SHOCK Poll: 51% of U.S. Muslims Want Sharia Law - 25% Okay With Violence Against Infidels

For national security purposes we ought to require that Muslims either renounce their faith and pledge support to our nation or be deported. It's time we quit pretending and playing games with these fucking pricks and make them choose sides.
No need.

No need indeed. And this is exactly why:

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...
Wait!...bu bu bu nah nah nah!

Republicans are against gun control of ay kind, unless Black Panthers are carrying te guns.

And Republicans are all for religious liberty, and freedom of speech, unless it's a Muslim saying someting that freaks tem out
You're a melodramatic uneducated idiot who thrives on anger, and you've been sucked right into this one

Oh! Now THAT is a lovely means to concede right there.
Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Oh're the guy who gets all stately, and accepts imaginary concessions

OH! A RE-CONCESSION? Well isn't that precious?

Your Re-Concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
You're drunk
You're a melodramatic uneducated idiot who thrives on anger, and you've been sucked right into this one

Oh! Now THAT is a lovely means to concede right there.
Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Oh're the guy who gets all stately, and accepts imaginary concessions

That's what he uses instead of what the rest of us call "links".
I'm wndering why they think altering the question to disclude the word "sometimes" means nothing?
... your ingnorant bigotry... [sic]

The ABSOLUTE COOLEST thing about the word "bigotry", is that the very use of the word, directed toward another, is an incontestable demonstration of the concept which the word conveys.

I guess I will never tire of watching people demonstrate themselves to be such, through the use of such.
You're a melodramatic uneducated idiot who thrives on anger, and you've been sucked right into this one

Oh! Now THAT is a lovely means to concede right there.
Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Oh're the guy who gets all stately, and accepts imaginary concessions

OH! A RE-CONCESSION? Well isn't that precious?

Your Re-Concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
You're drunk

WHAT?? A RE-re-concession? Seriously?

Well it wasn't necessary, but do as ya wish.

Your Re-re-concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
You're a melodramatic uneducated idiot who thrives on anger, and you've been sucked right into this one

Oh! Now THAT is a lovely means to concede right there.
Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Oh're the guy who gets all stately, and accepts imaginary concessions

That's what he uses instead of what the rest of us call "links".
I'm wndering why they think altering the question to disclude the word "sometimes" means nothing?

Doesn't matter -- it's a bullshit propaganda piece told by idiots, full of what's supposed to look like a real poll, signifying nothing.
For national security purposes we ought to require that Muslims either renounce their faith and pledge support to our nation or be deported. It's time we quit pretending and playing games with these fucking pricks and make them choose sides.
No need.

No need indeed. And this is exactly why:

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...

Now, imagine the fun, if Islam is declared a Hostile Foreign Political System, disguised as a Religion, and thereby loses such protections.

If America is pushed far enough, this is almost certain to happen.

The Constitution is not a Suicide Pact.
...And Republicans are all for religious liberty, and freedom of speech, unless it's a Muslim saying someting that freaks tem out
Americans are against having a medieval, misogynistic, barbaric Warrior-Religion in their midst, hostile to The West, its culture, its religion, its philosophy, and its values.

Push comes to shove, Americans will do whatever is necessary, to disinfect the body politic of such alien barbarity, if it comes down to that.
Wait!...bu bu bu nah nah nah!

Republicans are against gun control of ay kind, unless Black Panthers are carrying te guns.

Oh we encourage all Leftists to carry guns... and make as many threats to use them against Americans as they feel they must.

We also believe in holding people responsible for their actions. Which is OKA: Self Defense... .

That policy has become quite popular and has resulted in a stark reduction in violent crime... and that includes the Black Pussies... . Who stood out in front of a Police Station and a HOST of Television Cameras... brandishing firearms... threatening the lives of Police Officers.

They should have been slaughtered, on the spot. But everyone felt sorry for them and didn't want the Press to make them into the bad guys, gunning down a pack of brown clowns, for threatening their lives while brandishing firearms... which for those keeping score, is TWO FELONIES.

Now, what did cutting the idiots a huss result in? Dead Cops, gunned down from behind, by black Leftists.

Not to worry... It shouldn't be much longer, now.
For national security purposes we ought to require that Muslims either renounce their faith and pledge support to our nation or be deported. It's time we quit pretending and playing games with these fucking pricks and make them choose sides.
No need.

No need indeed. And this is exactly why:

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...

Now, imagine the fun, if Islam is declared a Hostile Foreign Political System, disguised as a Religion, and thereby loses such protections.

If America is pushed far enough, this is almost certain to happen.

The Constitution is not a Suicide Pact.

Bzzt. Sorry, redefinition not allowed.

Let's show our studio audience and all the folks at home once again what the original quote was:

we ought to require that Muslims either renounce their faith and pledge support to our nation or be deported.
I even made it bold already.
How can you flunk an open-book test?

