaten the virus some of these viruses may still be alive in some of these air sacs and they then have a resurgence in growth because the person's immune system is in a dialed down status not fighting the virus and such a person experiences a re-outbreak of the symptoms of the disease - maybe recovered patients should prioritize exercising their lungs so as to uncover any hiding viruses and have them broken down! The media should be promulgating this understandable narrative about the virus not a frightening unsubstantiated scenario!
I agree. The tests we have today aren't giving us a better idea of how to deal with the crisis. We're biding time because we are dependent on China for these tests. For all I hear about Abbott or Novartis or anyone else, I don't see any autonomy on the horizon. China wants us dead. They want the whole free world dead. That's how communist bastards think. So for us to think China has our best interests in mind is the dumbest move this country ever could make. So now we have to pay the price for the Bushes, Clintons, Obamas and all the representatives they ruled over for selling out our country to cheap labor. We fought to free the slaves and every politician today has sold out to bring it back. Fuck Red China and our long time representatives that have sold out to them.

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