Shock Poll: Is Russia Friend Or Foe? [Video]...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
It looks like most young folks are getting it. But the older folks can't help pushing for more War. It seems it's what they've been indoctrinated on their whole lives.

As much as anti-Russian propaganda is dominating in Western Media, I'm actually surprised how many people don't buy it and seek the truth.

Only one simple example: as soon as the majority of Western people get to know the truth about Ukrainian Junta and their crimes (which Western "leaders" and Obama's administration have been patronizing and covering), you'll see how many people will be disgusted for being used as a tool in bloody Globalists' hands. It will be a great start on their way to epiphany.
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As much as anti-Russian propaganda is dominating in Western Media, I'm actually surprised how many people don't buy it and seek the truth.

Only one simple example: as soon as the majority of Western people get to know the truth about Ukrainian Junta and their crimes (which Western "leaders" and Obama's administration have been patronizing and covering), you'll see how many people will be disgusted for being used as a tool in bloody Globalists' hands. It will be a great start on their way to epiphany.

You're Spot On. But Americans are mostly only presented with propaganda from their Government/Corporate Media. They don't know the whole story in Ukraine. They were told it was all Putin and Russia's fault, and that's that. They have no clue about the illegal Coup in Kiev and how evil the folks are who carried it out.
Meh, Russia is another country on planet earth, and my society has been telling me to hate and fear them for over 6 decades while it told me I was free and that america was the most noble nation ever. They used to force us kids under our desks to cower in fear in case the Russians attacked with nuclear weapons even though we were the only ones who ever had done that. Even as a child I understood this was indoctrination; that desk afforded me no preotection at all. And then I lived in america.
Meh, Russia is another country on planet earth, and my society has been telling me to hate and fear them for over 6 decades while it told me I was free and that america was the most noble nation ever. They used to force us kids under our desks to cower in fear in case the Russians attacked with nuclear weapons even though we were the only ones who ever had done that. Even as a child I understood this was indoctrination; that desk afforded me no preotection at all. And then I lived in america.

Well, there always has to be a Boogeyman for the People to fear and hate. The MIC has perfected that ruse. And now it wants its new Cold War. And guess what? It's gonna get it.
Meh, Russia is another country on planet earth, and my society has been telling me to hate and fear them for over 6 decades while it told me I was free and that america was the most noble nation ever. They used to force us kids under our desks to cower in fear in case the Russians attacked with nuclear weapons even though we were the only ones who ever had done that. Even as a child I understood this was indoctrination; that desk afforded me no preotection at all. And then I lived in america.

Well, there always has to be a Boogeyman for the People to fear and hate. The MIC has perfected that ruse. And now it wants its new Cold War. And guess what? It's gonna get it.

In multiples, be interesting to see how many balls they can keep in the air, and how many more personal freedoms an indoctrinated public will continue to go along with. We stupidly focus on guns but have lost all privacy.

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