SHOCK Poll: 51% of U.S. Muslims Want Sharia Law - 25% Okay With Violence Against Infidels

Honor killings are common in India among Sikhs and Hindus, which have zero to do with Islam.

"The Assembly notes that whilst so-called “honour crimes” emanate from cultural and not religious roots and are perpetrated worldwide (mainly in patriarchal societies or communities), the majority of reported cases in Europe have been amongst Muslim or migrant Muslim communities... ." OOooops :bye1:

"What Must Be Done
How can this problem be addressed? Immigration, law enforcement, and religious authorities must all be included in education, prevention, and prosecution efforts in the matter of honor killings.

In addition, shelters for battered Muslim girls and women should be established..." ROFL WHAT?

Huh... Now that's a 25,000 word study of "Worldwide Trends in Honor Killings"
and there's not a word about THE WORLD WIDE PROBLEM OF HONOR KILLINGS among NON-Muslims.

My guess is that outside of Islam, it's not a problem.

Your "guess" huh? That explains a lot.

>> According to the 2009 United Nations Human Development report, approximately 5,000 people -- the vast majority of them girls and women -- fall victim to so-called honor killings annually. So-called honor killings are murders, usually committed against female family members accused of impugning the family honor. These crimes are symptomatic of highly patriarchal systems, where women are held responsible for maintaining personal, family and community honor. <<​

(Note the absence of any religion connection...)

>> These murders occur in the Islamic World; but, they also take place in other countries, such as India and victims can be Muslim, Christian, Hindu or Sikh. The killings are often treated as a family matter and become extra-judicial. Even in rare cases in which perpetrators are prosecuted, sentences are often disappointingly light.

When so-called honor killings are linked to Islam, they ignore non-Muslim victims and ascribe the issue to "Islam" when these crimes are a cultural phenomenon with a past that pre-dates Islam. So-called honor killings occurred in ancient civilizations, including Babylonia, Biblical Israel and Rome.

In fact, there is no justification for so-called honor killing in Islamic law or religion. Similarly, there is no scriptural reasoning for these crimes in Hindu or Sikh sacred texts.

The Geller ad campaign omitted that in recent years, Muslim scholars, commentators and organizations have condemned these so-called honor crimes as an un-Islamic cultural practice. To illustrate, the Grand Ayatollah Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, a prominent Shii spiritual leader, issued a fatwa banning so-called honor killing and describing it as a "repulsive act, condemned and prohibited by religion." Shaykh Ali Gomaa, Egypt's grand mufti, also has spoken out against these crimes. <<​

Oh sorry, they must have made these denunciations while you were busy going :lalala:

And I know this word will be strange to you but --- here's the LINK.
The majority of Republicans want to overthrow the country and implement a Christian verson of Sharia Law!

See how easy that is?

Yes... and that Christian Version of Sharia Law, is OKA: the US Constitution... and the objective reading of such to govern the nation, which is the antithesis of the Left's Subjective divining of such, where we're told the 14th Amendment contains everything from a right for men to marry men, to a FABULOUS recipe for Chicken Soup.

ROFL! My favorite 'Divining of the Constitution' was old Roe... where 'the right to privacy' (which literally appears NO WHERE IN THE US CONSTITUTION) provided for the PUBLIC POLICY that authorized the RIGHT to murder one's child while it developed in one's womb.

LOL! You don't GET more fucked up than THAT... and despite such being OBVIOUSLY at odds with American Principle..., the idiots bought into it and in so doing destroyed their lives... and brick by moral brick, used it to destroy their culture.
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57% Of Republicans Say Dismantle Constitution And Make Christianity National Religion

A Public Policy Polling (PPP) national survey conducted between February 20th and February 22nd of Republican voters, found that an astonishing 57 percent of Republicans want to dismantle the Constitution, and establish Christianity as the official national religion. Only 30 percent oppose making Christianity the national religion.

Although the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment clearly states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,” GOP voters want to cast aside that provision and impose Christianity as the official American religion.