But imagine the cognate fun if Christianism is declared a Hostile Foreign Political System disguised as a Religion. The case can certainly be made... :eusa_think:

Americans are against having a medieval, misogynistic, barbaric Warrior-Religion in their midst

Then how did all these churches get here?
... your ingnorant bigotry... [sic]

The ABSOLUTE COOLEST thing about the word "bigotry", is that the very use of the word, directed toward another, is an incontestable demonstration of the concept which the word conveys.

I guess I will never tire of watching people demonstrate themselves to be such, through the use of such.
That's what I meant about being "stately"

The burdon on your limited pseudo intellectual vocabulary must have been great, while the words of a 5 year old would convey the same simple concept..."I know you are but what am I?"
... your ingnorant bigotry... [sic]

The ABSOLUTE COOLEST thing about the word "bigotry", is that the very use of the word, directed toward another, is an incontestable demonstration of the concept which the word conveys.

I guess I will never tire of watching people demonstrate themselves to be such, through the use of such.
That's what I meant about being "stately"

The burdon on your limited pseudo intellectual vocabulary must have been great, while the words of a 5 year old would convey the same simple concept..."I know you are but what am I?"

Oh my goodness... The Coveted Re-re-re-concession. Adorable.

Your Re-re-re-concession is Duly Noted and Summarily Accepted.
...Bzzt. Sorry, redefinition not allowed...
Says who?

Re-classification is not the same thing as making a law pertaining to establishment or exercise.

If your belief-system loses its standing AS a religion then the 1st would not apply.
Wait!...bu bu bu nah nah nah!

Republicans are against gun control of ay kind, unless Black Panthers are carrying te guns.

Oh we encourage all Leftists to carry guns... and make as many threats to use them against Americans as they feel they must.

We also believe in holding people responsible for their actions. Which is OKA: Self Defense... .

That policy has become quite popular and has resulted in a stark reduction in violent crime... and that includes the Black Pussies... . Who stood out in front of a Police Station and a HOST of Television Cameras... brandishing firearms... threatening the lives of Police Officers.

They should have been slaughtered, on the spot. But everyone felt sorry for them and didn't want the Press to make them into the bad guys, gunning down a pack of brown clowns, for threatening their lives while brandishing firearms... which for those keeping score, is TWO FELONIES.

Now, what did cutting the idiots a huss result in? Dead Cops, gunned down from behind, by black Leftists.

Not to worry... It shouldn't be much longer, now.
You really are drunk! I was just kidding
...Bzzt. Sorry, redefinition not allowed...
Says who?

Re-classification is not the same thing as making a law pertaining to establishment or exercise.

If your belief-system loses its standing AS a religion then the 1st would not apply.

I uh, don't think the National Institute of Standards and Technology hands out "standings" for religions.

"Does not apply" -- what a great workaround. :eusa_dance:

"Hey! You can't rob the bank! It's against the law!"
"Yeah but -- I need it. So the law doesn't apply."
"Oh. Well OK why didn't you say so. Fifties OK? "
Wait!...bu bu bu nah nah nah!

Republicans are against gun control of ay kind, unless Black Panthers are carrying te guns.

Oh we encourage all Leftists to carry guns... and make as many threats to use them against Americans as they feel they must.

We also believe in holding people responsible for their actions. Which is OKA: Self Defense... .

That policy has become quite popular and has resulted in a stark reduction in violent crime... and that includes the Black Pussies... . Who stood out in front of a Police Station and a HOST of Television Cameras... brandishing firearms... threatening the lives of Police Officers.

They should have been slaughtered, on the spot. But everyone felt sorry for them and didn't want the Press to make them into the bad guys, gunning down a pack of brown clowns, for threatening their lives while brandishing firearms... which for those keeping score, is TWO FELONIES.

Now, what did cutting the idiots a huss result in? Dead Cops, gunned down from behind, by black Leftists.

Not to worry... It shouldn't be much longer, now.
You really are drunk! I was just kidding

Your Re-re-re-re-Concession is Duly Noted and Summarily Accepted.
You're a melodramatic uneducated idiot who thrives on anger, and you've been sucked right into this one

Oh! Now THAT is a lovely means to concede right there.
Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Oh're the guy who gets all stately, and accepts imaginary concessions

That's what he uses instead of what the rest of us call "links".
I'm wndering why they think altering the question to disclude the word "sometimes" means nothing?
It doesn't mean "never," numskull, and that's the only acceptable answer in a civilized society.
You're a melodramatic uneducated idiot who thrives on anger, and you've been sucked right into this one

Oh! Now THAT is a lovely means to concede right there.
Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Oh're the guy who gets all stately, and accepts imaginary concessions

That's what he uses instead of what the rest of us call "links".
I'm wndering why they think altering the question to disclude the word "sometimes" means nothing?
It doesn't mean "never," numskull, and that's the only acceptable answer in a civilized society.
"sometimes acceptable"...if someone was outside of your Church, yelling at little old ladies, and saying you all need to be deported because you're all Christians, he'd deserve an ass kicking. And if you didn't do it, you're a pussy.

That's acceptale to me

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