While a number of red states have passed statutes forbidding the implementation of Islam-based sharia law in their states, Republicans apparently have no misgivings about turning the United States into a Christian theocracy.
57% Of Republicans Say Dismantle Constitution And Make Christianity National Religion
How about that Bripat?

The majority of Republicans want to overthrow the country and implement a Christian verson of Sharia Law!

See how easy that is?

You turds keep lying about the question that was actually asked, so I won't bother with a substantive response.
For national security purposes we ought to require that Muslims either renounce their faith and pledge support to our nation or be deported. It's time we quit pretending and playing games with these fucking pricks and make them choose sides.
part of the ceremony has to be the country pig roast that they must take part in.
besides, everyone is happier when eating a smoked pig
Since when do liberals tolerate Christians?

Well, its a bit hard to tolerate "these Christians." don't you think?
Since when do liberals tolerate Christians?

Well, its kind of difficult to tolerate these "Christians" don't you think?

sick christians.png
How many American Christians want laws based on the bible, I wonder.
Unless I miss my guess, you are a Euro-American - the descendant of millennia of Western European culture and the Judeo-Christian heritage.

Perhaps it's time you begin standing with Your Own People rather than a potential enemy.
OP- That's talking about Sharia Law being used in Mosques when NOT contravening the constitution, as is already done, and I'm guessing christians would be about the same on violence. ZZZZZZZZZ- but of course the hate/bs/misinformation Pub propaganda machine carries on. A disgrace.
For national security purposes we ought to require that Muslims either renounce their faith and pledge support to our nation or be deported. It's time we quit pretending and playing games with these fucking pricks and make them choose sides.
No need.

Just start treating Islam the same way that the Mothership of Islam - Saudi Arabia - treats Christianity and Judiasm and Buddhism, etc.


When they allow Churches and Synagogues across Saudi Arabia, we can re-visit the idea of Mosques across America.


We get a Conservative SCOTUS to rule that Islam is a Political System, disguised as a Religion, in order to strip it of its legal standing.

Everything done by Constitutional means.

If they really want to rumble that bad, we will be more than happy to grant them their wish.

After 9-11, the Nation and its People really aren't in a mood to take their shit anymore.
Since when do liberals tolerate Christians?

Well, its a bit hard to tolerate "these Christians." don't you think?
Since when do liberals tolerate Christians?

Well, its kind of difficult to tolerate these "Christians" don't you think?

View attachment 50800
Westboro are not Christians.
Of course not...

They're Democrats!!!!
Im not even sure the average democrat would stoop that low.
I think they are much worse than Christians or democrats, they are lawyers.
OP- That's talking about Sharia Law being used in Mosques when NOT contravening the constitution, as is already done, and I'm guessing christians would be about the same on violence. ZZZZZZZZZ- but of course the hate/bs/misinformation Pub propaganda machine carries on. A disgrace.

The OP is a complete load of bullshit based on a partisan push-poll by a froth-at-the-mouth right wing wackaloon group. That's been pointed out here several times. The entire premise is bullshit.
OP- That's talking about Sharia Law being used in Mosques when NOT contravening the constitution, as is already done, and I'm guessing christians would be about the same on violence. ZZZZZZZZZ- but of course the hate/bs/misinformation Pub propaganda machine carries on. A disgrace.

The OP is a complete load of bullshit based on a partisan push-poll by a froth-at-the-mouth right wing wackaloon group. That's been pointed out here several times. The entire premise is bullshit.

There's absolutely no evidence that the poll is any more flawed than one published by NBC.
For national security purposes we ought to require that Muslims either renounce their faith and pledge support to our nation or be deported. It's time we quit pretending and playing games with these fucking pricks and make them choose sides.
No need.

No need indeed. And this is exactly why:

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...
You're a melodramatic uneducated idiot who thrives on anger, and you've been sucked right into this one

Oh! Now THAT is a lovely means to concede right there.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Oh're the guy who gets all stately, and accepts imaginary concessions

OH! A RE-CONCESSION? Well isn't that precious?

Your Re-Concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

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